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Vance, Cyrus R
 Vance Credit: NASA |
American politician, long career as a senior government official in various Democratic administrations.
Born: 1917-03-27. Died: 2002-01-12.
Cyrus R. Vance had a long career as a senior government official in various Democratic administrations. He had been general counsel for the Department of Defense during the Kennedy administration of the early 1960s, and as Secretary of the Army, 1962-1964. He was Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1964-1967. He served as Secretary of State for President Jimmy Carter in the latter 1970s
1917 March 27 - .
- Birth of Cyrus R Vance. - .
Related Persons: Vance.
American politician, long career as a senior government official in various Democratic administrations..
2002 January 12 - .
- Death of Cyrus R Vance. - .
Related Persons: Vance.
American politician, long career as a senior government official in various Democratic administrations..
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