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Zborowski, Count Helmut
 Zborowski Helmut |
Austrian technical designer of liquid rocket motors and expert in anti-tank missiles. In WW2 joined SS, headed aircraft engine and rocket engine development near Dachau. Received over 300 patents. Worked for the French briefly after the war.
Born: 1905-08-21. Died: 1969-11-16. Birth Place: Theresienstadt.
Full name Dr-Ing Graf Helmut Philip Georg Alexander Rudo Zborowski. Austrian technical designer of liquid rocket motors and expert in anti-tank missiles. Zborowski eventually received over 300 patents in the air and rocket industry. After the Nazis took over, Zborowski joined the SS but continued his research, contributing to development of the V-1 cruise missile and V-2 ballistic missile. Zborowski was Director of the camouflaged BMW facility at Munich-Allach, which mass-produced aircraft engines using a total of 20,000 workers, including 3,000 prisoners of war and 5,000 inmates from the Dachau concentration camp. Zborowski also supervised a rocket group at the facility which concentrated on new weapon research. As of January 1947, he was detained at POW Camp 317, Goettingen. After being released, Zborowski was taken by the French to do research at a chateau near Paris, then brought back to Bonn.
1905 August 21 - .
- Birth of Count Helmut Zborowski - .
Nation: Austria.
Related Persons: Zborowski, Helmut.
Austrian technical designer of liquid rocket motors and expert in anti-tank missiles. In WW2 joined SS, headed aircraft engine and rocket engine development near Dachau. Received over 300 patents. Worked for the French briefly after the war..
1969 November 16 - .
- Death of Count Helmut Zborowski - .
Nation: Austria.
Related Persons: Zborowski, Helmut.
Austrian technical designer of liquid rocket motors and expert in anti-tank missiles. In WW2 joined SS, headed aircraft engine and rocket engine development near Dachau. Received over 300 patents. Worked for the French briefly after the war..
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