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 Spot 6 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
The Airbus-M medium satellite bus used for the 712 kg Spot-6 and Spot-7 earth resource satellites. Other Airbus satellite platforms received retroactive Astrobus designations. Satellite bus built by Astrium (ex Dornier), Europe.
AKA: AstroSat;AstroSat-500. Status: Operational 2012. First Launch: 2012-09-09. Last Launch: 2014-06-30. Number: 2 .
More at: SPOT-6.
 | TerraSAR-X German civilian surveillance radar satellite. Scientific / commercial surveillance satellite, equipped with an X-band synthetic aperture radar with 1 meter resolution SAR satellite built by EADS Astrium for DLR, InfoTerra, Germany. Launched 2007 - 2010. Used AstroBus. |
| Sentinel 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D Earth Observing (Ocean) satellite built by EADS Astrium => Airbus Defence and Space for ESA, Europe. Launched 2015 - 2017. Used AstroBus-L. |
| Paz SAR satellite built by EADS CASA Espacio for Hisdesat. Used AstroBus. |
| Sentinel 5p Earth Observing satellite built by EADS Astrium => Airbus Defence and Space for ESA. Used AstroBus-L 250 M (AstroSat-250). |
Launch Vehicles:
Launch Sites:
Sriharikota PSLV.
2007 June 15 - .
02:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC109.
Launch Pad: LC109/95.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- TerraSAR-X - .
Mass: 1,346 kg (2,967 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Manufacturer: EADS Astrium.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian Radarsat. Spacecraft Bus: Astrobus.
Spacecraft: TerraSAR-X.
USAF Sat Cat: 31698 . COSPAR: 2007-026A. Apogee: 510 km (310 mi). Perigee: 507 km (315 mi). Inclination: 97.45 deg. Period: 94.79 min. Scientific/commercial surveillance satellite. equipped with an X-band synthetic aperture radar with 1 meter resolution.
2010 June 21 - .
02:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC109.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Tandem X - .
Mass: 1,350 kg (2,970 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Military Radarsat. Spacecraft Bus: Astrobus.
Spacecraft: TerraSar-X.
USAF Sat Cat: 36605 . COSPAR: 2010-030A. Apogee: 509 km (316 mi). Perigee: 507 km (315 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Period: 94.80 min. Radar surveillance satellite with 1-m resolution in spotlight mode..
2012 September 9 - .
04:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Pad: LP1.
Launch Vehicle:
- Spot 6 - .
Mass: 712 kg (1,569 lb). Nation: France.
Class: Earth.
Type: Earth resources satellite. Spacecraft: Astrobus.
USAF Sat Cat: 38755 . COSPAR: 2012-047A. Apogee: 699 km (434 mi). Perigee: 697 km (433 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 98.70 min. Earth observing satellite built by Astrium/Toulouse for Astrium subsidiary Spot Image (Toulouse)..
2014 June 30 - .
04:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- Spot 7 - .
Payload: AstroSat-500 Mk.2 (AstroBus-L). Mass: 712 kg (1,569 lb). Nation: France.
Spacecraft: Astrobus.
USAF Sat Cat: 40053 . COSPAR: 2014-034A. Apogee: 699 km (434 mi). Perigee: 697 km (433 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 98.73 min. Earth observation satellite with a 2 meter resolution on a 60 kilometer swath..
2015 June 23 - .
01:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ZLV.
Launch Vehicle:
2016 September 16 - .
01:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELV.
Launch Vehicle:
- PeruSAT-1 - .
Nation: Europe.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Astrobus.
USAF Sat Cat: 41770 . COSPAR: 2016-058A. Apogee: 678 km (421 mi). Perigee: 676 km (420 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Optical surveillance satellite for the Peruvian military..
2017 March 7 - .
01:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ZLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- Sentinel-2B - .
Mass: 1,130 kg (2,490 lb). Nation: Europe.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Astrobus.
USAF Sat Cat: 42063 . COSPAR: 2017-013A. Apogee: 782 km (485 mi). Perigee: 776 km (482 mi). Inclination: 98.60 deg. See Sentinel 2B. ESA Sentinel-2B imaging satellite, part of the EU's Copernicus Earth observing system, launched by Vega VV09..
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