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Twining, Nathan F
 Twining Credit: NASA |
American USAF officer, chief of staff from 1953 and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1957-1960. During this period key decisions were made regarding ICBM, manned spacecraft, and military satellite development.
Born: 1897-10-11. Died: 1982-03-01.
Nathan F. Twining was a career pilot in the Army and the Air Force, commanding the 13th Air Force in the Pacific, the 15th Air Force in Europe, and then the 20th Air Force again in the Pacific during World War II. He became chief of staff of the Air Force in 1953 and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1957 to 1960.
1897 October 11 - .
- Birth of Nathan F Twining - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Twining.
American USAF officer, chief of staff from 1953 and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1957-1960. During this period key decisions were made regarding ICBM, manned spacecraft, and military satellite development..
1982 March 1 - .
- Death of Nathan F Twining in Florida. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Twining.
American USAF officer, chief of staff from 1953 and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1957-1960. During this period key decisions were made regarding ICBM, manned spacecraft, and military satellite development..
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