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Credit: © Mark Wade
German enthusiasts laid the technical groundwork for the exploration of space in the 1920's and early 1930's. These enthusiasts, funded by Hitler's Nazi government, developed rocket technology far beyond that of other countries during World War II. After the war, that technology was transferred by German engineers taken, willingly or not, to the United States, France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. Attempts to revive civilian rocketry in Germany after World War II were stopped on political grounds. But Germany was able to be involved in space exploration through European institutions, building satellites or rocket stages for European projects. Maverick attempts at developing German innovative launch technologies by Eugen Saenger and Lutz Kayser were suppressed by other countries.
Hermann Oberth's Die Rakete zu den Planetenräume (The Rocket Into Interplanetary Space) was published at the very end of 1923. The book made it clear to young German engineers that manned flight into outer space was achievable. It was only necessary to develop the technology!
The first German rocket craze ran from 1928 to 1933. Impatient German enthusiasts such as Opel, Valier, and Tiling demonstrated everything from motorcycles to aircraft powered by existing black powder rockets. Quacks like Zucker capitalized on the craze by equipping large hulls with powder rockets and making outlandish performance claims. Powder rockets were used to send letters from town to town, and 'rocket post' became sought after by philatelists. But the performance of the black powder rocket was so poor that it was evident that they could never be used to reach space.
To those seriously interested in reaching other planets within their lifetimes, it seemed that development of the liquid rocket engine was necessary to build space ships. This would require collaborative effort. In June 1927 Johannes Winkler called to order in Breslau the first meeting of the world's first Society for Space Travel (Verein fuer Raumschiffahrt or VfR). The membership grew from three to 500 within the year. Willy Ley was instrumental in publicizing the Society and editing its newsletter.
The space craze caught the attention of the Ufa film studio. Famed director Fritz Lang began production of the first film to realistically portray spaceflight - Die Frau im Mond (The Woman in the Moon). Lang turned to Oberth for technical advice, and gave Oberth funding to build and fly a working liquid propellant rocket before the film's premiere. However Oberth was a theoretician, not a practical engineer, and vastly underestimated the task. He fled the capital in panic when he realized that his rocket could not be made to work in time for the film's premiere on 15 October 1929.
Oberth's assistant, Nebel, proposed to use the rocket engine developed for the film as the basis for a 'Mirak' - a Minimum Rocket - that would fly and demonstrate liquid rocket technology to the public. In September 1930 Nebel was able to obtain use of an abandoned German army munitions storage area in a northern suburb of Berlin for use as a Raketenflugplatz - the world's first rocketport. Riedel, the most talented engineer of the VfR 'Berlin Group', worked feverishly to perfect the Oberth engine. But it was Winkler, heading the 'Breslau Group', who flew the HW-1, the first liquid propelled rocket in Germany, in February 1931. Riedel's Mirak Repulsor flew three months later. In parallel with all of this a Hannover Group, headed by Puellenberg, began development of refined liquid propellant rockets.
But events were already conspiring against the rocket enthusiasts. The stock market crash of 1929 had dried up funding from wealthy benefactors. Valier and Tiling were killed in accidents in their laboratories. In 1930 a Colonel Dornberger of the German Army was directed to pursue research into the rocket as a weapon of war from a proving ground at Kummersdorf. An enthusiastic young engineer of the Berlin Group, Wernher Von Braun, was recruited by Dornberger, and in the economic depression many of the other VfR engineers went with him. Nebel, Winkler, and Tiling continued independent work until the end of the summer of 1933. But then the new Nazi government ordered out the Gestapo to shut down all private rocket development in Germany. Only Puellenberg continued development in secret, until finally giving up in 1938.
It took von Braun's German Army team nine years to develop the primitive Mirak through the A1, A2, A3, and A5 into the world's first long range ballistic missile, the A4 - V-2. After the war, groups of German engineers were recruited to transfer the technology to the winning allies. Von Braun and 107 engineers went to American; Groettrup and 307 others to Russia; Bringer and 29 others to France.
Back in occupied Germany, Nebel, Puellenberg, and Staats began renewed work on private rocketry. They formed a new rocket society, and got the Allied ban on German rocket tests lifted in 1952. A new rocketport was founded at Cuxhaven, on the North Sea coast. A new generation of private German rocket enthusiasts flew rockets (with those of Seliger reaching 120 km altitude) from Cuxhaven until 1964. Then Zucker, the old nemesis of the serious racketeers, managed to kill a boy in one his rocket tests. This led once again to the prohibition of further private serious rocket research in Germany again.
Between 1933 and 1942 Wernher von Braun built up what was called the 'Rocket Team' - German engineers, recruited from universities all over Germany, to participate in development of the V-2, the world's first ballistic missile. At the end of the war, those who had experience in this new technology were eagerly sought after by the winning Allied powers. The United States, the Soviet Union, and France moved over 400 of these 'Peenemuende Germans' and their families to new research facilities in the powers' respective countries. The work the Germans did at Huntsville, Vernon, and Gorodomlya led directly to the rockets that would take all three nations to outer space. Indirectly, the Germans also provided the underpinnings of rocketry development in Great Britain and China in the 1960's. In modern terms, this was the single greatest example of technology transfer in history.
This article provides a complete list and biographies of all known German engineers who worked in Allied countries after World War II. What follows should not be taken to mean that these Germans worked in each country alone, without the contributions of hundreds of talented and original engineers of other nationalities. In all cases, the V-2 technology, once assimilated, was improved on and developed further by other engineers and at other companies and government departments. But the Germans provided the groundwork. And in all cases their first post-war rocket designs proved superior and were adopted in preference to designs by 'national' design teams…
In October 1944 France formed GOPA, the Operational Group for Guided Missiles, with the objective of obtaining information on advanced German weapons. Under GOPA's auspices Henri Moreau was made the head of CEPA, the Centre for the Study of Guidance Missiles, with the specific objective of putting the V-2 into production in France. With American co-operation France obtained tonnes of technical materials, drawings, and four complete V-1 cruise missiles from Mittelwerk in June 1945. However the Americans, advised by the British, began to be wary of French intentions. The promise to provide ten complete V-2's was withdrawn on 27 February 1946. The V-2 launch bunker at Wizernes had been dynamited by British commandos on 9 May 1945 in order to keep the French from ever being able to put it to use. The French began to recruit German experts then working for the British at Project Backfire at Cuxhaven. By 15 May 1946, Herbert Weiss had convinced 35 German engineers at Cuxhaven to 'defect' to the French. Others soon followed, signing contracts to work in France. By October 1946 the French employed nearly 90 German experts, working in groups at Emmendingen and Puteaux in the French zone. By March 1947 a new purpose-built rocket development center was completed - LRBA (the Laboratory for Ballistic and Aerodynamic Research) at Vernon, France. All the German experts were moved there by May.
The German groups at LRBA worked from 1947-1952. Although the plans for a Super V-2 were shelved on economic grounds, the group successfully developed the Veronique research rocket (chosen for further development in preference to Jean-Jacques Barre's 'pure French' Eole rocket. Evolution of this design led later to the Diamant A satellite launcher and the Ariane European space launcher. Although many of the German team were laid off in 1952 and returned to Germany, others, notably Bringer, continued to work for LRBA and its successor organisations, developing the Viking 2 engine that would power the Ariane.
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union overran Peenemuende on 5 May 1945. Work to obtain German industrial and military technology had already been ordered the previous year. Russian rocket engineers were able to locate and persuade hundreds of German engineers to work for the Soviet Union. Some had ideological grounds. Some were attracted by the ability to remain working in Germany (albeit in the Russian zone). Most desperately needed the employment in the collapsed post-war economy. Led by Hermann Groettrup, they were put to work at resurrected design offices, test centres, and factories in the Russian zone from 1945-1947. On Stalin's order they and their families were forcibly removed to the Soviet Union on the night of 22 October 1946. There is no complete documentation, but at least 234 rocket engineers and technicians went to the Soviet Union
The largest contingent, over 129, worked in Filial 1 of NII-88, creating rocket designs in competition with those of institute leader Korolev. They also provided advice to the Russian engineers ordered to copy the V-2 rocket. 23 others worked within Glushko's OKB-456, transferring V-2 propulsion technology and building a subscale prototype of the advanced engine that would later power Soviet ICBM's. Small groups of others were working in other design bureaux and offices of the Aircraft Ministry, transferring technology related to other specific missiles or rocket aircraft.
The Groettrup team was gradually moved away from daily direct contact with Korolev's designers and finally concentrated on Gorodomlya Island. Due to the Soviet obsession with secrecy, they were kept in the dark as to what the Russian missile plans and designs were after the first few years. They were finally left to complete competing designs to Korolev's in isolation, or asked questions on specific issues. Once the Russian engineers had mastered the technology, and the German's own expertise had become stale and outdated, they were allowed to go home in three groups between 1951 and 1953. Baum's team at OKB-456 stayed somewhat longer, the last member not going back to East Germany until 1957. On return the 'Russian Germans' were debriefed by American intelligence wherever possible, but they gave intentionally misleading information as ordered by the Russians.
Baum and Groettrup's engine and rocket designs led directly to the Soviet R-7 ICBM. This awesome rocket started the space race, and is still in use today as the Soyuz 11A511U space launcher. A fuller account of the German team's accomplishments in the Soviet Union is at Early Russian Ballistic Missiles.
United States
Von Braun led a group of 108 leading engineers who chose to surrender to the Americans. They moved the length of Germany to Oberammergau, and made contact with American forces on 2 May 1945. By 27 May they had directed the Americans to 14 tonnes of primary V-2 technical documentation they had hidden in the Harz Mountains as a bargaining chip. On 20 June Secretary of State Cordell Hull agreed they were to be brought to America and work for the US Army. By the end of the year the entire team was in Fort Bliss, Texas, preparing to fire 60 V-2's seized by the Americans on science and research flights. Post-war budget cuts meant ambitious plans to proceed with long-range missiles and orbital launchers were shelved. Some were disappointed - 29 of the team moved to private industry in the United States, 21 returned to Germany. A few new engineers were recruited from Germany, having stayed behind to complete war-interrupted education. But the Army kept the rest of the team together, moving them to Huntsville, Alabama, to work on development of the Redstone ballistic missile.
As the Cold War, and then the Space Race with the Soviet took off, the Americans found themselves on the losing side. The 'all American' Vanguard satellite launcher had blown up. The government reluctantly turned to the German rocket team. Von Braun's Redstone rocket put the first American satellite into orbit and then the first American astronaut into space. They were then charged with developing, in six years, the immense Saturn V booster to take the first American to the moon. After having won the moon race for the Americans, Von Braun found his usefulness at an end. There was no American interest in his lifelong dream of mounting a manned expedition to Mars. It is alleged that President Nixon secretly ordered a purge of the Germans from NASA, and the Peenemuende veterans found themselves sidelined into other jobs or pressured into early retirement.
Great Britain
The British staged an enormous effort in firing three V-2 rockets from Cuxhaven in Cuxhaven in 1946, then lost all interest in pursuing ballistic missiles until the mid-1950's. By late summer 1945 some two hundred Peenemuende scientists, 200 V-2 firing troops, and 600 ordinary POWs were transported to Cuxhaven. Upon arrival, they were split into two groups and interrogated. The information given by each group was then compared to ensure inaccuracies and deceptions were eliminated. However finding the test rockets proved difficult. The Americans had already raided the V-2 factory at Nordhausen and shipped everything usable to New Mexico. The British were able to only come up with enough parts to assemble 8 rockets for testing.
However several key perishable components and firing vehicles were still missing. In a huge enterprise search teams fanned out over the occupied territories, trying to beat American and Russian competitors. 400 railway cars and 70 Lancaster bomber flights brought to Cuxhaven 250,000 parts and 60 specialised vehicles. The hardest items to locate were usable batteries to operate the guidance gyro platforms. Tail units could not be located anywhere and the Americans finally agreed to bring back a few from the United States. A new concrete launch pad was poured and an enormous tower built from prefabricated military bridge elements. 2,500 British troops assisted in completing site construction. Three launches were finally made on October 2 through 15, 1945. On the last launch, observers from the United States, France, and Russia were invited. At this crucial moment in history, unknowingly, many of the leaders of the future space programs were together.
After this event, the British government lost all interest in ballistic missiles. Some of the leading experts they had detained were employed by the French. It was only in the late 1950's that Britain decided to pursue a ballistic missile, the Blue Streak. This used engine technology licensed from Rocketdyne, which in turn had been developed from V-2 technology in consultation with Von Braun's team. This in turn was abandoned after serving as the first stage of the abortive Europa space launcher.
China had an indirect debt to the Peenemuende Germans. From the American side, the father of the Chinese space and missile programmes, Tsien Hsue-shen, was a member of Project Lusty - a team of top scientists that entered Germany just behind the American lines, locating and returning to the United States key documents and personnel of the advanced German aircraft and rocketry programs. On May 5, 1945 Tsien found himself interviewing Wernher von Braun and other members of the V-2 Rocket Team in Kochl. Von Braun prepared for Tsien a seminal report, ‘Survey of Development of Liquid Rockets in Germany and Their Future Prospects', which provided the road map for future space vehicle development in the United States. On returning from Germany, Tsien edited the leading findings of the project in the 800-page Jet Propulsion, which would become the classified technical Bible for post-war aircraft and rocket technical research in the post-war United States. Tsien's loyalty to the United States was questioned after American and Chinese troops came into direct combat during the Korean War. After a series of murky and still-controversial events, Tsien was traded to Mao's China in exchange for release of American prisoners of war in September 1955. Once in China, Tsien led the vigorous Chinese effort to develop missile and space rockets.
As part of this effort, the Russians transferred the complete technology and manufacturing processes for the R-2 to China in the late 1950's. The R-2 had been primarily designed by Groettrup's and Baum's teams in Germany in 1946-1947. So from this direction the Peenemuende Germans provided the underpinning for a nation's rocketry. The Long March series of rockets still in use in China derive from the technology brought to the country by Tsien and the R-2.
Here is the list of all known German rocket experts recruited by the Americans, Soviets, and French after World War II. The lists are reasonably complete except for that for the Soviet Union. Links at each name take the reader to fuller biographies on particular individuals.
United States NASA Marshall Space Flight Center as of 1960 | | Soviet Union NII-88 and OKB-456 1947-1952 | | France LRBA Vernon 1947-1952 |
von Braun Director | | Groettrup Chief, NII-88 Filial 1 | | Jauernick Head, Liquid Propulsion Division |
Rees Deputy Director for R&D | | | | Haug Translator |
Neubert Associate Deputy Director for R&D | | Wolff Waldemar Head, Ballistics | | |
| | Nehrkorn Ballistics | | Pilz Head, Engine Department |
Schulze Chief Reliability Office | | | | Loertsch Assistant |
| | Matthes Head, Propellant Chemistry | | |
De Beek Management Services, Graphic Engineering and Model Studies Branch | | | | Bringer Head, Engine Group |
| | Apel Head, Workshops | | Bernkopf Engines |
Dannenberg Deputy Director, Saturn Systems | | | | Gross Engines |
| | Albring Head, Aerodynamics-Projects | | Prasthofer Engines |
Hueter Chief, Agena and Centaur Systems Office | | Mueller Werner Aerodynamics | | Seidel Engines |
Duerr Deputy Chief, Agena and Centaur Systems Office | | Toebe Design | | Sohn Engines |
| | | | Stoerk Engines |
Tiller Director, Weapons System Coordination Office | | Umpfenbach Joachim Head, Propulsion | | |
Henning Deputy Director, Weapons System Coordination Office | | | | Kieffer Head, Ballistics Group |
| | Mueller Rudolf Head, Mechanics | | Buhl Ballistics |
Koelle Director, Future Projects Office | | | | Goertz Ballistics |
| | Blass Head, Fabrication | | |
Geissler Director, Aeroballistics Division | | Mueller Hans Fabrication | | Schlotzer Head, Armatures Group |
Hoelker Deputy Director, Aeroballistics Division | | | | Bayer F Armatures |
Dahm Aerodynamics Analysis | | Jaffke Head, Test Stands | | Foelster Armatures |
Horn Dynamics Analaysis Branch | | | | Kohl Armatures |
| | Schuetz Head, Metrology | | Kraehe Armatures |
Hoelzer Director, Computation Division | | Matheis Metrology | | Liesegang Armatures |
| | Pehle Metrology | | Schmoll Armatures |
Maus Director, Fabrication and Assembly Engineering Division | | Ruediger Metrology | | Scheidt Armatures |
Kuers Deputy Director, Fabrication and Assembly Engineering Division | | Scholz Metrology | | |
Nowak Max Assembly Engineering Branch | | | | Buechner Head, Propulsion Chemistry Group |
Paetz Electromechanical Engineering Branch | | Hoch Head, Guidance | | Schabert Propulsion Chemistry |
Eisenhardt Fabrication Engineering Branch | | Magnus Kurt Guidance | | |
| | Stolpe Telemetry | | Fabian Dr Head, Propellants Group |
Haeussermann Director, Guidance and Control Division | | | | |
Kroeger Deputy Director, Guidance and Control Division | | Viebach Head, Launch Operations | | Dollhopf Head, Pumps-Metering Group |
Fichtner Electrical Systems Integration Branch | | Jasper Launch Operations | | Menke Pumps-Metering Group |
Boehm Electromechanical Engineering Branch | | Stahl Launch Operations | | |
Eisenhardt Fabrication Engineering Branch | | Vilter Launch Operations | | Bornscheuer Head, Structures Group |
Hosenthien Flight Dynamics Branch | | Wohlfahrt Kurt Launch Operations | | Keiner Structures |
Mandel Gyro and Stabliizer Branch | | | | Kiar Structures |
Hoberg Instrumentation Development Branch | | Pauer Head, Thermodynamics | | Walther Structures |
Angele Pilot Manufacturing Development Branch | | | | |
| | Baum Werner Deputy Chief, OKB-456 Department 61 | | Zangl Head, Research Department |
Stuhlinger Director, Research Projects Division | | Neumeister Lisa Translator | | |
Heller Deputy Director, Research Projects Division | | Tannhaeuser Rosemarie Secretary | | Lang Head, Test Stand Group |
| | Eiseler Hans Engineering and Design | | Gardian Test Stands |
Mrazek Director, Structures and Mechanics Division | | Gerhardt Bernhard Engineering and Design | | Hittenberger Test Stands |
Weidner Deputy Director, Structures and Mechanics Division | | Henning Bruno Engineering and Design | | Koenig Test Stands |
Kroll Structures Branch | | Reinhard Siegfried Engineering and Design | | |
Palaoro Vehicle Systems Engineering Branch | | Winskowski Henrik Engineering and Design | | Schuran Head, Ground Support Equipment Group |
| | | | Nettersheim Ground Support Equipment |
Grau Director, Quality Division | | Haase Heinz Deputy for Oxygen Plant and Manufacturing Shop | | Voigt Ground Support Equipment |
Wittmann Electrical Systems Analsyis Branch | | | | |
Urbanski Mechanical Systems Analsysis Branch | | Broetler Hugo Oxygen Plant | | Hackh Head, Metrology Group |
| | Leihfeld Ludwig Oxygen Plant | | Behnke Metrology |
Heimburg Director, Test Division | | Meier Otto Oxygen Plant | | |
Tessmann Deputy Director, Test Division | | Schwarz Robert Oxygen Plant | | Mueller Otto Head, Guidance Division |
Sieber Measuring Consoles and Instrumentation Division. | | | | |
| | Boenisch Friedrich Manufacturing Shop | | Schubert Head, Automated Control Loop Department |
Debus Director, Launch Operations | | Chwalczyk Rudolf Manufacturing Shop | | Bodenstein Mechanics |
Gruene Deputy Director, Launch Operations | | Drews Erich Manufacturing Shop | | Frey Amplifiers |
| | Grevesmuehl Alfred Manufacturing Shop | | Habermann Measurement value formation |
| | Klippel Alfred Manufacturing Shop | | Heine Gyroscopes, antennae |
Beduerftig At Marshall, in Mechanical Systems | | Knack Wilhelm Manufacturing Shop | | Just Beam guidance |
Ball At Marshall. | | Putze Oswald Manufacturing Shop | | Kauba Amplifiers |
Beier At Marshall. | | Schierhorn Walter Manufacturing Shop | | Kramer Beam guidance |
Bergeler At Marshall. | | Tschechner Robert Manufacturing Shop | | Runge Mechanics |
Burose At Marshall. | | | | Schossig Gyroscopes, antennae |
Drawe At Marshall. | | Schwarz Willi Deputy for Test Bench and Chief, Laboratory Department | | Weissenborn Gyroscopes, antennae |
Fichtner At Marshall. | | | | |
Finzel At Marshall. | | Knittel Heinz Test Bench | | Weiss Head, Target Tracking Department |
Fuhrmann At Marshall. | | Pilz Arthur Test Bench | | Deucker Target tracking theory |
Hellebrandt At Marshall. | | | | Haas Martin Drafting |
Helm At Marshall. | | | | Kleinwaechter Electronic homing devices |
Heusinger At Marshall. | | | | Schmidt W Electronic homing devices |
Hirschler At Marshall. | | | | Woytech Optical tracking devices |
Holderer At Marshall. | | | | Wueterich Drafting |
Jacobi At Marshall. | | | | |
Kaschig At Marshall. | | | | Strobel Head, Flight Mechanics and Command Guidance Department |
Klaus At Marshall. | | | | Bachmann Rocket internal instrumentation |
Paul At Marshall. | | | | Boese Doppler tracking |
Reisig At Marshall. | | | | Grater Rocket internal instrumentation |
Rosinski At Marshall. | | | | Hoehne Accelerometer velocity measurement |
Rothe At Marshall. | | | | Laebe Doppler tracking |
Schlidt At Marshall. | | | | Lammerhirt Doppler tracking |
Schuler At Marshall. | | | | Mosch Doppler tracking |
Vandersee At Marshall. | | | | Schmidt C Telemetry |
Voss Werner At Marshall. | | | | Schnapper Doppler tracking |
Vowe At Marshall. | | | | Stumke Flight mechanics and vehicle health monitoring |
Wiesemann At Marshall. | | | | |
Woerdemann At Marshall. | | | | |
Beichel Moved to Aerojet | | | | |
Dhom Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Friedrich Hans Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Gengelbach Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Guendel Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Hager Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Hintze Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Klein Johann Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Lange Hermann Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Minning Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Muehlner Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Mueller Fritz Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Neuhoefer Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Patt Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Poppel Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Roth Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Schilling Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Schlitt Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Schwarz Friedrich Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Schwidetzky Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Sendler Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Steinhoff Ernst Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Steurer Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Thiel Adolf Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Von Braun Magnus Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Zeiler Moved to private sector in USA. | | | | |
Huzel Moved to Rocketdyne. | | | | |
Riedel Walther Moved to Rocketdyne. | | | | |
Axster Returned to Germany | | | | |
Bauschinger Returned to Germany | | | | |
Buchhold Returned to Germany | | | | |
Dobrick Returned to Germany | | | | |
Fischel Returned to Germany | | | | |
Lindenmayer Returned to Germany | | | | |
Lindner Returned to Germany | | | | |
Michel Josef Returned to Germany | | | | |
Millinger Returned to Germany | | | | |
Rudolph Returned to Germany | | | | |
Spohn Returned to Germany | | | | |
Bruenecke Returned to Germany? | | | | |
Deppe Returned to Germany? | | | | |
Fleischer Returned to Germany? | | | | |
Gustav Returned to Germany? | | | | |
Jungert Returned to Germany? | | | | |
Leuhrsen Returned to Germany? | | | | |
Res Returned to Germany? | | | | |
Schnarowski Returned to Germany? | | | | |
Schufelen Returned to Germany? | | | | |
Haukohl Went to Ecuador. | | | | |
Kepler, Johnnes,
Von Doepp,
Heinkel, Ernst,
Mueller, Hans,
Schwarz, Robert,
Schmidt, Paul,
Mueller, Rudolf,
Mueller, Hugo,
Ball, Erich,
Riedel, Walter,
Riedel, Walther,
Hermann, Rudolf,
De Beek,
Riedel, Klaus,
Mueller, Fritz,
Wurster, Carl,
Steinhoff, Ernst,
Henning, Bruno,
Nowak, Max,
Schwarz, Friedrich,
Steinhoff, Friedrich,
Schneider, Hans,
Schwarz, Willi,
von Braun,
Pilz, Arthur,
Magnus, Kurt,
Voss, Werner,
Mueller, Werner,
Thiel, Adolf,
Weber, Wolfgang,
Nagel, Dr,
Wurster, Hermann,
von Saurma,
Hohmann, Bernhard,
Michel, Josef,
von Braun, Magnus,
Thiel, Walter,
Mueller, Otto,
Schmidt, Johannes,
Eisele, Karl,
Fabian, Dr,
Gross, E,
Gross, I,
Hermann, Werner,
Koenig, Rudi,
Kramer, Max,
Schmidt, C,
Simon, Dr,
Schmidt, W,
von Radinger,
Wintergerst, Alfred,
Weber, Andrae,
Wintergerst, Erich,
Ziegler, H,
A-10 engine,
Von Braun-3,
Ariane 5-2 L7 Astris,
Astris engine,
Aestus DASA/Rocketdyne,
Model 39,
Model 39a,
Co-axial turboramjet,
Ottobrunn 300N,
Sanger-Bredt Sled,
Von Braun-1,
Von Braun-2.
Draeger Suit,
Junkers 'Junior',
Von Braun Rocketplane,
Lofer Mystery Craft,
Von Braun Station,
Spacebus 100,
Spacebus 300,
Spacebus 3000,
Safir satellite,
Launch Vehicles:
Maul Camera Rocket,
Paris Gun,
Valier-Oberth Moon Gun,
Oberth sounding rocket,
Zucker Rocket,
Saenger Antipodal Bomber,
Von Braun 1948,
Von Braun 1952,
Von Braun 1956,
Mohr Rocket,
Black Brant,
Cirrus I,
Cirrus II,
Seliger 1,
Sea Dragon,
Seliger 2,
Seliger 3,
Project 621,
Super Loki,
Saenger I,
Saenger II,
Beta II,
Beta III,
Beta IV,
Ariane 5.
Launch Sites:
Schwielow Lake,
V-2 Battery 444,
V-2 Battery 485,
V-2 Battery 836,
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500,
V-2 Gruppe Nord,
V-2 Gruppe Sued,
Wallops Island,
White Sands,
Kapustin Yar,
Cape Canaveral,
Fort Churchill,
Sembach AB,
Salto di Quirra,
Barents Sea Launch Area,
El Arenosillo,
Sonde Stromfjord,
Kapani Tonneo,
Neu Ulm,
Matagorda Island,
Bitburg AB,
Hahn AB.
Sanger I Sled,
Von Braun 1956-3,
Sanger I-2,
Sanger Sled,
Sanger I-1,
Sanger II-2,
Von Braun 1956-2,
Sanger II-1,
Von Braun 1956-1,
A-4 stage,
A-9 stage,
Von Braun 1948-1,
Von Braun 1948-2,
Von Braun 1948-3,
Von Braun 1952-1,
Von Braun 1952-2,
Von Braun 1952-3,
Cirrus I engine,
Cirrus II engine,
Seliger 1 engine,
Seliger 3 engine,
Ariane 1-3 H8,
Ariane 2-3 H10,
Otrag CPRU,
Ariane 4-3 H10plus,
Ariane 4-3 H10-3,
Ariane 5-2,
Ariane 5-2 ESC A,
Ariane 5-2 EPS L10 Aestus,
Ariane 5-2 ESC B,
Zenit C.
1571 December 27 - .
- Birth of Johannes Kepler - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Kepler, Johnnes.
German scientist. Astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion..
1572 November 11 - .
- Tycho Brahe's observes Supernova 1572 - .
Nation: Germany.
1604 October 9 - .
- Supernova 1604 (Kepler's Nova) - .
Nation: Germany.
1630 November 15 - .
- Death of Johannes Kepler - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Kepler, Johnnes.
German scientist. Astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion..
1802 March 28 - .
- Wilhelm Olbers' Discovery of Asteroid 2 Pallas - .
Nation: Germany.
1804 September 2 - .
- Karl Harding's Discovery of Asteroid 3 Juno - .
Nation: Germany.
1807 March 29 - .
- Wilhelm Olbers' Discovery of Asteroid 4 Vesta - .
Nation: Germany.
1846 September 23 - .
- Johann Galle's Discovery of Neptune - .
Nation: Germany.
1880 March 18 - .
- Birth of Walter Hohmann - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hohmann.
German architect who became interested in interplanetary spaceflight, defined the minimum energy transfer orbit which bears his name in 1916. Rocket enthusiast with VfR but broke off contact after military took over development..
1885 May 8 - .
- Birth of Phillip Von Doepp - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Von Doepp.
Russian-German expert in guided missile aero design during WW2. Fluent in Russian. Member of the German rocket team, arrived in America under Project Paperclip on 1945.11.16. Worked at Wright Field and in California aerospace..
1892 October 26 - .
- Birth of Otto Friedrich Schaper - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Schaper.
German expert in guided missiles during World War II. Arrived in America under Project Paperclip on 1945.11.16 aboard the Argentina. Worked at Port Washington, Long Island, New York, USA, until his death in 1967..
1893 December 17 - .
- Birth of Bernhard Gerhardt - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Gerhardt.
German engineer, member of Rocket Team in the Soviet Union after WW2. Kept there until 1957, the longest of any of the team members..
1894 March 21 - .
- Birth of Rudolf Nebel - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Nebel.
German rocket enthusiast. Worked for Oberth; helped found VfR; built largest prewar German test rockets. Work shut down by government in 1934. Did not work on rockets during WW2. Promoted civilian rebirth of German rocketry in 1950's..
1894 June 25 - .
- Birth of Hermann Julius Oberth - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Oberth.
Father of German Spaceflight. His 1923 book outlined the mathematic principles of rocketry and space travel, providing the basis for the space craze in Germany, leading to the V-2 and von Braun's rocket team..
1895 February 9 - .
- Birth of Max Valier - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Valier.
German Austrian engineer and early advocate of the use of rockets for flight. Opel supported Valier's original rocket car tests as publicity. He dreamed of rocket-propelled transatlantic aircraft and later became Opel's competitor. Valier died in a careless accident in 1932, in his laboratory in Berlin, when working on a rocket combustion chamber. It exploded and a small metal fragment hit his pulmonary artery.
1897 May 29 - .
- Birth of Johannes Winkler - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Winkler.
German engineer. Rocket enthusiast, launched first liquid rocket in Europe on 1931.02.21..
1898 January 8 - .
- Birth of Ludwig Leihfeld - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Leihfeld.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Oxygen Plant; Dept. 61/ Laboratory..
1898 November 9 - .
- Birth of Hugo Broetler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Broetler.
German welding engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Oxygen Plant; Shop 55..
1899 January 1 - .
- Birth of Robert Tschechner - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Tschechner.
German specialist engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Manufacture; Laboratory Department..
1899 May 4 - .
- Birth of Fritz von Opel - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Opel.
German automobile manufacturer and rocketry enthusiast. Grandson of founder of Opel, after graduation, put in charge of testing and publicity. Funded Valier's tests of rocket engines in ground and air vehicles..
1899 November 3 - .
- Birth of Herbert Felix Axster - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Axster.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1900 January 24 - .
- Birth of Arthur P Urbanski - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Urbanski.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. As of 1960, Head of Mechanical Systems Analsysis Branch, Quality Division, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Died at Huntsville..
1900 July 10 - .
- Birth of Theodore Buchhold - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Buchhold.
German professor. Member of the German Rocket Team in the United States after WW2. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Wiesbaden, Germany..
1900 August 24 - .
- Birth of Rudolf Hackh - .
Nation: France,
Related Persons: Hackh.
German engineer. Member of German Rocket Team in France after WW2..
1900 August 28 - .
- Birth of Oswald Putze - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Putze.
German graduate engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Manufacturing; Dept. 61/Shop 55..
1901 September 12 - .
- Birth of Erich K A Ball - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Ball, Erich.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1902 January 24 - .
- Birth of Oskar Morgenstern - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Morgenstern.
German-American economist, came to the United States in 1925, and worked at Princeton after 1938. Founded Mathematica, which provided economic analyses to government, notoriously the study that found the shuttle cheaper than expendable LVs..
1902 February 18 - .
- Birth of Friedrich Boenisch - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Boenisch.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Manufacturing; Dept. 61/Shop 55..
1902 March 2 - .
- Birth of Albert Utsch - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Utsch.
German-American design engineer for McDonnell on the Mercury and Gemini spacecraft..
1902 July 6 - .
- Birth of Eduard Martin Fischel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Fischel.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Bad Reichenhall, Bavaria, Germany..
1902 August 10 - .
- Birth of Alfred Grevesmuehl - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Grevesmuehl.
German scientist in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Director of Manufacturing; Dept. 61/Shop 55..
1903 January 23 - .
- Birth of Walther Johannes Riedel - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Riedel, Walther.
German manager and engineer who managed development of V-2 rocket engine after the death of Thiel. In the US he transferred this technology to Rocketdyne, which led to the engines for the Redstone, Thor, Jupiter, Atlas, and Saturn I rockets..
1903 March 25 - .
- Birth of Karl Franz Hager - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hager.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1903 May 17 - .
- Birth of Hermann F Beduerftig - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Beduerftig.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1903 July 13 - .
- Birth of Wilhelm Knack - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Knack.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Manufacturing; Dept. 61/Shop 55..
1903 November 12 - .
- Birth of Kurt Kunibert Karlmann Neuhoefer - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Neuhoefer.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1904 February 1 - .
- Birth of Hans Lindenberg - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Lindenberg.
German-American rocket technician from Dresden. Died at Fort Bliss, Texas..
1904 June 25 - .
- Birth of Theo Vowe - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Vowe.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the German rocket team, went to America after the first group. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1904 July 13 - .
- Birth of Gerd Wilhelm De Beek - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: De Beek.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1904 December 8 - .
- Birth of Alfred H Henning - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Henning.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II. Went to the USA with von Braun, by 1960, Deputy Director, Weapons System Coordination Office, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center..
1905 February 8 - .
- Birth of Wilhelm Angele - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Angele.
German-American engineer. Avid amateur astronomer, control specialist in von Braun's Rocket Team. Became Head of Pilot Manufacturing Development Branch, Guidance and Control Division, Huntsville..
1905 May 26 - .
- Birth of Hans Henning Hosenthien - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hosenthien.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1905 June 7 - .
- Birth of Otto Karl Eisenhardt - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Eisenhardt.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1905 September 6 - .
- Birth of Hans Hermann Maus - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Maus.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1905 November 23 - .
- Birth of August Wilhelm Schulze - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schulze.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1906 January 1 - .
- Birth of Henrik Winskowski - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Winskowski.
German design engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Engineering and Design; Dept. 61..
1906 January 23 - .
- Birth of Eberhard Julius Spohn - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Spohn.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Heidelberg, Germany..
1906 February 11 - .
- Birth of Erich Kaschig - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Kaschig.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1906 March 21 - .
- Birth of Hans Hueter - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hueter.
German-Swiss engineer. Member of the German Rocket Team in the United States after WW2..
1906 July 8 - .
- Birth of Guenther Hintze - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hintze.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at El Paso, Texas..
1906 September 9 - .
- Birth of Anton Beier - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Beier.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1906 October 2 - .
- Birth of Willy Ley - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Ley.
German-American writer. German-American writer, extremely effective populariser of the idea of space flight - first in Germany and then in the United States..
1906 October 4 - .
- Birth of Walter W B Burose - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Burose.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II. Thereafter with the rocket team at Fort Bliss, White Stands, and then at Huntsville. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1906 October 23 - .
- Birth of Hermann E Lange - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Lange.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1906 November 9 - .
- Birth of Arthur Louis Hugo Rudolph - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Rudolph.
German-American rocket engineer, with Valier in 1931, von Braun from 1934. Planned V-2 production. Program manager for Redstone, Pershing, and the Saturn V. Retired 1970, but named as a war criminal, returned to Germany in 1984..
1907 February 2 - .
- Birth of Heinrich Rothe - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Rothe.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Worked his entire life with the rocket team, at Fort Bliss, White Stands, and then at Huntsville. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1907 February 22 - .
- Birth of Walter Schierhorn - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schierhorn.
German welding engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Manufacturing; Shop 55..
1907 March 13 - .
- Birth of Hannes Luehrsen - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Luehrsen.
German-American architect. Member of von Braun's team at Peenemuende and in US; designed the buildings, roads, and infrastructure at Peenemuende and at Huntsville..
1907 April 7 - .
- Birth of Johann G Tschinkel - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Tschinkel.
German-Austrian rocket technician, arrived in the United States under Project Paperclip on 1945.11.16 aboard the Argentina from La Havre. Fluent in English prior to arrival in the United States. Died in Tallahassee, Florida..
1907 April 18 - .
- Birth of Werner Kuers - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Kuers.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1907 May 16 - .
- Birth of Herbert R Bergeler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Bergeler.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II. Worked his entire life with the rocket team, at Peenemuende, Fort Bliss, White Stands, and then at Huntsville. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1907 October 27 - .
- Birth of Fritz Mueller - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Mueller, Fritz.
German-American guidance system specialist, at Kreiselgeraete from 1933. Worked for von Braun in Germany and America, 1936-1960, involved in guidance platforms for Redstone, Jupiter, Pershing, and Saturn I. Went to private industry in 1960..
1907 November 17 - .
- Birth of Albin Wittmann - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Wittmann.
German-American engineer. Member of the German rocket team, went to America after the first group. As of 1960, Head of Electrical Systems Analsyis Branch, Quality Division, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1908 January 1 - .
- Birth of Hermann H Kurzweg - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Kurzweg.
German-American aerodynamicist, at Peenemuende, then US Naval Ordnance 1946-1960, NASA 1960-1974..
1908 January 11 - .
- Birth of Ernst August Wilhelm Steinhoff - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Steinhoff, Ernst.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1908 March 5 - .
- Birth of Bruno Henning - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Henning, Bruno.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. Engineer who worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Engineering and Design; Dept. 61..
1908 April 28 - .
- Birth of Eberhard Friedrich Michael Rees - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Rees.
German-American engineer, von Braun's right hand man, in charge of manufacturing 1940-1969 for V-2, Redstone, Jupiter, and rockets stages for Saturn LVs that took America to the moon. Succeeded von Braun as Director at Huntsville 1970-1973..
1908 May 10 - .
- Birth of Rudolf Chwalczyk - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Chwalczyk.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Manufacturing; Shop 55..
1908 June 16 - .
- Birth of Karl-Heinz Bringer - .
Nation: France,
Related Persons: Bringer.
German engineer. Developer of the Viking engine and propulsion leader of the German Rocket Team in France after WW2..
1908 August 7 - .
- Birth of Josef Maria Boehm - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Boehm.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1908 September 28 - .
- Birth of Max Ernst Nowak - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Nowak, Max.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1908 November 22 - .
- Birth of Carl Heinz Mandel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Mandel.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II, member of von Braun rocket team. As of 1960, Head of Gyro and Stabliizer Branch, Guidance and Control Division, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Died at Madison, Alabama..
1908 November 29 - .
- Birth of Kurt Heinrich Debus - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Debus.
German-American engineer. At Peenemuende from 1940, designed and operated V-2 test launch facility. In US from 1945, headed design, build, and operation of launch facilities for the V-2, Redstone, Jupiter, and Saturn rockets for Apollo..
1909 January 1 - .
- Birth of Friedrich Dhom - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Dhom.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Brownsboro, Texas..
1909 January 8 - .
- Birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Schwarz - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schwarz, Friedrich.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Phoenix, Arizona..
1909 January 26 - .
- Birth of Friedrich Duerr - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Duerr.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1909 April 15 - .
- Birth of Hans Paul - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Paul.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1909 June 10 - .
- Birth of Ludwig Roth - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Roth.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1909 July 3 - .
- Birth of Hans Walter Milde - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Milde.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II. As of January 1947, working at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland. Died at Grant, Alabama..
1909 August 13 - .
- Birth of Robert Heinrich Karl Paetz - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Paetz.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1909 December 31 - .
- Birth of Bruno Helm - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Helm.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1910 January 8 - .
- Birth of Heinz Haase - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Haase.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union thereafter. Graduate engineer who worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked as Deputy in charge of the Oxygen Plant..
1910 January 19 - .
- Birth of Erich Walter Neubert - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Neubert.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1910 January 29 - .
- Birth of Karl Ludwig Heimberg - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Heimburg.
German-American engineer. Worked in Japan 1937-1941, then at Peenemuende. Worked on test stands for Wasserfall and A4b. Helped with Backfire. Then joined von Braun team, becoming Director, Test Division, in Huntsville..
1910 March 3 - .
- Birth of Gerhard Herbert Richard Reisig - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Reisig.
German engineer. Expert in guided missile guidance, telemetry, and control, working for von Braun from 1937. Worked for Dornberger on Wasserfall SAM from 1943. Member of von Braun's Rocket Team in the US from 1947..
1910 May 24 - .
- Birth of Hans Gruene - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Gruene.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1910 June 3 - .
- Birth of Heinz Ludwig Schnarowski - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schnarowski.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1910 September 14 - .
- Birth of Bernard A Schriever - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schriever.
Key German-American military manager of development of the Thor, Atlas, Titan, and Minuteman ballistic missiles..
1910 November 5 - .
- Birth of Gerhardt Drawe - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Drawe.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1910 November 19 - .
- Birth of Willi Schwarz - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Schwarz, Willi.
German test engineer in WW2, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked as Deputy to the Test Bench Chief; Laboratory Department..
1911 April 1 - .
- Birth of Ernst Helmut Merk - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Merk.
German expert in guided missiles during World War II. Arrived in America under Project Paperclip on 1945.11.16 aboard the Argentina from La Havre. As of January 1947, working at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland..
1911 August 9 - .
- Birth of Oscar Bauschinger - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Bauschinger.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1911 September 12 - .
- Birth of Hans Rudolph Friedrich - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Friedrich.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1911 October 1 - .
- Birth of Martin Schilling - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schilling.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1911 October 20 - .
- Birth of Willi Mrazek - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Mrazek.
German-American engineer. Worked at Peenemuende from early days, but sent to Russian Front before being returned. A loads engineer, he went with von Braun to the US and became Director, Structures and Mechanics Division, at Huntsville..
1912 February 27 - .
- Birth of Helmut Hoelzer - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hoelzer.
German-American engineer. Worked at Peenemuende from 1939 on V-2 guidance system and Messina telemetry system. Led similar efforts for von Braun's later missiles, becoming Director, Computation Division, at Huntsville..
1912 March 6 - .
- Birth of Erich Drews - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Drews.
German coppersmith in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Manufacturing; Department Laboratory..
1912 March 15 - .
- Birth of Helmut Wilhelm Emil Schlitt - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schlitt.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1912 March 16 - .
- Birth of Rudi Hoelker - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hoelker.
German-American engineer. Member of the German rocket team, went to America after the first group. As of 1960, Deputy Director, Aeroballistics Division, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Died at Cambridge, Massachusetts..
1912 March 23 - .
- Birth of Wernher von Braun - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: von Braun.
German-American chief designer, leader of the 'Rocket Team'; developed the V-2, Redstone, Jupiter, and the Saturn rockets that took US to the moon. He made the idea of space travel popular in the 1950's and a reality in the 1960's..
1912 March 23 - .
- Wernher von Braun born in in Wirsitz, Posen. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Von Braun was the second of three sons born to Baron Magnus von Braun and Baroness Emmy von Quistorp..
1912 March 27 - .
- Birth of Werner Sieber - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Sieber.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1912 April 27 - .
- Birth of Herbert Walter Fuhrmann - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Fuhrmann.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1912 May 27 - .
- Birth of Bruno Heusinger - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Heusinger.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1912 June 3 - .
- Birth of Dieter Karl F Huzel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Huzel.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1912 June 8 - .
- Birth of Arthur Pilz - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Pilz, Arthur.
German master mechanic in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Test Bench; Laboratory Department..
1912 June 24 - .
- Birth of Helmut Horn - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Horn.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1912 August 5 - .
- Birth of Konrad Dannenberg - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Dannenberg.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. Liaison between Huntsville and Rocketdyne for development of the engines for the Redstone, Jupiter, and Saturn I rockets; managed development of the Saturn V in the early years; developed concepts for Saturn V-launched space stations. Retired 1973.
1912 August 15 - .
- Birth of Bernhard Tessmann - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Tessmann.
Austrian-German engineer, leading engine test at Peenemuende from 1936. In 1943 evacuated to Koelpinsee; designed V-2 mobile launcher and planned Zement facility at Ebensee. In US from 1945, worked as von Braun's Deputy Director for Testing..
1912 September 5 - .
- Birth of Otto August Hoberg - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hoberg.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1912 September 29 - .
- Birth of Werner Kurt Gengelbach - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Gengelbach.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1912 October 19 - .
- Birth of Hans Josef Lindenmayer - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Lindenmayer.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. Worked in aerodynamics, later returned to Germany..
1913 January 10 - .
- Birth of Joachim Wilhelm Muehlner - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Muehlner.
German-American radio engineer, at Peenemuende from 1939 . One of the few of von Braun's team that worked on all major programs, from the doppler transponder for the V-2 to the electronic landing systems for the Space Shuttle in 1978..
1913 March 18 - .
- Birth of Kurt Paul Erich Patt - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Patt.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1913 March 27 - .
- Birth of Guenther Haukohl - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Haukohl.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1913 April 24 - .
- Birth of Dieter Grau - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Grau.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter, serving in Quality Assurance positions..
1913 May 9 - .
- Birth of Albert Franz Zeiler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Zeiler.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died in Florida..
1913 May 11 - .
- Birth of Wolfgang Hermann Steurer - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Steurer.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1913 June 25 - .
- Birth of Werner Voss - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Voss, Werner.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the German rocket team, went to America after the first group. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1913 July 3 - .
- Birth of Albert Puellenberg - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Puellenberg.
German engineer. Led the Hannover Group of German rocket experimenters 1931-1935, and renewed German citizen rocketry 1952-1964..
1913 August 19 - .
- Birth of Rudi Beichel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Beichel.
German-American engineer, on von Braun's team, but left to independently advise US Army on liquid propulsion. Joined Aerojet in 1956, worked on Lox/LH2 Titan I engine conversion, Aerojet large engine studies, and USAF ARES single-stage ICBM..
1913 October 8 - .
- Birth of Hans Eiseler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Eiseler.
German graduate engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Engineering and Design; Dept. 61..
1913 October 27 - .
- Birth of Friedrich Staats - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Staats.
German electronics engineer, worked for Steinhoff at Peenemuende, but stayed in Germany after war. Founded and led the leading German rocket society 1952-1990 (designated sequentially DAFRA, DRG, HOG, DGLR)..
1913 October 30 - .
- Birth of Klaus Eduard Scheufelen - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Scheufelen.
German engineer, V-2 test leader. At end of war headed development of Taifun unguided antiaircraft rocket, characterized as a 'desperation project'. Went to America after the war, working at Fort Bliss. Later returned to Germany and died in Lenningen in 2008.
1913 December 14 - .
- Birth of Otto Heinrich Hirschler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hirschler.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1913 December 19 - .
- Birth of Ernst Stuhlinger - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Stuhlinger.
German-American engineer. Member of the German Rocket Team in the United States after WW2..
1914 January 24 - .
- Birth of Gerhard Bernhard Heller - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Heller.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1914 May 8 - .
- Birth of Rudolf Friederich Franz Minning - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Minning.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1914 May 9 - .
- Birth of Werner Tiller - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Tiller.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1914 May 9 - .
- Birth of Ernst E Klaus - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Klaus.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1914 May 25 - .
- Birth of Gustav Kroll - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Kroll.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1914 July 15 - .
- Birth of Rudolf Karl Hans Schlidt - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schlidt.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1914 August 1 - .
- Birth of Emil A H, Hellebrandt - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Hellebrandt.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1914 August 19 - .
- Birth of Karl Sendler - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Sendler.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1914 September 23 - .
- Birth of Werner Kurt-Otto Rosinski - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Rosinski.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Worked his entire life with the rocket team, at Fort Bliss, White Stands, and then at Huntsville. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1914 December 12 - .
- Birth of Herbert Hans Guendel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Guendel.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Boston, New York..
1915 February 12 - .
- Birth of Adolf Karl Thiel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Thiel, Adolf.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Palos Verdes Estates, California..
1915 February 21 - .
- Birth of Hugo H Woerdemann - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Woerdemann.
German-American radio systems engineer, first worked with early rocketeers in 1934. Member of the Rocket Team at Peenemuende and the United States until 1950; thereafter working in radio technology for North American Aviation and his own firm, Magnetic Research Corporation. Died a grapefruit rancher in Temecula, California.
1915 March 10 - .
- Birth of Johann Klein - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Klein.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1915 May 9 - .
- Birth of Helmut Max Arthur Zolke - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Zolke.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1915 May 16 - .
- Birth of Albert E Schuler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schuler.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1915 August 3 - .
- Birth of Ernst Geissler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Geissler.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1916 May 12 - .
- Birth of Bernhard Hohmann - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hohmann, Bernhard.
German test pilot. Chief of Flight Development at Wright FIeld, consultant on astronaut flight safety on Mercury, Gemini, and MOL programs..
1916 July 25 - .
- Birth of Alfred Johannes Finzel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Finzel.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1917 February 16 - .
- Birth of Werner Karl Dahm - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Dahm.
German-American aerodynamicist, worked at Peenemuende on A9/A10, A7, A4b, and Wasserfall winged missiles. Post-war completed studies, joined von Braun team in US as Head of Aerodynamics Analysis Branch, Aeroballistics Division, Huntsville..
1917 March 24 - .
- Birth of Krafft Arnold Ehricke - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Ehricke.
Visionary German-American engineer. Protege of Thiel at Peenemuende; early concepts for nuclear and Lox/LH2 engines. Left von Braun team, developed Centaur at Convair 1956-1964. Prolific output of advanced concepts, but poor program manager..
1917 August 26 - .
- Birth of Alfred Klippel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Klippel.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Electrical Circuits; Shop 55..
1917 September 8 - .
- Birth of Hans Joachim Oskar Fichtner - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Fichtner.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1917 October 19 - .
- Birth of Josef Martin Michel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Michel, Josef.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1918 January 13 - .
- Birth of Walter Jacobi - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Jacobi.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1918 March - .
Launch Vehicle:
Paris Gun.
- Paris Gun begins bombardment of Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 40 km (24 mi). Range: 131 km (81 mi).
The rail-mounted weapon could hurl a 120 kg shell with 7 kg of explosive to a range of 131 km. During the 170 second trajectory the shell reached a maximum altitude at the edge of space - 40 km. This was the highest altitude attained by a man-made object until the first successful V-2 flight. From March through August of 1918, three of the guns shot 351 shells at Paris from the woods of Crepy, killing 256 and wounding 620. As a military weapon the gun was a failure - the payload was minuscule, the barrel needed replacement after 65 shots, and the accuracy was only good enough for city-sized targets. But as a psychological tool it was remembered when the V-1, V-2 and V-3 weapons were being developed two decades later.
1918 May 27 - .
- Birth of Theodor Anton Poppel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Poppel.
German-American engineer, ember of von Braun's team, expert in guided missile ground support during WW2, and continued in that role in the US. Played a key role in designing Saturn I LC34, and the Saturn V's VAB and Transporter-Crawler..
1918 June 22 - .
- Birth of Fritz Vandersee - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Vandersee.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1918 July 24 - .
- Birth of Otto Meier - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Meier.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Oxygen Plant; Laboratory Department..
1918 November 4 - .
- Birth of Werner Baum - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Baum.
German engineer, member of Rocket Team in the Soviet Union after WW2. Worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952 as Deputy of the Chief and Technical Designer; Dept. 61..
1919 January 5 - .
1919 February 11 - .
- Birth of Siegfried Reinhard - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Reinhard.
German designer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Engineering and Design; Dept. 61..
1919 February 25 - .
- Birth of Hans Rudolf Palaoro - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Palaoro.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1919 May 10 - .
- Birth of Freiherr Magnus von Braun - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: von Braun, Magnus.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1919 June 28 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Treaty loophole permits German rocket development. - .
Nation: Germany.
Signing of Treaty of Versailles disarmed Germany of a military air force but did not include rockets as potential weapons, thus leaving Germany free under international law to develop them..
1919 October 22 - .
- Birth of Heinz Knittel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Knittel.
German precision mechanic, in the rocket team in Russia. Worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's bureau 1947-1952 in the Test Bench and Laboratory Departments. One of the group that fired V-2 rockets at Kapustin Yar in 1946..
1919 November 4 - .
- Birth of Oskar F Holderer - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Holderer.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1920 May 7 - .
- Birth of Heinz Albert Millinger - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Millinger.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. As of 2008 living in Marburg, Germany..
1920 August 30 - .
- Birth of Walter Fritz Wiesemann - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Wiesemann.
German-American engineer. Reassigned from Luftwaffe to Peenemuende in 1941. Worked on anti-aircraft rockets, went to America with von Braun's team in 1945, working on Huntsville projects until retirement in 1970..
1920 September 13 - .
- Birth of Lisa Neumeister - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Neumeister.
Wife of a German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked as a translator for rocket engine developers in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952..
1923 - During the year - .
- Oberth proposes circumlunar flight - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Oberth.
In a discussion of the uses of an interplanetary rocket, Hermann Oberth proposed circumlunar flight to explore the hidden face of the moon and discussed the possibility of storing cryogenic fuels in space. A spacecraft could rendezvous and dock in earth orbit with a fuel capsule. When the spacecraft reached the vicinity of a planet, it would detach itself from the capsule and descend to the surface. On departure, the spacecraft would ascend and reconnect to its fuel supply for the return trip.
1923 December 15 - .
Launch Vehicle:
1926 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Valier-Oberth Moon Gun.
1927 June 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- VfR established. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Esnault-Pelterie,
Johannes Winkler forms the first society for space travel in Breslau. The Society for Space Travel (Verein fuer Raumschiffahrt), is better known by its abbreviation 'VfR'. From the three people that attended the first meeting, it would grow to 500 members within the year, including most of the European space pioneers - Oberth, Hohmann, von Hoefft, von Pirquet, Rynin, and Esnault-Petrie.
1928 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Valier-Oberth Moon Gun.
- Von Pirquet Moon Gun - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Ley,
Further improvements to the Valier-Oberth gun were suggested by Willy Ley and Baron Guido von Pirquet of Vienna. To achieve the necessary muzzle velocity, it would be necessary to construct the gun with angled lateral chambers. These design concepts would be put to military use in the V-3 Hochdruckpumpe cannon of World War II.
1928 March 15 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- First rocket car - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Opel,
Max Valier campaigned to get automobile magnate Fritz von Opel interested in rocket-powered automobiles. Valier proposed to use different combinations of compressed black powder rockets manufactured by Friedrich Wilhelm Sander of Wesermuende. Sander's rockets were 80 cm long, 12.5 cm in diameter, and could came in two versions. The centre-bore rockets provided 180 kgf for 3 seconds, while the end-burners provided 20 kgf for 30 seconds. Valier proposed to use combinations of these motors to first boost an automobile to high speed with the high-thrust rockets, then use low-thrust units to maintain velocity. This had no practical application but would demonstrate the potential of rockets to the German public, at the same time giving Opel publicity. The first secret test, at Ruesselsheim, used a one high thrust and one low thrust motor in a small stock Opel. The results were unimpressive - the vehicle went only 140 m in 35 seconds.
1928 April 12 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Opel Rak - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Opel,
After two tests the day before, which showed that a good fraction of Brander's rockets would either fail to ignite or explode, Valier made the first official rocket car run for the press. Of 12 rockets attached to the 'Rak' vehicle (a motor car stripped of engine and brakes), five failed to function, but the vehicle reached 110 kph and the press was mightily impressed. Opel received an unexpected amount of free publicity and funded Valier in further rocket car development.
1928 May 23 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Opel Rak II - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Oberth,
Fritz von Opel personally drives rocket-car Opel Rak II, equipped with 24 Brander powder rockets, to 200 kph at Berlin. The same day Oberth is debating the German scientific establishment, trying to overturn their belief that space flight using liquid rockets is theoretically impossible. The VfR regard Valier's experiments with Opel as publicity stunts, threatening the credibility of their society.
1928 June 11 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
- First manned rocket-powered aircraft flight. - .
Crew: Stamer.
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Lippisch,
A rocket-boosted glider is flown by Friedrich Stamer from the Rhoen Mountains in Western Germany. The development was funded by Opel, the canard-layout glider designed by Hans Lippisch, and the powder rockets developed by Sander. As in the Opel ground vehicles, a boost rocket (360 kgf for 3 seconds) was to accelerate the glider down the launch ramp. A sustainer rocket (20 kgf for 30 seconds) would keep the aircraft in flight. It was hoped to develop a method of launching gliders that would allow the pilot to get airborne without assistance - that did not require a tow aircraft or the eight-man crew needed to pull back the rubber band on existing rail launchers. Tests with smaller motors in models showed the high-thrust motors were too powerful, so the full-scale tests used a standard rubber-band rail launcher with only the low thrust motors installed. After two attempted flights, Stamer finally made a successful flight, firing two 20 kgf motors one after the other. The glider flew about 1.5 km in 70 seconds. On the second flight the first motor exploded, setting the aircraft on fire. Stamer landed successfully but further attempts were abandoned.
1928 June 23 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Opel Rak III - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Opel,
The third Opel rocket-car is mounted on railroad tracks near Celle. The first run, with 10 rockets, reached 290 kph. A second run, with 24 rockets, jumped the tracks and demolished the vehicle..
Summer 1928 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Opel Rak IV - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Opel,
The fourth Opel rocket-car is destroyed when one motor explodes, setting off all off the other motors simultaneously. The car jumps off the tracks at the start. Rail authorities prohibit further experiments and Opel Rak V never runs..
1929 July - September - .
- Noordung orbiting space observatory - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Noordung,
Spacecraft: Noordung.
Hermann Noordung (pseudonym for Capt. Potocnik of the Austrian Imperial Army) expanded the ideas of Hermann Oberth on space flight in a detailed description of an orbiting space observatory. The problems of weightlessness, space communications, maintaining a livable environment for the crew, and extravehicular activity were considered. Among the uses of such an observatory were chemical and physical experiments in a vacuum, telescopes of great size and efficiency, detailed mapping of the earth's surface, weather observation, surveillance of shipping routes, and military reconnaissance.
1929 August 1 - .
- First JATO takeoff. - .
Nation: Germany.
Use of a battery of solid-propellant rockets on Junkers-33 seaplane, the first recorded jet-assisted take-off of an airplane, made in tests near Dessau, Germany..
1929 September 30 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
- Opel Sander Rak 1 flies. - .
Crew: Opel.
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Lippisch,
Opel sponsored resumption of tests of rocket-boosted gliders near Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. These involved a design by Lippisch, boosted by 16 powder rockets of 23 kgf each. With Opel at the controls, the glider successfully launched itself from a 20-m long rail launcher, and he flew the aircraft for ten minutes. However the landing went badly - the design had a landing speed of 160 kph, and with a total weight of 270 kg, a high wing loading. Opel survived but the glider had to be written off. This was Opel's last involvement with rocketry. General Motors, the majority owner of the Opel company, prohibited further rocketry work after the stock market crash. Fritz von Opel left the country and moved to Switzerland.
1929 October 15 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Oberth sounding rocket.
- Frau im Mond (The Girl in the Moon) premieres in Berlin. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Nebel,
The film, directed by Fritz Lang, with Hermann Oberth as technical consultant, provided a realistic portrayal of the rollout and launch of a liquid-propellant booster sending a manned expedition to the moon. Lang provided Oberth with funds to build and launch a liquid-propellant rocket to publicise the film. Oberth's rocket, using a conical combustion chamber to mix liquid oxygen and gasoline, was 1.8 m tall and was to have been launched to an altitude of 64 km over the Baltic Sea from Greifswalder Oie. One of the assistants hired by Oberth to fabricate the rocket was Rudolph Nebel, a World War I fighter pilot with (unfortunately) little actual engineering experience. Oberth also had no practical engineering or organizational ability, and was unable to produce the liquid rocket in the four months allotted. He then turned to an 11-m tall hybrid rocket that was to burn a to-be-determined carbon compound with liquid oxygen. This also proved impossible, and Oberth simply gave up and left town - returning, however, for the film's premiere. Ufa studios took ownership of the unfinished rockets.
December 1929 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- VfR regroups - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Ley,
Riedel, Klaus,
Winkler had resigned as president. Oberth is back in Berlin, and a meeting is held, with Nebel, Wurm, Oberth, Klaus Riedel, Winkler, and Willy Ley in attendance. It was decided to try and get the Oberth rocket materials back from Ufa and press on to demonstrate flight of a liquid propellant rocket. For this purpose the Oberth rocket was much too ambitious and probably wouldn't work anyway. Nebel proposes building a new 'Minimum Rakete' or 'Mirak' to demonstrate that it could be done. Work begins to obtain funds to ground test and perfect Oberth's 'Kegelduese' conical rocket motor.
1930 February 1 - .
- VfR bankrupt. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Nebel.
Nebel, general secretary of the VfR, files bankruptcy papers with the German courts. However he does not inform any of the other members of his actions. The fact is not known until 1933..
1930 April 11 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- VfR evening in Berlin - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Oberth,
The VfR presents itself to the scientific community in Berlin. Winkler gives a lecture at the auditorium of the Central Post Office, and the Oberth rocket, Kegelduese, and other articles are displayed..
1930 April 19 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Valier rocket car - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Valier.
Valier has arranged for Dr Weyland to develop a new, powerful liquid rocket engine burning liquid oxygen and gasoline. The car made its first slow run this day, but combustion of the motor was poor and acceleration of the vehicle low..
1930 May 17 - .
- Death of Max Valier, rocket pioneer, as the result of a careless accident in his laboratory in Berlin. - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Valier.
German Austrian engineer and early advocate of the use of rockets for flight. Opel supported Valier's original rocket car tests as publicity. He dreamed of rocket-propelled transatlantic aircraft and later became Opel's competitor. Valier died in a careless accident in 1932, in his laboratory in Berlin, when working on a rocket combustion chamber. It exploded and a small metal fragment hit his pulmonary artery.
1930 May 17 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Valier killed in rocket engine explosion - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Valier.
German Austrian engineer and early advocate of the use of rockets for flight. Opel supported Valier's original rocket car tests as publicity. He dreamed of rocket-propelled transatlantic aircraft and later became Opel's competitor. Valier died in a careless accident in 1932, in his laboratory in Berlin, when working on a rocket combustion chamber. It exploded and a small metal fragment hit his pulmonary artery.
1930 July 23 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- VfR demonstrates rocket motor to German government officials - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Ley,
Riedel, Klaus,
von Braun.
The VfR fires its 'Kegelduese' liquid oxygen and gasoline-fueled rocket motor in a demonstration for the Director of the Chemisch-Technische Reichsanstalt in an attempt to secure financial support. Nebel had arranged the demonstration and runs the Kegelduese for 90 seconds. It generates 7 kgf and consumes 6 kg of liquid oxygen and 1 kg of gasoline in that time (specific impulse 90 seconds). Participating are Oberth, Nebel, Riedel, Ley, and Von Braun. Nebel's Mirak is not yet ready to test.
August 1930 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mirak experiments - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Nebel,
Riedel, Klaus.
Nebel and Riedel conduct a series of tests of the Mirak rocket at the farm of Riedel's grandparents near Bernstadt, Saxony. They slowly perfect the motor, finally achieving significant net thrust by September, when the motor explodes, ending the test series.
1930 September 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Raketenflugplatz Berlin - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Nebel.
Nebel signs the $4/year lease for the worlds first 'Rocket Port', an abandoned German army munitions storage area on 10 square kilometres on Tegeler Weg in the Berlin northern suburb of Reinickendorf. The numerous bunkers are ideal for rocket motor tests..
1930 December 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Kummersdorf selected for missile development. - .
Nation: Germany.
German Army Ordnance Office, after reviewing work of Goddard and others, decided to establish rocket program and to equip artillery proving ground at Kummersdorf to develop military missiles. The German Army issues the first budget for rocket development - 5,000 Reichsmarks.
1931 February 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Poggensee instrumented rocket reaches 450 m. - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.45 km (0.28 mi).
Karl Poggensee launched a powder rocket at a field near Berlin. Although the rocket technology did not represent a forward step, the rocket was was instrumented with a barometer, a camera, and a velocity measurement device. The rocket also set an altitude mark that Winkler, Nebel, and the other German liquid rocketeers had to beat in order to prove the superiority of the liquid fuel rocket.
1931 February 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Winkler HW-1 rocket - first liquid-fuel rocket in Europe. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Winkler.
Apogee: 0.0030 km (0.0019 mi).
Funded by a Mr Hueckel, Winkler flies the first European liquid propellant rocket at Dessau, Germany. It is 60 cm high, weighs 5 kg, including 1.7 kg of liquid oxygen and methane propellants. The rocket consists of three tanks - one for the fuel, one for the oxygen, and one for the nitrogen gas that pressure-feeds the motor. The motor is a simple 18-inch long cylinder, housed at the centre of the prismatic rocket. The rocket reaches only 3 m in the first test due to a malfunction.
March 1931 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- First liquid rocket hardware developed for the Germany Army. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Riedel, Walter.
Walter Riedel, and Arthur Riedel, at the Heylandt Company, built the first 20 kgf liquid propellant engine for the Heereswaffenamt. It featured a double-walled cylindrical combustion chamber, and was used to test different propellant combinations..
1931 March 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- HW-1 reaches 500 m. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Winkler.
Apogee: 0.50 km (0.31 mi). Winkler's HW-1 rocket reached 500 m over Dessau, Germany..
Spring 1931 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Second Mirak explodes - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Nebel.
Nebel and the other designers realise that using liquid oxygen to cool the combustion chamber simply would not work - it turned to gas, and the excessive pressure eventually burst the oxygen tank. They turn to a water-cooled combustion chamber. The end result was an aluminium pressure-fed engine that weighed 85 g but produced 32 kgf while burning 160 g of liquid oxygen and gasoline per second - a specific impulse of 200 seconds. The new design proves reliable and is demonstrated to visitors from the American Rocket Society in April 1931.
April 1931 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- VfR/AIS meeting. - .
Nation: Germany.
Raktenflugplatz in Germany was visited by Mr. and Mrs. G. Edward Pendray as official representatives of the American Interplanetary Society, who upon their return organized the experimental program of the society..
1931 April 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Tiling rocket - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Tiling.
Apogee: 0.80 km (0.50 mi). Reinhold Tiling, financed by Baron von Ledebour, publicly demonstrates his compressed black powder rocket design at Osnabrueck. The 1.8 m long rocket uses flip-out wings for recovery, and reach altitudes of 800 m..
1931 May 3 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Heyland motor - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Valier.
Heyland completes development testing of the rocket motor intended for Valier's rocket car. It weighs 18 kg and is capable of producing 160 kgf for several minutes. Although powerful, the specific impulse is thought to be fairly low..
1931 May 10 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mirak II / Repulsor - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Riedel, Klaus.
Apogee: 0.0020 km (0.0012 mi).
Riedel improvises a rocket, using the thrust chamber developed for the Mirak, fed by two long tanks containing liquid oxygen and gasoline, which would form guiding sticks for the forward-mounted engine. The lashed-together rocket rises to 20 m on its first 'static' test.
1931 May 14 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mirak II / Repulsor I rocket reaches 60 m. - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.0060 km (0.0037 mi).
First official test flight of the Mirak (Minimum Rakete) II. A flight-weight version of Riedel's 'flying test stand' takes off into a looping trajectory, sending the VfR experimenters running for cover, but reaching 60 m altitude in the process. Attending were Wernher Von Braun, Klaus Riedel und Kurt Heinisch (Rudolf Nebel, the chief engineer, was in Kiel at the time).
1931 May 23 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mirak II / Repulsor 2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Riedel, Klaus.
Apogee: 0.0060 km (0.0037 mi). Range: 0.60 km (0.37 mi). The rocket reaches 60 m before heading off horizontally over the Raketenflugplatz, ending up in a tree outside the perimeter, 600 m from the launch point..
Early June 1931 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mirak II / Repulsor 3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Riedel, Klaus.
Apogee: 0.18 km (0.11 mi). Range: 0.60 km (0.37 mi). This is the first Repulsor equipped with a recovery parachute. It reaches 180 m, but then the parachute deploys early, and it falls into the same clump of trees as Repulsor 2, 600 m from the launch point..
July 1931 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mirak II rocket reaches height of 500 m - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.50 km (0.31 mi). VfR successfully fired an improved Mirak (Minimum Rakete) II rocket to height of 500 m..
August 1931 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mirak II / Repulsor 4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Riedel, Klaus.
Apogee: 1.00 km (0.60 mi).
The perfected Repulsor has the propellant tanks close together at the centreline, to form a guide stick in the manner of Congreve's war rockets. It reaches an altitude of 1000 m, and the parachute recovery system functioned perfectly at apogee. Subsequent such 'one stick' Repulsors' will reach 1500 m altitude and 3000 m range - in fact, they are normally launched only partially-fuelled to prevent them landing outside the perimeter of the Raketenflugplatz.
October 1931 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Raketenflugplatz featured in newsreel - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 1.50 km (0.90 mi). Range: 3.00 km (1.80 mi).
After one year of operation of the worlds first 'rocket port', the Ufa weekly newsreel carries an extensive film report on the VfR's experiments. By then 270 engine test runs had been completed, as well as 87 test flights of Repulsors. However the filmmakers also capture an errant rocket leaking gasoline onto a shack owned by the police, which burns down. This leads to further restrictions on VfR activities at the site.
March 1932 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mirak III rocket completed. - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 4.00 km (2.40 mi). It would reach an altitude of 4000 m in subsequent tests..
June 1932 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-1 engine concept patented. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Schmidt, Paul.
German engineer, Paul Schmidt, working from design of Lorin tube, developed and patented a ramjet engine later modified and used in the V-1 Flying Bomb. The concept of the world's first jet-powered cruise missile was originated by Flight Staff Engineer Bree. The pulse engine was based on a French patent dating to the 1890's. The engine, which operated by creating 500 fuel-air explosions per minute, was designed for a specific operational altitude. The guidance system consisted of propellor in the nose. When this had turned a preset number of times (corresponding to the desired range to the target), the counter pushed the missile's rudder hard over, resulting on a dive to the ground. A V-1 could be produced for one tenth of the cost of a V-2.
July 1931 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Dornberger put in charge of Kummersdorf. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger.
The German Army Ordnance Office formalized its rocket develoment program by placing Captain-Doctor Walter Dornberger in charge of Research Station West at Kummersdorf..
August 1932 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nebel demonstrates VfR liquid rocket to the German Army. - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.0700 km (0.0435 mi).
Nebel contacted the German Army and proposed the use of liquid fuel rockets as war missiles. He arranged for Army representatives to observe a demonstration launch at Kummersdorf. Riedel and Von Braun prepare the rocket, which was 3.5 m long and 10 cm in diameter, had a gross lift-off mass of 20 kg, an empty mass of 10 kg, and a thrust of 60 kgf. The new design featured the engine forward of the stack, followed by the liquid oxygen tank, then the alcohol tank, then the manometers and other elements of propellant pressurisation. The new-design engine was developed by Walter Riedel and Arthur Rudolph at the Heylandt Company. The rocket reached an altitude of 20 to 70 m before veering horizontally into a forest. An exhaust velocity of 2000 m/s was expected, but only 1700 m/s was demonstrated.. The Army is seemingly unimpressed. However a month later they hire Von Braun, who drops out of sight.
October 1932 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Von Braun joins German Army missile program. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Wernher von Braun joined the German Army Ordnance Office rocket program at Kummersdorf. He is working on a 300 kgf thrust liquid propellant engine, which has been tested with an exhaust velocity of 1700 m/s, but it is believed can be tuned up to as much as 1900 m/s. This is to power the A1 rocket, which is to have the same tractor configuration as the 20 kg test rocket launched in August 1932. The main issue is how to solve the problem of keeping the rocket stabilised in flight, as the August test demonstrated. The A1 is to be 1.4 m long x 30 cm in diameter, a 150 kg gross takeoff weight, and 40 kg of propellant., allowing a 16.5 second burn time.
1932 October 6 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- HW-2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Winkler.
Apogee: 0.0030 km (0.0019 mi).
Following an aborted attempt on 29 September, Winkler launches his HW-2 rocket from Pillau on the Baltic. He had worked for months at the Raketenflugplatz developing the new device. However on launch day an explosive propellant mix developed in the internal compartments of the rocket, and after igniting and rising only 3 m, it was blown to smithereens.
Fall 1932 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Private rocket development in Germany winds down - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Riedel, Klaus.
As the influence of Nazism in German Society increases, the VfR disintegrates in political disputes and withdrawal of funding by its wealthiest backers. In this period it occurs to Riedel that alcohol may prove a better fuel than gasoline - primarily because as a fuel it needs much less of the expensive and difficult-to-handle cryogenic liquid oxygen. Experiments determine that 60% alcohol to water is the best fuel mixture, and for the first time use the fuel to cool the combustion chamber before leading it into the chamber - regenerative cooling.
1932 December 18 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Magdeburg Project - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Nebel.
Mengering, an engineer working for the city of Magdeburg, is entranced by the theories of Peter Bender, who proposes that the people of the earth are in fact living on the inside surface of a hollow sphere. He believes that this can be proven. A rocket fired vertically from Magdeburg should impact south of New Zealand. Mengering convinces the city authorities to fund experiments leading to this objective. Nebel, now a member of the Nazi Party, obtains a contract of 25,000 Marks for the first step. He will build a rocket that will carry a man to an altitude of one kilometre, from where the pilot will bail out and return to earth by parachute. The rocket is to be fired on 11 June 1933 in a huge event publicizing the city. The Pilot Rocket would be in the form of the VfR Repulsors, with the passenger in a bullet-shaped fairing over the engine compartment, and the propellants being stored in two long cylindrical tanks trailing the engine. It was to be 7.6 m tall and powered by an engine of 600 kgf. A prototype was to be built first, 4.6 m tall, powered by a 200 kgf motor. This would not be capable of carrying a pilot, but would have a parachute for recovery.
1932 December 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Rocket test stand explosion at Kummersdorf. - .
Nation: Germany.
No one was injured and more stringent safety precautions were taken in the future..
1933 March 22 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Magdeburg Project tests - .
Nation: Germany.
A test stand is completed for ground test of rocket engines of up to 1000 kgf. Tests of the 200 kgf motor begin on 22 March. Motors explode on 25 March and 3 April, but by the end of April, 20 test runs have been conducted and the motor is considered reliable enough for flight test (despite several burn-throughs of the throat).
1933 April - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Zucker Rocket.
- Zucker rocket launched at Cuxhaven - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Zucker.
Apogee: 0.0150 km (0.0093 mi).
Zucker's amazing 'operational rocket'. was supposedly a recoverable cruise missile, 5 m long, with a thrust of 360 kg and a takeoff mass of 200 kg. In actuality the missile was only an enormous hull equipped with eight powder rockets. Zucker showed up in Cuxhaven on the German North Sea coast in the winter of 1933, ready for a long-range demonstration (15 km, from the coast to Neuhaven Island). After being stuck in a ditch while being taken out to the field for a February launch attempt, the great day finally came in April 1933. A huge crowd of local folk and officials gathered to witness the event. After staggering 15 m into the air, the torpedo came crashing down.
1933 June 9 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Magdeburg launch attempt - .
Nation: Germany.
First attempt to launch the subscale prototype of the Magdeburg Pilot Rocket. A launch stand 9 m tall is erected in the countryside near Magdeburg. However the rocket develops insufficient thrust to clear the tower. Other attempts on 10 and 11 June are also unsuccessful, due to leaky valves and other quality problems. The rocket is returned to the shop for rework.
1933 June 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Magdeburg launch - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.0100 km (0.0062 mi). Range: 0.31 km (0.19 mi).
The 200 kgf prototype rocket is finally launched. However it catches on one of the rails in the launch tower and is flung horizontally as it clears the tower. It flies 300 m horizontally over the pastures, then slides along the ground for 10 m more. It is relatively intact, but the Magdeburg city officials are not interested in funding further attempts. Nebel receives only 3200 Marks for his work.
Early July 1933 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nebel rocket - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 1.00 km (0.60 mi). Range: 0.10 km (0.06 mi).
The Magdeburg prototype rocket is reworked into a four-stick design and flown from Lindwerder Island at Tegeler Lake near Berlin. It reaches 1000 m, loops a few times, then thrusts straight toward the earth. The parachute deploys at the last moment and the rocket splashes down in the lake 100 m from the launch stand. It is recovered.
1933 July 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nebel rocket - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.0060 km (0.0037 mi). After an aborted launch, the rocket does clear the tower but on oxidiser valve fails to open. The rocket reaches only 60 m but splashes down in the lake and is recovered..
1933 August 3 - .
Launch Site:
Schwielow Lake.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nebel rocket - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.0010 km (0.0006 mi). After objections by the owner of the previous launch location, tests are moved to Schwielow Lake, with launch from the stand erected on a motor boat. The rocket explodes soon after lift-off..
1933 August 11 - .
Launch Site:
Schwielow Lake.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nebel rocket - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.0020 km (0.0012 mi). Second attempt from Schwielow Lake. The rocket goes horizontal and hits the water in the lake's steamboat channel. It cannot be recovered..
1933 August 31 - .
Launch Site:
Schwielow Lake.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nebel rocket - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 2.00 km (1.20 mi). Third launch from Schwielow Lake. Rocket flies out of sight and is not found..
1933 September 9 - .
Launch Site:
Schwielow Lake.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nebel rocket - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.10 km (0.06 mi). Fourth launch from Schwielow Lake. This employs a new design with two longer tanks in place of four shorter propellant tanks. Results 'poor'..
1933 September 18 - .
Launch Site:
Schwielow Lake.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nebel rocket - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 0.10 km (0.06 mi). Final launch from Schwielow Lake using the new design. Results again 'poor'..
1933 September 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- End of Raketenflugplatz - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Nebel,
Riedel, Klaus.
Nebel is presented with a water bill of 1600 Marks for 1930-1933. He and the VfR are unable to pay, so the government cancels the lease and takes the property back. Klaus Riedel manages to arrange employment for himself and several of the VfR technicians with Siemens, which also agrees to allow them to store the Raketenflugplatz rockets and technical materials in a company warehouse. After Riedel and the others are recruited by the Army and leave for Peenemuende, Nebel allegedly sells of these materials. In any case they disappear.
1933 October 10 - .
- Death of Reinhold Tiling - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Tiling.
German rocket pioneer, developed wing-recovered powder rockets. Inspired by Oberth lecture in 1924. By 1931 demonstrated stable flight to 7 km, first rocket launch from airplane 1932. By 1933 he had demonstrated his rockets to a small crowd at Tempelhof Airfield in Berlin, but the rest of the event was called off by police after one of his first shots went into the grandstands. In his propellant processing room, where he uses his proprietary process to compress black powder into solid rocket propellant, a fire breaks out. Tiling, and his assistant Angelika Buddenboehmer, are killed.
Late 1933 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
Saenger Antipodal Bomber.
- Saenger begins rocket engine tests. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Saenger.
Eugen Saenger begins a series of rocket engine tests in Vienna. He methodically explores various propellant combinations and additives through the end of 1934..
1933 December 15 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
Saenger Antipodal Bomber.
- Rakatenflugtechnik published. - .
Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Dynasoar.
Eugen Sänger of Germany published his classic Rakatenflugtechnic, which dealt with rocket motor design and high-speed flight in the atmosphere..
End 1933 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- The VfR rocket team unravels. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Ley,
Willy Ley decides to leave for America in the face of increased Nazi domination of German society. Most of the VfR experimenters end up at Peenemuende, working on development of the V-2. Some, such as Nebel, remain private citizens..
1934 April 22 - .
- Birth of Dr George Warren Simon - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Simon.
American physicist payload specialist astronaut, 1978-1985..
1934 July 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Liquid rocket explosion kills three. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Wahmke.
Dr Kurt Wahmke and two technicians were testing a 90% H2O2/Alcohol combination at Kummersdorf when the chamber exploded, killing them. These were the first and only deaths of technicians in the history of German rocket development..
1934 July 27 - .
- Von Braun receives doctorate. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
His public doctoral thesis, "About Combustion Tests," was completed in very little time (one source states that he joined the SS at this time). The actual thesis was later revealed to be a classified Army document. This dissertation, "Construction, Theoretical, and Experimental Solution to the Problem of the Liquid Propellant Rocket", was dated 16 April 1934 but did not surface until 70 years later. It detailed the construction and design of the A2 rocket that would fly later that year.
1934 December 19 - .
11:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1934 December 20 - .
06:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- A2 rocket 'Moritz' successfully launched. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Apogee: 3.50 km (2.10 mi).
Von Braun's German Ordnance group launches the second of two A-2 rockets ('Moritz') successfully to a height of 3.5 km on the Island of Borkum in the North Sea. Burnout is at 1.8 km, and the rocket ascends more vertically than the test the previous day, reaching a greater altitude and impacting 500 m from the launch point.
During 1935 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
June 1935 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
- He-112 rocket engine static tests. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Heinkel, Ernst.
First static tests of Heinkel He-112 with rocket engines performed in Germany..
During 1936 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
- First test of liquid rocket engine intended for use on aircraft - .
Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft Bus: German Rocketplanes.
Spacecraft: Junkers 'Junior'.
A 300 kgf engine was installed in a Junkers 'Junior' aircraft fuselage at Kummersdorf. This was the first rocket engine installation in an aircraft. But the problem to be solved was how to ensure continuous operation of the engine during aircraft manoeuvres. The rocket team finally built a big carousel, capable of testing the engine installation at up to 5 G's.
February 1936 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- A3 rocket tested. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Germans tested A-3 rocket with 1,500 kgf thrust which served as basis for military weapon specifications..
April 1936 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Go-ahead to build Peenemuende - .
Nation: Germany.
The missile test range is to be a combined Army / Air Force test ground. Von Braun had found the location in December 1935, after his first choice - Briz on the island of Ruegen - was taken over by the Deutsch Arbeitsfront as a 'Kraft durch Freude' recreation camp. During his Christmas holiday, Von Braun toured the cost, and found Peenemuende. It seemed perfect - 400 km of ocean to the east for use as a missile shooting range, room along the path on the coast for tracking radars.
1936 May 1 - .
- Von Braun enters Luftwaffe. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Wernher Von Braun joins the German Air Force and receives pilot training at Frankfurt/Oder and Stolp..
July 1936 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 wind tunnel tests - .
Nation: Germany.
The tests showed that the A3 configuration was unstable in flight and that it was going to take a lot of trial and error to identify the correct aerodynamic shape for the supersonic missile. Therefore the decision was taken to go slow on development of the A4 until tests with the A3 were complete. The 25 tonne thrust engine would also have to be built and proven in ground tests to determine its actual characteristics before a lot of effort was put into final design and construction of the rest of the rocket. So a series of test launches of the A3 to test the A4 control and guidance systems were undertaken, while Test Stand I at Peenemuende was prepared for tests of the 25 tonne engine.
August 1936 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
Paris Gun.
- Ground broken at Peenemuende - .
Nation: Germany.
First objective is development of the A4 strategic ballistic missile, later dubbed the V-2. The missile is to deliver a one tonne high explosive payload to double the range of the Paris Gun of World War I (250 km - the Paris Gun could deliver a ten kg, 21 cm diameter shell to 125 km range). To provide a reserve, the missile was designed for a 1500 m/s burnout velocity, which resulted in a 275 km range. Accuracy was to be 2 to 3 per mille, versus typical artillery shell accuracy of 4 to 5 per mille. These requirements indicated a 25 tonne thrust engine, powering a 12 tonne missile, with a 2100 m/s exhaust velocity, burning 8 tonnes of propellant in 65 seconds. The requirement to transport the missile by rail limited the diameter to 1.6 m, which in turn led to a 14 m length. Span with the detachable tail fins was 3.5 m.
Several major issues had to be solved during development. The first was what wing and body shapes would be stable at supersonic velocities. Another was building adequate ground facilities for the intensive tests needed to develop the 25 tonne thrust motor. For this purpose a static test facility was built at Peenemuende capable of handling 100 tonne thrust motors, seen as the next step after the A4. Another major problem was developing high-capacity pumps to deliver the liquid oxygen at a temperature of -185 deg C.
September 1936 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- First supersonic wind tunnel. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hermann, Rudolf.
Following problems with testing of the A3 (a subscale version of the planned V-2) by Dr Hermann, Von Braun proposes to the Germany army that a supersonic wind tunnel be constructed at a cost he estimates as 300,000 Marks. Other parts of the Army are not supportive of the facility, but it is finally built, costing millions more than Von Braun estimated.
December 1936 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
- Rocketplane stand tests completed at Kummersdorf - .
Nation: Germany.
During the year the team had proven installation of a 1000 kgf engine, installed in a He-112, at burn times of up to 90 seconds..
February 1937 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- German rocketplane tests - .
Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft Bus: German Rocketplanes.
Spacecraft: He-112.
Three flight tests were made between February and April in a He-112 equipped with a 300 kgf liquid fuel rocket engine by Flight-Captain Erich Warsitz from Neuhardenberg near Berlin. On the final flight Warstiz smelled something burning, and made an emergency belly landing. He survived but the aircraft had to be written off. Engine exhaust had flowed back into the space between the engine and fuselage and burnt cables. Work on this engine continued at Area 4 at Peenemuende. The planned application was a 1000 kgf JATO pod, with a burn time of 30 seconds, to boost bombers into the air.
1937 February 13 - .
- Birth of Sigmund Werner Paul 'Sig' Jaehn - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Jaehn.
German pilot cosmonaut 1976-1978. First German astronaut. 1 spaceflight, 7.9 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz 31 (1978)..
May 1937 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemünde opened. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
Thiel, Walter,
von Braun.
Joint German Army-Air Force rocket research station opened at Peenemünde on the Baltic Sea. The Army Ordnance rocket program under Capt. Walter Dornberger moved 90 of its staff from Kummersdorf. Thiel and five staff working on V-2 rocket engine development remained at Kummersdorf until the summer of 1940, when the test stands at Peenemuende were finally completed..
1937 May 1 - .
- Von Braun joins Nazi Party. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Wernher Von Braun joins the Nazi Party..
1937 December 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Engine cutoff at 6.5 seconds..
Failed Stage: 1.
- First A3 launch - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Apogee: 0.10 km (0.06 mi). Range: 0.30 km (0.19 mi).
First launch of an A3 rocket. New facilites being built at Peenemuende were not ready, so the A3 launches were made from the offshore island of Greifswalder Oie. The A3 launched on this day was 6.5 m long and 70 cm in diameter. The engine occupied the first 2 m of the fuselage. The missile had a 750 kg lift-off mass, including 450 kg of propellant, which was pressurised to 20 atmospheres. The 1.5 tonne thrust engine had a 1900 m/s exhaust velocity and a 45 second burn time. The parachute deployed 3 seconds after launch, and the engine cutoff at 6.5 seconds. The rocket impacted and exploded 300 m from the launch point.
1937 December 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Engine cutoff early..
Failed Stage: 1.
- A3 launch - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Apogee: 0.10 km (0.06 mi). Range: 0.30 km (0.19 mi). Second launch of an A3. Same result as the first - the rocket made a quarter turn after launch, then reached only 100 m before the parachute jettisoned and the missile crashed into the sea a short distance from the launch stand..
1937 December 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Engine cutoff early..
Failed Stage: 1.
- A3 launch - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Apogee: 0.10 km (0.06 mi). Range: 0.30 km (0.19 mi). Third launch of an A3. No parachute deployment and the engine cut-off early. The rocket impacted into the Baltic Sea and sank..
1937 December 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Engine cutoff early..
Failed Stage: 1.
- A3 launch - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Apogee: 1.00 km (0.60 mi).
Final launch of the A3. The rocket is fired without the parachute that ruined the first two attempts, but in heavy fog. It is more successful than earlier shots, but at 800 to 1000 m altitude it also veers over and thrusts its way downward into the ocean. Analysis showed that the fins steering the rocket could not overcome the 8 m/s wind blowing at the time of the launch. Further study shows that at the low speed of initial rocket acceleration, a wind as little as 4 m/s would be enough to topple the rocket. A rudder area ten times greater than is needed to control the rocket at low speeds. This result leads to the decision to abandon the A3 configuration and build the A5 to support development of the A4 missile.
January 1938 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 engine tests begin - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Poehlmann,
Thiel, Walter.
The engine delivered 18 months after design started was so compact, that the length of the A4 could be cut in half. Walter Thiel, a gifted and systematic researcher, was responsible for the engine design. He had great difficulties in obtaining stable combustion, and preventing burn-through of the chamber walls. Various injector patterns were studied in a 1.5 tonne thrust chamber. His research finally reduced the combustion chamber length from 2 m to 30 cm, while the exhaust velocity was increased from 2000 m/s to 2100 m/s, and eventually reached 2280 m/s. However the reduction in the cooling area of the chamber also increased problems in preventing hot spots and burn through. This was finally solved by using a conical throat exit and a mixing chamber ahead of the burning chamber. The 1.5 tonne thrust engine was initially run at 15 bar pressure, versus the 50 bar desired. But whenever the combustion chamber pressure was increased, burn-throughs occurred, as well as forcing increases in the mass of the pumps and tanks. Therefore finally the decision was taken to leave the chamber pressure at 15 bar.
The next step was to make a 4.5 tonne thrust by clustering three of the 1.5 tonne engines as preburners. However Thiel still had burn-throughs in test runs. Poehlmann suggested the use of film cooling, which finally solved the problem. For the 25 tonne thrust engine, Thiel simply used 18 x 1.5 tonne thrust chambers, feeding a common mixing chamber. This was on the test stand in early 1939.
Spring 1938 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- A5 delivered to Peenemuende. - .
Nation: Germany.
The first A5 drop test model is delivered to Peenemuende just weeks after the third A3 test. Production is planned at a rate of 10 per month to define the A4 aerodynamic configuration. Objective of the first tests is to break the sound barrier - in the wind tunnel no configuration of fins had managed to go through the barrier without disintegrating. The only test possibility was to drop the model from a great height, and let gravity accelerate it to supersonic speeds. The model weighs 250 kg and is 1.6 m long and 20 cm in diameter.
1938 June 15 - .
- Von Braun is discharged from the Luftwaffe. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
July 1938 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Rocket fighters - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger.
Spacecraft: He-122,
The first rocket fighter, the He-176, powered by a Walther engine, was tested at Peenemuende. In competition, Dornberger's team developed a 120-second duration engine to power the He-122. However loss of control in unpowered flights of the latter resulted in it crashing and being eliminated from further consideration. Dornberger's team left further rocket fighter engine development to Walther, and concentrated on the A4 and follow-on ballistic missiles.
Summer 1938 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- A5 launches from Greifswalder Oie - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 12 km (7 mi).
In the summer of 1938 the decision is made to go ahead with four A5 tests from Greifswalder Oie without the stabilising system or a parachute. The first missile ascended into a low wind, and reached 8 km altitude, nearing but not exceeding the sound barrier. Maximum altitude reached in the test series is 12 km.
September 1938 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- A5 stabilisation system tests - .
Nation: Germany.
In order to test the A4's stabilisation system, Walter, Kiel, is subcontracted to build a large number of model A5's. Like the drop test models, these are 20 cm and 1.6 m long. However they weigh only 47 kg gross lift-off mass, with a 27 kg empty mass. The rocket engine burns 85% hydrogen peroxide monopropellant using a calcium permanganate catalyst. The engine produces 120 kgf for 15 seconds, and has an exhaust velocity of 1000 m/s. The design objective is a low cost, reliable, and simple rocket, which will allow a large number of trail-and-error test launches to be made within a tight budget. The fins developed for the A4 as a result of these tests were shorter and wider than those of the A3. They owed nothing to aircraft wing designs of the times, which couldn't withstand supersonic speeds. But they were still too affected by the wind, tending to set the rocket on a rotation around its long axis during ascent.
September 1939 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- First A5 drop test. - .
Nation: Germany.
The model is dropped from a He-111 bomber from 7000 m. It breaks through the sound barrier at 1000 m altitude at a speed of 360 m/s. The stabilising fins keep the maximum oscillation of the model to within 5 degrees from vertical. The drogue ring parachute then deployed to decelerate the model to 100 m/s, followed by the main parachute which slows it to 5 m/s when it impacts in the ocean.
During 1939-1940 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
- JATO tests at Peenemuende - .
Nation: Germany.
From 1939-1940 a series of rocket engine tests to support development of a JATO pod were conducted from Peenemuende-West with a He-111. It was found that liquid oxygen was not an appropriate oxidiser for civil use, so the engineers at Walther - Kiel introduced hydrogen peroxide as an alternate. The Walther engine was simpler than the rocket team's prototype, could produce 1000 kgf for 300 seconds, and was capable of taking a rocket fighter to 12 km altitude within two minutes from engine start.
1939 March 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Hitler visits Kummersdorf-West - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
This was the first time he became acquainted with liquid rocket engine technology. 300 kgf and 1000 kgf engines were fired in his presence. A colour-coded cutaway model of the A3 rocket was presented and its systems explained. Hitler was quiet throughout the exhibits and asked no questions. Afterwards, while taking lunch at the mess hall, he asked only about the development schedule (clucking when told), the range of the missile, and the impact on the schedule if synthetic 'Eisenbled' was substituted for light metal alloys in the rocket frame. Hitler spoke of deceased rocket pioneer Max Valier - he had known him in Munich, but dismissed him as a dreamer. Dornberger countered by comparing the state of rocket development to the early days of the zeppelin, when Lillienthal made the first primitive experiments. Hitler in turn dismissed airships as dangerous, filled with explosive gas . The Fuehrer finally departed with handshakes and few words. His summary of the day: 'Es war doch gewaltig' (it was impressive, nevertheless). The rocket team was dismayed - it was the first time a visitor had exhibited no reaction to the power the rocket engines when fired for their benefit. But on the plus side, Von Brauchtisch said he was astounded at the progress made by the team in only a few years. Dornberger believed Hitler was enthralled with artillery and tanks, and was unimpressed with rocket technology. He thought Hitler didn't understand the possibilities and didn't believe the time had come yet for development of the rocket as a weapon.
1939 March 31 - .
- Birth of Lutz T Kayser - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Kayser.
German engineer and low-cost rocket pioneer. 1975-1987 developed Otrag concept - clustered large numbers of low-cost storable liquid rocket modules to reduce costs by 10x. Tested in Congo and Libya, but project killed by vested interests..
April 1939 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 in crisis - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
After Hitler's visit, it finally it became clear to Dornberger that either support for the project would have to come from the highest level, or that Peenemuende should abandon rocket research and be devoted to more pressing war needs.
Meanwhile the results of the air war over London showed that the A4 could be an economic weapon. Bombers were averaging only 5 to 6 missions, dropping only 6 to 8 tonnes of bombs before being shot down. Once the loss of trained flying crews was considered, the bomber cost 30 times more than the A4 to deliver a tonne of explosives on London compared to the expendable A4 at its production price of 38,000 Marks. But time was being lost in convincing others in the German leadership that the missile should be put into production.
1939 July 6 - .
- Wernher von Braun proposed to the German Reich Air Ministry a "fighter with rocket drive". - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Bachem,
Spacecraft Bus: German Rocketplanes.
Spacecraft: Von Braun Rocketplane.
The vertical take-off interceptor would reach 8 km altitude in 53 seconds and then manoeuvre toward the aircraft to be intercepted. The design was developed further by Fieseler as the Fi-166, which retained the rocket takeoff but used a turbojet for a longer cruising flight. The Ministry finally rejected the vertical-takeoff rocket interceptor concept at the end of 1941. The concept was revived at the end of the war as the Bachem Natter.
1939 September 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 full scale development authorised - .
Nation: Germany.
Von Brauchtisch gave the go-ahead for the A4 to enter full development as a weapon system for the German Army..
1939 September 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Goering tours Kummersdorf-West - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hitler.
Unlike Hitler, he was enthusiastic about the potential of rocket technology..
1939 September 29 - .
- Birth of Eberhard 'Eb' Koellner - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Koellner.
German pilot cosmonaut, 1976-1978..
1939 September 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Rocket development given highest priority - .
Nation: Germany.
Von Brauchtisch obtained the highest priority for development of the A4. This was used in early 1940 to get 4,000 soldiers with the necessary engineering and technical backgrounds released from the Army and sent to Peenemuende's 'Versuchskommando-Nord'. Nevertheless there was a constant fight for priority in obtaining materials.
October 1939 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Failed Stage: 1.
- A-5 development rockets with gyroscopic controls and parachutes - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Apogee: 7.00 km (4.30 mi).
New test series at Greifswalder Oie. The island had changed a lot, with massive new concrete installations. Three A3's were flown with a new Siemens control system. The first was launched vertically, reaching 7 km at 45 seconds into the flight at the time of engine cut-off. Both the drogue and main parachutes functioned correctly, and the rocket splashed down in the harbour and was recovered a half hour later by a motor boat (the rocket could float for up to two hours before water entering the empty propellant tanks would sink it).
October 1939 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Second functional A5 launch. - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 7.00 km (4.30 mi). This was a vertical launch, replicating the first launch of the series, and was again recovered successfully..
October 1939 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Third functional A5 launch. - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 4.00 km (2.40 mi). Range: 6.00 km (3.70 mi).
This was the first test of the pitch-over manoeuvre required for the operational A4. The test went perfectly - the rocket pitched over 4 seconds after lift-off, reaching 4 km altitude, and was 6 km downrange from the launch point when the drogue parachute deployed. The rocket was recovered from the ocean successfully. This was finally a complete success after seven years of developmental effort. But the rocket had not broken the sound barrier.
October 1939 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Further A5 test launches. - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi). The German rocket team successfully fired and recovered further A5 development rockets with gyroscopic controls and parachutes, attaining altitude of 12 km and a range of 18 km..
Late 1939-1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- A9 basic research and design - .
Nation: Germany.
By adding wings to the A4, the 800 m/s of kinetic energy the rocket had at cut-off could be exploited in a glide attack, extending the range of the missile from 250 km to 550 km. Such a supersonic aircraft had never been flown and presented many aerodynamic and engineering problems in 1943. Various tests of the A4's with wings began in early 1940. These were successful, and the configuration was dubbed the A9. The trajectory for such a missile involved a boost to an apogee of 29 km, then a stable glide at 20 km altitude at a speed of 1250 m/s. At the end of the glide, the missile would have descended to 5 km altitude, then make a vertical dive on the target in the fashion of the Fi-103/V-1. The A9 would be equipped with wings with a total area of 13.5 sq m. A manned version of this boost-glide rocketplane was also designed. This could reach a conventional airfield 600 km from the launch point in only 17 minutes, landing at a speed of 160 kph. Another possibility to further extend range would be a catapult-launched A9, using the technology developed for the V-1. This would provide an extra velocity of 350 m/s, further extending the missile's potential range.
November 1939 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemuende wind tunnel goes into operation. - .
Nation: Germany.
The tunnel was used an average of 500 hours per month. 1000 cubic metres of vacuum vessels were pumped to a 98% vacuum in three to five minutes by three banks of double vacuum pumps. When vented, they provided the tunnel with 20 seconds of run time at velocities from Mach 1.2 to Mach 4.0, or 1500 m/s. Models 4 to 5 cm in diameter x 30-40 cm long could be accommodated in the tunnel, instrumented at 110 data points. These tests showed that drag increased 70% at the sound barrier and that the centre of pressure on the missile moved back one-half calibre. The wind tunnel runs showed that the basic A4 shape was all right, but that it needed load-carrying wings and a new rudder for the higher-speed A9 glider version. Huge trial and error was required to develop an A9 configuration that was stable, but not so stable that the control surfaces were too large. An arrow wing was the best performing, but the control surfaces were then in the turbulent flow of the wing and inadequate. Swept wings provided 12% less glide ratio than the arrow wing, resulting in a 60 km loss of range. Trapezoidal wings were the final solution, the end of a long iterative process.
Peenemuende-developed delta wings were adapted to Army artillery rounds of the 105 mm flak gun and K5 280 mm cannon, decreasing drag by 35%. The result was an increase of 6 kg in the explosive load, a 6 kg increase in the iron mass of the round, but with a range increase from 59 to 90 km. Equipped with a new, lighter warhead, and a sabot boosting a slimmer round, the gun could shoot projectiles to a range of 135 to 150 km, with an accuracy of 2 per mill.
Early 1940 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 radio guidance tests - .
Nation: Germany.
In early 1940 a Do-17M aircraft was equipped with a Siemens fully automatic autopilot. This was designed to keep the aircraft within a 50 mhz guidance beam, which was produced at a 3 kW transmitter installed at Bornholm Island in Denmark, northeast of Peenemuende. The aircraft would capture the beam b flying within 1 degree of the its centre at a distance of 2 km from the transmitter. After a 140 km flight the aircraft would still be within 20 m of the correct position. The beam had a total effective range of 200 km. The Peenemuende team remembered its accuracy by the fact that on each test they would always fly over the same small red house in Bornholm on the coast.
Use of the system on the A4 was complicated by the problem of the electrical charge that formed on the rocket body during flight through the atmosphere, and the electrical ions in the rocket exhaust, both of which made good reception of radio signals difficult. 90% of a 50 mhz signal was attenuated at the critical moment of engine cut-off. Another accuracy issue was oscillation of the rocket once it was out of the atmosphere - the rudders in the exhaust did not act smoothly, producing the equivalent of pilot-induced oscillations. The solution was to develop a missile that rode the beam during the entire boost phase, not just converging with it at the point of engine cut-off.
Many partial system test stands were used to solve these control and guidance problems, most notably a full-up 'iron bird' that could be used to test the effect of new systems on existing components.
1940 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Design A9/A10 of the two stage transatlantic ballistic missile began in 1940. - .
Nation: Germany.
First flight would have been in 1946. Work on the A9/A10 was prohibited after 1943 when all efforts were to be spent on perfection and production of the A4 as a weapon-in-being. Von Braun managed to continue some development and flight tests of the A9 under the cover name of A4b (i.e. a modification of the A4, and therefore a production-related project). In late 1944 work on the A9/A10 resumed under the code name Projekt Amerika, but no significant hardware development was possible after the last test of the A4b in January 1945.
Early 1940 - .
- Von Braun learns of Saenger's secret work at Trauen - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hermann, Rudolf,
Thiel, Walter,
von Braun.
Saenger's advanced rocketry work was so secret that Von Braun was not even aware of it until one of his team, looking for a new method of rocket ignition, heard of its existence. Von Braun, Walter Thiel, and Rudolf Hermann were finally given a tour of Saenger's advanced facilities at Trauen.
1940 March 19 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 rocket development removed from priority list. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hitler.
After the military success in Poland, Hitler believes development of expensive 'wonder weapons' are unnecessary to win the war. The A4 and other rocket projects are removed from the priority list, making acquisition of necessary materials and engineers difficult.
1940 March 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- First full-duration test of A4 engine. - .
Nation: Germany.
The engine is run at 25 tonnes thrust for 60 seconds on Test Stand I at Peenemuende..
1940 April 9 - .
- Hitler invades Norway, Denmark - .
Nation: Germany.
1940 May 1 - .
- Von Braun promoted to SS Untersturmfuehrer. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Von Braun's membership in the SS is 'renewed' and he is promoted to Untersturmfuehrer with the SS number 185068. According to some accounts he had joined the SS as early as 1934..
1940 May 10 - .
- Hitler invades the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg - .
Nation: Germany.
1940 May 12 - .
- Hitler invades France - .
Nation: Germany.
Summer 1940 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemuende test stands completed. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Thiel, Walter.
Thiel and the remaining staff of the rocket team at Kummersdorf moved to Peenemuende..
October 1940 - .
- Saenger attends hypersonics conference at Peenemuende. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Saenger,
von Braun.
Reciprocating his visit to Saenger's Trauen facility earlier in the year, Von Braun obtains permission for Saenger to attend a hypersonics symposium at Peenemuende..
During 1941 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 facilities - .
Nation: Germany.
The A4 assembly hall at Area 7 at Peenemuende was 30 m high and 50 m long. After assembly, the missile was moved to the cold flow test stand. There each rocket was tested and calibration documents were generated, necessary for the launch troops to take into account when preparing the rocket and programming its guidance system. The launch pad itself was ringed by a 7 m wide concrete embankment, and sunk 6 m into the ground. The viewpoint was 150 m from the pad, at the southern, smaller end of the complex.
The pad was surrounded by instrumentation rooms. Water was delivered at 500 litres/second through a 1.20 m diameter pipe to a molybdenum steel cooling section, consisting of many pipes running around the exhaust blast diverter. Other test stands included number 10, where the effects of the rocket exhaust on different material surfaces was tested; and number 8, where newly delivered engines were fired and calibrated. These certification tests ran as long as 650 seconds on the water-cooled stand. Area 9 was used for launches of the Wasserfall surface-to-air missile, and Area 2 for tests of the A4 using nitric acid and Visol as propellants. Area 4 was devoted to firing tests of engines installed in aircraft fuselages, and Area 3 contained the 1000 kgf engine test stand. This stand included pump and steam test stands, and a hydrogen peroxide plant. Area 6 was built to the same design as the largest test stands at Kummersdorf, and used for A5 tests. Hundreds of A5's were shot from Greifswalder Oie.
1941-1944 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 engine improvements - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Beck,
Thiel, Walter.
Throughout the early 1940's Thiel and his team sought to produce a single chamber 25 tonne thrust engine in place of the kludged prototype engine that used 18 separate 1.5 tf chambers. They managed to demonstrate a 60 second burn time in the 18-chamber design, but the engine itself was considered too complicated to fabricate in production, requiring thousands of hand-assembled tubes to introduce fuel and oxidiser into the chamber. Thiel sought to replace these thousands of tubes with a simpler injection system - rows of simple bored holes on a flat injector plate at the head of the chamber. Beck at the Technische Hochschule in Dresden developed a ring-pattern injector that worked well in subscale engines. But the design proved unstable in the 25 tf engine. Therefore, it was decided to stick with the 18-head chamber for V-2 production.
1941 - .
Launch Vehicle:
1941 June 20 - .
- Birth of Dr Ulf Dietrich Merbold - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Merbold.
German physicist payload specialist astronaut 1978-1998. 3 spaceflights, 49.9 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-9 (1983), STS-42, Soyuz TM-20..
August 1941 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Full-scale development of A4 authorised. - .
Nation: Germany.
Following the loss of the air war with Britain, the German military leadership realises that missiles offer the only possibility of attacking London. Development of the A4 to the point of production-readiness is authorised..
1941 September 1 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
- Me-163A first flight. - .
Nation: Germany.
Messerschmitt Me-163A powered by "cold" H. Walther rocket successfully flown at Augsburg, Germany, development of which had begun in 1937, but "cold" engine proved unreliable. Flights were also made in October which reached speeds of 1,003 km/hr, or Mach 0.85.
1941 November 9 - .
- Von Braun promoted to SS Obersturmfuehrer. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
December 1941 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
During 1942 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 series production - .
Nation: Germany.
An initial series of prototypes were built at the factories of Dip-Ing Stahlknecht, then a second line was opened up at Dr Eckener's Zeppelinwerke..
1942-1944 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemuende team's ambitions - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger.
Von Braun was obsessed by grandiose futuristic fantasies, and Dornberger felt he constantly had to throw cold water on the engineer to keep them in check. But this tendency was easily overshadowed by Von Braun's fantastic ability to solve a technical problem, to throw all the extraneous ballast overboard and concentrate on the solution. In the moment the solution was technically realised, Von Braun no longer had any interest in the issue and dropped it.
There was never any doubt that manned space travel was Von Braun's life goal. The technology needed for manned flight presented many such technical challenges. He realised early on that only multi-staged liquid propelled rockets could achieve his dream. Rockets certainly needed lighter propellant tanks, but there was a practical technical limit to this, and in any case, there still had to be a payload. Von Braun knew that liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen was the ultimate propellant combination, but also that learning how to handle liquid hydrogen would be a long-term affair. A one-year study at the Technische Hochschule in Dresden and Peenemuende showed that other propellant combinations could produce no more than a 20% improvement in specific impulse compared to the existing V-2 technology. Therefore a multistage rocket was the only way to achieve orbital spaceflight.
1942 February 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 s/n 1 moved to Test Stand VII at Peenemuende. - .
Nation: Germany.
The missile was used for facility checks and checking of launch procedures..
1942 March 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
1942 March 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende Tower.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4001 - .
Nation: Germany.
First full-scale static testing .
May 1942 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- A4 reliability development - .
Nation: Germany.
The early failure rate of the A4 prototype missiles was extremely high, so the Peenemuende rocket team had to develop new measures to test and improve reliability down to the component level. This included improved quality control during manufacture, and test of the missile's components in all weathers, not just in heated laboratories. This resulted in the overall missile failure rate declining from 17% in the early test series to 4% in the final series. The V-1/Fi-103 cruise missile had a 28% higher failure rate, even though it was a simpler design.
1942 June 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Unstable; rolled. Explosion at T+36 seconds. Range 1.3 km .
Summer 1942 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Submarine launch of powder rockets - .
Nation: Germany.
Solid propellant rockets were fired from a submerged platform off Greifswalder Oie to test the concept of a submarine-launched missile. The idea came from Steihoff, an engineer on the rocket team whose brother was a submarine captain. 20 to 30 Wurfgeraete of the Army's smoke corps, equipped with flammable oil or explosive warheads, were shot at the coast from up to 3 km away. The concept was to put enemy coastal oil storage tanks into flames. At Swinemuende a launcher was installed aboard a Submarine and salvoes of 20 rockets successfully fired from 10 to 15 m under water. The launcher was unnoticeable on the submarine, and the dispersion of the rockets was only a bit worse than a shot from land. But the German Navy wouldn't accept simply using an existing Army launcher. They insisted on developing a different one themselves, which would take a year, putting deployment of the system beyond the end of the war.
1942 August 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Nose section break-up at T+45 seconds. Range 8.7 km .
1942 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1942 October 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4005 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Steam generator fault. Range 147 km..
1942 November 9 - .
- Von Braun promoted to SS Hauptsturmfuehrer. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
1942 November 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4006 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Vetical test to 67 km. Range 14 km..
1942 November 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Tumbled after vane failure at T+37 seconds. Range 8.6 km.
December 1942 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 priority - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
Dornberger clashes with Speer over priority for the A4..
1942 December 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
End 1942 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemuende team's spaceflight plans - .
Nation: Germany.
Using catapults and wings an A9 might nearly achieve 1000 km range, but the only solution for transatlantic missions was the two-stage A9/A10. The A10 boost stage was to have a total mass of 87 tonnes, of which 62 tonnes would be propellant. The stage's 200 tonne thrust motor would burn for 50 to 60 seconds, taking the A9 upper stage to 1200 m/s. Then the A9 would separate and burn its engine, reaching an apogee of 55 km, followed by a long hypersonic glide in the atmosphere. The second stage would be equipped with air brakes for deceleration over the target, followed by a parachute for recovery in the water. The A9/A10 would reach a maximum velocity of 2800 m/s, and have a range of 4100 km, and a total flight time of 35 minutes. Full-scale development was underway, when further significant work on the project was stopped at the end of 1942. Only the Advanced Projects Group, under the direction of Dip-Ing Roth and Ing Palt, continued design of the missile. It was also planned to develop, after the war, a stratospheric rocket that could travel in 40 minutes from Europe to America. After that, the target was orbital spaceships that could reach 8 km/sec and 500 km orbital altitude. Beyond that, space stations and the burial in space of the embalmed bodies of the rocket developers and men of the rocket service. Manned expeditions to the moon were also a popular theme for research. Finally, the use of nuclear energy to achieve interstellar travel was studied by the Advanced Projects Group.
1942 December 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Steam generator explosion at T+4 seconds. Range 0.1 km.
1943-1944 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 guidance development - .
Nation: Germany.
Using its original gyroscopic guidance package, the A4 demonstrated a 4.5 km CEP up to 1943, with 100% of the shots falling within 18 km of the target. Many factors contributed to this inaccuracy - out of tolerance guidance system components, and poor alignment of the gyro platform prior to firing. One solution developed was a radio correction system similar to that used by aircraft for landings in poor visibility. A moving radio beam would follow the correct course, and the rocket would manoeuvre to stay within the beam. But there was no support within the Army for full development of such a system - their priority was in developing and deploying distance-measuring radio navigation systems for the aviation forces. A radio guidance unit was not used aboard an A4 until near the war's end, and that used an adaptation of a system designed for a beam-riding air-launched missile. But even using the radio correction technique, the engineers were unable to get the rocket's CEP under 2 km.
1943 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
During 1943 - .
- German nuclear-powered rocket development deferred. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger.
Dornberger contacts Heisenberg on the potential of using nuclear power for rocket propulsion. Heisenberg was able to make no firm commitment as to when such a system would be available..
1943 January 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded at ignition.
1943 January 8 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Showdown meeting on A4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Degenkolb,
Speer meets with Von Braun and Dornberger. A 1:100 model of the planned bunker construction-launch facility for the rocket to be built by Organisation Todt on the British channel was exhibited. Speer reveals that Hitler could not decide about the rocket as a weapon. He did not believe the rocket team's plans could be made to work. But Speer did authorise them to proceed with construction on his own authority - he hoped Hitler could be brought around eventually. But he emphasised that Dornberger would have to use his personal connections to get industry moving on the project. But Dornberger was thwarted when the Army put Degenkolb in charge of organising production of the missile. Degenkolb was a sworn enemy of Dornberger's, and had been implicated in the 'suicide' of General Becker in early 1940. Degenkolb set up a Nazi-supported bureaucracy in parallel to that of Dornberger's, requiring the approval of the Army weapons bureau on any decisions. Degenkolb had the sponsorship of Todt and Saur, who in turn followed the party line - 'like the Fuehrer, we are not yet won over to the concept of a long range missile'.
In order to productionise the A4 design, Degenkolb began authorising many detailed changes. He didn't understand that every change had to be proven in test first, and only incremental steps could be taken. Stahlknecht had planned to produce 300 A4 missiles per month by January 1944, and 600 per month by July 1944. Degenkolb unrealistically decreed that 300 per month be achieved by October 1943, and 900 per month by December 1943.
1943 January 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4011 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Steep roll; Burnout at T+64.5 seconds. Range 105 km.
1943 February 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemuende privatisation - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Degenkolb,
In a meeting with Professor Hettlage, of the Financial and Organisational Ministry of the German Defence Industry, it was proposed that Peenemuende be made a private country, with the Nazi Party and selected corporations (AEG, Siemens, Lorenz, Rheinmetall) being its shareholders. Dornberger saw Degenkolb behind this plan, and was determined to keep Peenemuende an Army proving ground. He felt that an asset, on which several hundred million Marks had been invested by the government, was being handed over to private hands for 1 to 2 million Marks. The investors intended to recover their entire investment back on a fee paid for each missile built. In the end Dornberger managed to keep Peenemuende an Army proving ground, but then he had to fight off an attempt by AEG to take over the electronics side of the development team. The rocket team's electronic engineers were years ahead of the rest of the industry, and a tempting target.
1943 February 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4012 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Flat trajectory; Burnout at T+61 seconds. Range 196 km.
1943 February 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Tail fire. Explosion at T+18 seconds. Range 4.8 km.
March 1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 production plans - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Degenkolb.
A4 missiles were to be produced at Peenemuende, Friedrichshafen, and the Raxwerken at Wiener Neustadt. But problems began immediately - the Army expected the rockets to be as easy to build as locomotives; there was no engineering staff or time available to productionise the prototype design; there were no staff available to properly train production engineers and technicians. Degenkolb threatened to imprison the rocket team's engineers if they didn't get the missile into production on schedule. He was oblivious to the difficulties of achieving this.
1943 March 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Explosion at T+33 seconds. Range 1 km.
March 1943 - .
- Hitler's dream - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hitler.
Hitler dreamed that no A4 missile could ever reach England. The result was that the program lost its priority amidst other pressing armaments programs, and the necessary engineers and production rocket engines could not be obtained. While losing priority, the high security classification remained, so it was not possible to recruit non-German engineers and technicians for the work. The production schedule inevitably slid. Finally the government decided to competitively evaluate the Fi-103 cruise missile (V-1) against the A4 ballistic missile (V-2) leading to the selection of a single weapon for mass production by July of 1943.
1943 March 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4018 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Vertical; Burnout at T+60 seconds. Range 133 km.
1943 March 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Burnout at T+60.5s Flight duration 268 seconds. .
April-May 1943 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-3 tests. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
The V-3 cannon was tested at Misdroy on Wollin Island (now Miedzyzdroje, Poland). The gun was a 60 m long constant-pressure cannon developed by Coenders of the Roechling firm in Saarbrucken. The gun was laid at a 45 degree angle in the dunes. Aiming was accomplished by arranging wood blocks under the concrete sections. The gun demonstrated a 15 km range with a sabot-launched, arrow-shaped warhead. The tests were conducted under Kammler, who was responsible for all V-weapons. Dornberger had been opposed to the concept, but everyone else was enthusiastic, due to Hitler's support and unending fascination with artillery.
April 1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Himmler visits Peenemuende - .
Nation: Germany.
This was the first review of the facilities by the SS commander. He pledged support, but instead the SS set up its own rocket research centre at Grossendorf, near Danzig. This marked yet another struggle for control of the programme. Himmler was defeated in this effort, but he would take his revenge later.
1943 April 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4017 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+64.5s Flight duration 310 seconds..
1943 April 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4020 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+64s; 287 km; nav err. Range 287 km.
1943 April 15 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 development detected by British Intelligence. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill of England was informed of reports on German experiments with long-range rockets..
1943 April 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4021 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+60s; 252 km; nav err. Range 252 km.
1943 May 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4022 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Switch failure. Burnout at T+62 seconds. Range 250 km..
1943 May 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- V-1/V-2 fly-off - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Degenkolb,
A government commission, consisting of Speer, Milch, Doenitz, and Fromm viewed launches of the competing missiles at Peenemuende. The V-1/Fi-103 was much cheaper than the V-2/A4, but it was slow and low - it operated at 160 m/s at an altitude of between 200 and 2000 m - and vulnerable to enemy flak batteries and interceptors. It provided the enemy with a forewarning of attack by its characteristic engine noise and the cut-off of that noise when it went into its terminal dive. It could only be launched from fixed concrete launch ramps, making the launchers vulnerable to enemy air attack. The V-2 was mobile, more accurate, could not be intercepted, and gave the enemy no warning of attack in its supersonic ballistic course to the target. In the end, the commission could find no overwhelming advantage to either of the very different weapons, and both were ordered into production. The positive advantages of each weapon outweighed the negatives. In the tests before the commission, the Fi-103 had bad luck, and achieved no successful shots for two of the A4. '2:0 for your team', Milch told Dornberger. Speer claimed he 'always supported' the A4 but Dornberger ruefully noted they had lost 18 months in delays, primarily due to Degenkolb's incompetence. Speer pressed Dornberger - if Degenkolb really can't make it happen, then just give me the word. He'll be dismissed. But Degenkolb was not dismissed - he had Saur's complete backing.
1943 May 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Burnout at T+43s; Flight duration 200 seconds. Range 27 km.
1943 May 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4026 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+66s; Flight duration 349 seconds. Range 265 km.
1943 May 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4024 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+56s; Flight duration 248 seconds. Range 138 km.
1943 May 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Dornberger promoted - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Degenkolb,
Dornberger was promoted to Major General. But Degenkolb was still in charge of A4 production, and had sent four engineers to spy at Peenemuende, asking them to provide recommendations on reorganisation of the place, promising the four that they would be made directors of the new enterprise.
1943 May 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 firing range to be established in Poland. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
It is decided to move testing of production V-2s and training of combat launch crews from the Baltic Sea to the middle of Poland, at Heidelager, near Blizna. German units here operationally test fired over 100 V-2's, launching 10 on one day, only a small number of which were fully successful.
1943 June 1 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
- First Me-163B flight. - .
Nation: Germany.
Messerschmitt Me-163B rocket interceptor powered by Walther "hot" engine successfully flown at Bremen, Augsburg, and near Leipzig, Germany. Over 300 Me-163B's were produced by Junkers by the end of 1944..
June 1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- A4 development - .
Nation: Germany.
Area 7 was used for tests of the A4's pyrotechnic igniters. The missile could be ordered to cut off its engine by radio if it veered inland. Delays in development were inevitable - a 'Peenemuende Minute' corresponded to 11 minutes or more on the watch. On one memorable occasion, the missile ignited, but its fuel pump did not reach full speed. The rocket reached only 4.5 m altitude before hovering, its abnormally low thrust exactly counterbalancing the mass of the missile. The film operator kept his post, only 100 m from the fantastic sight. As the rocket consumed propellant, its weight was reduced, and it slowly moved skyward, reaching 10 m, then 22 m, and slowly drifting out of the launch pad area. It finally crashed only 40 m beyond the blast wall. The cameraman stayed at his post through all of this.
1943 June 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4023 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+62s; Flight duration 287 seconds. Range 62 km.
1943 June 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4029 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+63s; Flight duration 291 seconds. Range 238 km.
1943 June 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4031 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+61 seconds. Range 238 km.
1943 June 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4028 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+63s; Exploded at 70 seconds. Range 75 km.
1943 June 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4030 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+65s; Flight duration 318 seconds. Range 287 km .
1943 June 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4036 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+65 seconds. Range 235 km.
1943 June 28 - .
- Von Braun promoted to SS Sturmbannfuehrer. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
He was assigned to the Staff of the Oberabschnitt Ostsee..
1943 June 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Himmler's second visit to Peenemuende - .
Nation: Germany.
The rocket team and SS entourage discussed politics until 4 am. The next morning, the first demonstration launch of a V-2 failed - the missile turned west at an altitude of 200 m, and crashed in the woods outside of Peenmuende-West, destroying three aircraft on the nearby runway. Fortunately no one was killed. The second launch in the afternoon was successful. But the bureaucratic efforts by the SS and other organisations to take over the rocket program from the Army continued.
1943 June 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Fell on airstrip. Range 3 km.
1943 June 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4040 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+64 seconds. Range 236 km.
1943 July 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded at T+2 seconds..
1943 July 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemuende given highest priority - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
Steinhoff, Ernst.
Dornberger, Von Braun, and Steinhoff (at the controls) fly aboard a He-111 to the Fuehrer bunker in East Prussia. There they give Hitler a review of the V-2 program, the first since his visit to Kummersdorf in March 1939. The appointment was for 11:30, but then delayed to 17:00.
When they were finally ushered into his presence, Dornberger was shocked at the terrible and changed appearance of the Fuehrer. The team begins their briefing, in the presence of Hitler, Keitel, Jodl, Butale, and Speer. The presentation began with a film of preparations and launch of an A4 on the 3 October 1942. Von Braun narrated the film, which had proven a real crowd-pleaser in the past. It showed the A4 in production at the vast assembly hall at Peenemuende, the vertical roll-out, the huge launch complex, and finally launch. Von Braun then presented a model and plans for the hardened production/launch bunker that was being built on the English Channel.
Hitler loved the bunker model, and declared he wanted to build not one, but three such facilities. Dornberger argued that mobile launchers would be militarily less vulnerable and less costly, but Hitler was unconvinced. The 7 m thick bunker walls, he declared, would 'draw every allied bomber like flies to honey. Every bomb they drop there will be one that does not fall on Germany'. Hitler asks if the payload can be increased to 10 tonnes (in order to accommodate a nuclear warhead) or if a 2,000 per month production rate was possible (in order to make mass attacks on Britain with conventional explosive or chemical payloads). Dornberger replies that it would take four to five years to develop a missile with greater payload, and that production was limited by the German industrial capacity for alcohol (used as fuel in the missile).
Dornberger noted that they did not dream of the possibility of short-term availability of nuclear energy in 1936, when the specifications for the missile were set. In any case, after the loss of the heavy water plant in Norway, it would take years to develop nuclear weapons. Hitler was visibly upset that the V-2 would not turn out to be a war-deciding weapon. But Dornberger pointed out it was a great psychological weapon - unstoppable, something against their which there was no defence.
Hitler stated that 'I have only had to excuse myself to two men in my life - and one of them was von Brauchtisch, who always championed the importance of your work, and the other is you. If we had this weapon in 1939, Britain would have conceded, and there would have been no war.
Hitler finally ordered that the V-1 and V-2 missile programs be given the highest priority in the defence ministry. Immediately needed staff and material began flowing into the program. Saur immediately ordered a production goal of 2,000 missiles per month, despite the fact that there was no prospect of producing enough alcohol fuel or training enough launch crews to actual fire the missiles at such a rate. However, there was no disagreement, since any industry leader who did not commit to meeting this production goal was threatened with immediate replacement. German alcohol production would mean the maximum number that could ever be fired was 900 per month.
1943 July 7 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 given top priority. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hitler,
von Braun.
Adolf Hitler gave the German V-2 program highest military priority..
1943 July 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded at T+1.4 seconds..
1943 July 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded and fell on pump building..
August 1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 program in crisis - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Degenkolb,
Thiel, Walter.
With only four months to go before Degenkolb's mandated production of 900 missiles per month, the engineers declare the missile is not ready for production. A workable engine has been developed, but it is complex, suitable for prototypes only, and the engineers involved do not have the experience to turn it into something designed for mass production. Continuous changes on the engine also affect other parts of the rocket, resulting in drawing changes simultaneous with the effort to mass-produce detailed parts. Thiel and his team declare that in fact development of the A4 can never be finished before the war's end. They recommend that plans to put it into production should be stopped. Thiel, at the verge of a nervous breakdown, led this engineering 'revolt', although Rees was the spokesman. They declare they would stop work at Peenemuende and retire to the university. Von Braun argued against this position, demanding that production continue. Dornberger suffered a crisis of confidence in the rocket team as a result of this fight, but decided to continue trying to get the missile in production and fielded with the Germany Army.
1943 August 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4054 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+68 seconds. Flight duration 270 seconds..
1943 August 17 - .
- Death of Walter Thiel - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Thiel, Walter.
German engineer, talented designer at Peenemuende, in charge of development of the engine for the V-2. Killed in the air raid in August 1943, a setback to the project..
1943 August 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemünde attacked by RAF. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Reitsch,
Thiel, Walter,
von Braun.
The Royal Air Force attacked Germany's Peenemünde Rocket Research Center, causing heavy damage and delaying V-weapon program by months.
With the V-2 development program already in crisis, the Allies launch a massive bombing raid against Peenemuende. On that evening test pilot Hanna Reitsch was visiting the launch site. At 23:30 the air raid siren sounded. 600 British bombers drop 1500 tonnes of ordnance on the launch centre. However many bombs fell in the ocean around the peninsula, or buried themselves harmlessly in sand dunes. The resident area was hardest hit, while the Luftwaffe station at Peenemuende West was not touched. 47 British bombers were shot down - they were told before the raid that this was the most important mission of the war, and that their commanders would accept a 50% loss rate. 735 people were killed in the raid on the ground, including 178 of the 4000 inhabitants of the residential area. A large number of the foreign slave workers in the Trassenheide concentration camp barracks were also killed.
After the tremendous raid the rocket team wander around the devastated facility, half-clothed, the buildings bathed in a weird light and everything covered in fine sand, as if flour was dropped over everything. Thiel and Walther - the two leading rocket engineers in Germany - were killed in the raid, and virtually all major facilities were damaged. The saving grace was that the soft sand of Peenemuende attenuated the blast of many bombs. Nine bombs hit the main assembly hall, but while there was splinter damage to some of the machine tools, there was no decisive hit that would prevent production from continuing. It was estimated that operations could resume in 4 to 6 weeks.
The raid was not unexpected. The high altitude contrails of the V-2 test launches were called 'frozen lightning' and could be seen from Sweden on clear days. The location and purpose of Peenemuende appeared in a crossword puzzle in a illustrated magazine published in central Germany in early 1943. British reconnaissance flights to locate the launch facilities had been recognised for what they were.
This raid, together with the bombing of V-2 production lines at the Zeppelinwerke in Friedrichshafen and the Raxwerke in Wiener Neustadt convinced Saur to reduce the V-2 production rate goal to 900 per month.
1943 August 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 production facilities bombed - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hitler,
Ten days after the raid on Peenemuende, the British bomb the V-2 production/launch bunker under construction at Watten. Seven further bunkers (four in Pas-de-Calais, three at Cherbourg) continued to be built. Soon thereafter, V-2 production plants at Wiener Neustadt and Friedrichshafen are also bombed. Clearly the Allies had detected and targeted the infrastructure of the V-2 production program. In response to the raids, the decision was made that Organisation Todt would build an underground V-2 factory at a chalk mine in Witzen. The bunker at Watten would be used only as a liquid oxygen production plant. Hitler had mandated a 7 m thick protective roof there, which cannot be penetrated by Allied bombs. It was decided that the roof would be jacked up, the sides filled with concrete, and construction work would continue underground despite the perpetual bombing.
September 1943 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-3 in launch bunkers under construction at Mimoyecques, France. - .
Nation: Germany.
The operational version being built in the chalk cliffs of France used 4 to 5 m long T-shaped sections, assembled to a total length of 150 m, and capable of shooting shells over a 170 km range. However it took a large number of reloaders to put powder in each T-arm after a shot - the planned weapon could only be fired once every five minutes. Furthermore every third shot caused the barrel in one of the T-sections to crack, meaning it had to be removed and replaced. Bunkers in the Pas de Calais were being built for the weapon, but they were subject to incessant bombing and finally overrun by Allied troops before they could be completed.
Fall 1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Submarine-launched V-2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Director Lafferenz of the German Worker's Front proposed towing of a 3 m diameter x 30 m long capsule containing a single V-2 by submarine. This was later refined to a single submarine towing three 500 tonne capsules, each with a V-2, its propellants, and launch equipment. At the launch point water tanks would be flooded in the capsule to bring it upright, with the top above the surface. The top would be opened, then launch troops would enter to prepare and fuel the rocket, followed by launch. But the pressing problem of solving the A4's reliability problems and getting it into production delayed any further work on the concept until the end of 1944.
September 1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Dornberger meets with Hitler - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
Hitler decides to continue work on the bunkers. In Dornberger's opinion, this wastes resources that could have resulted in an earlier, full deployment of the V-2 using motorised, mobile batteries..
October 1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- German 'ski ramps' - .
Nation: Germany.
British photo-intelligence interpreters discover what they call 'ski ramps' along the Atlantic coast of occupied Europe. These are 100 m long, and a total of 21 are discovered by mid-November. It is soon noted that whatever their location, all of the ramps point toward London. Fantastic theories are proposed - they are iceberg or poison gas launchers.
1943 October 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4049 - .
Nation: Germany.
First Field Battery launch. Burnout at T+64 seconds. Flight duration 272 seconds..
1943 October 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1943 October 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1943 October 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4069 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+63 seconds. Flight duration 286 seconds..
November 1943 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Development of ballistic missiles authorized. - .
Nation: Germany.
Gen. H. H. Arnold, Chief of Air Staff, directed and authorized emphasis on research, development, and procurement of guided missiles, as indicated by known German advances..
1943 November 5 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1943 November 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1943 November 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
First Heidelager test launch. Successful..
1943 November 25 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
December 1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mach 10 wind tunnel construction begins. - .
Nation: Germany.
A4 development is completed, so Peenemuende engineers can turn to full-scale development of the A9/A10. Construction of a Mach 10 wind tunnel to test hypersonic aerodynamic configurations for the missile begins..
1943 December 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Decision to destroy the ski ramps - .
Nation: Germany.
Although their purpose is not understood, it is decided to start a bombing campaign to destroy the German 'ski ramps'. By December 1, 64 had been found, and 75 by 21 December..
1943 December 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4073 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Burnout at T+63 seconds. Flight duration 286 seconds..
1943 December 5 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1943 December 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4060 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+69 seconds. Flight duration 247 seconds..
1943 December 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4059 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+33 seconds. Flight duration 104 seconds..
1943 December 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1943 December 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Raid against V-1 launchers - .
Nation: Germany.
A raid is launched by Allied 1300 aircraft. The tactics have been developed at Eglin AFB, Florida, where a replica 'ski ramp' was built in an effort to understand its purpose and how best to bomb it..
1943 December 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1943 December 31 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- First V-2 deliveries from Mittelwerk - .
Nation: Germany.
4 or 5 missiles are 'delivered' in order to meet the end-of-the-year date set by the German leadership. They are immediately returned to the tunnel for rework..
During 1944 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 guidance development - .
Nation: Germany.
Early A4's were equipped with a radio-controlled cut-off system. These were replaced in service versions by self-contained integrating accelerometers. Professors Bucholz and Wagner at Darmstadt had developed the system, which was shown to have the same accuracy as the radio-controled system. This system had been tested as early as the fall of 1939, but no production quantities were available until mid-1944. Gyroscopic guidance systems from Kresselgeraete GmbH were tested, but found to have inferior accuracy to the acceleromter-based system. For better precision a double integrator system was needed, but this could not be developed before the war's end. Virtually all A4 systems were developed by the engineers at Peenemuende rather than by industry. Some said that it would have been better handled by industry, but in fact there was no such thing as rocket technology when Von Braun's team began their work - it all had to be created.
Beginning of 1944 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 sounding rockets - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 189 km (117 mi).
The Peenemuende team developed scientific payloads for a sounding rocket version of the V-2, to measure cosmic rays, meteoroid flux, and so on. However due to the pressure to solve the missile's reliability problems, these were never flown from Germany. Only after the war could these plans be implemented in New Mexico. However during the war there were some vertical shots of the missile to test its stability and behaviour in a vacuum. On one such shot the missile reached 189 km altitude. On another occasion four launch troops were killed when the missile ascended, then veered 90 degrees, turned again, and impacted in the launch pit at the point of launch.
First half 1944 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Production V-2's exploding in flight. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
Riedel, Walther.
The production series of V-2's are exploding in flight, and the engineers cannot determine the reason. Peenemuende engineers sought to recover 30% of the missiles for detailed examination. This showed that re-entry heating did not weaken the missile's structure. There was no scorching of the 0.6 mm thick paint applied to the interior of the missile. Only the outer paint showed signs of scorching. The missile still suffered in-flight explosions - attributed to the re-entry heating of 480 deg C and residual propellant vapours that still escaped despite the better sealing. Dornberger thought the liquid oxygen tank was the problem, while Von Braun suspected the alcohol tank. To try to determine the cause, five V-2's were shot with the engine running until all of the alcohol was depleted. These were followed by six shots with improved glass wool insulation of the liquid oxygen tank, over the objections of Riedel III, head of manufacturing at Peenemuende. Three of these shots were made in one morning, and all went off course. These were in turn followed by a series of highly instrumented launches from Peenemuende. The improvements developed as a result of these tests improved the missile reliability from 30% to 70% immediately, and then the reliability slowly increased to 80% as additional changes were made. Only in the last months of the war was it found that the forward part of the outer hull was failing in flight. Once this was strengthened with a belt of sheet metal, the V-2 achieved essentially 100% reliability.
This entire process was going on while production was ramping up at the underground facility at Mittelwerk. There was pressure from the highest quarters to get the missile fielded and attacks on England underway. Every change resulting from these tests and research meant that the production line at Mittelwerk had to be stopped, and retrofits made to undelivered missiles.
1944 January 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 January 6 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 January 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded at T+43 seconds. Flight duration 104 seconds..
1944 January 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 January 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 January 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 January 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 January 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 January 25 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 January 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 January 25 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 January 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: First Mittelwerk test flight. Failed..
1944 January 29 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 January 31 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 January 31 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 16 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 17 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 19 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Early cut-off.
1944 February 24 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 26 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 February 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Pad: GWO?.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 March 2 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded.
1944 March 4 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 5 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 6 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 7 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Pad: GWO?.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4088 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+59 seconds. Flight duration 282 seconds..
1944 March 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 problems begin to be understood - but Peenemuende Rocket Team leaders arrested by SS - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
Riedel, Walter,
Steinhoff, Ernst.
The cause of early detonation of the warhead during the engine burn time is understood, but the crashes at the end of the trajectory are still a mystery. Dornberger is ordered to report to Hitler at Berchtesgaden. The call is received at 7 pm in the evening, following a bomb raid and ice storm. Dornberger is told that on the following morning Von Braun, Riedel II, and Groettrup are to be arrested for sabotage of the A4 program. Groettrup selects Dr Steinhoff as his representative. The men are accused of not putting all their energy in development of the A4 as a weapon - instead only using the financing of the Reich to support their private plans for manned spaceflight. Dornberger know he cannot complete the program without these men - Von Braun and Riedel were the key leaders, and Groettrup was head of the electrical systems section. Dornberger finally achieves their release by demonstrating to the SS that the biggest impediment to the program was Hitler's dream that the A4 would never reach London. After a few days in detention, Von Braun was moved to Schwedt, and then freed. The others were allowed out a bit later.
1944 March 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 15 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 17 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 18 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 20 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 21 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 25 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 March 31 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 April 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 April 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 April 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 April 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 April 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded at T+17 seconds..
1944 April 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 April 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 April 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 April 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 April 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 A02 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 6.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A01 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Attempt abandoned; launched on 22 April (Test # A06).
1944 April 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 A05 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 48.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A04 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 7 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A03 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 8 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 April 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 A07 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 5.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A06 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 6.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 April 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed at launch.
1944 April 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 A09 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 6.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A10 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 5.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 April 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 A11 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 13.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A12 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 8.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 April 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 A13 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 12.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A14 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 40 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 A17 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst but within 100 m of aim point..
- V-2 A15 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 13.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A16 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 1 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
1944 May 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed after lift-off.
- V-2 A21 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 4.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A19 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 0.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 A23 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 10.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 A25 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 3.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A24 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 D05 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 8.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 D04 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 3 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 A26 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 0.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 A27 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 3.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed at launch.
1944 May 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 May 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 B01 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 1.35 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 D08 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 3.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 E02 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 4.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 E01 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 6.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 B03 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 5.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 B04 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst but within 100 m of aim point..
1944 May 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 E04 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 12 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- V-2 B06 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 3.95 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- V-2 B05 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 5.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
1944 May 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4136 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+65 seconds. Flight duration 263 seconds..
1944 May 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 E05 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 B07 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 0.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 E06 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Guidance failure; accuracy 32 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 20 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 May 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
1944 May 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 B10 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 7.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 B09 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 2.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 B08 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 24 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 E10 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- V-2 B13 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 8 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 B14 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 B17 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 26 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 B18 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 8.45 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 E11 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 1.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 B19 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 10.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory; re-launch from 21 May (B12). .
- V-2 E12 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 4.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 B16 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 0.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 May 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 E13 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 3 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 B20 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.15 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 B21 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 3.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 E15 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Launched after failed attempt on 22 May..
1944 May 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
1944 May 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 E16 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 5.75 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 E18 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 E17 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 9.55 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 E19 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 14 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 C01 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 13.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 May 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 C02 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 E23 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 31.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 C05 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 16.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 C06 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 9 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 C04 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 7.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 C03 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 26 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 E21 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 E22 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 0.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 C07 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 13.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 C08 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 16.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 May 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4146 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+58 seconds. Flight duration 260 seconds..
1944 June 1 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Manned V-1 test flights. - .
Nation: Germany.
Geman "Reichenberg" program began for use of manned V-1's air launched from He-111's for suicide missions..
June 1944 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Renewed effort by the SS to take over Peenemuende - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger.
The plan this time was for the launch centre to be privatised, made part of Siemens, with the SS running day-to-day operations. Dornberger was unsuccessful in fighting this effort off, and in July-August 1944 a series of government decrees gave the SS full control.
1944 June 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 C12 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 3 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 June 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Guidance failure.
- V-2 C09 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Guidance failure; accuracy 45.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
1944 June 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 C10 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Impact 3 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Guidance failure.
1944 June 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4140 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+60seconds. Flight duration 259 seconds..
1944 June 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 June 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 C13 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 7.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 C14 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 1.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 B22 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 2.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 June 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4171 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at 69 seconds. Flight duration 315 seconds..
1944 June 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Burnout at T+11seconds. Flight duration 35 seconds..
1944 June 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4158 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+68seconds. Flight duration 264 seconds..
1944 June 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
First Oie launch..
- V-2 4209 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+61seconds. Flight duration 296 seconds..
1944 June 13 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-1 first attacks. - .
Nation: Germany.
The first German V-1's fired in anger, launched from France against England with 4 of the 11 striking London..
1944 June 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 June 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Launched by Battery 1./485.
1944 June 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 M12 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
1944 June 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 M16 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 6.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M13 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 11.3 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M14 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M19 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 1.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M11 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 7.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 M18 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 21.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M39 G3a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 8.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M17 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M15 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
- V-2 M37 G3a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 5.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M38 G3a - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 35.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M41 G3a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M20 G2a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.75 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M40 G3a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 8 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M42 G3a - .
Nation: Germany.
Returned to Mittelwerk..
1944 June 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 M26 G2b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 11.25 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M 5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Launched by Battery 1./485.
- V-2 M30 G2b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.65 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M28 G2b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 3.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M27 G2b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M54 G3b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 6.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M51 G3b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 3 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M52 G3b - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 4.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M44 G3a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M43 G3a - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 8.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 M46 G3b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 1.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- V-2 M48 G3b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 8.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 M76 G4b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- V-2 M71 G4b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 55.3 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- V-2 M47 G3b - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 0.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- V-2 M63 G4a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M70 G4a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 16.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M65 G4a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 15.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M69 G4a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M67 G4a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M64 G4a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 7.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M68 G4a - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 4.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
1944 June 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- V-2 M21 G2b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.25 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 M34 G2c - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M22 G2b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 0.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M23 G2b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 6.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M31 G2c - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 20.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M35 G2c - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 2.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 June 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- Nation: Germany.
Delivered to Heidelager. Firing status unknown..
- V-2 M93 G5b - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 3.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M58 G3c - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 1.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M95 G5b - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 5.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 M92 G5b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 17.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M91 G5b - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 5.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 M59 G3c - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 7.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M102 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 8 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M103 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 1.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M57 G3c - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 4.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M105 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 0.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded on pad.
- V-2 4208 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+59seconds. Flight duration 296 seconds..
- V-2 M109 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 14.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M111 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 7 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M115 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 1 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 M101 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 28 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M113 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 9.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M112 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Airburst 9.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M106 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Impact 6.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory..
- V-2 M107 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Failed - accuracy was 3 km to the right of the planned trajectory..
1944 June 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 June 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Final Heidelager test launch..
1944 July 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 6 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-3 complex at Mimoyecques irreparably damaged by Allied bombers - .
Nation: Germany.
Three 5400 kg Tallboy penetrator bpmbs went down the gun shaft openings, reached 30 m, and exploded, killing dozens of workers. Work on the complex stopped at this point..
1944 July 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4210 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+60seconds. Flight duration 187 seconds..
1944 July 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 24 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Last Blizna launch - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Apogee: 90 km (55 mi).
1944 July 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 July 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4205 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+67 seconds.Range 237 km.
August 1944 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
Saenger Antipodal Bomber.
- Saenger antipodal bomber - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Saenger.
Spacecraft: Dynasoar.
Eugen Saenger and Irene Bredt issue their final 400-page report on the Saenger antipodal bomber - a rocket boosted skip-glide spaceplane with global range. Only 100 numbered copies are printed, and distributed to German political and scientific leaders. The futuristic scheme would have taken many years to develop and was of only academic interest to the German government. But copies of the report fell into the hands of the Americans and Russians after the war, spawning major development projects in the fifties.
1944 August 1 - .
LV Family:
German Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicle:
- Me-163B first operational use. - .
Nation: Germany.
German Me-163B Komet rocket-powered fighters first attacked American bomber formations over Europe. The Me-163 had sweptback wings, Walther liquid-fuel rocket motor, speed of 590 mph, and powered flight duration of 8-10 minutes..
1944 August 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma24 - .
Nation: Germany.
Launched by Battery 1./485.
1944 August 1 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma28 - .
Nation: Germany.
By the end of July there were a total of 125 Peenemuende shots. Presumably the difference 141-125=16 were Oie shots..
1944 August 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4202 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+21 seconds. Range 2 km.
1944 August 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Obergruppenfuehrer Kammler of the SS put in charge of the V-2 program. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
Dornberger was relegated to command of the training batteries for the rocket troops. Von Braun spoke to Dornberger, telling him that he must accept the situation and assist Kammler. Following the July 1944 assassination and coup attempt against Hitler, Dornberger had no backing in the leadership for keeping the program in Army hands. Dornberger finally agreed to cooperate - rockets had been his life's work, and he could not bear not to be involved. Dornberger hoped to 'put my words in Kammler's mouth and make them appear to be his'. All Army commanders in the rocket program were dismissed and replaced by SS officers - Kammler was in complete control.
1944 August 9 - .
- Death of Klaus Erhardt Riedel - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Riedel, Klaus.
Talented German engineer, instrumental in developing the first liquid propellant rocket engines in Germany at VfR and in design and debugging of the V-2's engine. Unrelated to contemporary rocket engineers Walter Riedel and Walther Riedel. Killed in an automobile crash near Karlshagen, Germany.
1944 August 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P12.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded at 70 m. T+10 seconds..
1944 August 13 - .
16:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 13 - .
18:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 14 - .
06:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 August 14 - .
07:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 August 14 - .
09:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 August 14 - .
09:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 14 - .
09:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 14 - .
11:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 14 - .
12:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Ma123 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Apogee: 90 km (55 mi). First Heidekraut test launch..
1944 August 14 - .
17:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 August 14 - .
19:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 15 - .
10:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 15 - .
10:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 15 - .
11:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 15 - .
14:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 15 - .
17:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 15 - .
17:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 15 - .
19:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+61seconds. Flight duration 302 seconds. Range 227 km (First 11/18000).
1944 August 16 - .
07:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 16 - .
07:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 16 - .
10:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 16 - .
10:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 16 - .
14:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+66seconds. Flight duration 327 seconds. Range 284 km.
1944 August 17 - .
12:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 17 - .
12:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 August 17 - .
13:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 17 - .
13:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 17 - .
16:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 17 - .
17:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 17 - .
17:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 17 - .
20:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 18 - .
07:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 18 - .
12:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 18 - .
16:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 August 18 - .
16:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 18 - .
19:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 18 - .
19:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 18 - .
20:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+66seconds. Flight duration 290 seconds. Range 239 km.
- Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+64seconds. Flight duration 282 seconds. Range 235 km.
1944 August 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+67seconds. Flight duration 291 seconds. Range 224 km.
- V-2 4216 - .
Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+57seconds. Flight duration 282 seconds. Range 196 km .
1944 August 22 - .
19:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 23 - .
19:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+64seconds. Flight duration 254 seconds. Range 189 km.
1944 August 24 - .
14:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Burnout at T+61seconds. Flight duration 252 seconds. Range 226 km.
1944 August 26 - .
04:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 August 26 - .
05:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 26 - .
09:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 August 30 - .
15:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 1 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 2 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 444 deploys to Euskirchen, with orders to attack Paris. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 September 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Batteries 1./485 and 2./485 deploys to Wassenaar, with orders to attack London. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 September 4 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- First production V-2 delivered. - .
Nation: Germany.
350 missiles were delivered in September, 500 in October, and 600 to 900 per month thereafter. There were many early failures of these production missiles - they had not been built for long-term storage. The solution was to use express trains to take the missiles from the factory to the launch areas and fire them within three days of leaving the production line.
1944 September 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 6 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 in operation. - .
Nation: Germany.
Despite the first production deliveries, development of the missile was still not complete. The accuracy was still too poor, and the fusing was still not optimum to maximise damage at the target. Furthermore there was no method of actually determining the performance and effectiveness of missiles fired in combat, since air reconnaissance of Britain was now impossible. The only source of information was reports from agents on the ground. The availability of alcohol fuel was a limiting factor in the firing rate. Underground facilities for alcohol production had been built at Luettich and Wittringen an der Saar. Liquid oxygen was delivered to the firing areas in 48 tonne railroad wagons, then distributed to the firing units in 5 to 8 tonne capacity trucks. Due to boil off and transfer losses, 9 tonnes had to be generated at the factory in order for the 4.96 tonnes required for each rocket to be available at launch. The railroad wagons lost 350 l/day, but a V-2 on hold, awaiting launch, boiled off liquid oxygen at 2 kg/minute. Average daily launch rate from the field in the fall of 1944 was 28-30 missiles against enemy targets, together with 5 to 7 shots for research and engine tests. Kammler was only interested in maximising the number of combat launches per day - he showed no interest in the effectiveness or results of the missile as a weapon. During production, some small modifications were introduced - an increase in propellant feed rate and combustion chamber pressure, elimination of electrical equipment made unnecessary by the use of the integrating accelerometer guidance system, and an increase in propellant capacity. These changes increased the range of the production missiles to 320 km. A few research rockets with larger propellant tanks reached 480 km. The external paint used on the V-2 was protected from burning through use of a graphite coating.
1944 September 6 - .
09:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- First attempted V-2 combat launch from St. Vith - .
Nation: Germany.
St. Vith, 18 km southeast of Malmedy (Belgium), misfire. The rocket came up to full power, lifted a few feet and then set back down on firing table, still vertical, when the engine cut off. The intended target was Paris. Battery 444 also suffered its first combat losses this same day when the unit was attacked by partisans.
1944 September 6 - .
09:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- Second attempted V-2 combat launch from St. Vith - .
Nation: Germany.
St. Vith, 18 km southeast of Malmedy (Belgium), misfire. Rocket came up to full power, lifted a few feet and then set back down on firing table, still vertical, when engine cut off. The intended target for was Paris..
1944 September 7 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 444 moves to a point near Houffalize, Belgium. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 September 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4222 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct serial number is 18278..
1944 September 8 - .
08:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Houffalize to Paris. - .
Nation: Germany.
Launched near Houffalize, Belgium, rocket fired, (impact unknown), target Paris, indications are that the rocket exploded at high altitude..
1944 September 8 - .
11:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- First successful V-2 combat launch - from Houffalize to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Launched near Houffalize, Belgium, rocket fired, impacted in "Charentonneau" à Maisons-Alfort in south-east of Paris, France. Six people were killed and 36 injured..
1944 September 8 - .
18:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to London - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, crossroads of Lijsterlaan / Konijnenlaan / Koekoekslaan, A-4 rocket fired impacted Stavely Road, Chiswick - London, England..
1944 September 8 - .
18:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Epping - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, crossroads of Lijsterlaan / Schouwweg, A-4 rocket fired hits Epping - (27 km N of London)..
1944 September 9 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- RAF located the V-2 launch sites in the Hague and makes the first attacks. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 September 9 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to London - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, Beukenhorst, rocket fired, (Time Unknown) target London..
1944 September 10 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 1./485 becomes operational at The Hague. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 September 10 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 2./485 deploys to Wassenaar. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 September 10 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 444 leaves Houffalize, moves to Walcheren. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 September 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma172 127 B1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Abandoned. Planned range 225 km. .
1944 September 10 - .
21:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Fambridge - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, Beukenhorst, rocket fired, impacted Fambridge, Southend..
1944 September 11 - .
09:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Lullingstone - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, Beukenhorst, rocket fired, impacted Lullingstone..
1944 September 11 - .
09:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Magdalen Laver - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, Beukenhorst, rocket fired, impacted Magdalen Laver..
1944 September 12 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma184 128 A1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 26.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 26.8 km from aim point..
1944 September 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 September 13 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma178 131 A4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 8.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.8 km from aim point..
1944 September 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma173 130 A3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 17.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 50.0 km from aim point..
1944 September 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed on pad.
- V-2 Ma181 129 A2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. .
1944 September 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma167 134 A7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. .
1944 September 14 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma160 132 A5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 7.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 10.0 km from aim point..
1944 September 14 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma174 133 A6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 14.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 21.1 km from aim point..
1944 September 15 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 444 arrives at Walcheren - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Battery 444 arrives at Walcheren to start operations against London..
1944 September 15 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Euskirchen to Lille - .
Nation: Germany.
Euskirchen, rocket fired, (Time Unknown), target Lille, (impact unknown)..
1944 September 15 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Euskirchen to Lille - .
Nation: Germany.
Euskirchen, rocket fired, (Time Unknown), target Lille, (impact unknown)..
1944 September 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 15 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Propulsion system explosion.
- V-2 Ma177 136 A9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Propulsion system explosion; accuracy 2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 212.6 km from aim point..
1944 September 15 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Guidance failed after lift-off.
- V-2 Ma171 135 A8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Guidance failed after lift-off; accuracy 3.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 228.9 km from aim point..
1944 September 16 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma166 138 B2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 3.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 28.2 km from aim point..
1944 September 16 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma161 137 A10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 3.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.6 km from aim point..
1944 September 16 - .
07:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Walcheren to Southgate - .
Nation: Germany.
Walcheren, Serooskerke, Vrederust, rocket fired, impacted Southgate..
1944 September 16 - .
08:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Walcheren to Wembley - .
Nation: Germany.
Walcheren, Serooskerke, Vrederust, rocket fired, impacted Wembley..
1944 September 16 - .
10:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Yiewsley - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Yiewsley..
1944 September 16 - .
15:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Willingdon - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Willingdon, near Eastbourne..
1944 September 16 - .
22:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Noak Hill - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Noak Hill, near Romford..
1944 September 17 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- RAF bombers attacked V-2 sites in Wassenaar. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
27 Lancaster bombers and 5 Mosquitos, acting on intelligence from the Dutch underground 169 tons of high explosives were dropped on wooded areas southeast of Wassenaar. However the depots attacked were actually not V-2 caches..
1944 September 17 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Lewisham - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 485 launched their final rocket of the day at 6:50 PM, which came down at Adelaide Road, Brockley, Lewisham, killing 14 people and injuring another 41. Earlier RAF Spitfires on patrol witnessed a V-2 launch from near the Hague, but could not ..
1944 September 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 17 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma170 140 B4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 4.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 4.7 km from aim point..
1944 September 17 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma162 139 B3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 14 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 14.3 km from aim point..
1944 September 17 - .
05:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Knockholt - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Knockholt..
1944 September 17 - .
06:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to East Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted East Ham..
1944 September 17 - .
06:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Walcheren - .
Nation: Germany.
Walcheren, Serooskerke, Vrederust, rocket fired, (impact unknown.).
1944 September 17 - .
06:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Lewisham - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Lewisham..
1944 September 17 - .
07:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Walcheren - .
Nation: Germany.
Walcheren, Serooskerke, Vrederust, rocket fired, exploded above the sea..
1944 September 17 - .
12:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Hockley - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Hockley, near Southend..
1944 September 17 - .
13:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Coulsdon - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Coulsdon..
1944 September 17 - .
19:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Walcheren to Lewisham - .
Nation: Germany.
Walcheren, Serooskerke, Vrederust, rocket fired, impacted Brockley, Lewisham..
1944 September 18 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma164 142 B6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 7.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.6 km from aim point..
1944 September 18 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma169 141 B5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 4.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 4.9 km from aim point..
1944 September 18 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Euskirchen to Lille, Tourcoing, Arras, Cambrai, Hasselt - .
Nation: Germany.
Euskirchen, multiple rockets fired, targets were: Lille, Tourcoing, Arras, Cambrai, Hasselt, Mons and Maastricht, with an average of 4 rockets fired per day..
1944 September 18 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma183 143 B7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 4.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 4.3 km from aim point..
1944 September 18 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma176 144 B8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 1.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 24.1 km from aim point..
1944 September 18 - .
19:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Lambeth - .
Nation: Germany.
Wassenaar, A-4 rocket fired toward England, impacted Lambeth. Battery 485 then temporarily moves to Burgsteinfurt, Germany, because of Allied airborne landings at Arnhem..
- V-2 combat launch from Walcheren - .
Nation: Germany.
Walcheren, Serooskerke, Vrederust, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1944 September 19 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- Allied operation 'Market Garden' forces V-2 Battery 444 to move - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Allied operation 'Market Garden' forces the Battery 444 to leave Walcheren and move to the north to Rijs..
1944 September 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma87 - .
Nation: Germany.
Launched by Battery 3./485.
- V-2 4234 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct serial number is 18330..
1944 September 19 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma159 145 B9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 4.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 34.4 km from aim point..
1944 September 19 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma179 146 B10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 0.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 3.1 km from aim point..
1944 September 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 21 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 batteries 1./485 and 2./485 move to a new launch site at Hoek van Holland. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 September 21 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma211 147 D1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 17.3 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 18.0 km from aim point..
1944 September 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 21 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma214 148 D2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 3.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.8 km from aim point..
1944 September 22 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 3./836 starts operations at Hachenburg, Germany. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Targets: Lille, Tourcoing, Arras, Cambrai, Hasselt, Mons and Maastricht. An average of 4 rockets fired per day are fired..
1944 September 22 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Liquid oxygen production limits V-2 operations. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger.
Kammler and Dornberger note that the low amount of liquid oxygen being delivered, only 200 cubic meter a day, will limit launches to 24 V-2's daily..
1944 September 22 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Lille, Tourcoing, Arras, Cambrai - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 3./836 moves to Hachenburg in Westerwald (Germany) and reopen operations, targets: Lille, Tourcoing, Arras, Cambrai, Hasselt, Mons and Maastricht, with an average of 4 rockets fired per day..
1944 September 22 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma215 150 D4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 14.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 18.7 km from aim point..
1944 September 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4219 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct serial number is 18205..
1944 September 22 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma213 149 D3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 3.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 22.3 km from aim point..
1944 September 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende GWO.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 23 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma217 153 D7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 11.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 77.8 km from aim point..
1944 September 23 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma210 152 D6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 4.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 14.8 km from aim point..
1944 September 23 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Early impact.
- V-2 Ma212 151 D5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Early impact 8.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 123.3 km from aim point..
1944 September 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma209 155 D9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Abort. Returned to Peenemuende. Planned range 165 km. .
1944 September 24 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma216 154 D8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 8.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 25.5 km from aim point..
1944 September 25 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma224 160 G4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 8.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.5 km from aim point..
1944 September 25 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma226 159 G3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 9.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.6 km from aim point..
1944 September 25 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma218 G5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 1.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 3.6 km from aim point..
1944 September 25 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma225 158 G2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 5.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 22.6 km from aim point..
1944 September 25 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma223 157 G1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 4.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.3 km from aim point..
1944 September 25 - .
18:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Hoxne - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserlaene, Rocket fired impacted at Hoxne (Suffolk) in a farm field, a stubble field at Castle Farm, Heckfield Green, in the Hartismere RD (Rural District), 12 houses close had minor damage. (RC).
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma220 165 G9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 12.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 13.0 km from aim point..
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Pad: 166.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma218 G10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Abandoned; damaged fin. See 5 October launch. Planned range 165 km. .
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Lille, Tourcoing, Arras, Cambrai - .
Nation: Germany.
also moves to Hachenburg in Westerwald (Germany) and reopen operations, multiple rockets fired, targets were, Lille, Tourcoing, Arras, Cambrai, Hasselt, Mons and Maastricht..
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma221 163 G7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 12.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 12.9 km from aim point..
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma222 164 G8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 1.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 2.1 km from aim point..
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma186 167 C1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 102 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 125.4 km from aim point..
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Liege - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Rossbach, rocket fired, (impact unknown), target Liege..
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Liege - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Rossbach, rocket fired, (impact unknown), target Liege..
1944 September 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma219 162 G6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 10.3 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 11.9 km from aim point..
1944 September 26 - .
17:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Ranworth - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserlaene, Rocket hit near Ranworth, 15 km North-East of Norwich, in farmland, the crater caused was 7.5 meters deep..
1944 September 26 - .
20:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserlaene, (impact unknown), probably crashed in the sea..
1944 September 27 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Liege - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Helferskirchen, rocket fired, (impact unknown), target Liege..
1944 September 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma185 168 C2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 0.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.0 km from aim point..
1944 September 27 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Liege - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Rossbach, (2) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), targets Liege..
1944 September 27 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma208 156 D10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 1.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 27.0 km from aim point..
1944 September 27 - .
11:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Norwich - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserlaene, Rocket fired impacted in a forest at Botany Bay Farm, Horsford, about 8 km north of Norwich..
1944 September 27 - .
13:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserlaene, (impact unknown), probably impacted in the sea..
1944 September 27 - .
16:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Kirby Bedon - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserlaene, Rocket fired and impacted close to the City Sewage Works at the village of Kirby Bedon. Two people had minor injuries..
1944 September 27 - .
18:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Beighton - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserlaene, Rocket fired and impacted at a pastureland at Beighton, no casualties or damage..
1944 September 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Liege - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Rossbach, rocket fired, (impact unknown), target Liege..
1944 September 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Hasselt - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Rossbach, rocket fired, (impact unknown), target Hasselt..
1944 September 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Liege, Maastricht, Hasselt - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Helferskirchen, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), targets- Liege (3), Maastricht (2), Hasselt (1)..
1944 September 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Possibly correct launch date is 27.09.1944..
1944 September 28 - .
13:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Horsey - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserlaene, impacted North Sea near Horsey, England..
1944 September 28 - .
15:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserlaene, rocket fired, impacted in the North Sea..
1944 September 29 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 2./836 moves to Merzig (30 km south of Trier). - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Battery 3./836 joined Battery 2./836 on 5 October..
1944 September 29 - .
11:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserleane, rocket fired, impacted North Sea..
1944 September 29 - .
13:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Hemsby Beach - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserleane, rocket fired, impacted near Hemsby Beach, England, damaging 68 houses and causing a crater of 12 meters in diameter..
1944 September 29 - .
20:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Horstead Causing - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserleane, rocket fired, impacted at Horstead Causing minor injuries to two people..
1944 September 29 - .
21:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Thorpe St Andrew - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserleane, rocket fired, impacted at Thorpe St. Andrew causing damage to 27 houses..
End September 1944 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 summary for September - .
Nation: Germany.
During September, the first month of the V-2 combat campaign, there were 104 to 120 combat launches, 41 training launches from Heidekraut, and 2 known test launches from Peenemuende. 629 missiles were manufactured at Mittelwerk. See V-2 combat launches for a complete list of known combat launches.
1944 September 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 September 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma189 169 C3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Airburst 4.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.8 km from aim point..
1944 September 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma175 171 C5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 6.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 15.6 km from aim point..
1944 September 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma182 170 C4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Impact 5.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.7 km from aim point..
1944 September 30 - .
13:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Tunstall - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserleane, rocket fired, impacted in southern England in swamp at Tunstall..
1944 September 30 - .
15:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserleane, rocket fired, crashed on pad and exploded destroying "the little peace temple" and trees surrounding it, digging a crater 13 meters wide – 6 meters deep. German troop casualties..
1944 September 30 - .
20:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Mirnserleane, rocket fired, impacted at sea or air burst..
1944 October 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 October 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma188 174 C8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 4.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.3 km from aim point..
1944 October 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma187 173 C7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 9.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 11.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma192 172 C6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 6.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.4 km from aim point..
1944 October 1 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Diest - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Rossbach, (3) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), targets - Diest (2), Maastricht (1)..
1944 October 1 - .
18:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Bedingham - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted farm at Bedingham, close to the Sycamore farm, wounding 4 persons. Farm had major damage, crater 9 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep. Sycamore Farm is 2 km East of USAAF Hardwick, a B-24 Bomber airfield during the war, the missile fell close to the base hospital.
1944 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma193 175 C9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 2.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 33.1 km from aim point..
1944 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma202 178 E2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 0.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 11.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig - .
Nation: Germany.
After firing the second rocket of this day, Battery 3./836 began moving to join 2./836 also in Merzig..
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 1./485 went from The Hague to Burgsteinfurt from were they fired two days later against Tournai, Hasselt, Luttich and Maastricht..
1944 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Hasselt - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Rossbach, (2) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), target - Hasselt..
1944 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Bouillnacy, target Paris..
1944 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma190 176 C10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 165 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 5.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.5 km from aim point..
1944 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Bregy, target Paris..
1944 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Silly-le-long, target Paris..
1944 October 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma203 177 E1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 7.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 23.2 km from aim point..
1944 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Bouillnacy, target Paris..
1944 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Neul'moutiers les-Meaux, target Paris..
1944 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Courchamps, target Paris..
1944 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Tremblay-les-Gonesse, target Paris..
1944 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Vaujours, target Paris..
1944 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Nanteuil-les-Meaux, target Paris..
1944 October 3 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Beeston St Lawrence - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted in a forest near the village of Beeston St. Lawrence..
1944 October 3 - .
10:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted in North Sea..
1944 October 3 - .
13:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Lowestoft - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted a pasture near farm at Lowestoft, three persons serious injuries, and major damage to farm. Five people had minor injuries..
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Great Witchingham - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted near Great Witchingham with no damage. Crater 15 meters wide and six meters deep..
1944 October 3 - .
19:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Norwich - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted in Norwich, much damage. The missile broke up over the Mile Cross housing-estate, Norwich, the war-head hit the Royal Norwich Golf Club, Hellesdon. 400 houses were damaged, and one person died..
1944 October 3 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Denton - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted in Denton, the impact was about 10 minutes later (longer than normal) creating much damage..
1944 October 3 - .
23:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Wanstead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Ockenburch, rocket fired, impacted Wanstead (Leytonstone)..
1944 October 3 - .
23:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Ockenburch, rocket fired, this rocket exploded at a low height..
1944 October 4 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Pantin, target Paris..
1944 October 4 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Noisy-le-Sec, target Paris..
1944 October 4 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Dammartin, target Paris..
1944 October 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4245 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct serial number is 18 789..
1944 October 4 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Luttich - .
Nation: Germany.
Between Oct. 4-12, Battery 1./485 reports to have launched 10 times on Luttich from Burgsteinfurt. In total 27 impacted in the surroundings of Luttich..
1944 October 4 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Lizy-s/Ourcq, target Paris..
1944 October 4 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Pulseux-les-Louvres, target Paris..
1944 October 4 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Beaumarchais, target Paris..
1944 October 4 - .
10:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Deuille-la-Barre - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted Deuille-la-Barre. This rocket was intended for Paris, but fell in the heart of the small town. Total destruction of buildings and 14 killed..
1944 October 4 - .
11:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Great Yarmouth - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted shoreline called California, 8 km North of Great Yarmouth..
1944 October 4 - .
12:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Rockland St Mary - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted near school at Rockland St. Mary, minor injuries and one serious..
1944 October 4 - .
15:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Crostwick - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted at Crostwick, very close to the air base at Rackheath. It landed in area known locally as Mud Corner, it is was only about a quarter of a mile away from the Base Bomb Dump..
1944 October 4 - .
16:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Spixworth - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted at Spixworth no damage. This rocket fell apart before impact scattered over a large area. The entire engine, parts of the radio, etc., recovered and sent to research institute for Air Travel at Farnborough..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery in Merzig - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Battery 3./836 joins Battery 2./836 in Merzig, starting on October 05..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma205 180 E4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 4.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma206 182 E6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 7.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 28.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma200 184 E8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 7.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 11.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma204 179 E3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.2 km from aim point..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, (Time Unknown), (impact unknown), this rocket possibly canted horizontal at lift off and crashed near Mirnser cliff at IJsselmeer (IJssel Lake) according to local newspaper accounts..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma199 181 E5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 2.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Chatillon, target Paris..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Louvres, target Paris..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Plailly, target Paris..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Paris - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, impacted near Mortefotaine, target Paris..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma198 185 E9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 14.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 44.4 km from aim point..
1944 October 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma207 183 E7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 9.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 10.3 km from aim point..
1944 October 5 - .
09:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Taverham - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted at a forest near Taverham..
1944 October 5 - .
12:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Great Yarmouth - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted near Great Yarmouth in the sea..
1944 October 5 - .
14:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Surlingham - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted at Surlingham. Ten wounded and 36 houses damaged..
1944 October 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 WH3 187 F1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 5.3 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.1 km from aim point..
1944 October 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 WH4 188 F2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 6 - .
10:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Shotesham All Saints - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted at swamp near Shotesham All Saints, 43 buildings damaged..
1944 October 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 7 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Ougree - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt, A-4 fired, impacted in Ougree..
1944 October 7 - .
08:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Pitsea - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Bloemendaal, rocket fired, impacted Pitsea Southend..
1944 October 7 - .
22:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, A-4 rocket came down north of Antwerp, in Brasschaat (8 kilometers north of Antwerp). First V2 fired against Antwerp prior to scheduled campaign of Oct. 13, for "range-finding.".
1944 October 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 WH1 190 F4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 4.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 15.6 km from aim point..
1944 October 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 WH6 193 F7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 1.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.2 km from aim point..
1944 October 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 WH2 191 F5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 7.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 21.3 km from aim point..
1944 October 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 WH9 189 F3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 1.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 12.1 km from aim point..
1944 October 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed after launch.
- V-2 WH10 192 F6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Failed - accuracy was 6.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 218.1 km from aim point..
1944 October 9 - .
10:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Cantley - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired toward East Anglia, impacted at Cantley, two cows died..
1944 October 9 - .
10:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Brooke - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired toward East Anglia, impacted at Brooke..
1944 October 9 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to East Anglia - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired toward East Anglia, fell in sea south of Orfordness..
1944 October 10 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery SS 500 begins V-2 operations in Burgsteinfurt. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 October 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma229 197 H1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 4.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 14.8 km from aim point..
1944 October 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma230 199 H3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 7.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 26.1 km from aim point..
1944 October 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma228 198 H2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 16.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 10 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to East Anglia - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired toward East Anglia, (Time Unknown, impact unknown.).
1944 October 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 WH8 196 F10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 7 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 17.5 km from aim point..
1944 October 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 WH7 194 F8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 2.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.7 km from aim point..
1944 October 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 WH5 195 F9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 4.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 4.7 km from aim point..
1944 October 10 - .
15:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to East Anglia - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, A-4 rocket fired toward East Anglia, exploded 1200 meters high above the harbor of Harwich..
1944 October 10 - .
17:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Woods End - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired toward East Anglia, impacted at Woods End, minor injuries to two persons.
1944 October 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4249 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct serial number is 18 787..
1944 October 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma233 202 H6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 0.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma236 203 H7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 55.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 56.1 km from aim point..
1944 October 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma231 200 H4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 0.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 47.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma234 201 H5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 0.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 11 - .
08:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Haddiscoe - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired toward East Anglia, impacted at Haddiscoe..
1944 October 11 - .
10:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Rockland St Mary - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired toward East Anglia, impacted at field near Rockland St. Mary..
1944 October 11 - .
14:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Playford - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted at Playford..
1944 October 11 - .
18:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, A-4 rocket crashed near launch site between Rijs and Bakhuizen, killing 2 cows..
1944 October 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 October 12 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Ingworth - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impacted near Ingworth, minor damage..
1944 October 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 13 - .
09:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 13 - .
09:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
3./836, Merzig, rocket fired, first V2 impact in Antwerp. It came down at the corner of the Schildersstraat and the Karel Rogierstraat. 32 people were killed, 45 were injured and 80 houses including a museum were damaged, with 43 houses totally destroyed.
1944 October 13 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 13 - .
15:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 13 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 13 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 14 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 October 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma235 206 H10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 14.3 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 24.6 km from aim point..
1944 October 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Damaged at launch.
- V-2 Ma237 205 H9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Damaged at launch; deviated 4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 181.0 km from aim point..
1944 October 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma232 204 H8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 107.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 109.1 km from aim point..
1944 October 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 14 - .
08:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 14 - .
16:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 14 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 15 - .
08:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 15 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 15 - .
11:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 15 - .
12:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 16 - .
08:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 16 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 16 - .
15:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 16 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact possibly at dock nr 201 in the harbour..
1944 October 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 17 - .
07:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Borgerhout - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact possibly in the Bouwhandelstraat in Borgerhout; 25 houses demaged and no victims..
1944 October 17 - .
12:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4252 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct serial number is 18 830..
1944 October 18 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown.
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 19 - .
07:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Borgerhout - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact at the Fonteinstraat and Engelschelei at Borgerhout; 2 people were killed, 8 were injured, 2 houses destroyed and 34 demaged..
1944 October 19 - .
10:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 19 - .
12:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Merzig - .
Nation: Germany.
Merzig, rocket fired, came down at Kroonstraat / Oedenkovenstraat. 44 people killed, 98 injured & 24 houses destroyed..
1944 October 19 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, A-4 rocket crashed near launching site..
1944 October 20 - .
07:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 20 - .
11:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos - .
Nation: Germany.
Rijsterbos, Middenleane, rocket fired, impact unknown..
1944 October 21 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Batteries 1./444, 2./444 and 3./444 move from Rijs to The Hague. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 October 21 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 3./485 begins operations against Antwerp from Burgsteinfurt. - .
Nation: Germany.
They join Battery SS 500, operating at Burgsteinfurt since October 10..
1944 October 21 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Rijsterbos to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
The third platoon of Battery 444 started firing against Antwerp from Rijs. Then quickly moved to the Hague on the 22nd..
1944 October 22 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
During the previous three weeks in the Hague / Wassenaar, usually one or two rockets were launched on a day. But now with the Battery 444 troops from Gaasterland, no less then 6 rockets were launched per day. The new launch site was the Rijswijkse Bos, several meters away from a monument which remembers to the peace was made in 1697.
1944 October 22 - .
08:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery unknown. At Deurne, Antwerp, A-4 rocket crashed into Herenthalse Baan - Boterlaer Baan, the first V-bombs that crashed in the area Deurne. 10 houses destroyed, 13 people were killed and 70 were injured..
1944 October 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 24 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Construction of 5 prototype A4b winged V-2's completed - .
Nation: Germany.
The A-4b was a winged V-2. This resurrected work on the A-9, abandoned in 1943 to concentrate on V-2 production. The A9 was to be the second stage of an ICBM designed to reach North America. By this time in the war the intent was to extend the range of the V-2 once Allied forces pushed the German lines so far back that Britain could no longer be targeted.
1944 October 24 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar - .
Nation: Germany.
There were 6 rockets fired from sites at Wassenaar and Rijswijk. On Oct. 26, a new launch record was achieved by Battery 444 - a total of nine (9) rockets were fired this day from Wassenaar and Rijswijk, of which three within 25 minutes..
1944 October 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 27 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 1./836 begins operations against Antwerp from Burgsteinfurt. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
By the end of the month the entire all three 836 batteries had moved there (3./836 on 26 October and 2./836 on 28 October)..
1944 October 27 - .
14:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Batt. 485, Wassenaar, Beukenhorst, A-4 rocket fired rises about 90-meters, then falls back onto launch site killing 12 German soldiers, damaging launch vehicles and equipment. This was the worst firing site accident that the Germans had during the the Hague/Wassenaar launch period. The Beukenhorst was cleared.
1944 October 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma239 207 J1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Accuracy 2.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 3.1 km from aim point..
1944 October 28 - .
18:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Rocket crashed into the Bontemantelstraat (densely populated part of Antwerp) killing 71 and injuring 80 people. 85 houses were damaged entirely..
1944 October 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma242 208 J2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Accuracy 5.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.5 km from aim point..
1944 October 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Wasserfall test - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
Apogee: 18 km (11 mi). Range: 26 km (16 mi).
The Wasserfall surface to air missile was launched from a table, as was the V-2. The missile was optically steered to its target, and had a potential range of 26 km and ceiling of 18 km, with a flight speed of 600 m/s. Goering observed the first launch from Test Stand IX. He was immensely fat, wearing a fantastical outfit, downing pills every five minutes, and uninterested in the proceedings. Dornberger ruefully noted that the Reich is losing the war due to the leadership's shortsightedness. They had not accepted Von Braun's rocket plans in 1939 or the Panzerfaust in 1942. They only became interested in the latter when the first American bazooka fell into German hands in Tunisia.
1944 October 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 17 km (10 mi).
1944 October 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma243 210 J4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Accuracy 2.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 3.5 km from aim point..
1944 October 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P6.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 October 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma238 209 J3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Accuracy 4 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.9 km from aim point..
1944 October 31 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Batteries 485 and 444 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
V-2 Batteries 485 and 444 launched 83 V-2's in October, of which 5 were known failures..
1944 October 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma244 213 J7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Accuracy 10.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 12.3 km from aim point..
1944 October 31 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- October V-2 results. - .
Nation: Germany.
In October, in total the Sonderkommando's Battery 485 and Battery 444 launched 83 rockets of which 5 failed..
1944 October 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma240 211 J5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Accuracy 2.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 3.3 km from aim point..
1944 October 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma245 212 J6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Accuracy 4.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.3 km from aim point..
1944 November - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Work on the A9/A10 ICBM resumed under the code name Projekt Amerika, - .
Nation: Germany.
No significant hardware development was possible after the last test of the A4b upper stage in January 1945..
1944 November 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma246 214 J8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Accuracy 0.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 223.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma247 215 J9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Accuracy 2.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 4.8 km from aim point..
1944 November 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed on pad.
- V-2 Ma241 216 J10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. .
1944 November 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma249 217 K1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 25.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 25.9 km from aim point..
1944 November 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma248 218 K2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 2.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.4 km from aim point..
1944 November 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma250 220 K4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 5.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.5 km from aim point..
1944 November 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma251 219 K3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 14.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 18.5 km from aim point..
1944 November 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma252 222 K6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 1.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 2.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma253 221 K5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 3.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 3.4 km from aim point..
1944 November 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma257 223 K7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 0.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 1.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma256 224 K8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 1.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 109.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma254 225 K9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 5.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.5 km from aim point..
1944 November 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma255 226 K10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 1.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 113.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma264 227 L1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 4.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 4.3 km from aim point..
1944 November 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma260 230 L4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Airburst 4.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 43.3 km from aim point..
1944 November 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma258 231 L5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 5.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma265 228 L2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 0.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 40.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma266 229 L3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Airburst 10.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 10.9 km from aim point..
1944 November 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- Nation: Germany.
First 12/19000 series launch..
1944 November 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed after launch.
- V-2 Ma259 232 L6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Failed - accuracy was 6.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 249.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma285 236 M1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 6.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.4 km from aim point..
1944 November 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma284 M2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Returned to Mittelwerk. Planned range 250 km. .
1944 November 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma282 239 M4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 215.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma280 238 M3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Airburst 8.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma287 M6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Returned to Mittelwerk. Planned range 250 km. .
1944 November 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded after launch.
- V-2 Ma263 235 L9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Exploded after launch 50 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 207.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma278 237 M7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 1.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.3 km from aim point..
1944 November 13 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- SS V-2 Battery 500 moves to Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
SS V-2 Battery 500 begins transfer from Burgsteinfurt to Hellendoorn, Archem, Holland..
1944 November 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma262 234 L8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact within 100 m of aim point. Circular error 160.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma267 233 L7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Airburst 2.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 17.2 km from aim point..
1944 November 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma283 241 M8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 0.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 0.5 km from aim point..
1944 November 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma279 242 M9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 9.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.7 km from aim point..
1944 November 15 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Rheinbote tested. - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 80 km (49 mi). Range: 160 km (90 mi). Test batteries were set up at Heidekraut, but it was impossible to estimate the weapon's accuracy, since it proved impossible to find the small craters created by the warhead's impact in the vast dispersion area..
1944 November 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma288 243 N1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 1.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 3.4 km from aim point..
1944 November 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma289 244 N2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 14.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 15.2 km from aim point..
1944 November 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 16 - .
15:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, first A-4 rocket fired toward Antwerp crashes near sanatorium hospital..
1944 November 17 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 launched at Tournai, Hasselt, Luttich and Maastricht - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1./485 moved from The Hague to Burgsteinfurt two days later begain operations against Tournai, Hasselt, Luttich and Maastricht..
1944 November 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 17 - .
09:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown.).
1944 November 17 - .
11:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery unknown / location unknown: rocket fired, impacted Antwerp, in the St.-Joanna-Institute in the Ferdinad Coosemansstraat killing 32 people, 31 houses destroyed..
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown.).
1944 November 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed (impact of rocket with explosion of warhead at ground level).
- V-2 Ma290 245 N3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Failed - accuracy was 4 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 124.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma292 246 N4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 3.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 41.2 km from aim point..
1944 November 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma291 247 N5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 2.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 32.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 19 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, target Antwerp, impacted in Antwerp, Mechelschesteenweg, 7 houses destroyed, 7 casualties and 28 injured..
1944 November 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4221 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct serial number is 18 335..
1944 November 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma295 249 N7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 22.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 23.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma294 250 N8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 5.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 12.2 km from aim point..
1944 November 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma293 248 N6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 4.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 17.6 km from aim point..
1944 November 20 - .
11:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown.).
1944 November 20 - .
15:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown.).
1944 November 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma296 251 N9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 4.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 87.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma297 252 N10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 200 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 5.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 32.5 km from aim point..
1944 November 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma301 253 P1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 3.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.9 km from aim point..
1944 November 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma308 254 P2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 7.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.8 km from aim point..
1944 November 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Engine failure.
- V-2 Ma302 256 P4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. .
1944 November 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma300 255 P3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 6.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 35.6 km from aim point..
1944 November 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma336 R2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 369 km. Airburst 15 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 81.4 km from aim point..
- V-2 Ma332 R1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 367 km. No data returned but accuracy 4.6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 18.6 km from aim point..
1944 November 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma307 P27 - .
Nation: Germany.
Returned to Mittelwerk. Planned range 225 km. .
1944 November 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Guidance failure.
- V-2 Ma304 261 P6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Guidance failure; accuracy 110.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 219.8 km from aim point..
1944 November 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma303 260 P5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 0.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 24 - .
10:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown.).
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown.).
1944 November 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende Rail.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Guidance failure.
- V-2 Ma298 262 P7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Guidance failure; accuracy 90.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 190.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma334 259 R3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 363 km. No data returned but accuracy 8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 40.8 km from aim point..
1944 November 25 - .
12:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Site 73 to London - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 73), rocket fired, impacted crowded Woolworth's store in Deptford, London. 160 killed, 108 injured..
1944 November 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende Rail.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded on pad.
- V-2 Ma328 R4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range over 300 km..
1944 November 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma305 263 P8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 0.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.0 km from aim point..
1944 November 26 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma270 P28 - .
Nation: Germany.
Returned to Mittelwerk. Planned range 225 km. .
1944 November 26 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown.).
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Folkes Farm - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery unknown, the Hague, A-4 impacted 500 yards south-southwest of Folkes Farm; 2 casualties, crater 32 feet diameter, 7 feet deep..
1944 November 26 - .
18:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown.).
1944 November 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma276 264 P9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 3.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 10.7 km from aim point..
1944 November 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 Ma306 266 P11 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. .
1944 November 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 November 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma271 265 P10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 4.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.7 km from aim point..
1944 November 27 - .
10:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Site 601 to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 601), rocket fired, impacted Antwerp, at the 18th-century building of the Institute of Lady for Christian Education in the Lange Nieuwstraat. 18 Dead..
1944 November 27 - .
12:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Site 601 to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Batt. 1./836, (Site 601), rocket fired, impacted Antwerp at the crossroads of the Frankrijklei near the Keizerlei and the Teniersplaats, a few hundred metres from the impact point of the previous rocket and while the rescue teams were still working at that incident. 130 Civilians and 26 passing by British soldiers were killed, 196 injured.
1944 November 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma335 R5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 370 km. No data returned but accuracy 22.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 93.8 km from aim point..
1944 November 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma299 269 P12 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 1.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 28 - .
10:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Merksen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, impacted in Merksen, Gemeentepark, 1 casualty, 20 injured..
1944 November 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma316 270 P13 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 3 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 59.1 km from aim point..
1944 November 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma277 271 P14 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 10.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 12.3 km from aim point..
1944 November 29 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende Rail.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma330 R6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 360 km. No data returned but accuracy 4.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 45.2 km from aim point..
End November 1944 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 summary for November - .
Nation: Germany.
During November, the third month of the V-2 combat campaign, there were 369 combat launches on the Western Front and 54 training launches from Heidekraut. 656 missiles were manufactured at Mittelwerk. See V-2 combat launches for a complete list of known combat launches.
1944 November 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma313 P29 - .
Nation: Germany.
Returned to Mittelwerk. Planned range 225 km. .
1944 November 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma312 273 P16 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 2 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.3 km from aim point..
1944 November 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 Ma310 272 P15 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Failed - accuracy was 102 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 138.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 1 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Hermes missile.
- V-2 technology targeted for Hermes. - .
Nation: Germany.
Army Ordnance made plans under the Hermes program to study the German V-2 missile..
1944 December 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Work resumes on train-launched A4. - .
Nation: Germany.
At Kammler's orders work resumes on getting the train-launched version of the A4 into service..
1944 December 1 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 836 sets up launch operations at Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
There they will stay until the end of the war..
1944 December 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma311 276 P17 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 0.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 11.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende Rail.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Explosion after launch.
- V-2 Ma275 277 P18 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 225 km. Explosion after launch 0.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 223.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 275 R7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 376 km. No data returned but accuracy 14 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 57.7 km from aim point..
- V-2 Ma268 P30 - .
Nation: Germany.
Returned to field station - missile leaking. Planned range 225 km. .
1944 December 1 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Merksen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, impacted te Merksen, Castershoflaan, 6 casualties and 1 injured..
1944 December 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, (Time Unknown), crashes on firing site killing three German soldiers..
1944 December 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende Rail.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 278 R8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 369 km. No data returned but accuracy 2.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 76.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 4 - .
16:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Luttenberg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, crashed several kilometers from firing site near the town of Luttenberg. Local residents came to see the burning rocket and 19 were killed when the warhead, that was unexploded, detonated amongst them about 15 minutes after impact.
1944 December 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma346 279 S1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Airburst 6.9 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.9 km from aim point..
1944 December 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma340 280 S2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 3.5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.3 km from aim point..
1944 December 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma339 281 S3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Airburst 1.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 1.6 km from aim point..
1944 December 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 Ma341 283 S5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. .
1944 December 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma338 282 S4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 0.11 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 83.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1944 December 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma333 R9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 373 km. No data returned but accuracy 18 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 30.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma345 284 S6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 3.3 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 26.2 km from aim point..
1944 December 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma342 285 S7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 0.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma344 286 S8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 2.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 35.1 km from aim point..
1944 December 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Pruefstand XII development started. - .
Nation: Germany.
The order was received in Peenemuende to begin serious development of Pruefstand XII, the project to launch V-2's from submerged capsules towed by submarine to launch positions off the US coast. Preliminary work was to be completed by the end of Marc. However there is no confirmed evidence that the prototype of the launch capsule was ever completed before Peenemuende was evacuated.
1944 December 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma347 287 S9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 250 km. Impact 0.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 20.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 290 R10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 354 km. Circular error 7.0 km from aim point..
- V-2 Ma343 288 S10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Returned to Mittelwerk. Planned range 250 km. .
1944 December 9 - .
11:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Antwerp-Kiel, 43 killed, 94 injured, 43 houses destroyed..
1944 December 9 - .
15:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Antwerp on Meir-Kathelynevest (Building of Agence Maritime), 25 killed, 45 injured, 14 houses destroyed..
1944 December 10 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (2) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1944 December 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma319 291 Q1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 250 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 29.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 29.5 km from aim point..
1944 December 11 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (3) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded above pad.
- V-2 Ma323 293 Q2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 250 km. .
1944 December 12 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (5) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma321 294 Q3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 250 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 7.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 10.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma318 295 Q4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 250 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 1.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 4.4 km from aim point..
1944 December 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma191 R11 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 354 km. No data returned but accuracy 2.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 70.1 km from aim point..
1944 December 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma326 Q10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Returned to field station. Planned range 250 km. .
1944 December 12 - .
07:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 400) Hellendoorn, rocket fired, impacted Antwerp at Hoboken in Lage Weg, 44 injured. Charles Ostyn witnessed this impact, for just a split-second one long, thin white streak, he described as "a flash" coming to the ground, followed by the explosion..
1944 December 13 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1944 December 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma324 298 Q7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 250 km. Airburst 7.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 182.2 km from aim point..
1944 December 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma322 296 Q5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 250 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 15.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 16.5 km from aim point..
1944 December 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma320 297 Q6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 250 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 3.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 11.4 km from aim point..
1944 December 14 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 launched at Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Battery 3./836 sets up operations near Hachenburg - target: Antwerp..
1944 December 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma325 299 Q8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 250 km. Airburst..
1944 December 14 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Until this day the Germans never succeeded in launching more than 4 rockets within 24 hours, but on this day for the first time 6 rockets were fired. After this day the Germans repeatedly succeeded in launching more than four rockets..
1944 December 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Submarine-launched A4 work resumes. - .
Nation: Germany.
The first construction drawings were released for the submarine-launched version..
1944 December 15 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (4) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma309 300 P19 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 1.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.1 km from aim point..
1944 December 15 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (5) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma314 302 P21 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 6.3 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma317 301 P20 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 4.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.9 km from aim point..
1944 December 16 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Heeten - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, crashed near Heeten and Raalte..
1944 December 16 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1944 December 16 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch to Egmond - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, (location unknown), rockets fired, impacted between Egmond and Bergen aan Zee, presumable in the dune area West of "Pollen.".
1944 December 16 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (3) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 16 - .
15:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, impacted the crowded Rex Cinema in Antwerp, in the Keyserlei, resulting in 567 casualties to soldiers and civilians, 291 injured and 11 houses were destroyed. 296 of the dead & 194 of the injured were U.S., British, & Canadian soldiers. (This was the single highest death total from one rocket attack during the war in Europe.)
1944 December 16 - .
17:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 183), rocket fired, crashed into the Twee Netenstraat killing 74 people, 79 injured, 24 houses destroyed, 65 houses heavily damaged..
1944 December 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 Ma273 303 P22 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Failed - accuracy was 22.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 99.6 km from aim point..
1944 December 17 - .
15:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1944 December 17 - .
15:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Heeten - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, crashed near Schoonheeten (close to Heeten)..
1944 December 17 - .
15:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1944 December 18 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 18 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (7) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1944 December 18 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, (impact unknown). This rocket was launched while a failed V1 was making two circles in the air above Raalte. This happened in the evening and the V1 crashed after ten minutes in the direction of Hellendoorn. .
1944 December 19 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1944 December 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma327 304 Q9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 250 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 1.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.2 km from aim point..
1944 December 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 Ma315 305 P23 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Failed - accuracy was 67.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 185.8 km from aim point..
1944 December 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 Ma274 308 P26 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 1.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.1 km from aim point..
1944 December 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Guidance failure.
- V-2 Ma269 307 P25 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Guidance failure; accuracy 3.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 144.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Control failure at lift-off, reached 15 m altitude..
- V-2 Ma272 306 P24 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. .
1944 December 20 - .
12:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Brentwood - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, impacted Brentwood..
1944 December 20 - .
14:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Berkhamstead Hill - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, impacted Berkhamstead Hill..
1944 December 20 - .
16:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Cuffley - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, impacted Cuffley..
1944 December 20 - .
19:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, impacted the sea..
1944 December 20 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Nevendon - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, Nevendon..
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, (impact unknown.).
1944 December 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 U1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 2.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 4.9 km from aim point..
1944 December 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 U2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 0.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 35.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 21 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 U3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 10.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 10.8 km from aim point..
1944 December 21 - .
09:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, impacted sea..
1944 December 21 - .
10:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Firstead - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, impacted Firstead..
1944 December 22 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (7) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 22 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (7) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 23 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 U6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 2.2 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 2.4 km from aim point..
1944 December 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 U5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 8.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.6 km from aim point..
1944 December 23 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 U4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 3.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 23 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (9) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1944 December 23 - .
13:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Site 605 to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 605), rocket fired, impacted in Antwerp at Hoboken in Windmolenstraat, 130 injured, 10 houses destroyed, 80 houses damaged..
1944 December 24 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1944 December 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Airburst.
- V-2 U8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Airburst 12.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 13.1 km from aim point..
1944 December 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 U7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Impact 5.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.9 km from aim point..
1944 December 25 - .
15:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 131) rocket fired, impacted in Antwerp at Hoboken in Polderstraat, 1 killed, 4 injured, 13 houses destroyed..
1944 December 26 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (5) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 26 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (8) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (two failures)..
1944 December 26 - .
21:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Nazeing - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, impacted Nazeing..
1944 December 26 - .
21:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Islington - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted Islington..
1944 December 26 - .
21:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Pitsea - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted Pitsea..
1944 December 27 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
Failed Stage: 1.
- A-4b #1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Work on a winged version of the A4 had been stopped in early 1943. Now, with the Allies overrunning launch sites in Belgium and Holland, Kammler ordered it resumed in order to have a long-range version of the weapon that could reach England and Allied continental rear areas from Germany. Within weeks the wind tunnel results generated since 1940 were reviewed, and a prototype winged version of the missile built. On the first launch, the steering failed at 30 m, and the missile crashed a short distance from the pad. Several more test articles were on hand, but testing could not resume immediately due to a shortage of alcohol fuel.
1944 December 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma421 309 X1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 5.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 14.1 km from aim point..
1944 December 27 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 27 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (7) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 radio guidance system set up. - .
Nation: Germany.
Measurements are made to determine the positioning of the Leitstrahlstellung (V2 radio guidance beam) and Brensslussstellung (engine cut-off beam) of the new radio guidance system. The Leitstrahlstellung station will be situated at Dedemsvaart..
1944 December 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma423 310 X2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 1.1 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.1 km from aim point..
1944 December 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed.
- V-2 Ma427 312 X4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. .
1944 December 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (2) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1944 December 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1944 December 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma422 311 X3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 6.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.3 km from aim point..
1944 December 28 - .
16:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, (impact unknown). .
1944 December 28 - .
16:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, (impact unknown). .
1944 December 28 - .
16:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, this rocket rose 4 meters off the Bodenplatte, canted over, hit the ground and caught fire. The turbo pumps continued to run and the fire raged for about 10 minutes. The warhead exploded about 5 minutes later, digging a crater 2.5 meters deep and 4 meters wide. Windows of buildings within 1.5 km. area of the launch site were destroyed. Because of the explosion, the cables of the first Feuerleitpanzer, that were on the forest ground not buried, were destroyed. A rocket on a Meillerwagen that was close to the launch table was damaged by splinters and had to be send back to the technical crew.
1944 December 28 - .
16:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, (impact unknown). .
1944 December 29 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1944 December 29 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1944 December 29 - .
06:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Southminster - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted Southminster..
1944 December 29 - .
08:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, (impact unknown.).
1944 December 29 - .
09:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Mundon - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted near Mundon..
1944 December 29 - .
09:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Burnham - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted NE of Burnham..
1944 December 29 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, (impact unknown.).
- V-2 combat launch from Site 605 to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 605) A-4 rocket fired, impacted Antwerp, crashed behind the post office in the Groenstraat. 39 people were killed, 108 heavily wounded and 58 houses destroyed..
1944 December 29 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Tillingham - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted Tillingham..
1944 December 29 - .
19:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Brentwood - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted E of Brentwood..
1944 December 29 - .
20:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Barking - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted Barking..
1944 December 29 - .
21:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Croydon - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted Croydon..
1944 December 29 - .
21:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Wickford - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted E of Wickford..
1944 December 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma413 314 X6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 5 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.8 km from aim point..
1944 December 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma414 313 X5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 0.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.0 km from aim point..
1944 December 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1944 December 30 - .
02:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, (impact unknown.).
1944 December 30 - .
09:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, the Hague, rocket fired, impacted W Ham, Prince Regent Lane..
1944 December 30 - .
10:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, crashed at Antwerp in Mortsel near the Castle of Cantecroy, 5 injured, 1 house destroyed..
1944 December 30 - .
13:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, impacted Antwerp at Borgerhout in Wynegemstraat-Florastraat, 44 killed, 125 injured, 110 houses destroyed..
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, rocket fired, malfunction causes the rocket to crash into a church at Hellendoorn..
1944 December 31 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery SS 500 moves to new firing sites at Hessum. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1944 December 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemuende rocket team faces the New Year - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hitler.
It was for them a depressing time. The V-2 came too late to affect the outcome of the war. The years 1939-1942, when Hitler had blocked development and production of the V-2, were lost years. By this time, the Peenemuende staff was allocated as follows: 135 were working on Taifun anti-aircraft barrage rocket; 1940 were working on the V-2; 1220 were working on the Wasserfall surface-to-air missile; 270 were working on the A4b winged V-2; and 660 were in administrative positions. Meanwhile Kammler was constantly underway, trying to deploy the wonder weapons he believed would save the Reich. He could only be met at one-hour meetings at autobahn intersections, on his way from one place to another.
End of 1944 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 year-end combat summary - .
Nation: Germany.
During December, the fourth month of the V-2 combat campaign, there were 447 combat launches on the Western Front and 44 training launches from Heidekraut. 618 missiles were manufactured at Mittelwerk. Since the start of the campaign on 6 September, a total of 1591 V-2's had been launched in combat at the following targets:
- Antwerp 924
- London 477
- Norwich 43
- Luettich 27
- Lille 25
- Paris 19
- Tourcoing 19
- Maastricht 19
- Hasselt 13
- Tournai 9
- Arras 6
- Cambrai 4
- Mons 3
- Diest 2
- Ipswich 1
By the end of the year Mittelwerk had produced 4,195 missiles, less than half of which had been fired.
1944 December 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma408 316 X8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 5.4 km from aim point..
1944 December 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma425 315 X7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 10.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 10.7 km from aim point..
1944 December 31 - .
23:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar to Wassenaar - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, rose to 2500 meters and exploded, showering the inhabitants of Van Voorrschotenlaan, Waalsdorperweg with debris..
January 1945 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 test site moved from Heidkraut in face of Russian advances. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger.
A total of 107 V-2 launches were made from Heidekraut. At the end of December Dornberger made his last visit to Heidekraut. By then the Russian Army was approaching, and the test launch area had to be moved south of Wolgast, with the impact area being in the Tucheler Heide. But in fact the test battery never shot again. It was moved to the forest near Wolgast in mid February, then again to Rethen an der Weser, with an impact area off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein.
1945 - During the year - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Von Braun documents plans for future uses of rocket power. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Spacecraft: Von Braun Station.
As part of a summary of his work on rockets during World War II, Wernher von Braun speculated on future uses of rocket power. These included an observatory in space, the construction of space stations in earth orbit, a space mirror, and interplanetary travel, beginning with trips to the moon.
1945 January 1 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (5) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1945 January 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Attempt abandoned - see test X18.
1945 January 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed .
- V-2 Ma426 317 X9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Failed - accuracy was 0.9 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 191.0 km from aim point..
1945 January 1 - .
00:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, impacted in Antwerp, in Borgerhout, Groeningerplein. 45 casualties and 33 injured, 21 houses destroyed..
1945 January 1 - .
09:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (impact unknown).
1945 January 1 - .
14:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (impact unknown).
1945 January 1 - .
17:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Wassenaar - .
Nation: Germany.
Jan. 01, (17.17 hours) - Battery 444 or Batt. 485, the Hague or Wassenaar, Ockenburgh, rocket fired, several meters above the launch table the rocket turned 160 degrees. Blasting low over two cemeteries it came down in the houses in the Indigostraat, at the corner of Kamperfoeliestraat, at a distance of 3600 meters from the launch site. 38 people lost their lives. The doctors and nurses, who were very quick to the crash, were not allowed to enter the area until after the Germans had collected the remains of the rocket.
1945 January 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma411 318 X11 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 3.6 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.9 km from aim point..
1945 January 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma415 319 X12 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 3.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.7 km from aim point..
1945 January 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma412 320 X13 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 1.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.2 km from aim point..
1945 January 2 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 2 - .
22:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery unknown, A-4 rocket impacted Antwerp at Vrydagmarkt, 29 killed, 41 injured, 53 houses destroyed..
1945 January 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (2) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1945 January 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma424 323 X16 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 6 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.3 km from aim point..
1945 January 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma420 322 X15 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 17.4 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 17.4 km from aim point..
1945 January 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma418 321 X14 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 1.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 4.3 km from aim point..
1945 January 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed shortly after launch.
- V-2 Ma410 325 X18 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. .
1945 January 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma417 324 X17 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.5 km from aim point..
1945 January 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 January 4 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), first A-4 rocket launched using Leitstrahlstellung..
1945 January 4 - .
12:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Lemelerveld - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), A-4 rocket crashes near Lemelerveld causing a lot of glass damage to windows..
1945 January 5 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Madesteyn - .
Nation: Germany.
A-4 rockets were launched at estate of Madesteyn, between Maeweg and Monsterscheweg..
1945 January 6 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (8) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1945 January 6 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (7) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (two failures)..
1945 January 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma381 V2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 320 km. Launched into sea; accuracy 2.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 3.7 km from aim point. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 January 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 January 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma419 326 X19 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Final Heidekraut test launch. Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 1.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 6.3 km from aim point..
1945 January 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma416 327 X20 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 3.8 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 9.8 km from aim point..
1945 January 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 January 10 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (4) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1945 January 10 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1945 January 10 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma405 332 W3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 10.4 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 10.6 km from aim point..
1945 January 10 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma400 330 W1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 11.2 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 15.0 km from aim point..
1945 January 10 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed.
- V-2 Ma404 331 W2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. .
1945 January 11 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma401 337 W7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 28 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 28.1 km from aim point..
1945 January 11 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed.
- V-2 Ma402 335 W5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Failed - accuracy was 7.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 64.4 km from aim point..
1945 January 11 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level..
- V-2 Ma398 336 W6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Air-burst of rocket but explosion of warhead at ground level 4.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 7.5 km from aim point..
1945 January 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma403 W9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Abandoned. Planned range 225 km. .
- V-2 Ma407 W10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Abandoned. Planned range 225 km. .
1945 January 11 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: High altitude airburst.
- V-2 Ma399 338 W8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. High altitude airburst; accuracy 8.3 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 8.4 km from aim point..
1945 January 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma379 V3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 320 km. Launched into sea; accuracy 14.7 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 38.0 km from aim point. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 January 11 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma406 334 W4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Planned range 225 km. Rocket impacted and warhead exploded at impact 0.7 km to the left of the planned trajectory. Circular error 1.2 km from aim point..
1945 January 11 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (3) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 11 - .
10:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 11 - .
12:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 11 - .
12:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 11 - .
15:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 11 - .
17:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 11 - .
20:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 11 - .
21:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 11 - .
23:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Arbeitstab Dornberger - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger,
Speer puts Dornberger in charge of an office within the Munitions Ministry to oversee further development of the A4 and other rockets, drawing on staff from Peenemuende. Everyone knew the war would be over in a few months -- nothing could be accomplished. Kammler still made sure that Dornberger was only responsible for technical aspects. All further developments of the A4 had been on hold for years, and any further work was now impossible. Only simple things could be worked on, such as converting 6 cm smoke rockets to use as an air-to-air weapon. In the short turnaround typical of the times, the team drove to Kummersdorf and built a 21-cm diameter pipe that could fire a barrage of four smoke rockets. Two days later, it was reported back that the device was used successfully in combat, and it was put into production. It was first used against allied bombers over Schweinfurt in January 1945.
1945 January 12 - .
15:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 12 - .
16:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 12 - .
18:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 12 - .
20:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma392 V4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 320 km. Launched into sea; accuracy 13.1 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 14.4 km from aim point. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 January 13 - .
09:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 13 - .
11:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, first failure of the day, rocket crashed somewhere near firing site..
1945 January 13 - .
12:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, second failure of the day, rocket crashed somewhere near firing site..
1945 January 13 - .
14:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 13 - .
20:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 13 - .
21:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 14 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 14 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (5) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1945 January 14 - .
11:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 14 - .
18:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 14 - .
22:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
January 1945 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-3 in action. - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 30 km (18 mi). Range: 60 km (37 mi). Two shortened test versions of the gun with a 60 km range were used to bombard Antwerp and Luxembourg. Only a few shots were accomplished before the barrels blew up..
1945 January 15 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Rheinbote in service. - .
Nation: Germany.
A battery is set up in Holland, and 200 rockets are fired on Antwerp harbour..
1945 January 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Train-launched A4 abandoned. - .
Nation: Germany.
Allied air superiority made the train-launched version unviable as a weapon, compared to the truck-towed missile, which was more easily moved and concealed. Further work on the system was abandoned..
1945 January 15 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 15 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (2) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1945 January 15 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma384 V5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 320 km. Launched into sea; accuracy 11.8 km to the right of the planned trajectory. Circular error 12.8 km from aim point. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 January 15 - .
10:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 15 - .
12:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 15 - .
14:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 15 - .
22:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma380 V6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 320 km. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 January 16 - .
12:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Site 410 to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 410), rocket fired, impacted Antwerp at Steenbergstraat, 58 killed, 64 injured, 31 houses destroyed..
1945 January 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed 20 m above pad.
- V-2 Ma390 V7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 320 km. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 January 18 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (6) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (4) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4301 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct serial number is 20 338..
1945 January 19 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (3) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 19 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 19 - .
18:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 163), rocket fired, impacted Antwerp at Berendrechtstraat, 41 killed, 75 injured, 28 houses destroyed..
1945 January 21 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (5) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 January 22 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (5) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 22 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, crashed near Wijhe on the estate De Gelder..
1945 January 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4302 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct serial number is 20 840..
1945 January 23 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (5) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1945 January 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- A-4b #2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
The first successful launch, this reached 80 km altitude and 1200 m/s. It then flew stably in supersonic flight using its 13.5 sq. m. wing. The automatic guidance system was designed to keep the missile on course in both supersonic and subsonic flight regimes. However the wing broke off shortly after the beginning of the glide. This concluded work on the A4b/A9; the increasingly chaotic situation in Germany prevented further flight tests.
1945 January 25 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (2) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed 1300 m above pad.
- V-2 Ma385 V8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 320 km. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 January 25 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (7) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 25 - .
08:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Wassenaar - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 444 or Battery 485, Wassenaar, Duindigt, rocket fired, a rocket, came down the Archipelwijk, corner Riouxstraat – Bonistraat. Five houses totally destroyed, forty houses vacated. Ten people lost their lives, 20 heavy and 21 minor injuries..
1945 January 26 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (4) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to Cranham - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery unknown, the Hague, A-4 rocket exploded in the air near Clay Tye Hill in Cranham..
1945 January 26 - .
13:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Heino - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, crashed near Heino into the meadows near Lierderholthuis making a huge crater. No injuries..
1945 January 27 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- First meeting of Arbeitstab Dornberger in Berlin - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger.
The group's first priority was to evalute the prospects for rapid development of an effective surface-to-air missile to combat the incessant Allied bombing raids. It had to be beam-riding instead of optically guided, in order to be effective at night and in bad weather. The group found there was no single 'wonder weapon' that would end the war in a few months. But Kammler still believed the Reich still could hold out for six months, enough time to develop and deploy a new weapon. Dornberger's team disagreed, but they had to try nevertheless. Therefore the Schmetterling, Wasserfall, and X4 missiles went into simultaneous final development and production. But realistically none of them could be mature enough to be sent to the front until early 1946. If the Reich could hold out that long, then it was possible it could slowly win back territory.
1945 January 27 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed 100 m above pad.
- V-2 Ma383 V9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Planned range 320 km. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 January 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 444 leaves the Hague and sets up operations at Burgsteinfurt. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
1945 January 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Raalte - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (Time Unknown), another this day crashed near Raalte..
1945 January 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Raalte - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, (Time Unknown), crashed near Raalte..
1945 January 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, seven (7) A-4 rocket fired, (impacts unknown), (two (2) failures)..
1945 January 29 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (7) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 29 - .
20:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hessum to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hessum (Madrid), rocket fired, target Antwerp, (impact unknown)..
1945 January 30 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery SS 500 moves - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Battery SS 500 moves to the Estate Mataram near Emmen in Dalfsen. The Leitstrahlstellung radio guidance station moves to Ommerschans..
1945 January 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 January 30 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, (2) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
End January 1945 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 summary for January - .
Nation: Germany.
During January, the fifth month of the V-2 combat campaign, there were from 574 to 620 combat launches on the Western Front. The final 19 training launches from made from Heidekraut before it was abandoned in the face of Russian advances on the Eastern Front. 700 missiles were manufactured at Mittelwerk. See V-2 launches for a list of known combat launches.
1945 January 31 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 January 31 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, (4) rockets fired, (impacts unknown)..
1945 January 31 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, ten (10) rockets fired, (impacts unknown), (one failure)..
1945 February 1 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 units redesignated. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Battery 485 is renamed to Artillery Regiment 902, Battery 836 is renamed to Artillery Regiment 901, and SS Werfer Battery 500 is renamed SS Werfer Abteilung Battery 500. For consistency, the old designations are used for the rest of this chronology..
1945 February 1 - .
- Kammler put in charge of jet engine production. - .
Nation: Germany.
In addition to responsibility for the V-weapons, Kammler was tasked with producing jet engines for manned aircraft in the northern section of the Mittelwerk. He was successful in keeping production going, but in the end, with the cities of Germany in ruins, its air bases were full of new jet fighters, but there was no fuel to operate them. There was no longer fuel for trucks, and horses had to be used for transport. There was an even bigger backlog of aircraft and missile hardware in the tunnels of Mittelwerk, but they remained there due to lack of transport. As a weapon for the jet fighters, the 5 cm R4M powder rocket was used. Each fighter had 48 of these rockets, each of which weighed 7 kg and could propel 500 g of explosive at 400 m/s to a range of 1200 to 1500 m.
1945 February 1 - .
01:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, (failure)..
1945 February 1 - .
01:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to North Weald - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Weald..
1945 February 1 - .
02:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Latchingdon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Latchingdon..
1945 February 1 - .
02:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Halle - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted SW of Halle..
1945 February 1 - .
02:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted West Ham. 29 Dead, 118 injured..
1945 February 1 - .
03:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ruislip - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ruislip (airburst).
1945 February 1 - .
04:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Borsbeek - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted E of Borsbeek..
1945 February 1 - .
05:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chiddingstone - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chiddingstone..
1945 February 1 - .
05:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Koningshooikt - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted near Koningshooikt..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walthamstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Walthamstow..
1945 February 1 - .
07:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walkern - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Walkern, Hertfordshire..
1945 February 1 - .
07:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chingford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chingford. 3 Dead, 25 injured..
1945 February 1 - .
10:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chingford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chingford..
1945 February 1 - .
11:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Gooreind - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted SW of Gooreind..
1945 February 1 - .
11:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired NE of Brasschaat..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hackney - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Hackney (airburst). 2 injured..
1945 February 1 - .
13:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Wilmarsdon - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired impacted Wilmarsdonk, NW of Antwerp. 1 Property demolished..
1945 February 1 - .
14:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chingford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chingford. 2 Dead, 79 injured..
1945 February 1 - .
14:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 1 - .
14:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Ekeren - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted Josef Ickxstraat, Ekeren. 1 Property demolished..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 1 - .
15:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Ekeren - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted “Zijdefabriek”, Ekeren. 6 Properties lightly damaged..
1945 February 1 - .
16:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 1 - .
16:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Gooreind - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted near Gooreind..
1945 February 1 - .
17:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Schoten - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted E of Schoten..
1945 February 1 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld - .
Nation: Germany.
Rocket fired N of Ranst..
1945 February 1 - .
18:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted Lange Herentalsestraat, Antwerp. 4 Dead. 9 Properties demolished..
1945 February 1 - .
20:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wijnegem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted NW of Wijnegem.
1945 February 1 - .
21:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Verrebroek - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted near Verrebroek..
1945 February 1 - .
21:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Voorselaar - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted NW of Voorselaar..
1945 February 1 - .
22:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 2 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1945 February 2 - .
01:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wilrijk - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted Neerland, Wilrijk. 9 Properties seriously damaged including partially demolished..
1945 February 2 - .
02:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 2 - .
02:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Zoersel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted SE of Zoersel..
1945 February 2 - .
03:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Zwijndrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted near Zwijndrecht..
1945 February 2 - .
04:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Mortsel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted Nieuwelei, Mortsel. 1 Property demolished, 6 seriously damaged, 50 lightly damaged..
1945 February 2 - .
06:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woodham Mortimer - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woodham Mortimer..
1945 February 2 - .
07:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Southminster - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Southminster. 1 Injured..
1945 February 2 - .
08:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Deptford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Deptford. 34 Dead, 52 injured..
1945 February 2 - .
10:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Erith, in River Thames. 1 Injured..
1945 February 2 - .
10:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to East Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted East Ham. 12 Dead, 119 injured..
1945 February 2 - .
11:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Schelde - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted Schelde, W of Berendrecht..
1945 February 2 - .
11:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kalmthout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted SW of Kalmthout..
1945 February 2 - .
12:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to East Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted East Ham. 1 Dead, 70 injured..
1945 February 2 - .
12:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walthamstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Walthamstow. 86 Injured..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kalmthout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted Vogelenzangstraat, Kalmthout..
1945 February 2 - .
16:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Gooreind - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted near Gooreind..
1945 February 2 - .
18:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted near Brasschaat..
1945 February 2 - .
20:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Schilde - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted E of Schilde..
1945 February 2 - .
23:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Zundert - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted SW of Zundert,near Wernhout, Netherlands..
1945 February 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 February 3 - .
10:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Boechout - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired, impacted Boechout..
1945 February 3 - .
10:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Aartselaar - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired, impacted near Aartselaar..
1945 February 3 - .
11:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Waltham Holy Cross - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Waltham Holy Cross..
1945 February 3 - .
11:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Kontich - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired, impacted E of Kontich..
1945 February 3 - .
12:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure)..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Barking - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Barking. 1 Injured..
1945 February 3 - .
13:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Schoten - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted W of Schoten..
1945 February 3 - .
13:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Kontich - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired, impacted W of Kontich..
1945 February 3 - .
13:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Duffel - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired, impacted near Duffel..
1945 February 3 - .
15:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 1 Dead, 51 injured..
1945 February 3 - .
15:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired, SW of Kontich..
1945 February 3 - .
15:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Duerne - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired, impacted Plankenbergstraat, Duerne. 16 Dead. 5 Properties demolished, 86 seriously damaged including partially demolished..
1945 February 3 - .
18:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Rumst - .
Nation: Germany.
rocket fired, impacted E of Rumst..
1945 February 3 - .
18:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, misdirected round impacted North Sea NW of Netherlands..
1945 February 3 - .
19:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Boechout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Boechout..
1945 February 4 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 February 4 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
For more than a week V-2 launches from Dalfsen were halted due to thawing of the frozen ground..
1945 February 4 - .
12:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Sint-Jozef - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted S of Sint-Jozef..
1945 February 4 - .
14:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woodham Ferrers - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woodham Ferrers (airburst)..
1945 February 4 - .
14:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 23 injured..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ilford (airburst)..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Zandvliet - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted Zandvliet..
1945 February 4 - .
16:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to the Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, misdirected round impacted SW of the Hague, Netherlands..
1945 February 4 - .
17:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted West Ham (airburst)..
1945 February 4 - .
17:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 5 Injured..
1945 February 4 - .
17:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to North Weald - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Weald..
1945 February 4 - .
18:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Ranst - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted NW of Ranst..
1945 February 4 - .
18:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Doddinghurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Doddinghurst. 12 Injured..
1945 February 4 - .
18:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted N of Brasschaat..
1945 February 4 - .
18:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hackney - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Hackney. 11 Dead, 98 injured..
1945 February 4 - .
19:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Loenhout - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted near Loenhout..
1945 February 4 - .
19:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 4 - .
19:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Roosendaal - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted S of Roosendaal, near the Netherlands-Belgium border..
1945 February 4 - .
19:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted N of Brasschaat..
1945 February 4 - .
20:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Airburst soon after launch..
1945 February 4 - .
21:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 4 - .
22:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Wanstead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Wanstead & Woodford. 2 Injured..
1945 February 4 - .
22:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Westeind - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted Wilmarsdonk: Westeind. 2 Properties seriously damaged..
1945 February 4 - .
23:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Schoten - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted near Schoten..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hornchurch - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Hornchurch. 8 Injured..
1945 February 4 - .
23:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rettenden - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Rettenden. .
1945 February 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 February 5 - .
00:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Valkenswaard - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted SW of Valkenswaard..
1945 February 5 - .
01:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Schelle - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted near Schelle.
1945 February 5 - .
01:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chingford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chingford. 4 Dead, 45 injured..
1945 February 5 - .
02:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 5 - .
02:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hackney - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Hackney. 1 Dead, 22 injured..
1945 February 5 - .
04:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Zoersel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted NW of Zoersel..
1945 February 5 - .
05:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Epping Upland - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Epping Upland..
1945 February 5 - .
06:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Leopoldsberg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted near Leopoldsberg..
1945 February 5 - .
08:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Willingale - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Willingale..
1945 February 5 - .
09:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Watton At Stone - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Watton At Stone, Hertfordshire..
1945 February 5 - .
09:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted SW of Brasschaat..
1945 February 5 - .
11:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Vremde - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted Vremde..
1945 February 5 - .
11:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Lier - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted NW of Lier..
1945 February 5 - .
16:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Ooorderen - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted Ooorderen: Walenhoek, NW of Antwerp..
1945 February 5 - .
19:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Edegem - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted Edegem..
1945 February 5 - .
21:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Waltham Holy Cross - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Waltham Holy Cross. 3 Injured..
1945 February 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failed after 47 seconds.
- V-2 Ma376 U1 - .
Nation: Germany.
'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 February 6 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Airburst soon after launch..
1945 February 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 February 6 - .
04:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Paglesham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Paglesham (airburst)..
1945 February 6 - .
06:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Essendon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Essendon, Hertfordshire..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Edmonton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Edmonton (airburst). 1 Person seriously injured. Venturi of rocket fell in adjacent borough of Tottenham, causing slight damage..
1945 February 6 - .
09:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Orpington - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Orpington..
1945 February 6 - .
09:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ramsden Heath - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ramsden Heath. 3 Injured..
1945 February 6 - .
10:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 6 - .
10:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Lier - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted NW of Lier..
1945 February 6 - .
11:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Staebroek - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted SW of Staebroek..
1945 February 6 - .
11:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Nolse Duinen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted Nolse Duinen, N Kalmthout..
1945 February 6 - .
12:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired (failure).
1945 February 6 - .
12:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Liege - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted near Liege. 5 Injured. 10 Properties damaged. Radar tracking determined the speed of this rocket to be approximately 1/3 normal, and it was therefore classed as an unsuccessful shot against Antwerp rather than against Liege itself.
1945 February 6 - .
12:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bradwell - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Bradwell..
1945 February 6 - .
12:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Aartselaar - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted SW of Aartselaar..
1945 February 6 - .
13:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Boechout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted Stoofstraat, Boechout..
1945 February 6 - .
14:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 6 - .
14:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Heist-op-den Berf - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted E of Heist-op-den Berg..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wilrijk - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted Boomsesteenweg, Wilrijk. 2 Dead..
1945 February 6 - .
15:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 6 - .
15:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Sint-Job-in't-goor - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted near Sint-Job-in't-goor..
1945 February 6 - .
16:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Mortsel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted Kaphanlei, Mortsel. 3 Properties partially demolished, 10 seriously damaged..
1945 February 6 - .
17:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 6 - .
17:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Eynsford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Eynsford, Kent. 27 Injured..
1945 February 6 - .
18:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kieldrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted Near Kieldrecht..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Duffel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted W of Duffel. .
1945 February 6 - .
19:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to East Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted East Ham. 7 Injured..
1945 February 6 - .
19:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Herentals - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired impacted Sint-Job, Herentals..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich. 44 Injured..
1945 February 6 - .
22:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (impact unknown).
1945 February 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Submarine-launched A4 abandoned. - .
Nation: Germany.
Evacuation of Peenemuende brought work on the submarine-towed version to an end..
1945 February 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma373 U3 - .
Nation: Germany.
'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 February 7 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Exploded on launch pad..
1945 February 7 - .
00:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Nijlen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted E of Nijlen..
1945 February 7 - .
02:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wommelgem (Moffenhoev - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Wommelgem (Moffenhoevestraat which is situated near the Rollebeekstraat)..
1945 February 7 - .
03:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, (failure) impacted SE of launch site..
1945 February 7 - .
05:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Borsbeek - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted between Borsbeek and Ranst..
1945 February 7 - .
06:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, (failure). .
1945 February 7 - .
07:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Impacted approximately 3km from launch site..
1945 February 7 - .
11:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 16 Injured..
1945 February 7 - .
12:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Barking - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Barking. Railway line severed. 11 Injured..
1945 February 7 - .
15:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Waltham Holy Cross - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Waltham Holy Cross. 3 Injured..
1945 February 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1945 February 8 - .
00:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Gipping - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Loosduinen, rocket fired, impacted Gipping, Suffolk (airburst)..
1945 February 8 - .
01:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walthamstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Walthamstow. 16 Dead, 43 injured..
1945 February 8 - .
02:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Cromer - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea NW of Cromer, Norfolk..
1945 February 8 - .
03:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst..
1945 February 8 - .
03:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Exploded on launch pad..
1945 February 8 - .
07:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 8 - .
09:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 8 - .
09:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 8 - .
09:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Fobbing - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Fobbing. 1 Injured..
1945 February 8 - .
10:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Nieuwdreef, Merksem. 2 Properties seriously damaged..
1945 February 8 - .
10:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bethnal Green - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Bethnal Green. 1 Dead, 106 injured..
1945 February 8 - .
11:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kapellen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Doornelaan, Kapellen..
1945 February 8 - .
12:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Erith. 1 Dead, 72 injured..
1945 February 8 - .
12:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Ekeren - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Laar, Ekeren..
1945 February 8 - .
12:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 12 Dead, 106 injured..
1945 February 8 - .
14:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 8 - .
15:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kalmthout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted E of Kalmthout.
1945 February 8 - .
15:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 8 - .
15:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rettenden - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Rettenden..
1945 February 8 - .
17:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Exploded on launch pad..
1945 February 8 - .
17:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Sidcup - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Sidcup. 7 Dead, 100 injured..
1945 February 8 - .
17:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Greenwich. 11 Dead, 46 injured..
1945 February 8 - .
18:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kapellen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted N of Kapellen..
1945 February 8 - .
20:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Cock Clarks, - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Cock Clarks, Essex..
1945 February 8 - .
22:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dagenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Dagenham. 2 Dead, 70 injured..
1945 February 8 - .
22:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kapellen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted NE of Kapellen..
1945 February 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 4298 - .
Nation: Germany.
Possibly correct launch date is 08.02.1945..
1945 February 9 - .
02:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Exploded on launch pad..
1945 February 9 - .
05:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Navestock - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Navestock..
1945 February 9 - .
07:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stow Maries - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Stow Maries..
1945 February 9 - .
10:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Westerlo - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted S of Westerlo..
1945 February 9 - .
12:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Staebroek - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted NW of Staebroek..
1945 February 9 - .
13:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kalmthout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted SE of Kalmthout..
1945 February 9 - .
13:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg Gehlert, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 9 - .
14:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Poplar - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Poplar. 42 Injured..
1945 February 9 - .
16:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to St Pancras - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted St Pancras. Presbyterian Church HQ partially demolished. 34 Dead, 121 injured..
1945 February 9 - .
16:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Westerlo - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid or Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted W of Westerlo..
1945 February 9 - .
17:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bromley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Bromley. 4 Dead, 70 injured..
1945 February 9 - .
18:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea near Clacton..
1945 February 9 - .
21:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst. 2 Dead, 68 injured..
1945 February 9 - .
22:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Breendonk - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted NW of Breendonk. .
1945 February 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P10.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 February 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma372 U2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Accuracy 38.5 km to the right of the planned trajectory. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 February 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 February 10 - .
00:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Basildon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Basildon..
1945 February 10 - .
04:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bexley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Bexley (airburst)..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Writtle - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Writtle. 1 Seriously injured..
1945 February 10 - .
08:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Leyton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Leyton. 6 Dead, 55 injured..
1945 February 10 - .
09:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bradwell - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea near Bradwell..
1945 February 10 - .
10:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to East Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted East Ham. Bascule Bridge at King George V Dock partially demolished. 3 Dead, 54 injured..
1945 February 10 - .
11:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rawreth - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Rawreth..
1945 February 10 - .
12:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Purleigh - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Purleigh..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea near Clacton..
1945 February 10 - .
15:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ingatestone - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ingatestone..
1945 February 10 - .
15:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Purfleet - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Purfleet..
1945 February 10 - .
19:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Oxted - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Oxted, Surrey (airburst)..
1945 February 10 - .
19:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Exploded soon after launch..
1945 February 10 - .
19:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Writtle - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Writtle..
1945 February 10 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Guidance failure after 8 seconds.
- V-2 Ma370 U4 - .
Nation: Germany.
'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 February 11 - .
01:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Romford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Romford, in River Rom..
1945 February 11 - .
01:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chertsey - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chertsey, Surrey..
1945 February 11 - .
04:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stoke Common - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Stoke Common, Buckinghamshire. 3 Injured..
1945 February 11 - .
06:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Tremelo - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted NE of Tremelo..
1945 February 11 - .
09:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted Della Faillelaan, Antwerp. 3 Dead. 9 Properties seriously damaged..
1945 February 11 - .
12:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 11 - .
12:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted West Ham (airburst). This rocket exploded at an unusually low height. 6 Injured..
1945 February 11 - .
13:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bromley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Bromley..
1945 February 11 - .
13:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walthamstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Walthamstow, on marshland. 1 Injured. The crater from this incident still exists..
1945 February 11 - .
16:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dagenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Dagenham. 10 Injured..
1945 February 11 - .
18:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to East Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted East Ham. 26 Injured..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Lewisham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Lewisham. Direct hit on house. 14 Dead, 69 injured..
1945 February 11 - .
22:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown). .
1945 February 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
1945 February 12 - .
05:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Leatherhead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Leatherhead, Surrey. 2 Injured..
1945 February 12 - .
07:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Clacton..
1945 February 12 - .
07:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Beauchamp Roding - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Beauchamp Roding (airburst)..
1945 February 12 - .
09:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Maastricht - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted W of Maastricht..
1945 February 12 - .
09:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wilrijk - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Koningin Elisabethstraat, Wilrijk. 47 Properties demolished, 60 seriously damaged including partially demolished. 4 Dead..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Borsbeek - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Borsbeek..
1945 February 12 - .
10:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bayfordbury - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Bayfordbury, Hertfordshire..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Schoten - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Schoten..
1945 February 12 - .
10:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted Oosterweel, Antwerp..
1945 February 12 - .
11:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (impact unknown) This rocket was plotted by radar for only 73 seconds, indicating an impact well short of its target..
1945 February 12 - .
11:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Steep shot..
1945 February 12 - .
12:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kalmthout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted SE of Kalmthout..
1945 February 12 - .
12:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 12 - .
13:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted Asiadok, Antwerp..
1945 February 12 - .
13:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Mountnessing - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Mountnessing..
1945 February 12 - .
15:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted Merksem..
1945 February 12 - .
15:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Genck - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted N of Genck..
1945 February 12 - .
15:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Great Warley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Great Warley. 5 Injured..
1945 February 12 - .
17:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Brecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted S of Brecht..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Great Totham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted either Great Totham or Dengie (9 Injured)..
1945 February 12 - .
18:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dengie - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted either Great Totham or Dengie (9 Injured)..
1945 February 12 - .
20:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walthamstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Walthamstow. 10 Dead. 108 injured..
1945 February 12 - .
20:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 12 - .
22:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hackney - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Hackney. 27 Injured..
1945 February 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende P7.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma369 U6 - .
Nation: Germany.
'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
- V-2 Ma375 U5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Accuracy 1 km to the right of the planned trajectory. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 February 13 - .
02:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Orfordness - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Orfordness, Suffolk..
1945 February 13 - .
03:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Halstead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted West Halstead..
1945 February 13 - .
06:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Cheshunt - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Cheshunt..
1945 February 13 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Zoersel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted De Voorne / Kerkstraat, Zoersel. 1 Property suffered light damage..
1945 February 13 - .
10:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted Brasschaat..
1945 February 13 - .
10:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Linkeroever: Borgerweertpolder, Antwerp..
1945 February 13 - .
11:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Zaltbommel - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted NW of Zaltbommel, Netherlands..
1945 February 13 - .
11:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Nijlen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted W of Nijlen..
1945 February 13 - .
12:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Maantjessteenweg, Merksem. 45 Properties seriously damaged..
1945 February 13 - .
13:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Deurn - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted Boterlaarbaan, Deurne. 1 Property demolished, 19 seriously damaged..
1945 February 13 - .
14:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted near Kruisschansbrug, Antwerp. No damage or casualties..
1945 February 13 - .
14:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, (failure). Impacted 11km from launch site..
1945 February 13 - .
15:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (impact unknown). This rocket was plotted by radar for only 138 seconds, indicating an impact well short of its target..
1945 February 13 - .
15:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to High Laver - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted High Laver. 1 Injured..
1945 February 13 - .
15:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Thameshaven - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Thameshaven, in River Thames. 2 Injured..
1945 February 13 - .
16:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Braxted Park - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Braxted Park. Rocket disintegrated before impact..
1945 February 13 - .
16:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Erith. 5 Dead, 62 injured..
1945 February 13 - .
16:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Depden - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Depden, Suffolk..
1945 February 13 - .
16:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Wood Green 15 Dead, - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Wood Green. 15 Dead, 120 injured..
1945 February 13 - .
16:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Borrewaterstraat, Merksem. 11 Dead. 16 Properties demolished, 35 seriously damaged..
1945 February 13 - .
17:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Schoten - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted N of Schoten..
1945 February 13 - .
18:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Harold Wood - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Harold Wood. 12 Dead, 79 injured..
1945 February 13 - .
18:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted West Ham. Direct hit. Apartment block demolished, another partially demolished. 28 Dead, 119 injured..
1945 February 13 - .
19:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bexley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Bexley. 3 Dead, 98 injured..
1945 February 13 - .
20:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Wilrijk - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted Kruishofstraat, Wilrijk. 16 Properties demolished, 35 seriously damaged..
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery unknown - rocket fired, airburst in the area of Eindhoven, Netherlands. No known record exists of this launching, but radar tracking stated this rocket to have originated in the area where Batt. 2./485 were known to be operating..
1945 February 13 - .
22:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ilford (airburst)..
1945 February 13 - .
23:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Eindhoven - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted W of Eindhoven, Netherlands..
1945 February 13 - .
23:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Horndon-on-the-Hill - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Horndon-on-the-Hill. .
1945 February 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
1945 February 14 - .
00:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Platt - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Platt, Kent..
1945 February 14 - .
02:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Farningham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Farningham..
1945 February 14 - .
02:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Cranham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Cranham. 1 Injured.
1945 February 14 - .
04:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rawreth - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Rawreth..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Canvey Island - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Canvey Island, in river..
1945 February 14 - .
09:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Bazel - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted near Bazel..
1945 February 14 - .
09:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Camberwell - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Camberwell. 18 Dead, 78 injured..
1945 February 14 - .
11:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 14 - .
11:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Hoboken oil installation, Antwerp-Kiel. 14 Dead. Jerrican painting shed demolished, 2 storage tanks set on fire..
1945 February 14 - .
12:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Maria Ter Heide - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted near Maria Ter Heide..
1945 February 14 - .
14:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Mortsel - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted Vredebaan, Mortsel. 9 Dead. 5 Properties demolished..
1945 February 14 - .
14:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst..
1945 February 14 - .
14:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Havering atte Bower - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Havering atte Bower. 2 Injured..
1945 February 14 - .
16:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Romford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Romford..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Finsbury - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (impacted either Finsbury (airburst) or Mountnessing, 25 injured)..
1945 February 14 - .
17:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Finsbury - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (impacted either Finsbury (airburst) or Mountnessing, 25 injured)..
1945 February 14 - .
17:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Vremde - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted near Vremde..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to South Green - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted South Green. 1 Dead, 33 injured..
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 14 - .
21:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Hammersmith - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Hammersmith. Direct hit. Apartment block partially demolished. 29 Dead, 115 injured..
1945 February 14 - .
22:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hackney - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Hackney. 1 Dead, 117 injured..
1945 February 14 - .
23:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Mundon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Mundon. .
1945 February 15 - .
00:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Erith. 83 Injured..
1945 February 15 - .
07:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Crayford - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Crayford. 18 Injured..
1945 February 15 - .
09:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Iver Heath - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire. 17 Injured..
1945 February 15 - .
11:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Shoreham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Shoreham, Kent. Rocket disintegrated before impact..
1945 February 15 - .
11:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Corringham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Corringham..
1945 February 15 - .
14:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Foulness - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Foulness..
1945 February 15 - .
17:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted NW of Antwerp..
1945 February 15 - .
20:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Doel - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted near Doel..
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Zemst - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted NE of Zemst..
1945 February 15 - .
23:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Beveren - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted W of Beveren. .
1945 February 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma374 U7 - .
Nation: Germany.
380 km range. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 February 16 - .
01:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Brussels - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted W of Brussels..
1945 February 16 - .
09:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted NE of Antwerp..
1945 February 16 - .
11:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Darfeld to Dordrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Darfeld, rocket fired, impacted S of Dordrecht, Netherlands..
1945 February 16 - .
16:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Shenfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Shenfield. 2 Injured..
1945 February 16 - .
21:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to South Hanningfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted South Hanningfield..
1945 February 16 - .
21:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Hanningfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted West Hanningfield. Rocket disintegrated before impact..
1945 February 16 - .
21:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich..
1945 February 16 - .
23:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Leyton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Leyton. 25 Dead, 47 injured..
1945 February 17 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 17 - .
00:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Steeple - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Steeple, in river..
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Thorpe-le-Soken - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Thorpe-le-Soken. 4 Injured..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dunton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Dunton..
1945 February 17 - .
03:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Aylesford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Aylesford..
1945 February 17 - .
03:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Canewdon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Canewdon..
1945 February 17 - .
04:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Garston Park - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Garston Park, Hertfordshire..
1945 February 17 - .
05:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Ilford..
1945 February 17 - .
05:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Poplar - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Poplar. Direct hit on warehouse. 1 Injured..
1945 February 17 - .
06:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rawreth - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Rawreth..
1945 February 17 - .
06:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 17 - .
07:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 17 - .
08:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Lynsted - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Lynsted, Kent..
1945 February 17 - .
08:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Shenfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Shenfield. 2 Injured..
1945 February 17 - .
11:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Willingale Doe - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Willingale Doe..
1945 February 17 - .
14:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stoke - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Stoke, Kent. .
1945 February 17 - .
16:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Ranst - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted N of Ranst..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Braine L'Alleud - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted W of Braine L'Alleud..
1945 February 17 - .
18:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Sint-Lenaarts - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted E of Sint-Lenaarts..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Herent - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted near Herent..
1945 February 17 - .
19:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Mortsel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Veldbloemstraat, Mortsel. 3 Properties demolished, 9 seriously damaged..
1945 February 17 - .
21:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Koersal - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted near Koersal..
1945 February 17 - .
22:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Vremde - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted W of Vremde..
1945 February 17 - .
22:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Delft - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired impacted near Delft, Netherlands..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Sint-Antonius - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted near Sint-Antonius..
1945 February 18 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Exploded after 36 seconds.
- V-2 Ma371 U8 - .
Nation: Germany.
'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 February 18 - .
00:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wilrijk - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid rocket fired, impacted Fort 6, Wilrijk. 10 Properties lightly damaged..
1945 February 18 - .
00:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chingford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chingford. 5 Injured..
1945 February 18 - .
01:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Corringham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Corringham..
1945 February 18 - .
03:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Schelle - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid or Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Schelle..
1945 February 18 - .
04:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 4 Dead, 45 injured..
1945 February 18 - .
07:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 18 - .
07:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 18 - .
07:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woodham Ferrers 1 De - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woodham Ferrers. 1 Dead, 3 injured..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Wickford (airburst) - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Wickford (airburst). 1 Injured..
1945 February 18 - .
08:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 18 - .
08:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Canvey Island - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Canvey Island, in river. 1 Injured..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Aveley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Aveley. 1 Injured..
1945 February 18 - .
10:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dartford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Dartford, Kent (airburst)..
1945 February 18 - .
10:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Charleroi - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted SE of Charleroi..
1945 February 18 - .
10:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Tisselt - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted near Tisselt..
1945 February 18 - .
11:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 February 18 - .
11:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 18 - .
11:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rochester - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Rochester, Kent. 1 Dead, 22 injured..
1945 February 18 - .
12:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bexley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Bexley. Rocket disintegrated before impact. 2 Dead, 8 injured..
1945 February 18 - .
12:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Genck - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted E of Genck..
1945 February 18 - .
14:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Burcht - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted Burcht..
1945 February 18 - .
14:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Poplar - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Poplar (airburst). This rocket exploded at low height. 2 Dead, 59 injured..
1945 February 18 - .
15:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Canewdon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Canewdon..
1945 February 18 - .
16:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Willebroek - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted near Willebroek..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Erith. 6 Dead, 104 injured..
1945 February 18 - .
19:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich. 33 Injured..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (Failure). Exploded on launch pad..
1945 February 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Ma377 U9 - .
Nation: Germany.
430 km range. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 February 19 - .
00:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 3 Dead, 45 injured..
1945 February 19 - .
04:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to East Anglia - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, off East Anglian coast..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Berners Roding - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Berners Roding..
1945 February 19 - .
07:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Waltham Holy Cross - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Waltham Holy Cross..
1945 February 19 - .
07:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Wanstead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Wanstead. 40 Injured..
1945 February 19 - .
07:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Crayford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Crayford. 2 Injured..
1945 February 19 - .
11:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich (airburst) - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich (airburst)..
1945 February 19 - .
11:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Wilmarsdonk, NW of An - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Wilmarsdonk, NW of Antwerp..
1945 February 19 - .
11:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Greenwich. 2 Dead, 31 injured..
1945 February 19 - .
13:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, approximately 12 miles from Clacton..
1945 February 19 - .
14:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walthamstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Walthamstow. Factory partially demolished. 18 Dead, 155 injured..
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Gooreind - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Near Gooreind.
1945 February 19 - .
15:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Edegem - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Edegem. 2 Houses demolished, 20 damaged..
1945 February 19 - .
17:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Schelle - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted S of Schelle..
1945 February 19 - .
17:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wijnegem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted NE of Wijnegem..
1945 February 19 - .
17:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Zwijndrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted W of Zwijndrecht..
1945 February 19 - .
17:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Burcht - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Antwerpsesteenweg, Burcht. 1 Dead, 5 seriously injured. 2 Houses demolished, 75 seriously damaged..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Schoten - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted near Schoten..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wijnegem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted NE of Wijnegem..
1945 February 19 - .
19:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Londerzeel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted SE of Londerzeel..
1945 February 19 - .
21:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Lier - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted SE of Lier..
1945 February 19 - .
22:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Stoke - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Stoke, Kent. 1 Dead, 12 injured..
1945 February 19 - .
22:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Laindon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Laindon..
1945 February 19 - .
23:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, (failure) Steep shot. impacted approximately 20km ENE of launch site..
1945 February 20 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Exploded on launch pad..
1945 February 20 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Peenemuende SK.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Last Peenemuende launch. 350 km range..
- V-2 Ma368 U10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Final V-2 launch from Peenemuende. 'Kitz' launch - listed under Heidekraut launches, but actually made from Karlshagen or railhead area of Peenemuende..
1945 February 20 - .
01:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Greenwich. 3 Dead. 1 injured..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brussels - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Groot-Bijgaarden, W of Brussels..
1945 February 20 - .
02:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kontich - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted SW of Kontich..
1945 February 20 - .
04:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Poplar - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Poplar (airburst)..
1945 February 20 - .
07:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Rumst - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted near Rumst..
1945 February 20 - .
07:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Reet - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted near Reet..
1945 February 20 - .
08:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Mundon - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Mundon..
1945 February 20 - .
08:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted W of Brecht..
1945 February 20 - .
09:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stow Upland - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Stow Upland (airburst)..
1945 February 20 - .
10:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted W of Brecht..
1945 February 20 - .
10:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kontich - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted near Kontich..
1945 February 20 - .
11:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Upminster - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Upminster. 1 Injured..
1945 February 20 - .
11:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 7 Dead, 71 injured..
1945 February 20 - .
13:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Site 411 - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 411), rocket fired (failure), impacted approximately 2.5 Kilometers from launch site..
1945 February 20 - .
13:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rainham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Rainham (airburst)..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Waltham Holy Cross - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Waltham Holy Cross. 5 Injured..
1945 February 20 - .
14:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Site 411 to Gooreind - .
Nation: Germany.
(Site 411), rocket fired, impacted SE of Gooreind..
1945 February 20 - .
15:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Blackmore - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Blackmore..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich. 11 Dead, 40 injured..
1945 February 20 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 20 - .
20:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Romford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Romford. 12 Dead, 26 injured..
1945 February 20 - .
20:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Edmonton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Edmonton..
1945 February 20 - .
22:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Foulness Island - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Foulness Island..
1945 February 20 - .
23:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Barking - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Barking. 40 Injured..
Late February 1945 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Final Von Braun visit to Peenemuende - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
All launch activity has been shut down..
1945 February 21 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery 1./836 begins operations near Hillscheid - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Battery 1./836 begins operations in the forest near Hillscheid and Hachenburg - Target: Antwerp..
1945 February 21 - .
09:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst. 5 Injured..
1945 February 21 - .
11:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, Beckenham. 23 Injured..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 21 - .
12:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 1 Dead, 43 injured..
1945 February 21 - .
16:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to South Ockendon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted South Ockendon..
1945 February 21 - .
22:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 8 Dead, 21 injured..
1945 February 22 - .
00:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to East Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted East Ham..
1945 February 22 - .
09:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Epping - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Epping..
1945 February 22 - .
14:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted N of Antwerp..
1945 February 22 - .
14:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Eynsford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Eynsford, Kent. 2 Injured..
1945 February 22 - .
15:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Gooreind - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted SE of Gooreind..
1945 February 22 - .
17:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Zandvliet - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted S of Zandvliet..
1945 February 22 - .
17:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Heston - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Heston. 25 Injured..
1945 February 22 - .
18:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Wilmarsdonk - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Martselaarstraat, Wilmarsdonk. 57 Properties slightly damaged..
1945 February 22 - .
19:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Verrebroek - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted NE of Verrebroek..
1945 February 22 - .
20:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, approximately 25 feet from the sea wall at Clacton. 32 Injured..
1945 February 22 - .
20:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Romford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Romford. 1 Injured..
1945 February 22 - .
21:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Althorne - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Althorne. 1 Injured..
1945 February 22 - .
22:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted W Merksem..
1945 February 22 - .
22:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Greenwich. 2 Dead, 37 injured..
1945 February 22 - .
22:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Warley - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Warley. 1 Injured..
1945 February 23 - .
00:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Waltham Holy Cross - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Waltham Holy Cross..
1945 February 23 - .
03:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Esbeek - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted near Esbeek, Netherlands..
1945 February 23 - .
04:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Theydon Bois - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Theydon Bois. Rocket disintegrated before impact..
1945 February 23 - .
07:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to East Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted East Ham (airburst)..
1945 February 23 - .
07:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Amiens - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, misdirected round flew south and impacted 10km east of Amiens, France..
1945 February 23 - .
09:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walthamstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Walthamstow (airburst)..
1945 February 23 - .
09:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Sevenoaks - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Sevenoaks, Kent. 1 Dead, 4 injured..
1945 February 23 - .
11:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Cheshunt - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Cheshunt..
1945 February 23 - .
12:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Folkestone - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Folkestone..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Epping Upland - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Epping Upland..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Blackmore - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Blackmore..
1945 February 23 - .
16:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Purleigh - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Purleigh. 5 Injured..
1945 February 23 - .
16:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chelmsford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Chelmsford. 1 Dead, 16 injured..
1945 February 24 - .
07:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dagenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Dagenham. 2 Dead, 43 injured..
1945 February 24 - .
11:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Mechelen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted SW of Mechelen..
1945 February 24 - .
12:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired (impact unknown). This rocket was plotted by radar for only 66 seconds, indicating an impact well short of its target..
1945 February 24 - .
13:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Mechelen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted NW of Mechelen, near Walem..
1945 February 24 - .
17:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kanunnik Peeterstraat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Kanunnik Peeterstraat, Berchem. 1 Dead, 1 property demolished, 71 seriously damaged..
1945 February 24 - .
19:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Koewacht - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted near Koewacht..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wijnegem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted near Wijnegem..
1945 February 24 - .
22:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted E of Brasschaat..
1945 February 24 - .
22:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Rumst - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted NE of Rumst..
1945 February 24 - .
23:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Boechout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Welvaartstraat, Boechout..
1945 February 25 - .
01:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Mortsel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Liersteenweg, Mortsel. 100 Properties lightly damaged..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Mechelen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted NW of Mechelen..
1945 February 25 - .
03:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 1./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Edegem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Hillscheid, rocket fired, impacted Edegem. 12 Houses demolished, 7 seriously damaged. 1 Person injured..
1945 February 25 - .
10:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Malle - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted N of Malle..
1945 February 25 - .
10:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Wommelgem - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted NW of Wommelgem..
1945 February 25 - .
11:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Berchem - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted near Oogststraat, Berchem. 5 Properties seriously damaged..
1945 February 25 - .
12:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Brecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted near Brecht..
1945 February 25 - .
13:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Schoten - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted NW of Schoten..
1945 February 25 - .
13:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Zwijndrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Zwijndrecht..
1945 February 25 - .
17:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Borsbeek - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted W of Borsbeek..
1945 February 25 - .
18:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Malle - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Malle..
1945 February 25 - .
19:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Schoten - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Schoten..
1945 February 25 - .
22:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Oorderen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Oorderen: Ordamstraat, Antwerp. 2 Properties lightly damaged..
1945 February 25 - .
22:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted NE of Antwerp.
1945 February 25 - .
23:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Borgerhout - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Turnhoutsebaan / Laar, Borgerhout. 6 Dead, 10 properties demolished..
1945 February 26 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Airburst..
1945 February 26 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 26 - .
08:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted Ieperstraat: “Parein”, Antwerp.3 Dead, 116 properties seriously damaged..
1945 February 26 - .
08:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Gierle - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted near Gierle..
1945 February 26 - .
09:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich. Direct hit on house. 13 Dead, 87 injured..
1945 February 26 - .
09:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bobbingworth - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Bobbingworth. 1 Injured..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Clacton..
1945 February 26 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 2 Dead, 55 injured..
1945 February 26 - .
11:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Schelde - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted in Schelde, W of Zandvliet..
1945 February 26 - .
11:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Erith. 6 Dead, 131 injured..
1945 February 26 - .
11:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Duffel - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted S of Duffel..
1945 February 26 - .
16:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Clacton..
1945 February 26 - .
16:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, crashed in Wijhe near the farm De Hakke van J. Westhof in Marle..
1945 February 26 - .
18:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Leyton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Leyton. Railway tracks destroyed. 16 Injured..
1945 February 26 - .
20:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted West Ham. Sewers damaged, causing flooding on railway sidings. 22 Injured..
1945 February 26 - .
23:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Pitsea - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Pitsea..
1945 February 27 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure)..
1945 February 27 - .
01:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Erith, in River Thames..
1945 February 27 - .
01:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dagenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Dagenham..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Kelvedon Hatch - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Kelvedon Hatch. 5 Injured..
1945 February 27 - .
02:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 8 Injured..
1945 February 27 - .
02:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Hoek van Holland, rocket fired (failure). Impacted approximately 5km from launch site..
1945 February 27 - .
04:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Sevenoaks - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Sevenoaks, Kent..
1945 February 27 - .
05:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Theydon Garnon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Theydon Garnon..
1945 February 27 - .
07:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, (failure). Exploded 3000 meters high, impacted 12km from launch site..
1945 February 27 - .
07:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to North Stifford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Stifford. 2 Injured..
1945 February 27 - .
08:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted in field between Vinkenstraat and Provinciesteenweg, Boechout..
1945 February 27 - .
09:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Swanscombe - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Swanscombe, Kent. Direct hit on house. 8 Dead, 48 injured..
1945 February 27 - .
10:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Mountnessing - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Mountnessing..
1945 February 27 - .
11:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, (failure). Rocket failed at low height and crashed near launch site. Power supply vehicle damaged..
1945 February 27 - .
15:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, (failure). Exploded at high altitude..
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Zwijndrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted N of Zwijndrecht..
1945 February 27 - .
16:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Mortsel - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted Mortsel..
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Schelde - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted in Schelde, near Hangar 25..
1945 February 27 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Heek to Berendrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Heek, rocket fired, impacted dock area, near Berendrecht..
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Korte Klarenstraat / Lange Klarenstraat, Antwerp. 13 Dead, 10 properties demolished..
1945 February 27 - .
21:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Branst - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted near Branst..
End February 1945 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 summary for February - .
Nation: Germany.
During February, the sixth month of the V-2 combat campaign, there were from 528 to 644 combat launches on the Western Front. 617 missiles were manufactured at Mittelwerk. This was the peak month of the campaign and the first month that launches exceeded production. See V-2 launches for a list of known combat launches.
1945 February 28 - .
00:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Newhall Green - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Newhall Green, Hertfordshire..
1945 February 28 - .
01:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chingford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Chingford..
1945 February 28 - .
03:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted West Ham. Direct hit on No.13 shed at King George V Dock. Shed partially demolished, 1700-ton ship berthed nearby damaged. No casualties..
1945 February 28 - .
05:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Erith (airburst).
1945 February 28 - .
05:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted Van Heybeeckstraat, Merksem (in park). 1 Property destroyed, 43 others damaged..
1945 February 28 - .
10:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired (failure). Did not lift off properly and impacted approximately 2-3 minutes later near village of Herfte, causing slight damage to property..
1945 February 28 - .
14:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Linkeroever, Antwerp (near Dry Docks)..
1945 February 28 - .
15:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Schelde - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted in Schelde, near Hangar 3. HMS Queen of Kent damaged in Riverside Berth 2..
1945 February 28 - .
18:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Burst - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted SE of Burst..
1945 March 1 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 444.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Armsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Part of the unit Battery 444 fired two new test series A-4/V-2s in the first days of March at a place called Armsen (southeast of Verden an der Aller) in the direction of the North Sea, northern Germany..
1945 March 1 - .
01:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Grays Hill - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Grays Hill..
1945 March 1 - .
01:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Great Yarmouth - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Great Yarmouth..
1945 March 1 - .
02:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Little Leighs - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Little Leighs..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Barnet - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted either Barnet or Stapleford Tawney..
1945 March 1 - .
05:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Barnet - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted either Barnet or Stapleford Tawney..
1945 March 1 - .
05:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich..
1945 March 1 - .
07:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich..
1945 March 1 - .
08:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Shoreditch - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Shoreditch..
1945 March 1 - .
08:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Orpington - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Orpington.
1945 March 1 - .
10:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (impact unknown). .
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Vlissingen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Vlissingen, Netherlands..
1945 March 1 - .
12:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Duffel - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Duffel.
1945 March 1 - .
13:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Mol - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted SW of Mol..
1945 March 1 - .
14:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted NE of Antwerp, near Halle..
1945 March 1 - .
15:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brussels - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted approximately 12km NNE of Brussels..
1945 March 1 - .
15:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walthamstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Walthamstow..
1945 March 1 - .
15:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Borgerhout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Luchtvaartstraat, Borgerhout. 3 Properties severely damaged..
1945 March 1 - .
16:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Wickford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, A4 rocket fired, impacted Wickford..
1945 March 1 - .
16:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired (impact unknown). .
1945 March 1 - .
16:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Scheldt - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, A4 rocket fired, impacted in Scheldt, near Hoboken..
1945 March 1 - .
17:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Horndon-on-the-Hill - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, A4 rocket fired, impacted Horndon-on-the-Hill..
1945 March 1 - .
17:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Maria Ter Heide - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, A4 rocket fired, impacted near Maria Ter Heide..
1945 March 1 - .
19:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted N of Brasschaat..
1945 March 1 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Maria Ter Heide - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, A4 rocket fired, impacted near Maria Ter Heide..
1945 March 1 - .
21:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wilrijk - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted Groenenhoek, Wilrijk. No damage or casualties..
1945 March 1 - .
23:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, A4 rocket fired, impacted West Ham. .
1945 March 1 - .
23:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Apeldoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, A4 rocket fired, impacted approximately 40km from launch site near Apeldoorn, Netherlands..
1945 March 2 - .
00:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ashingdon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Ashingdon..
1945 March 2 - .
01:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted Brasschaat..
1945 March 2 - .
01:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 2 - .
02:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Havering-atte-Bower - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Havering-atte-Bower..
1945 March 2 - .
02:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 2 - .
04:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Greenwich..
1945 March 2 - .
04:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Orpington - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Orpington)..
1945 March 2 - .
05:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Epping Forest - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Epping Forest..
1945 March 2 - .
05:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chigwell - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired impacted Chigwell (airburst)..
1945 March 2 - .
05:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to North Fambridge - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Fambridge..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Thorndon Park - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Thorndon Park..
1945 March 2 - .
07:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to High Halstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted High Halstow..
1945 March 2 - .
08:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Southend - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Southend..
1945 March 2 - .
09:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Brentwood - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Brentwood..
1945 March 2 - .
11:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Greenwich..
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Linkeroever: Borgerweertpolder, Antwerp. No damage or casualties..
1945 March 2 - .
12:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Orpington - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Orpington..
1945 March 2 - .
14:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Merksem..
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Sint-Niklaas - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted SW of Sint-Niklaas..
1945 March 2 - .
22:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 2 - .
22:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Chigwell - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Chigwell..
1945 March 2 - .
23:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bermondsey - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Bermondsey..
1945 March 2 - .
23:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woking (airburst) - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woking (airburst)..
1945 March 3 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
56 Allied bombers attack a suspected V-2 headquarters in the Hague Forest. Due to a navigation error many Dutch civilians were killed. The Germans fired several V-2 rockets that evening to show that the bombers had missed their intended target..
1945 March 3 - .
01:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Foulness Island - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Foulness Island..
1945 March 3 - .
02:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Edmonton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Edmonton..
1945 March 3 - .
03:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Theydon Bois - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Theydon Bois.
1945 March 3 - .
03:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich (airburst) - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich (airburst)..
1945 March 3 - .
04:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich (airburst) - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich (airburst)..
1945 March 3 - .
04:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Sevenoaks - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Sevenoaks, Surrey..
1945 March 3 - .
05:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 10 Dead..
1945 March 3 - .
06:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Clacton..
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Zwaantjeslei, Merksem. 20 properties suffered slight damage. .
1945 March 3 - .
12:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Deptford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Deptford..
1945 March 3 - .
12:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to launch site - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted near launch site. .
1945 March 3 - .
13:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Dendermonde - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Denderbelle, S of Dendermonde..
1945 March 3 - .
21:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted in SW Antwerp..
1945 March 4 - .
00:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Doel - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Doel..
1945 March 4 - .
01:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Havering-atte-Bower - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Havering-atte-Bower..
1945 March 4 - .
02:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, failed and came down in de Vlierstraat near the Schenkweg, on the edge of the Bezuidenhout. 12 Dead, 9 injured..
1945 March 4 - .
04:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Penshurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Penshurst..
1945 March 4 - .
05:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bermondsey - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Bermondsey (airburst)..
1945 March 4 - .
08:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chingford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chingford. No casualties, but one person killed by falling loose debris approximately 30 minutes after impact..
1945 March 4 - .
08:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Southend - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Southend.
1945 March 4 - .
10:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Berchem - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted Berchem. One property destroyed, 54 seriously damaged..
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Heist-op-den-Ber - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted W of Heist-op-den-Berg..
1945 March 4 - .
13:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Dalfsen - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired. Misdirected round impacted approximately 50km NE of launch site, in German held territory N of Emmen..
1945 March 4 - .
15:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Schilde - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted SE of Schilde..
1945 March 4 - .
17:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Lier - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted between Lier and Duffel..
1945 March 5 - .
20:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich..
1945 March 5 - .
22:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rainham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Rainham. .
1945 March 6 - .
00:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bexley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Bexley. 3 Dead..
1945 March 6 - .
03:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted West Ham (31 Dead)..
1945 March 6 - .
03:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Rainham - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Rainham.
1945 March 6 - .
04:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst..
1945 March 6 - .
06:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Barking - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Barking..
1945 March 6 - .
08:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich..
1945 March 6 - .
09:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted d'Herbouvillekaai, Antwerp. No damage or casualties..
1945 March 6 - .
12:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bowers Gifford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Bowers Gifford..
1945 March 6 - .
12:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Wandsworth - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Wandsworth. 9 Dead..
1945 March 6 - .
13:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted near Hanger 26, Antwerp Harbour. No damage or casualties..
1945 March 6 - .
16:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Walthamstow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Walthamstow. 5 Dead..
1945 March 6 - .
18:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Beveren - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted NW of Beveren..
1945 March 6 - .
19:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Wilrijk No casualtie - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Wilrijk. No casualties. Damage to 2 properties..
1945 March 6 - .
19:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Wandsworth - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted either Wandsworth (3 Dead) or West Ham (13 Dead).
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted either Wandsworth (3 Dead) or West ham (13 Dead)..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich. 1 Dead..
1945 March 6 - .
23:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Antwerp on military hospital in St. Jozef straat, 17 killed, 43 injured, 27 houses destroyed. 19 Allied soldiers killed, 23 injured..
1945 March 6 - .
23:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chigwell - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chigwell..
1945 March 6 - .
23:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 11 Dead..
1945 March 7 - .
00:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, (impact unknown). Probably a high-altitude airburst over North Sea..
1945 March 7 - .
00:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Naftaweg, Antwerp. No damage or casualties..
1945 March 7 - .
00:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 7 - .
01:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Navestock - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Navestock..
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Stanford Rivers - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Stanford Rivers..
1945 March 7 - .
03:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Deptford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Deptford. 52 Dead. .
1945 March 7 - .
05:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Edmonton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Edmonton. 60ft of railway track and 3 rail trucks wrecked..
1945 March 7 - .
08:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 7 - .
08:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Greenwich. 3 Dead..
1945 March 7 - .
09:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, (impact unknown). Probably a high-altitude airburst over North Sea..
1945 March 7 - .
10:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst (airburst)..
1945 March 7 - .
12:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 7 - .
12:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Poplar - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted Poplar. 25 Dead..
1945 March 7 - .
12:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Aalst - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted W of Aalst..
1945 March 7 - .
14:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Wommelgem - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted SW of Wommelgem..
1945 March 7 - .
14:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Norfolk - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Raveningham, Norfolk..
1945 March 7 - .
15:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Charleroi - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted E of Charleroi, approximately 60km SE of Antwerp. .
1945 March 7 - .
15:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted Korte Herentalsestraat, Antwerp. 4 properties destroyed, 26 seriously damaged. 4 fatalities. .
1945 March 7 - .
16:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Waltham Holy Cross - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Duindigt, rocket fired, impacted Waltham Holy Cross. 5 Dead..
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Vaart - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted SE of Vaart, Netherlands..
1945 March 7 - .
17:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Meer - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted W of Meer..
1945 March 7 - .
18:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Berchem - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted Berchem..
1945 March 7 - .
21:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Ilford..
1945 March 7 - .
23:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dagenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Dagenham..
- V-2 combat launch from Dalfsen to Bornem - .
Nation: Germany.
Dalfsen, Estate Mataram, rocket fired, impacted Bornem..
1945 March 8 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 Battery SS 500 moves - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Battery SS 500 moves back to its old firing site at Hellendoorn. The Leitstrahlstellung radio guidance system is moved to Vroomshoop..
1945 March 8 - .
00:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Chigwell - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Chigwell..
1945 March 8 - .
01:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Eindhoven - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted W of Eindhoven, Netherlands..
1945 March 8 - .
01:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich..
1945 March 8 - .
01:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Duindigt, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich..
1945 March 8 - .
03:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Writtle - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Writtle..
1945 March 8 - .
04:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Clacton.
1945 March 8 - .
04:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Orpington - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Orpington..
1945 March 8 - .
04:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Wilrijk - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted Wilrijk..
1945 March 8 - .
04:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Ilford. 12 Dead..
1945 March 8 - .
06:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown).
1945 March 8 - .
07:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown).
1945 March 8 - .
08:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Solvijnstraat, Antwer - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted Solvijnstraat, Antwerp. 7 properties destroyed, 25 seriously damaged. 15 fatalities..
1945 March 8 - .
09:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted West Ham..
1945 March 8 - .
10:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague to London - .
Nation: Germany.
the Hague, Wassenaar, rocket fired, impacted on the boundary of Finsbury borough and City of London borough. Direct hit on block of Smithfield Market, corner of Charterhouse Street and Farringdon Road. One block totally destroyed, others severely damaged. Gas main and water main fractured, underground railway damaged. 110 Dead, 123 seriously injured.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Lewisham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Lewisham. 5 Dead..
1945 March 8 - .
13:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Boom - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted Boom..
1945 March 8 - .
14:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst. 2 Dead..
1945 March 8 - .
16:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Duerne - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted Van Lissumstraat / Van Havrelei, Duerne. 13 properties destroyed, 245 seriously damaged. 5 fatalities..
1945 March 8 - .
18:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Brecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted S of Brecht..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Horton Kirby - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Horton Kirby..
1945 March 8 - .
20:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dunton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Dunton.
1945 March 8 - .
21:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Berden - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Berden, Hertfordshire..
1945 March 8 - .
21:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Harold Wood - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Harold Wood..
1945 March 8 - .
22:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Borsbeek - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted SE of Borsbeek..
1945 March 8 - .
22:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Thameshaven - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Thameshaven, in river..
1945 March 9 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Airburst after launch..
1945 March 9 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (failure). Exploded soon after launch..
1945 March 9 - .
00:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Harrow - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Harrow. 3 Dead..
1945 March 9 - .
02:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Marden - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Marden, Kent..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Pitsea - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Pitsea. 2 Dead..
1945 March 9 - .
04:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Greenwich (airburst). 3 dead..
1945 March 9 - .
07:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown).
1945 March 9 - .
08:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Greenwich..
1945 March 9 - .
08:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Southend - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Thames Estuary near Southend..
1945 March 9 - .
10:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich, in River Th - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich, in River Thames..
1945 March 9 - .
13:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Waltham Holy Cross - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Waltham Holy Cross. 2 Dead..
1945 March 9 - .
15:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted NW of Antwerp..
1945 March 9 - .
21:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown).
1945 March 9 - .
22:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to South Ockenden - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted South Ockenden..
1945 March 9 - .
23:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Beckenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Beckenham..
1945 March 10 - .
00:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Orpington - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Orpington..
1945 March 10 - .
01:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Brentwood - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Brentwood..
1945 March 10 - .
01:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Enfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Enfield (airburst)..
1945 March 10 - .
04:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rawreth - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Rawreth..
1945 March 10 - .
09:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Westmill - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Westmill, Hertfordshire (airburst)..
1945 March 10 - .
09:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bexley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Bexley..
1945 March 11 - .
- Death of Walter Hohmann - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hohmann.
German architect who became interested in interplanetary spaceflight, defined the minimum energy transfer orbit which bears his name in 1916. Rocket enthusiast with VfR but broke off contact after military took over development..
1945 March 11 - .
07:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Foulness Island - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Foulness Island. Warhead unexploded..
1945 March 11 - .
07:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted West Ham. 5 Dead..
1945 March 11 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Westerham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Westerham, Kent. 1 Dead..
1945 March 11 - .
19:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Eindhoven - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted approximately 15km NE of Eindhoven, Netherlands..
1945 March 11 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Deptford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Deptford. 9 Dead. .
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Canvey Island - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Canvey Island..
1945 March 11 - .
21:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bulphan Fen - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Bulphan Fen..
1945 March 11 - .
22:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Eindhoven - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted NW of Eindhoven, Netherlands..
1945 March 11 - .
23:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Ilford..
1945 March 12 - .
00:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Upminster - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Upminster. 5 Dead..
1945 March 12 - .
01:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Stanford Rivers - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Stanford Rivers..
1945 March 12 - .
02:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Clacton..
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Sint-Antonius - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted near Sint-Antonius..
1945 March 12 - .
02:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst..
1945 March 12 - .
02:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst..
1945 March 12 - .
04:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Little Warley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Little Warley..
1945 March 12 - .
04:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Chigwell - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Chigwell.
1945 March 12 - .
04:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 12 - .
05:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hornchurch - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Hornchurch. .
1945 March 12 - .
06:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich..
1945 March 12 - .
07:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Althorne - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Althorne..
1945 March 12 - .
08:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Hellouw - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted NW of Hellouw, Netherlands..
1945 March 12 - .
08:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stanford-le-Hope - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Stanford-le-Hope (airburst)..
1945 March 12 - .
09:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (failure) exploded in the air over Duindorp, near launch site..
1945 March 12 - .
10:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Sint-Jozef - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Sint-Jozef..
1945 March 12 - .
11:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Thorpe-le-Soken - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Thorpe-le-Soken. 1 Dead..
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Tournai - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted NE of Tournai..
1945 March 12 - .
14:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Deurne - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Deurne..
1945 March 12 - .
21:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Epping - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Epping..
1945 March 12 - .
21:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Flixecourt - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, misdirected round flew south and impacted Flixecourt, France. No casualties, a few houses destroyed..
1945 March 12 - .
23:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Nazeing - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Nazeing..
1945 March 13 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 supply difficulties increase. - .
Nation: Germany.
Battery 836 reported that "...the long awaited supply train, which had left for Gruppe Sued on March 8, had still not been found"..
1945 March 13 - .
01:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Dendermonde - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted E of Dendermonde..
1945 March 13 - .
03:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Tillingham - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Tillingham Marshes (airburst).
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Zevergem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted near Zevergem, S of Gent..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Shenfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Shenfield..
1945 March 13 - .
08:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Erith..
1945 March 13 - .
08:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Westerlo - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted NNW of Westerlo.
1945 March 13 - .
09:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Stabroek - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted Stabroek..
1945 March 13 - .
09:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Kalmthout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted S of Kalmthout..
1945 March 13 - .
12:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Hochdahl - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, rocket failed, impacted in the area of Hochdahl, SE of Dusseldorf, Germany..
1945 March 13 - .
12:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Hargnies - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted Hargnies, France..
1945 March 13 - .
15:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted NW of Antwerp, near Lillo..
1945 March 13 - .
16:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Lillo - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted near Lillo..
1945 March 13 - .
20:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Ekeren - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Laar: Polder, Ekeren. No Damage or Casualties..
1945 March 13 - .
22:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted E of Merksem..
1945 March 14 - .
00:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Havering-atte-Bower - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Havering-atte-Bower..
1945 March 14 - .
01:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Duerne - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted E of Duerne..
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, (impact unknown). Probably a high-altitude airburst)..
1945 March 14 - .
08:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, (impact unknown). Probably a high-altitude airburst)..
1945 March 14 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Schelde - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted W bank of Schelde, SW of Burcht..
1945 March 14 - .
09:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Boom - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted approximately 12km S of Antwerp, near Boom..
1945 March 14 - .
11:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Charleroi - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted approximately 50km N of Charleroi..
1945 March 14 - .
12:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Merksem..
1945 March 14 - .
12:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Hasselt - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted approximately 12km NE of Hasselt..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Ekeren - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Ekeren. 7 Properties severely damaged, 25 lightly damaged..
1945 March 14 - .
13:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Bornem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Bornem..
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Gent - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted approximately 10km E of Gent..
1945 March 14 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Borsbeek - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Borsbeek..
1945 March 14 - .
17:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Gent - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted E of Gent..
1945 March 14 - .
18:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Acacialaan, Antwerp. Serious damage to 14 properties, lighter damage to 17 others. One person Killed..
1945 March 14 - .
19:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Belsele - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted near Belsele..
1945 March 14 - .
21:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Rainham - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Rainham. 8 Dead..
1945 March 14 - .
23:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Schijnpoort - .
Nation: Germany.
Batt. 2./485, Burgsteinfurt Site 163 (Heek - Oerscher Wald), rocket fired, impacted Schijnpoort: Goederenstation, Antwerp. Serious damage to 199 properties, an additional 307 suffering slight damage. Afterwards, the 2./485 began move to another firing site at Strönfeld.
1945 March 14 - .
23:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Melsele - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted between Melsele and Beveren..
1945 March 14 - .
23:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Sutton-at-Hone - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Sutton-at-Hone. 10 Dead. .
1945 March 15 - .
00:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Erith..
1945 March 15 - .
00:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Beckenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Beckenham. 6 Dead..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dagenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Dagenham, in River Thames..
1945 March 15 - .
03:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, (impact unknown) .
1945 March 15 - .
03:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich, in River Thames..
1945 March 15 - .
03:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Zonnegem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted near Zonnegem..
1945 March 15 - .
04:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, (impact unknown). Probably a high-altitude airburst..
1945 March 15 - .
06:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Rayleigh - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Rayleigh..
1945 March 15 - .
07:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Bitburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, (failure). Impacted approximately 20km NE of Bitburg, Germany..
1945 March 15 - .
07:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Brecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 117 (Stroenfeld), rocket fired, impacted NE of Brecht..
1945 March 15 - .
08:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Brasschaat, near the Bredabaan 323 (8 km N of Antwerp). 7 people were dead and 74 were injured. 10 houses were destroyed. (*JP-*CO).
1945 March 15 - .
09:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Barnes - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Richmond Park, Barnes..
1945 March 15 - .
09:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, hit near Dutch town of Deventer..
1945 March 15 - .
10:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Hoboken - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 117 (Strönfeld), rocket fired, impacted Hoboken. .
1945 March 15 - .
13:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Tottenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Tottenham. 2 Dead..
1945 March 15 - .
13:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Weelde - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 117 (Strönfeld), rocket fired, impacted NE of Weelde..
1945 March 15 - .
18:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Wilmarsdonk, Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 117 (Strönfeld), rocket fired, impacted Wilmarsdonk, Antwerp..
1945 March 15 - .
19:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Meilegem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted near Meilegem. .
1945 March 15 - .
19:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Schelde - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted in the Schelde, near Hoboken. .
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Hornchurch - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Hornchurch..
1945 March 15 - .
22:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Willesden 5 Dead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Willesden. 5 Dead..
1945 March 15 - .
23:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to River Blackwater - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted River Blackwater, Essex..
1945 March 16 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg - .
Nation: Germany.
The last rocket from Hachenburg area was launched around 14.58 hrs on March 16, 1945. The failing supply of fuel and Allied advance at Remagen, caused Battery 836 to be the first V-2 launching unit to halt operations..
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Ranst - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted W of Ranst..
1945 March 16 - .
02:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted NW of Antwerp, near Lillo..
1945 March 16 - .
02:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Willesden - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Willesden..
1945 March 16 - .
02:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea near Clacton..
1945 March 16 - .
05:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 March 16 - .
06:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 2./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Kirburg, rocket fired, impacted NE of Brasschaat..
1945 March 16 - .
06:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Leyton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Leyton. 23 Dead..
1945 March 16 - .
06:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Turnhout - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted SW of Turnhout..
1945 March 16 - .
06:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Buttsbury - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Buttsbury..
1945 March 16 - .
08:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Borsbeek - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted near Borsbeek..
1945 March 16 - .
08:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to East Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted East Ham. 8 Dead..
1945 March 16 - .
09:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dengie - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Dengie..
1945 March 16 - .
10:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Wommelgem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, impacted Wommelgem..
1945 March 16 - .
14:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Pad: 3./836.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hachenburg to Koln - .
Nation: Germany.
Batt. 3./836 , Hachenburg, Gehlert, rocket fired, the final round launched from the Hachenburg area and the final operational launch from Batterie 836. Impacted W of Staatsforst Ville, SW of Koln, Germany (just behind the allied frontline)..
1945 March 16 - .
20:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted dock area, N Antwerp..
1945 March 16 - .
23:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Basildon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Basildon..
1945 March 17 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 attack on Remagen. - .
Nation: Germany.
The SS Werfer Battery 500, on orders from Himmler, fired 11 rockets at the Remagen bridgehead, which had recently been captured by the Allies, in an attempt to disrupt the advancing American troops crossing over the Rhine..
1945 March 17 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, (impact unknown - possible air break-up soon after launch).
1945 March 17 - .
00:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Upminster - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Upminster..
1945 March 17 - .
00:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Hornchurch - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Hornchurch..
1945 March 17 - .
03:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Wennington - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Wennington..
1945 March 17 - .
05:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hampstead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Hampstead..
1945 March 17 - .
07:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (failure) (impact unknown)..
1945 March 17 - .
07:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dartford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Dartford..
1945 March 17 - .
08:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich. 12 Dead..
1945 March 17 - .
09:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Remagen - .
Nation: Germany.
Batt. SS Abt. 500, Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Disintegrated in the air near Kasbach. Part of the rocket penetrated the roof of a house; other parts fell on a farm 800m from the Ludendorff Rail Bridge injuring 18 farm animals. Warhead impacted 300m from the bridge, shaking it very strongly. Three American soldiers killed.
1945 March 17 - .
10:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Remagen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Impacted approximately 8km WNW of the bridge, south of Birresdorf..
1945 March 17 - .
10:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 17 - .
12:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Remagen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Impacted in the western district of Remagen. The command post of the 1159th Engineer Combat Group was hit, killing three soldiers and injuring thirty-one others..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Greenwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Deptford Creek, Greenwich..
1945 March 17 - .
13:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stepney - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier , rocket fired, impacted Stepney. 4 Dead..
1945 March 17 - .
15:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Remagen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Impacted approximately 7km WNW of the bridge, 300m from the parish church of Nierendorf which suffered widespread damage to windows..
1945 March 17 - .
15:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Odingen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Impacted in Odingen, approximately 7km NW of the bridge, destroying several houses. Six people died and many others including American soldiers were wounded..
1945 March 17 - .
17:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Remagen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Impacted approximately 6km WNW of the bridge, around 1.5km NE of Nierendorf..
1945 March 17 - .
18:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Exploded in the air south-west of Heimersheim..
1945 March 17 - .
18:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Disintegrated in the air NNW of Strodt, approximately 9km NE of the bridge and in German-held territory..
1945 March 17 - .
20:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Remagen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Impacted some 40km short of its target in Staatsforst Konigsforst, east of Koln..
1945 March 17 - .
20:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Remagen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Impacted approximately 4km WSW of the bridge, near Kirchdaun..
1945 March 17 - .
21:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Remagen - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, Target Remagen. Impacted approximately 9km WNW of the bridge..
1945 March 17 - .
22:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, (impact unknown).
1945 March 17 - .
22:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Barking - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Barking..
1945 March 18 - .
00:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Ham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted West Ham..
1945 March 18 - .
01:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, exploded in the air in the north of Cranham, England damaging 6 cottages..
1945 March 18 - .
01:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Battlesbridge - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier , rocket fired, impacted Battlesbridge..
1945 March 18 - .
01:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Epping - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Epping..
1945 March 18 - .
03:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Ightham - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Ightham, Kent..
1945 March 18 - .
03:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, (impact unknown - possible air break-up soon after launch).
1945 March 18 - .
06:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Aylesford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Aylesford..
1945 March 18 - .
06:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hutton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Hutton. Warhead unexploded..
1945 March 18 - .
06:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Barking - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Barking..
1945 March 18 - .
07:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier , rocket fired (failure) crashed near launch site..
1945 March 18 - .
09:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hyde Park - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Hyde Park (near Speakers Corner), Westminster. 3 Dead..
1945 March 18 - .
12:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, (impact unknown - possible air break-up soon after launch).
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, (impact unknown - suspected misfire)..
1945 March 18 - .
23:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Theydon Garnon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Theydon Garnon..
1945 March 18 - .
23:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Nettleswell - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Groot Hazebroek, rocket fired, impacted Nettleswell (airburst)..
1945 March 19 - .
01:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hornchurch - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Hornchurch..
1945 March 19 - .
01:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Nutfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Nutfield, Surrey..
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Merksem - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted on open ground, Forsteenweg, Merksem. 15 properties seriously damaged..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Cockpole Green - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Cockpole Green, Berkshire. This was the furthest west V2 impact in England. 2 People suffered serious injuries. .
1945 March 19 - .
10:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Erith - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Erith..
1945 March 19 - .
11:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Burcht - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Seefhoeklaan, Burcht. 7 Dead, 8 seriously injured. 18 properties destroyed, 50 seriously damaged..
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Nijverdal - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, misdirected round impacted Nijverdal, approximately 4km SSE of Hellendoorn..
1945 March 19 - .
12:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 March 19 - .
13:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Brasschaat..
1945 March 19 - .
15:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woolwich - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Woolwich..
1945 March 19 - .
16:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Wilrijk 4 Dead, 4 pr - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Wilrijk. 4 Dead, 4 properties destroyed, 90 seriously damaged..
1945 March 19 - .
22:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Theydon Bois - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Theydon Bois..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hatfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Hatfield..
1945 March 20 - .
01:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Little Warley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Little Warley. Farmhouse demolished. 3 Dead & several cattle killed..
1945 March 20 - .
04:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to West Hanningfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted West Hanningfield..
1945 March 20 - .
05:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hornchurch - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier , rocket fired, impacted Hornchurch. Warhead unexploded..
1945 March 20 - .
07:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to High Ongar - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted High Ongar..
1945 March 20 - .
08:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Gilze - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Gilze, Netherlands..
1945 March 20 - .
08:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Chislehurst - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Chislehurst. 8 Dead..
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 March 20 - .
09:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Brasschaat - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted near Brasschaat..
1945 March 20 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Burcht - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Burcht..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Mayland - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Mayland..
1945 March 20 - .
12:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Hoogstraten - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted NW of Hoogstraten..
1945 March 20 - .
13:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Burcht - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted Burcht..
1945 March 20 - .
17:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Gilze - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted SW of Gilze, Netherlands.
1945 March 20 - .
19:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Apeldoorn, - .
Nation: Germany.
Hellendoorn, Eelerberg, rocket fired, impacted SE of Apeldoorn, Netherlands.
1945 March 20 - .
21:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, (failure) (impact unknown)..
1945 March 21 - .
00:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Wanstead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Wanstead..
1945 March 21 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Heston - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Heston. Direct hit on factory. 33 Dead, 98 seriously injured..
1945 March 21 - .
11:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hampstead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Primrose Hill, Hampstead..
1945 March 21 - .
13:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Uxbridge - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Uxbridge (airburst)..
1945 March 21 - .
18:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Romford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Romford (airburst)..
1945 March 21 - .
21:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Little Saling - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Little Saling..
1945 March 21 - .
22:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woodham Ferrers - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Woodham Ferrers..
1945 March 21 - .
23:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stanstead - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Stanstead..
1945 March 22 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The V-2 launches continued with an average of ten V-2s per day during March. The majority of rockets were fired from Statenkwartier and also a new launch site southwest of edge of the Haagse Bos. Because the ground was very solid, there were few failures. Of the 217 rockets fired from areas of The Hague during March, no more than 19 failed.
1945 March 22 - .
00:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 March 22 - .
02:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bradwell - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Bradwell..
1945 March 22 - .
02:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Canewdon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Canewdon..
1945 March 22 - .
02:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Epping - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Epping. 4 Dead..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Harrow - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Harrow. 9 Dead..
1945 March 22 - .
03:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to St Mary's Hoo - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted St Mary's Hoo..
1945 March 22 - .
05:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Buttsbury - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Buttsbury..
1945 March 22 - .
05:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Boreham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Boreham..
1945 March 22 - .
05:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Leyton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Leyton (airburst)..
1945 March 22 - .
06:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to River Colne - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted River Colne, Brightlingsea..
1945 March 22 - .
07:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Clacton..
1945 March 22 - .
08:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Dagenham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Dagenham..
1945 March 22 - .
09:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Woodham Ferrers - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier , rocket fired, impacted Woodham Ferrers..
1945 March 22 - .
10:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Ilford (airburst)..
1945 March 22 - .
21:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Great Yarmouth - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Great Yarmouth..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, (impact unknown)..
1945 March 22 - .
23:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Dartford - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Dartford..
1945 March 22 - .
23:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Southminster - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Southminster..
1945 March 23 - .
01:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Deptford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Deptford (airburst)..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Clacton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted North Sea, near Clacton..
1945 March 23 - .
03:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 23 - .
04:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek van Holland to Stepney - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Stepney (airburst)..
1945 March 23 - .
06:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Theydon Garnon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Theydon Garnon..
1945 March 23 - .
06:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Studham - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Studham, Bedfordshire. .
1945 March 23 - .
08:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from the Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
Batt. 1./485, the Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, (failure) rocket goes out of control, leaving behind a thick yellowish smoke, looping over the city, it crashed into Duinstraat approximately 800m from launch site. 6 Dead..
1945 March 23 - .
09:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Latchingdon - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Latchingdon..
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stapleford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Stapleford, Hertfordshire (airburst)..
1945 March 23 - .
23:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Waltham Holy Cross - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted Waltham Holy Cross..
1945 March 24 - .
01:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Poplar - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Poplar..
1945 March 24 - .
10:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt (Strönfeld), rocket fired, impacted Acacialaan, Antwerp. 9 properties seriously damaged..
1945 March 24 - .
13:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Zwijndrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt (Strönfeld), rocket fired, impacted Scheldedijk, Zwijndrecht..
1945 March 24 - .
16:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Tilburg - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt (Strönfeld), rocket fired, impacted SE of Tilburg, Netherlands..
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Kalmthout - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt (Strönfeld), rocket fired, impacted NE of Kalmthout..
1945 March 25 - .
01:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Kalmthout - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt (Stroenfeld), rocket fired, impacted ENE of Kalmthout.
1945 March 25 - .
04:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Zwijndrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt (Stroenfeld), rocket fired, impacted Zwijndrecht..
1945 March 25 - .
07:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt (Strönfeld), rocket fired (impact unknown) .
1945 March 25 - .
22:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to St Pancras - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, rocket fired, impacted St Pancras. Direct hit on Whitfield Street Tabernacle. 9 Dead, 36 seriously injured..
1945 March 25 - .
22:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Enfield - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Enfield. 7 Dead, 100 seriously injured..
1945 March 25 - .
23:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stepney - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Stepney. 12 Dead..
1945 March 25 - .
23:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Lambourne End - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Lambourne End..
1945 March 26 - .
00:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Antwerp - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt (Stroenfeld), rocket fired, impacted NW of Antwerp. Mar. 26, (02.10 hours) - Battery 3./485, The Hague, rocket fired (impact unknown)..
1945 March 26 - .
03:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Cheshunt - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Cheshunt..
1945 March 26 - .
04:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bermondsey - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Bermondsey..
1945 March 26 - .
04:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hoek Van Holland to Hornchurch - .
Nation: Germany.
Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, impacted Hornchurch. 2 Dead..
1945 March 26 - .
08:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Navestock - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Navestock..
1945 March 26 - .
14:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Ilford (airburst)..
1945 March 26 - .
15:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Bromley - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Bromley. 1 Dead..
1945 March 26 - .
19:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Romford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier, rocket fired, impacted Romford. 2 Dead, 34 seriously injured..
1945 March 26 - .
22:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Noak Hill - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Noak Hill..
1945 March 27 - .
00:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Edmonton - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Edmonton. 1 Dead..
1945 March 27 - .
00:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Hoek Van Holland, rocket fired, steep shot (failure), impact unknown..
1945 March 27 - .
02:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Cheshunt - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier , rocket fired, impacted Cheshunt..
1945 March 27 - .
03:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Ilford - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Ilford..
1945 March 27 - .
03:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Hutton Park - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Hutton Park..
1945 March 27 - .
07:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 3./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Stepney - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Haagse Bos, rocket fired, impacted Stepney, Hughes Mansions. 2 City blocks flattened, 134 dead, 49 seriously injured. .
1945 March 27 - .
12:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Hellendoorn to Scheldt - .
Nation: Germany.
Batt. SS Abt. 500, Hellendoorn, Eelerburg, rocket fired. Having been dormant since March 20, this battery resumed operations for this one final launch. Impacted west of the Scheldt on Visserstraat, Burcht. One house demolished, seven others badly damaged. One person injured.
1945 March 27 - .
16:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 1./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from The Hague to Orpington - .
Nation: Germany.
The Hague, Statenkwartier , rocket fired, the final V-2 launched against England. Impacted Orpington, Kent. 1 Dead, 23 seriously injured..
1945 March 27 - .
22:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Mortsel - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 117 (Strönfeld), rocket fired. Impacted Antwerpsestraat/Lieven Gevaetstraat, Mortsel, causing 23 casualties, 62 injured, 29 houses destroyed..
1945 March 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery SS Abt 500.
Launch Vehicle:
1945 March 28 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- The end of V-2 Batteries 1./485 and 2./485 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
Batteries 1./485 and 2./485 stopped V-2 operations and withdrew to a point 38 km north of Hanover on 1 April. One day later, Battery 3./485 (Art. 3./902) launched its last two rockets before it also retreated to Fallingbostel..
1945 March 28 - .
06:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt to Zwijndrecht - .
Nation: Germany.
Burgsteinfurt Site 117 (Stroenfeld), rocket fired. Impacted in the district of Zwijndrecht, near the town of Sint-Gilles-Waas. No casualties..
1945 March 28 - .
08:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Pad: 2./485.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 combat launch from Burgsteinfurt - .
Nation: Germany.
Batt. 2./485, Burgsteinfurt Site 117 (Strönfeld), rocket fired. The final rocket launched towards Antwerp and the final combat launch of the war. Fell approximately 18km NE of its target, in the district of Ossendrecht, Netherlands..
End March 1945 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 summary for March - .
Nation: Germany.
During March, the seventh and final month of the V-2 combat campaign, there were from 617 to 775 combat launches on the Western Front. 362 missiles were manufactured at Mittelwerk. The collapse of the German rail network under allied bombing led to disruptions of supplies of component parts to Mittelwerk, of missiles from Mittelwerk to the Front, and production and distribution of rocket propellants and motor vehicle fuel needed by the launch units. By the end of the month Allied advances on the Western Front had forced all of the V-2 firing batteries to abandon their positions. See V-2 launches for a list of known combat launches.
1945 March 31 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 485.
Launch Vehicle:
- 217 V-2's are fired from The Hague in March, with 19 known failures. - .
Nation: Germany.
1945 April 1 - .
- Death of Albin Sawatzki - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Sawatzki.
German engineer, head of productionisation of the A4 missile, and technical director at Mittelwerk. His family believes that he was captured by the U.S. Army near the end of the war, perhaps tortured, and died in custody..
1945 April 1 - .
- The end of the V-weapons. - .
Nation: Germany.
The V-weapon launch corps remained in service until the end of March. Then Kammler went to the Harz Mountains, to command a planned final effort to use the weapons to prevent a link-up of the American and Soviet forces - a plan that came to nothing. In all, 9,300 V-1's had been fired at Great Britain in its seven months of service, of which 6,000 reached the coast. 4,300 V-2's had been launched in combat, 1,500 at London, and 2,100 at Antwerp. 20% of these used the radio guidance system. The V-1's range had been extended in test models to 370 km, although only a few of these modifications had reached the front. On the other hand, the range of the V-2 had been extended to 350 km, and this was the version provided to the front-line troops in the last months. But at the end of March 1945 the Germans evacuated the V-weapon firing areas in Holland.
1945 April 3 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Dornberger's group evacuated to Bavaria. - .
Nation: Germany.
Kammler has the 450 scientists moved from Berlin to Oberammergau..
1945 April 3 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 training and test batteries dissolved. - .
Nation: Germany.
Kammler ordered further training of troops and test launches discontinued..
1945 April 6 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- American tanks reach Bleicherode at Bad Sachsen. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Dornberger.
Just ahead of the troops the rocket team's documentation was moved in a truck convoy to the south. Kammler, Dornberger, and Von Braun hold their last meeting. In Bavaria, spring is just emerging from the snow..
1945 April 8 - .
Launch Site:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Complex:
V-2 Battery 836.
Launch Vehicle:
- The end of V-2 Battery 836 and the V-2 missile campaign. - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Wehrmacht.
After being forced to retreat from its operational area in late March 1945, Battery 836 was to have moved first to a location 16 km west of Osnabruck for firing operations, but the situation on the ground prevented this. They then moved to Celle (about 30 km north of Hanover). From there the remaining rockets were to be fired against Russian forces at Kostrzyn, 100 km northeast of Berlin. The unit could not set up in time to accomplish this before Kammler ordered the rocket units to be dissolved and convert to infantry. On April 8 the battery destroyed its rockets and launching equipment and ceased to exist. In all, 1593 V-2's had been fired against Antwerp, 1225 against London, and 461 against other cities and targets, by one accounting. A total of 3000 to 3280 missiles had been fired in combat launches, and another 440 to 1000 in test and training launches. A total of 6,100 missiles had been manufactured, at least 1,800 of which were early production versions that were either scrapped or cannibalised for later production.
1945 May 1 - .
- Birth of Dr Ernst Willi Messerschmid - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Messerschmid.
German physicist payload specialist astronaut 1982-1985. 1 spaceflight, 7.0 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-61A (1985)..
1945 May 2 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Peenemuende rocket team contacts American forces - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
English-speaker Magnus Von Braun is sent to contact US forces in order to surrender the German rocket team to the Americans..
1945 May 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
1945 May 7 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Germany surrenders - .
Nation: Germany.
1945 May 9 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-3 complex at Mimoyecques blown up by British Forces - .
Nation: Germany.
The action was taken to prevent the French from using the facility against Britain at some future date..
1945 May 27 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- American recover 14 tonnes of V-2 documentation - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
The German rocket team provides directions to the Americans to the mine in the Harz Mountains where they have hidden the technical documentation taken from Peenemuende..
1945 July 5 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Soviets occupy Mittelwerk. - .
Nation: Germany.
The Americans withdraw from the Soviet zone, having taken key V-2 tooling and parts..
1945 September 1 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Von Braun in America - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
Von Braun and a small contingent fly to Fort Bliss, Texas. Over 100 Peenemuende rocket engineers will follow by sea..
1946 January 16 - .
Launch Site:
White Sands.
Launch Complex:
White Sands.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 flight tests in US initiated. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
U.S. upper atmosphere research program initiated with captured German V-2 rockets. A V-2 panel of representatives of various interested agencies was created, and a total of more than 60 V-2's were fired before the supply ran out. The Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University then undertook to develop a medium-altitude rocket, the Aerobee, while the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) directed its efforts to the development of a large high-altitude rocket, first called the Neptune, later the Viking.
1946 February 1 - .
- Death of Hans Lindenberg - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Lindenberg.
German-American rocket technician from Dresden. Died at Fort Bliss, Texas..
1946 March 15 - .
Launch Site:
White Sands.
Launch Complex:
White Sands LC33.
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 static fired - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
First American-assembled V-2 static fired at White Sands Proving Ground..
1947 July 26 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2's to be tested in Soviet Union. - .
Nation: Germany.
Council of Soviet Ministers (SM) Decree 2643-818ss 'On testing of two series of A-4 rockets in 1947' was issued. The missiles were to be fired at the new rocket test ground at Kapustin Yar ('Volgograd Station') ..
1947 December 27 - .
- Death of Johannes Winkler - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Winkler.
German engineer. Rocket enthusiast, launched first liquid rocket in Europe on 1931.02.21..
1948 March 18 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-2 project winding down. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: von Braun.
V-2 Upper Atmosphere Research Panel, representing all U.S. interested agencies, was renamed the Upper Atmosphere Rocket Research Panel..
1948 June 24 - .
- Berlin blockade begins - .
Nation: Germany.
1949 April 13 - .
- Birth of Dr Jean-Jacques Favier - .
Nation: France,
Related Persons: Favier.
French materials scientist cosmonaut 1985-1996. 1 spaceflight, 16.9 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-78 (1996)..
1949 October 7 - .
- German Democratic Republic (East Germany) established under Soviet rule - .
Nation: Germany.
1950 June 1 - .
- VfR resurrected. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hitler.
VfR, the German Rocket Society disestablished by Hitler in 1933, passed resolution calling for international conference of all astronautical societies..
1950 September 12 - .
- Death of Rudolf Hackh - .
Nation: France,
Related Persons: Hackh.
German engineer. Member of German Rocket Team in France after WW2..
1951 September - .
- Die Aussenstation - .
Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Aussenstation.
At the second annual congress of the International Astronautical Federation in London, H. H. Koelle described 'Die Aussenstation' as part of a paper on 'Der Einfluss der Konstruktiven Gestaltung der Aussenstation auf die Gesamtkosten des Projektes (The Influence of the Layout of the Satellite on the Overall Cost of the Project).' Koelle's paper represented the most realistic appraisal so far of the problems of design and construction of a space station. He dealt with problems of payload limitation, orbital assembly, limitations on the crew in the space environment, and national and economic factors behind space station growth. In Koelle's view, such a station might be used for scientific investigations of Earth's upper atmosphere, weather observation, astrophysical research, and human and chemical research in a zero-gravity environment. Also, such a station might serve as a communications and navigation link with the ground and as a station for launching more distant space missions. He suggested a large circular structure consisting of 36 separate 5-m spheres arranged around a central hub, the whole structure rotating to provide an artificial gravity environment to offset physiological effects of prolonged weightlessness on the crew. One of the unique elements in Koelle's scheme was assembly of various parts of the station launched via separate rockets, with each segment being a complete structure. In this way the station could be made operational before fabrication was completed, and subsequent expansion of the structure could take place whenever desired. Total personnel complement of the station would range from 50 to 65 people. Koelle even estimated the cost of such a project: $518 million for construction and $620 million over an operational lifetime of six months.
1951 August 3 - .
- Birth of Hans Wilhelm Schlegel - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Schlegel.
German physicist mission specialist astronaut 1987-2011. 2 spaceflights, 22.8 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-55 (1993), STS-122..
1952 August 23 - .
- Birth of Klaus-Dietrich Flade - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Flade.
German engineer cosmonaut 1990-1992. 1 spaceflight, 7.9 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz TM-14 (1992)..
1953 February 11 - .
- Birth of Steven Douglas Thorne - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Thorne.
German test pilot mission specialist astronaut, 1985-1986. Died in an airplane crash..
1953 September 2 - .
- Birth of Gerhard Julius Paul Thiele - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Thiele.
German physicist mission specialist astronaut 1987-2005. DARA. 1 spaceflight, 11.2 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-99 (2000)..
1954 February 9 - .
- Birth of Dr Ulrich Hans Walter - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Walter.
German physicist payload specialist astronaut 1987-1993. 1 spaceflight, 10.0 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-55 (1993)..
1954 May 22 - .
- Birth of Dr Galina Vasilyevna Amelkina - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Amelkina.
Russian physician cosmonaut, 1980-1983..
1956 December 18 - .
- Birth of Dr Reinhold Ewald - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Ewald.
German engineer cosmonaut 1990-2002. 1 spaceflight, 19.7 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz TM-25 (1997)..
1957 August 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
Mohr Rocket.
- First launches from Spaceport Cuxhaven - .
Nation: Germany.
Cuxhaven saw its first use as the 'Gateway to Space'. The DRG (German Rocket Society)'s 'Rocket Flight Day' started out with 7 firings of the 'oilspray' rocket to ranges of 100 to 300 m. The terrible weather served to demonstrate their function admirably. This was followed by a launch to 100 to 2000 m altitude of several small model rockets. This was followed by delta-winged rocket built by Koschmieder, which reached 3000 m and was recovered by parachute. Next was a prototype 20 kg meteorological rocket using a new solid propellant developed by Deutsche Dynamit AG. This produced 1500 kgf and reached Mach 1.5. The rocket rose to 4000 m but the recovery parachute deployed early and the meteorological instruments were not recovered. Finally a test of the first of Ernst Mohr's big rockets was planned. The rocket had 50 kg of propellant, produced 5 tonnes thrust, and was to have reached Mach 1.5 at burnout and an altitude of 20,000 m. However the launch was cancelled due to bad weather.
1958 May 23 - .
- Birth of Thomas Arthur Reiter - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Reiter.
German test pilot cosmonaut 1992-2007. 2 spaceflights, 350.2 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz TM-22 (1995), STS-121..
1958 June 8 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
Mohr Rocket.
- Mohr Rocket launch attempts - .
Nation: Germany.
First attempt to launch Ernst Morhr's larege meteorological rocket. The rocket had a total mass of 150 kg, consisting of 75 kg propellant, 60 kg structure, and 15 kg payload. The motor produced 7800 kgf for 2 seconds. The rocket was 30 cm in diameter, 1.7 m long, and had a payload dart 56 mm in diameter and 1.25 m long. Three attempts were made to launch. Two hung up on the launcher, and the third was unstable after launch and crashed near the launcher.
1958 September 14 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
Mohr Rocket.
- Mohr Rocket reaches 50 km altitude - .
Nation: Germany.
Three launches were made from Arensch, including two successful launches of the prototype of the large meteorological rocket developed by Ernst Mohr of Wuppertall. The launches were witnessed by Vice-President Ross. The redesigned Mohr rockets were 2.5 m long, 30 cm in diameter, had a total mass of 80 kg and produced 7.8 tonnes thrust. Cutoff velocity was 1200 m/s at 1200 m altitude. The payload dart then separated and coasted up to 50 km altitude. It was later planned to install meteorological instruments on these rockets.
1958 December 6 - .
- Death of Hans Rudolph Friedrich - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Friedrich.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1959 May 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- First DRG Rocket Mail - .
Nation: Germany.
First launches from Arensch to Berensch of DRG (German Rocket Society) 'postcard rockets'. 100 would be launched in the next two years. Ten launches were made carrying 5000 postcards. The subsonic 5 kg rockets were 2 m long, produced 50 kgf thrust, were recovered under three or four parachutes, and had an average accuracy of 130 m over a 3 km range.
1959 November 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- First Kumulus launch - .
Nation: Germany.
The first launch of a Kumulus rocket is made to 15 km altitude carrying a radio-transmitter built by Professor Max Ehmert of the Max Planck Institute. The rocket had a mass of 30.3 kg, produced 508 kgf, and reached 700 m/s. However due to the batteries becoming too cold during launch preparations, the transmitter did not function and the rocket could not be tracked.
1960 June 19 - .
- Birth of Heike Walpot - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Walpot.
German physician payload specialist astronaut, 1987-1993..
1960 September 12 - .
- Death of Anton Beier - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Beier.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
11-12 February 1961 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Kumulus rocket reaches 19.75 km - .
Nation: Germany.
The DRG (German Rocket Society) launched four MVR-I rockets on Saturday and two on Sunday. The Saturday launches were tracked to an altitude of 15 km and impacted 15 to 30 km from the launch point in the North Sea. The rockets were 18 cm in diameter, 2 m long, and had a mass of 24 kg. One of the Sunday launches reached 19,750 m altitude with a meteorological payload built by the Max Planck Institute. The rocket had a thrust of 508 kgf and weighted 19.9 kg. German television covered the launches.
1961 May 28 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
1961 June 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- Rocket mail delivered to Scharhoern - .
Nation: Germany.
The DRG (German Rocket Society) launches two 3-m long, 51.9 kg, 600 kgf thrust Kumulus rockets from Arensch over the sea 18 km to the flats of the island of Scharhoern. The trip was made in 28 seconds at a top speed of 850 m/s with a payload of 5000 postcards weighing 15 kg.
1961 August 13 - .
- Berlin Wall - .
Nation: Germany.
East Germans erect Berlin Wall between East and West Berlin to halt flood of refugees.
1961 September 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Cirrus rocket reaches 50 km altitude - .
Nation: Germany.
The first Cirrus rockets are launched. Cirrus I, a two stage rocket, with each stage providing 508 kgf, reached a velocity of 750 m/s (Mach 2.5) and 35 km altitude. Cirrus II, 4.155 m long, with a thrust of 1.8 tonnes, reached 1000 m/s and an altitude of 50 km. Kumulus I and II took biological specimens aloft. Each Kumulus had a mass of 28 kg, was 3 m long, produced 508 kgf, and reached 750 m/s, Mach 2.0. Kumulus I carried the Mexican salamander Lotte to an altitude of 12 km. Lotte landed safely in the Cuxhaven flats. Kumulus II took the goldfish Max to an altitude of 15 km, but Max, enclosed in a plexiglass globe, made a hard landing.
1961 September 16 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Cirrus I.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 35 km (21 mi).
1961 September 16 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Cirrus II.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 50 km (31 mi).
1961 November 24 - .
- Death of Friedrich Wilhelm Schwarz - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schwarz, Friedrich.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Phoenix, Arizona..
1962 September 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- Rocket mail at Cuxhaven - .
Nation: Germany.
The DRG (German Rocket Society) made postal launches from spaceport Cuxhaven..
1962 November 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Seliger rocket reaches 40 km - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Seliger.
Berthold Seliger made the first launches of his rockets from Cuxhaven. Three 3.4 m long, single stage rockets reached altitudes of 40 km. The on-board transmitters were tracked by the Bochum Observatory..
1962 November 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Seliger 1.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 40 km (24 mi).
1962 November 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Seliger 1.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 40 km (24 mi).
1962 November 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Seliger 1.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 40 km (24 mi).
1963 January 13 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- DRG launches at Cuxhaven - .
Nation: Germany.
The DRG (German Rocket Society) launched three model rockets but they fell in the flats and were not recovered..
1963 February 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Seliger rockets reach 80 km. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Seliger.
Seliger launched three rockets. The 3.4 m long single stage version reached an altitude of 52 km, and the 6.0 m long two stage version reached 80 km. Each stage had a thrust of 5000 kgf. Bochum Observatory tracked the radio transmitters of the payloads during their ascent. The wreckage of the missiles was found on the flats. Seliger announced plans to launch a three-stage rocket to 150 km altitude.
1963 February 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Seliger 1.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 52 km (32 mi).
1963 February 7 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Seliger 1.
Launch Vehicle:
Seliger 2.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 80 km (49 mi).
1963 February 7 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Seliger 1.
Launch Vehicle:
Seliger 2.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 80 km (49 mi).
1963 May 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Seliger rocket reaches 120 km altitude. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Seliger.
Seliger launched his 12.8 m long, three-stage rocket at an attempt to reach an altitude of 150 km. The effects of his contracts with the military were apparent. The 74th Panzer batallion at Altenwalde provided security, field communications, two jeeps as command posts, and a helicopter to search for the missile after the flight. The first launch of the day was that of a single-stage rocket to 50 km altitude. The mission was to measure high altitude winds and test the new parachute recovery system. The payload was successfully recovered in Wernerwald. Preparation of the three stage rocket took three hours, leading up to the planned 16:00 launch time. The 6 m long rocket lifted off at 16:03 but only reached an altitude of 120 km.
1963 May 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Seliger 1.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 50 km (31 mi).
1963 May 2 - .
15:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Seliger 1.
Launch Vehicle:
Seliger 3.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 120 km (70 mi).
1963 December 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- First Cuxhaven military launches - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Seliger.
The first military launches were made from Cuxhaven since the Backfire V-2 launches of 1945. Seliger, under contract to Waffen und Luftruestung AG (Weapons and Air Development Inc) of Hamburg launched a test rocket. The altitude was restricted to 30 km by a new regulation of the Lower Saxony Economy and Trade Ministry.
1963 December 5 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Seliger 1.
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DRG.
Apogee: 30 km (18 mi).
1964 February 10 - .
- Death of Eugen Saenger - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Saenger.
Saenger dies of a heart attack in Berlin while lecturing to his students at the Technical University in Berlin.
1964 March 22 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
- DRG launches at Cuxhaven - .
Nation: Germany.
The DRG (German Rocket Society) conducted a series of ten student model rocket test launches. Some of these tested a new airbrake mechanism for recovery of the rocket in lieu of a parachute..
1964 June 6 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
1966 August 17 - .
03:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Fort Churchill.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VB.
1966 August 19 - .
07:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Fort Churchill.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VB.
1967 April 7 - .
19:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-1 Aurora / barium release mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 231 km (143 mi).
1967 April 8 - .
20:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-2 Aurora / barium release mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 237 km (147 mi).
1967 June 16 - .
10:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Honest John.
Launch Vehicle:
- GRS Test Technology / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR,
Apogee: 1,100 km (600 mi).
1967 June 17 - .
08:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Honest John.
Launch Vehicle:
- GRS Test Technology / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR,
Apogee: 991 km (615 mi).
1967 August 3 - .
07:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Fort Churchill.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VB.
- MPE Barium release Magnetosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NRCC.
Apogee: 448 km (278 mi).
1967 August 6 - .
04:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Fort Churchill.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VB.
- MPE Barium release Magnetosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NRCC.
Apogee: 287 km (178 mi).
1967 October 15 - .
- Death of Phillip Von Doepp - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: von Doepp.
Russian-German expert in guided missile aero design during WW2. Fluent in Russian. Member of the German rocket team, arrived in America under Project Paperclip on 1945.11.16. Worked at Wright Field and in California aerospace..
1967 October 23 - .
16:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-7 Aeronomy / ionosphere / Fields mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 235 km (146 mi).
1967 November 1 - .
- Death of Otto Friedrich Schaper - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Schaper.
German expert in guided missiles during World War II. Arrived in America under Project Paperclip on 1945.11.16 aboard the Argentina. Worked at Port Washington, Long Island, New York, USA, until his death in 1967..
1967 November 1 - .
- Death of Ludwig Roth - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Roth.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1967 December 5 - .
20:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-6 Aeronomy / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 206 km (128 mi).
1968 March 20 - .
18:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- MPE Barium release EXP-34 Aeronomy / ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 216 km (134 mi).
1968 March 23 - .
18:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-9 Aeronomy / ionosphere / Fields mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
1968 April 6 - .
01:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-10 Aurora mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
1968 June 12 - .
22:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-12 Meteorites mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 183 km (113 mi).
1968 November 19 - .
01:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant III.
- DLR K-BB3-14 Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 167 km (103 mi).
1968 November 27 - .
01:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
FAILURE: Failure.
- Ferdinand 17 Aeronomy / ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NTNF.
Apogee: 10 km (6 mi).
1968 December 3 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVA.
- DLR N-BB4 Magnetospheric mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 700 km (430 mi).
1968 December 3 - .
21:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant III.
- DLR K-BB3-16 Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 165 km (102 mi).
1968 December 4 - .
17:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVA.
FAILURE: Failure.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 600 km (370 mi).
1968 December 4 - .
18:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Fort Churchill.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVA.
FAILURE: Failure.
- Mass spectrometer Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NRCC.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
1968 December 4 - .
19:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Fort Churchill.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant III.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NRCC.
Apogee: 158 km (98 mi).
1968 December 4 - .
22:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant III.
- DLR K-BB3-15 Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 170 km (100 mi).
1969 March 15 - .
17:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-11 Aeronomy / ionosphere / Fields mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 226 km (140 mi).
1969 March 16 - .
18:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-17 Aeronomy / ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 233 km (144 mi).
1969 March 17 - .
18:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-18 Aeronomy / ionosphere / Fields mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 231 km (143 mi).
1969 April 1 - .
- Death of Kurt Paul Erich Patt - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Patt.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1969 May 24 - .
- Death of Willy Ley - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Ley.
German-American writer. German-American writer, extremely effective populariser of the idea of space flight - first in Germany and then in the United States..
1969 November 8 - .
01:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC5.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Scout B.
- Azur - .
Payload: GRS A. Mass: 71 kg (156 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: AZUR.
USAF Sat Cat: 4221 . COSPAR: 1969-097A. Apogee: 2,127 km (1,321 mi). Perigee: 373 km (231 mi). Inclination: 102.70 deg. Period: 110.50 min. German Research Satellite A; examined Van Allen belts, solar particles, aurora. Spacecraft engaged in research and exploration of the upper atmosphere or outer space (US Cat B). .
1969 December 9 - .
12:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skua 3.
- Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: INTA.
Apogee: 90 km (55 mi).
1969 December 9 - .
14:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skua 3.
- Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: INTA.
Apogee: 96 km (59 mi).
1969 December 10 - .
11:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skua 3.
- Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: INTA.
Apogee: 90 km (55 mi).
1969 December 10 - .
12:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skua 3.
- Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: INTA.
Apogee: 99 km (61 mi).
1970 January 26 - .
22:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Honest John.
Launch Vehicle:
- DLR N-J-19 Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 800 km (490 mi).
1970 January 30 - .
22:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Honest John.
Launch Vehicle:
- DLR N-J-20 Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 800 km (490 mi).
1970 February 2 - .
23:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VA.
- DLR A-BBV-23 Synove Aeronomy / ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 202 km (125 mi).
1970 February 14 - .
03:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VA.
- DLR A-BBV-24 Monica Aeronomy / ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 210 km (130 mi).
1970 February 14 - .
05:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VA.
- DLR A-BBV-25 Evelyn Aeronomy / ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 223 km (138 mi).
1970 March 6 - .
02:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VA.
- DLR A-BBV-27 Chr'ine Aeronomy / ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 217 km (134 mi).
1970 March 8 - .
02:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VA.
- DLR A-BBV-26 Inger Aeronomy / ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 161 km (100 mi).
1970 March 10 - .
12:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou Diamant.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Diamant B.
Payload: DIAL Wissenschaftliche Kapsel. Mass: 63 kg (138 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: BMW,
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Dial WIKA.
Decay Date: 1978-10-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 4344 . COSPAR: 1970-017A. Apogee: 1,631 km (1,013 mi). Perigee: 301 km (187 mi). Inclination: 5.40 deg. Period: 104.20 min. Engineering package..
1970 March 15 - .
13:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVA.
- DLR A-BB4-28 Eva Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 650 km (400 mi).
1970 March 18 - .
02:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVA.
- DLR A-BB4-29 Gerda Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 665 km (413 mi).
1970 March 22 - .
02:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Salto di Quirra.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 3.
FAILURE: Failure.
- DLR S-CR-21 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi).
1970 September 6 - .
- Death of Hans Hueter - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hueter.
German-Swiss engineer. Member of the German Rocket Team in the United States after WW2..
1970 October 1 - .
- Death of Albert Utsch - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Utsch.
German-American design engineer for McDonnell on the Mercury and Gemini spacecraft..
1970 October 1 - .
13:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR N-NA-30 Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
1970 October 6 - .
13:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR N-NA-31 Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
1970 October 8 - .
13:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR N-NA-32 Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
1970 October 8 - .
14:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR N-NA-33 Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
1970 October 12 - .
14:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR N-NA-34 Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
1970 October 13 - .
00:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Salto di Quirra.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 3.
- DLR S-CR-22 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 288 km (178 mi).
1970 October 22 - .
14:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR N-NA-35 Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
1970 December 10 - .
16:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Tomahawk.
- DLR W-NT-36 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 270 km (160 mi).
1970 December 16 - .
16:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Tomahawk.
- DLR W-NT-37 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 270 km (160 mi).
1971 January 14 - .
11:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 6.
- DLR AB-GR-40 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: BAC,
Apogee: 7.00 km (4.30 mi).
1971 January 17 - .
15:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Tomahawk.
- MPE Barium release / Brigitte Ionosphere / fields mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 328 km (203 mi).
1971 January 28 - .
15:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Tomahawk.
- MPE Barium release / Erika Ionosphere / fields mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 276 km (171 mi).
1971 April 8 - .
- Death of Fritz von Opel - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Opel.
German automobile manufacturer and rocketry enthusiast. Grandson of founder of Opel, after graduation, put in charge of testing and publicity. Funded Valier's tests of rocket engines in ground and air vehicles..
1972 February 3 - .
13:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VC.
- DLR N-BBV-42 Aurora / ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 250 km (150 mi).
1972 March 8 - .
10:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VC.
- DLR N-BBV-41 Aeronomy / ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 223 km (138 mi).
1972 October 10 - .
14:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- DLR C-FFK-45 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi).
1972 October 24 - .
15:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- DLR C-FFK-46 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi).
1972 December 13 - .
14:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Zenit C.
- DLR A-ZC-48 Astrik Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 144 km (89 mi).
1972 December 16 - .
11:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC5.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Scout D-1.
- Aeros 1 - .
Payload: GRS B. Mass: 127 kg (279 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Aeros.
Decay Date: 1973-08-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 6315 . COSPAR: 1972-100A. Apogee: 867 km (538 mi). Perigee: 223 km (138 mi). Inclination: 96.90 deg. Period: 95.60 min. Spacecraft engaged in research and exploration of the upper atmosphere or outer space (US Cat B). .
1973 February 1 - .
- Death of Kurt Kunibert Karlmann Neuhoefer - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Neuhoefer.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1973 February 1 - .
14:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VC.
- DLR N-BBVC-52 Aeronomy / ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 308 km (191 mi).
1973 February 3 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VC.
- DLR N-BBVC-50? Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 97 km (60 mi).
1973 February 7 - .
14:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VC.
- DLR N-BBVC-54 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 211 km (131 mi).
1973 February 15 - .
02:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VC.
- DLR N-BBVC-53 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 315 km (195 mi).
1973 April 1 - .
- Death of Bruno Heusinger - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Heusinger.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1973 May 12 - .
12:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VC.
- DLR A-BBVC-51 Erna Aeronomy /ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 305 km (189 mi).
1973 July 4 - .
03:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VC.
- DLR A-BBVC-49 Barbara Aeronomy /ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 260 km (160 mi).
1973 October 2 - .
01:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 2 AC.
- DLR H-GR-57 Test/Ultraviolet Astronomy/Astrophysics mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 186 km (115 mi).
1973 October 6 - .
03:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 4 AC.
- DLR H-GR-56 Optical astronomy / ultraviolet astronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 260 km (160 mi).
1973 November 22 - .
21:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVB.
- Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 650 km (400 mi).
1973 November 22 - .
23:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Castor (A).
1973 November 27 - .
01:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 4 AC.
- DLR H-GR-55 Optical astronomy / ultraviolet astronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 246 km (152 mi).
1973 December 1 - .
- Death of Josef Maria Boehm - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Boehm.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1974 January 12 - .
19:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 4 AC.
- DLR H-GR-58 X-ray astronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 246 km (152 mi).
1974 January 16 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- DLR H-SD-60 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
1974 February 6 - .
22:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVB.
- DLR A-BB4-63 Auroral mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 548 km (340 mi).
1974 March 15 - .
- Death of Werner Tiller - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Tiller.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1974 May 7 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- DLR C-FFK-47 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 120 km (70 mi).
1974 July 16 - .
11:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC5.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Scout D-1.
- Aeros 2 - .
Payload: Aeros B. Mass: 127 kg (279 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Aeros.
Decay Date: 1975-09-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 7371 . COSPAR: 1974-055A. Apogee: 869 km (539 mi). Perigee: 224 km (139 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Period: 95.60 min. Upper atmospheric research. Spacecraft engaged in research and exploration of the upper atmosphere or outer space (US Cat B). .
1974 October 9 - .
04:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
Launch Vehicle:
- Test mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: INTA.
Apogee: 254 km (157 mi). Failed to reach expected altitude..
1974 November 16 - .
- Death of Walther Johannes Riedel - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Riedel, Walther.
German manager and engineer who managed development of V-2 rocket engine after the death of Thiel. In the US he transferred this technology to Rocketdyne, which led to the engines for the Redstone, Thor, Jupiter, Atlas, and Saturn I rockets..
1974 December 10 - .
07:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC41.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan IIIE.
- Helios 1 - .
Mass: 370 kg (810 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Class: Astronomy.
Type: Solar satellite. Spacecraft: Helios.
USAF Sat Cat: 7567 . COSPAR: 1974-097A.
A Titan IIIE/Centaur launched from Cape Canaveral boosted the United States-West German HELIOS spacecraft into heliocentric orbit as a solar probe to investigate the properties and processes of solar/terrestrial relationships. This was the first completely successful flight of the Titan IIIE/Centaur booster combination. Solar probe. Solar Orbit (Heliocentric). Launched by the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany. Helios A (Helios I). Heliocentric orbit 190 days, 0.309 x 0.985 AU x 0 deg. Exploration of the interplanetary space between the earth and the sun and study of solar influences on that area.
1974 December 17 - .
10:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Sonde Stromfjord.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVB.
- DLR G-BB4-64 PolCusp Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 280 km (170 mi).
1974 December 18 - .
11:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Sonde Stromfjord.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVB.
FAILURE: Failure.
- DLR G-BB4-65 PolCusp Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi).
1975 March 1 - .
- Death of Fritz Vandersee - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Vandersee.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1975 March 14 - .
04:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Woomera LA2.
Launch Pad: LA2 SL.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 6 AC.
- DLR W-GR-67 Solar x-ray mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 270 km (160 mi).
1975 May 4 - .
11:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
Launch Vehicle:
- Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: INTA.
Apogee: 81 km (50 mi).
1975 September 30 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Castor (A).
1975 October 3 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Castor (A).
1975 October 9 - .
04:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 6 AC.
- DLR H-GR-68 (Astro 7) Ultraviolet astronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 254 km (157 mi).
1975 October 21 - .
11:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aeronomy / test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: INTA.
Apogee: 240 km (140 mi). Failed to reach expected altitude..
1976 January 4 - .
14:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- Winter Anomaly B-IV-1 Aeronomy / ionosphere / solar ultraviolet mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 129 km (80 mi).
1976 January 4 - .
15:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 3 AC.
- Winter Anomaly B-II-1 Aeronomy / ionosphere / solar ultraviolet / x-ray mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 116 km (72 mi).
1976 January 15 - .
05:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC41.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan IIIE.
1976 January 21 - .
14:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- INTA MNAE-7602 / BIV-2 Aeronomy / ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 120 km (70 mi).
1976 January 21 - .
15:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 3 AC.
- Winter Anomaly B-II-2 Aeronomy / ionosphere / solar ultraviolet / x-ray mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 116 km (72 mi).
1976 January 27 - .
17:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 4 AC.
FAILURE: Failure.
- DLR K-GR-73 Technology mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 2.00 km (1.20 mi).
1976 March 10 - .
09:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVA.
FAILURE: Failure.
- DLR H-BB4-74 Extreme ultraviolet astronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi).
1976 March 23 - .
- Death of Herbert Hans Guendel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Guendel.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Boston, New York..
1976 March 30 - .
20:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
- DLR K-AR-75 Porc. F1 Magnetospheric mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 360 km (220 mi).
1976 April 17 - .
- Closest Ever Flyby of the Sun by Spacecraft (Helios 2) - .
Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Helios.
1976 May 3 - .
- Birth of Alexander Gerst - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Gerst.
German physicist mission specialist astronaut, 2009-on. 2 spaceflights, 362.1 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz TMA-13M (2014), Soyuz MS-09..
1976 June 27 - .
08:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant IVB.
- DLR H-BB4B-76 Extreme ultraviolet astronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 700 km (430 mi).
1977 January 22 - .
21:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- DLR A-GR-78 Eveline Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 277 km (172 mi).
1977 February 8 - .
22:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- DLR A-GR-79 Silvia Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 272 km (169 mi).
1977 February 20 - .
21:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- DLR A-GR-80 Georgine Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 256 km (159 mi).
1977 March 14 - .
17:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Apache.
- DLR K-NA-83 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
1977 March 16 - .
22:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- DLR A-GR-81 Christ. Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 263 km (163 mi).
1977 March 20 - .
19:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- DLR K-AR-82 Porc. F2 Magnetospheric mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 460 km (280 mi).
1977 May 18 - .
08:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Kapani Tonneo.
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 1 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Apogee: 15 km (9 mi). Four-module test vehicle, 6 m long. Propulsion test. Reached 20 km altitude. 100% successful..
1977 June 10 - .
03:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
El Arenosillo.
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant VC.
- Heatpipe 2 Technology mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 322 km (200 mi).
1977 June 16 - .
- Death of Wernher von Braun - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: von Braun.
German-American chief designer, leader of the 'Rocket Team'; developed the V-2, Redstone, Jupiter, and the Saturn rockets that took US to the moon. He made the idea of space travel popular in the 1950's and a reality in the 1960's..
1977 July 1 - .
- Death of Oskar Morgenstern - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Morgenstern.
German-American economist, came to the United States in 1925, and worked at Princeton after 1938. Founded Mathematica, which provided economic analyses to government, notoriously the study that found the shuttle cheaper than expendable LVs..
1977 October 13 - .
21:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12.
- T / NL 3A Dagmar Aurora mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 536 km (333 mi).
1977 November 2 - .
20:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12.
- T / NL 1B Aurora mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 541 km (336 mi).
1977 December 13 - .
08:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 1 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 265 km (164 mi).
1978 January 30 - .
21:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12.
- T / NL 4C Gitti Aurora mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 540 km (330 mi).
1978 January 30 - .
22:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12.
- T / NL 2D Susanne Aurora mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 541 km (336 mi).
1978 February 2 - .
11:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- A-OR-90 Orion 1 Range test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 57 km (35 mi).
1978 May 19 - .
22:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Kapani Tonneo.
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Apogee: 30 km (18 mi). Four-module test vehicle, 6 m long. High altitude night test. Reached 150 km altitude..
1978 June 5 - .
11:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Kapani Tonneo.
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure. Heeled over and crashed after a few seconds..
Failed Stage: 1.
- Otrag Flight 3 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi). Four module test vehicle, 12 m long. Pitch and yaw control test. Attempt to reach 100 km, but veered off course on launch due to a valve on one unit being stuck at 50% thrust..
1978 June 12 - .
08:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
White Sands.
Launch Complex:
White Sands LC36.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Astro 8-2 X-ray astronomy / microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 355 km (220 mi).
1978 September 13 - .
19:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- K-OR-91 Range test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 62 km (38 mi).
1978 September 18 - .
- Death of Rudolf Nebel - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Nebel.
German rocket enthusiast. Worked for Oberth; helped found VfR; built largest prewar German test rockets. Work shut down by government in 1934. Did not work on rockets during WW2. Promoted civilian rebirth of German rocketry in 1950's..
1978 November 16 - .
07:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 2 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 265 km (164 mi).
1979 February 22 - .
12:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Woomera LA2.
Launch Pad: LA2 SL.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 6 AC.
- Astro 4-2 X-ray Astronomy Telescope mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 192 km (119 mi).
1979 March 13 - .
00:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Woomera LA2.
Launch Pad: LA2 SL.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7 AC.
- Astro 4-1 Solar x-ray mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 258 km (160 mi).
1979 March 21 - .
23:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Castor (A).
FAILURE: Failure.
- Spread F Barium release mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi).
1979 March 22 - .
23:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Castor (A).
- Spread F Barium release mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 268 km (166 mi).
1979 October 12 - .
14:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Natal MAN.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12 AC.
- Astro-Hel Far ultraviolet astronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 829 km (515 mi).
1979 October 22 - .
16:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Natal 6 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1979 October 26 - .
21:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Natal 6 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1980 April 28 - .
07:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 3A Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 253 km (157 mi).
1980 May 5 - .
- Death of Hans Paul - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Paul.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1980 October 15 - .
Launch Site:
White Sands.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Pershing 1A.
- Operational test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Luftwaffe.
Apogee: 250 km (150 mi).
1980 October 15 - .
Launch Site:
White Sands.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Pershing 1A.
- Operational test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Luftwaffe.
Apogee: 250 km (150 mi).
1980 October 15 - .
Launch Site:
White Sands.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Pershing 1A.
- Operational test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Luftwaffe.
Apogee: 250 km (150 mi).
1980 October 15 - .
Launch Site:
White Sands.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Pershing 1A.
- Operational test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Luftwaffe.
Apogee: 250 km (150 mi).
1980 October 23 - .
- Death of Hans Gruene - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Gruene.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1980 November 11 - .
00:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- EBC-C E6C Ionosphere / aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 198 km (123 mi).
1980 November 11 - .
00:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skua 2.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 99 km (61 mi).
1980 November 16 - .
03:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- EBC-B E2 (ENERGY EB1) Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 231 km (143 mi).
1980 November 16 - .
03:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skua 2.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 87 km (54 mi).
1980 November 16 - .
04:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- EBC-B E6A1 S10.12-1 Ionosphere / aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 165 km (102 mi).
1980 November 28 - .
03:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skua 2.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 94 km (58 mi).
1981 March 1 - .
09:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 4 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Apogee: 150 km (90 mi). Maximum range single stage test, reached 300 km..
1981 April 30 - .
06:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 3B Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 253 km (157 mi).
1981 May 8 - .
05:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 4 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 258 km (160 mi).
1981 June 7 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 5 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
High acceleration test, 20 % propellant loading.
1981 September 17 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 6 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Engine induced roll moment test.
1981 October 1 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 7 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Burn to depletion test.
1981 October 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 8 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Oxidizer depletion first (rough).
1981 November 14 - .
09:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- DFVLR Strafam 1 / 1 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 60 km (37 mi).
1981 November 19 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 9 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Fuel depletion first test (smooth).
1981 December 9 - .
21:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- EBC81 E2 (ENERGY EB2) Ionosphere / plasma mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 237 km (147 mi).
1981 December 9 - .
22:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skua 4.
- EBC81 E8 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 70 km (43 mi).
1981 December 9 - .
22:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skua 2.
- EBC81 E7 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 94 km (58 mi).
1981 December 12 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 10 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
TV onboard camera test.
1981 December 16 - .
- Death of Emil A H, Hellebrandt - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Hellebrandt.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1982 March 1 - .
- Death of Carl Heinz Mandel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Mandel.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II, member of von Braun rocket team. As of 1960, Head of Gyro and Stabliizer Branch, Guidance and Control Division, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Died at Madison, Alabama..
1982 April 29 - .
05:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 5 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 256 km (159 mi).
1982 May 8 - .
05:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 6 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 256 km (159 mi).
1982 June 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 11 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Deep throttling test (1 ton thrust).
1982 June 24 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 12 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Early cut-off and destruct.
1982 August 3 - .
23:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Strafam 1 / 2 Technology / aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 114 km (70 mi).
1982 September 2 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 13 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Roll control test (<1 N m).
1982 September 9 - .
10:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Matagorda Island.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Conestoga 1 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 309 km (192 mi). Launch vehicle using surplus Minuteman I components. The launch from Matagorda Island for was for publicity purposes and unrelated to Space Service's other planned launch vehicles, also named Conestoga..
1982 September 11 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 14 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Stage separation simulation.
1982 September 17 - .
20:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Sonda 3.
- Colored Bubbles Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 335 km (208 mi).
1982 September 18 - .
20:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Sonda 3.
- Colored Bubbles Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 335 km (208 mi).
1982 November 10 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 15 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
60 degree inclination launch.
1982 November 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 16 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Alternative oxidizer (RFNA).
1982 December 9 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
- Otrag Flight 17 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: OTRAG.
Alternative fuel (JP-4).
1983 April 22 - .
- Death of Walter W B Burose - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Burose.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II. Thereafter with the rocket team at Fort Bliss, White Stands, and then at Huntsville. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1983 April 27 - .
05:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- DFVLR Strafam 1 / 3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 58 km (36 mi).
1983 May 5 - .
05:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 7 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 227 km (141 mi).
1983 May 13 - .
11:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 8 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 264 km (164 mi).
1983 May 14 - .
- Death of Werner Kuers - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Kuers.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1983 June 16 - .
11:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 1.
- Oscar 10 - .
Payload: Phase 3B. Mass: 70 kg (154 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: AmSat.
Program: Oscar.
Class: Communications.
Type: Amateur radio communications satellite. Spacecraft: Oscar.
USAF Sat Cat: 14129 . COSPAR: 1983-058B. Apogee: 35,442 km (22,022 mi). Perigee: 4,007 km (2,489 mi). Inclination: 27.20 deg. Period: 699.50 min.
AMSAT Oscar 10, registration no D-R 001. Scientific and communication satellite for the amateur radio service. Frequency plan: Transponder U: 435.1 MHz (uplink), 145.9 MHz (downlink), Bandwidth +/- 75 kHz. Transponder L: 1269.45 MHz (uplink), 436.55 MHz ( downlink), bandwidth +/- 400 kHz. Two beacons adjacent to passband. Launch vehicle Ariane L6. First amateur satellite with onboard propulsion (which did not function entirely correctly, due to collision with launch vehicle after separation - hence the not-quite-Molniya-orbit). Computer control failed December 1986 due to radiation damage to memory. As a result, ground control stations have no control over the spacecraft. However, when the orientation is favourable (with respect to the Earth and Sun), OSCAR 10 continues to provide good Mode B service. If users coorperate, OSCAR 10 may provide many more years of service. Project Management: AMSAT-NA (Jan King, W3GEY) and AMSAT-DL (Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC). Spacecraft sub-systems: Contributed by groups in Canada, Hungary, Japan, United States and West Germany. Spacecraft: Spin Stabilised with Magnetorquers: Power: 50 W solar array, 2 NiCd batteries. Payload: Transponders/Beacons: Mode B: Type: Linear, inverting, 50W; General Beacon: 145.809 MHz (Carrier); Engineering Beacon: 145.987 MHz; Uplink: 435.030-435.180 MHz; Downlink: 145.975-145.825 MHz. Mode L (no longer operational): Type: Linear, inverting, 50W: Beacons: 436.020, 436.040 MHz; Uplink 1269.450 MHz (800 kHz); Downlink 436.550 MHz.
1983 September 19 - .
05:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
FAILURE: Failure.
Failed Stage: 1.
- Otrag Flight 18 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 4.00 km (2.40 mi). 1-3-B 4x9m Test mission.
1983 October 4 - .
- Death of Kurt Heinrich Debus - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Debus.
German-American engineer. At Peenemuende from 1940, designed and operated V-2 test launch facility. In US from 1945, headed design, build, and operation of launch facilities for the V-2, Redstone, Jupiter, and Saturn rockets for Apollo..
1983 November 30 - .
21:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 01L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 2 - .
18:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 1 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 3 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 01A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 80 km (49 mi).
1983 December 3 - .
22:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 02L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 5 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 2 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1983 December 6 - .
10:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 1 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 6 - .
10:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 2 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 7 - .
17:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 7 - .
17:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 108 km (67 mi).
1983 December 7 - .
18:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 4 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 7 - .
19:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 02A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
1983 December 7 - .
20:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 03L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 8 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 4 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 103 km (64 mi).
1983 December 10 - .
20:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 04L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 10 - .
21:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 03A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 83 km (51 mi).
1983 December 12 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 5 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 118 km (73 mi).
1983 December 15 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 04A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 88 km (54 mi).
1983 December 15 - .
20:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 05A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 83 km (51 mi).
1983 December 15 - .
21:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 05L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 16 - .
11:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 6 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 113 km (70 mi).
1983 December 16 - .
12:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 7 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 106 km (65 mi).
1983 December 17 - .
19:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 06A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 82 km (50 mi).
1983 December 19 - .
19:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 8 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 108 km (67 mi).
1983 December 19 - .
20:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 9 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 113 km (70 mi).
1983 December 21 - .
19:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 07A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 84 km (52 mi).
1983 December 21 - .
19:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 06L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 21 - .
21:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 07L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 28 - .
08:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 08A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 28 - .
10:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 09A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 29 - .
11:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 10 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 118 km (73 mi).
1983 December 29 - .
11:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 11 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 119 km (73 mi).
1983 December 29 - .
19:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 08L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1983 December 31 - .
15:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 12 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
1983 December 31 - .
15:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 10A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 88 km (54 mi).
1983 December 31 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 11A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 72 km (44 mi).
1984 January 2 - .
14:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 13 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 119 km (73 mi).
1984 January 4 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 12A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 78 km (48 mi).
1984 January 4 - .
20:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 09L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1984 January 5 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 14 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 120 km (70 mi).
1984 January 6 - .
20:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 5 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 96 km (59 mi).
1984 January 6 - .
21:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 15 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 119 km (73 mi).
1984 January 6 - .
22:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 6 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
1984 January 6 - .
22:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 13A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 79 km (49 mi).
1984 January 7 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 10L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1984 January 8 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 16 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 118 km (73 mi).
1984 January 12 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 17 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 118 km (73 mi).
1984 January 12 - .
17:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 18 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1984 January 12 - .
18:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 14A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 88 km (54 mi).
1984 January 12 - .
19:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 15A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 84 km (52 mi).
1984 January 12 - .
20:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 16A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 78 km (48 mi).
1984 January 12 - .
22:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 11L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1984 January 13 - .
18:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 19 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 120 km (70 mi).
1984 January 13 - .
19:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 20 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 117 km (72 mi).
1984 January 13 - .
20:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 7 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 87 km (54 mi).
1984 January 13 - .
20:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 21 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 119 km (73 mi).
1984 January 13 - .
21:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 22 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 116 km (72 mi).
1984 January 13 - .
22:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 23 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 121 km (75 mi).
1984 January 13 - .
22:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 24 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1984 January 13 - .
23:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 17A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 74 km (45 mi).
1984 January 15 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 25 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 118 km (73 mi).
1984 January 15 - .
20:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 12L Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1984 January 17 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 26 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 116 km (72 mi).
1984 January 18 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 18A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 76 km (47 mi).
1984 January 20 - .
20:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 27 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 104 km (64 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 28 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 116 km (72 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
10:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 29 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
11:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 30 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 110 km (60 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
11:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 8 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 84 km (52 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
12:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 31 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 113 km (70 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
12:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 32 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 112 km (69 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
13:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 9 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 82 km (50 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
13:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 10 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
14:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 33 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1984 January 21 - .
14:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 19A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 73 km (45 mi).
1984 January 24 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 34 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1984 January 24 - .
18:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 35 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 113 km (70 mi).
1984 January 24 - .
19:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 20A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 72 km (44 mi).
1984 January 25 - .
16:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 36 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 112 km (69 mi).
1984 January 25 - .
18:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 37 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1984 January 25 - .
18:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 21A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 78 km (48 mi).
1984 January 27 - .
19:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12.
- CAESAR I Auroral mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 700 km (430 mi).
1984 January 28 - .
17:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 38 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 110 km (60 mi).
1984 January 28 - .
17:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 22A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 74 km (45 mi).
1984 January 31 - .
16:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 23A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 61 km (37 mi).
1984 January 31 - .
17:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 11 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 87 km (54 mi).
1984 January 31 - .
18:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 39 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 118 km (73 mi).
1984 January 31 - .
19:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 12 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 87 km (54 mi).
1984 January 31 - .
20:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 40 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1984 January 31 - .
21:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- DFVLR Strafam 1 / 4 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 57 km (35 mi).
1984 February 3 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 24A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 80 km (49 mi).
1984 February 5 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 41 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 114 km (70 mi).
1984 February 6 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 25A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 77 km (47 mi).
1984 February 7 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 42 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 121 km (75 mi).
1984 February 9 - .
00:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 26A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1984 February 9 - .
02:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 13 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 90 km (55 mi).
1984 February 9 - .
03:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 43 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 111 km (68 mi).
1984 February 10 - .
01:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 27A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1984 February 10 - .
01:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 14 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
1984 February 10 - .
03:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 44 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 109 km (67 mi).
1984 February 10 - .
04:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 6.
- MAP / WINE M-I 1 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 180 km (110 mi).
1984 February 10 - .
04:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 15 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
1984 February 10 - .
05:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 45 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 114 km (70 mi).
1984 February 10 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 46 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 111 km (68 mi).
1984 February 11 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 28A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 66 km (41 mi).
1984 February 12 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 47 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 112 km (69 mi).
1984 February 13 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 29A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 77 km (47 mi).
1984 February 14 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 48 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 114 km (70 mi).
1984 February 16 - .
01:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 49 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 117 km (72 mi).
1984 February 16 - .
01:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 50 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 114 km (70 mi).
1984 February 16 - .
02:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 30A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 74 km (45 mi).
1984 February 16 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 51 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
1984 February 18 - .
00:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 52 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1984 February 18 - .
00:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 16 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 87 km (54 mi).
1984 February 18 - .
01:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 31A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 76 km (47 mi).
1984 February 18 - .
02:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 17 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 87 km (54 mi).
1984 February 18 - .
03:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 53 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 108 km (67 mi).
1984 February 18 - .
03:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-C 18 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 82 km (50 mi).
1984 February 18 - .
04:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 54 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 118 km (73 mi).
1984 February 19 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 55 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 117 km (72 mi).
1984 February 19 - .
10:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- M-D 32A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 67 km (41 mi).
1984 February 19 - .
11:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- M-F 56 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 99 km (61 mi).
1984 February 19 - .
11:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 77 km (47 mi).
1984 February 19 - .
12:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1984 February 20 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
1984 February 21 - .
20:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 77 km (47 mi).
1984 February 22 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
1984 February 23 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 82 km (50 mi).
1984 May 3 - .
04:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 9 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 258 km (160 mi).
1984 May 11 - .
- Death of Bernhard Hohmann - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Hohmann, Bernhard.
German test pilot. Chief of Flight Development at Wright FIeld, consultant on astronaut flight safety on Mercury, Gemini, and MOL programs..
1984 May 13 - .
- Death of Eduard Martin Fischel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Fischel.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Bad Reichenhall, Bavaria, Germany..
1984 May 15 - .
07:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 10 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 216 km (134 mi).
1984 August 16 - .
14:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC17A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 3924.
- AMPTE 2 - .
Payload: AMPTE-IRM Ion Release Module 1. Mass: 605 kg (1,333 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: AMPTE.
Decay Date: 1987-12-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 15200 . COSPAR: 1984-088B. Apogee: 113,818 km (70,723 mi). Perigee: 402 km (249 mi). Inclination: 27.00 deg. Period: 2,653.40 min.
Released barium, lithium ions into magnetosphere for detection by CCE, UKS. AMPTE-Ion Release Module, reg. no. D-R 002. Scientific research on the Earth's magnetosphere and plasma physics, in particular active experimentation by releasing ion clouds of lithium or barium (total of 7) in and outside the magnetosphere. Creation of a n artificial comet (1 barium cloud inside the magnetosheath). Diagnosis and experimentation in conjunction with the simultaneously launched satellites CCE (United States) and UKS (United Kingdom).
1984 December 1 - .
- Death of Alfred Johannes Finzel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Finzel.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1984 December 1 - .
- Death of Krafft Arnold Ehricke - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Ehricke.
Visionary German-American engineer. Protege of Thiel at Peenemuende; early concepts for nuclear and Lox/LH2 engines. Left von Braun team, developed Centaur at Convair 1956-1964. Prolific output of advanced concepts, but poor program manager..
1985 January 30 - .
19:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12.
- CAESAR 2 Auroral mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 703 km (436 mi).
1985 February 15 - .
15:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- Fin test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
1985 February 22 - .
15:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- Fin test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
1985 March 3 - .
14:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12.
FAILURE: Failure.
- Interzodiak 1 Extreme ultraviolet astronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi).
1985 April 27 - .
04:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 11 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 266 km (165 mi).
1985 May 6 - .
04:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 12 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 253 km (157 mi).
1985 May 14 - .
04:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- DFVLR Strafam 1 / 5 Aurora mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 56 km (34 mi).
1986 March 2 - .
- Death of Theodor Anton Poppel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Poppel.
German-American engineer, ember of von Braun's team, expert in guided missile ground support during WW2, and continued in that role in the US. Played a key role in designing Saturn I LC34, and the Saturn V's VAB and Transporter-Crawler..
1986 April 12 - .
- Death of Wolfgang Hermann Steurer - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Steurer.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1986 April 30 - .
04:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 13 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 246 km (152 mi).
1986 May 12 - .
04:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 14A Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 250 km (150 mi).
1986 July 2 - .
- Death of Werner Dobrick - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Dobrick.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Oberlenningen, Germany..
1986 December 10 - .
- Death of Otto Karl Eisenhardt - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Eisenhardt.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1987 February 12 - .
- Death of Ernst August Wilhelm Steinhoff - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Steinhoff, Ernst.
Austrian-German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1987 February 17 - .
10:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- Strafam 2 / 1 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 59 km (36 mi).
1987 May 3 - .
03:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 14B Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 250 km (150 mi).
1987 May 6 - .
05:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- RASMUS Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 61 km (37 mi).
1987 May 9 - .
04:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
FAILURE: Failure.
- TEXUS 15 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 252 km (156 mi).
1987 August 3 - .
- DLR Astronaut Training Group 1 selected. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Walpot.
German astronaut trained for flights to the Mir space station..
1987 August 24 - .
16:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Woomera LA2.
Launch Pad: LA2 D.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- Supernova X-ray telescope mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 270 km (160 mi).
1987 October 12 - .
- Death of Helmut Hoelzer - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hoelzer.
German-American engineer. Worked at Peenemuende from 1939 on V-2 guidance system and Messina telemetry system. Led similar efforts for von Braun's later missiles, becoming Director, Computation Division, at Huntsville..
1987 October 21 - .
21:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- MAC / E Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1987 October 21 - .
21:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1987 November 21 - .
02:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 2.
- TVSAT 1 - .
Payload: TV-Sat 1. Mass: 2,077 kg (4,579 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Bundespost.
Program: TVSAT.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: Spacebus 300.
Completed Operations Date: 1989-02-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 18570 . COSPAR: 1987-095A. Apogee: 36,151 km (22,463 mi). Perigee: 36,066 km (22,410 mi). Inclination: 4.30 deg. Period: 1,452.60 min.
West German communications; solar panel failed to deploy making spacecraft unusable. Because of a malfunction of the solar generator, the satellite is being used only for technical tests. Geostationary position 19 W. Launch by Ariane-2 flight no. 20. Due to a malfunction of the solar generator, TV-SAT 1 was taken out of commission and sen t to a so-called parking orbit beyond the geostationary orbit. Semi-major axis 42485.605 km. Eccentricity 0.00116. Inc 0.716, Arg of perigee 216.66, RA 76.77, Mean anomaly 47.1 Mean drift -4.071 deg/day, E long 350.617, latitude -0.713. Positioned in geosynchronous orbit at 18 deg W in 1988 As of 5 September 2001 located at 76.53 deg W drifting at 4.886 deg W per day. As of 2007 Mar 11 located at 169.62W drifting at 4.874W degrees per day.
1987 November 23 - .
09:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
FAILURE: Failure.
- TEXUS 16 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 0 km (0 mi).
1987 December 2 - .
- Death of Bruno Helm - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Helm.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1988 May 2 - .
04:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant 8B.
- TEXUS 17 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 285 km (177 mi).
1988 May 6 - .
04:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Black Brant.
Launch Vehicle:
Black Brant 8B.
- TEXUS 18 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 265 km (164 mi).
1988 May 9 - .
09:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- Testflug (BAE 1) test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 262 km (162 mi).
1988 August 16 - .
- Death of Albin Wittmann - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Wittmann.
German-American engineer. Member of the German rocket team, went to America after the first group. As of 1960, Head of Electrical Systems Analsyis Branch, Quality Division, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1988 September 3 - .
14:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12.
- Interzodiak 2 Extreme ultraviolet astronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 857 km (532 mi).
1988 September 9 - .
- Death of Erich Kaschig - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Kaschig.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1988 September 18 - .
- Death of Friedrich Dhom - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Dhom.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Brownsboro, Texas..
1988 November 26 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 2.
- ROSE I Aeronomy / ionosphere / Fields mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 120 km (70 mi).
1988 November 28 - .
08:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 19 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 244 km (151 mi).
1988 December 2 - .
10:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 20 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 238 km (147 mi).
1988 December 5 - .
22:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 2.
- ROSE II Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 113 km (70 mi).
1988 December 6 - .
10:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- RASMUS 2 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 65 km (40 mi).
1989 January 30 - .
08:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- Strafam 2 / 2 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 66 km (41 mi).
1989 February 7 - .
23:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 2.
- ROSE III Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 124 km (77 mi).
1989 February 9 - .
23:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 2.
- ROSE IV Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DFVLR.
Apogee: 125 km (77 mi).
1989 April 30 - .
03:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 21 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 268 km (166 mi).
1989 May 3 - .
03:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 22 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 223 km (138 mi).
1989 June 3 - .
- Death of Ernst Geissler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Geissler.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1989 June 5 - .
22:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 44L.
- DFS 1 - .
Payload: Kopernikus 1. Mass: 1,416 kg (3,121 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Bundespost.
Program: DFS.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: Spacebus 100.
Completed Operations Date: 1996-01-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 20041 . COSPAR: 1989-041B. Apogee: 35,889 km (22,300 mi). Perigee: 35,683 km (22,172 mi). Inclination: 0.00 deg. Period: 1,436.10 min.
Multipurpose communications; 23.5 deg E. Communications satellite, position 23.5E, Ariane 4 flight no 20. Positioned in geosynchronous orbit at 23 deg E in 1989-1993; 33 deg E in 1993-1995 As of 5 September 2001 located at 90.12 deg E drifting at 1.435 deg E per day. As of 2007 Mar 10 located at 41.93E drifting at 1.416E degrees per day.
1989 June 7 - .
- Death of Theo Vowe - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Vowe.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the German rocket team, went to America after the first group. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1989 August 8 - .
23:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 44LP.
- TVSAT 2 - .
Mass: 2,130 kg (4,690 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Bundespost.
Program: TVSAT.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: Spacebus 300.
Completed Operations Date: 1999-09-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 20168 . COSPAR: 1989-062A. Apogee: 35,951 km (22,338 mi). Perigee: 35,863 km (22,284 mi). Inclination: 3.30 deg. Period: 1,442.20 min.
TV services to West Germany; 19 deg W. Direct broadcasting satellite. Position 19 deg W. Ariane 4, flight no 33. Positioned in geosynchronous orbit at 19 deg W in 1989-1995; 1 deg W in 1995-1998; 12 deg W in 1998-1999 As of 31 August 2001 located at 29.41 deg W drifting at 1.503 deg W per day. As of 2007 Mar 9 located at 150.44E drifting at 1.494W degrees per day.
1989 November 11 - .
- After 28 years, Berlin Wall is open to West - .
Nation: Germany.
1989 November 25 - .
08:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 23 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 249 km (154 mi).
1989 December 2 - .
- Death of Gerd Wilhelm De Beek - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: De Beek.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1989 December 6 - .
08:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 24 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 244 km (151 mi).
1989 December 27 - .
- Death of Oscar Bauschinger - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Bauschinger.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1990 January 25 - .
08:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- Strafam 2 / 3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 65 km (40 mi).
1990 February 20 - .
04:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- DYANA DBN1 TURBO Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 129 km (80 mi).
1990 March 6 - .
05:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- DYANA DBN2 TURBO Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 128 km (79 mi).
1990 March 6 - .
05:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 6.
- SISSI 1 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 178 km (110 mi).
1990 March 6 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
- RASMUS 3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 79 km (49 mi).
1990 March 13 - .
04:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- DYANA DBN3 TURBO Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 128 km (79 mi).
1990 May 13 - .
03:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 25 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 234 km (145 mi).
1990 May 15 - .
02:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 26 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 235 km (146 mi).
1990 June 1 - .
21:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC17A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 6920-10.
- ROSAT - .
Mass: 2,426 kg (5,348 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Class: Astronomy.
Type: X-ray astronomy satellite. Spacecraft: ROSAT.
Decay Date: 2011-10-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 20638 . COSPAR: 1990-049A. Apogee: 554 km (344 mi). Perigee: 539 km (334 mi). Inclination: 53.00 deg. Period: 95.60 min. West German extreme UV, X-ray telescope; all-sky survey..
1990 July 24 - .
22:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 44L.
- DFS 2 - .
Payload: Kopernikus 2. Mass: 1,418 kg (3,126 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Bundespost.
Program: DFS.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: Spacebus 100.
USAF Sat Cat: 20706 . COSPAR: 1990-063B. Apogee: 36,014 km (22,378 mi). Perigee: 35,965 km (22,347 mi). Inclination: 1.40 deg. Period: 1,446.50 min.
West German DBS; 28.5 deg E. Communications satellite, position 28.5E Ariane 4 flight no 37. Positioned in geosynchronous orbit at 28 deg E in 1990-1999 As of 30 August 2001 located at 32.30 deg E drifting at 0.451 deg W per day. As of 2007 Mar 11 located at 128.29W drifting at 2.623W degrees per day.
1990 July 26 - .
23:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 6.
- SISSI 2 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 168 km (104 mi).
1990 August 2 - .
22:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- SISSI 3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 239 km (148 mi).
1990 October 3 - .
- East and West Germany reunited. - .
Nation: Germany.
1990 November 15 - .
07:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 27 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 249 km (154 mi).
1990 November 25 - .
05:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 12.
- Maxus test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 534 km (331 mi).
1991 February 3 - .
- Death of Otto August Hoberg - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hoberg.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1991 February 3 - .
11:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- Strafam 3 / 2 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 58 km (36 mi).
1991 April 9 - .
03:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- RASMUS 4 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 65 km (40 mi).
1991 April 9 - .
18:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- SISSI 4 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 245 km (152 mi).
1991 May 25 - .
- Death of Herbert Felix Axster - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Axster.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1991 July 17 - .
01:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 40.
- Tubsat-A - .
Payload: Tubsat A. Mass: 38 kg (83 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Orbcomm.
Program: Tubsat.
Class: Technology.
Type: Communications technology satellite. Spacecraft: Tubsat.
USAF Sat Cat: 21577 . COSPAR: 1991-050D. Apogee: 772 km (479 mi). Perigee: 762 km (473 mi). Inclination: 98.50 deg. Period: 100.20 min.
Tubsat-A was the first satellite built at Germany's Technical University of Berlin was intended primarily to test attitude control subsystems and give students practice in the design, construction and operation of a satellite. Tubsat-A was launched piggyback with the first ERS mission, and because of it's near polar orbit, the spacecraft became an important communications tool for arctic and Antarctic expeditions. The spacecraft also acted as a testbed for some industry technology including GaAs cells and a transputer. Payload: Star Sensor, Sun Sensor, 3-Axis Magnetic Field Sensor, Magnetorquer, Store & Forward Communication. Dimensions: 38x38x38 cm. Mass: 35 kg. Still in operation as of 2003.
1991 August 1 - .
01:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- N-B-P04 PEP B Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 93 km (57 mi).
1991 August 9 - .
23:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- N-A-T13 TURBO A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 117 km (72 mi).
1991 September 17 - .
23:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Turbo-Metal Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1991 September 20 - .
20:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Turbo-Metal Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1991 September 20 - .
22:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Turbo-Metal Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1991 September 30 - .
20:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Turbo-Metal Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1991 October 3 - .
22:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Turbo-Metal Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1991 October 4 - .
00:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Turbo-Metal Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1991 November 23 - .
09:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kiruna S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Skylark 7.
- TEXUS 28 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: MBB.
Apogee: 239 km (148 mi).
1992 February 8 - .
- Death of Willi Mrazek - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Mrazek.
German-American engineer. Worked at Peenemuende from early days, but sent to Russian Front before being returned. A loads engineer, he went with von Braun to the US and became Director, Structures and Mechanics Division, at Huntsville..
1992 February 8 - .
1992 April 23 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1992 June 3 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1992 August 18 - .
09:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- Test flight - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 92 km (57 mi). First Nike Improved Orion flight..
1992 October 12 - .
09:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC17B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 7925.
1992 November 8 - .
10:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Castor 4A.
Launch Vehicle:
- Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 717 km (445 mi). Microgravity experiments. Relaunch of the Maxu 1 mission..
1993 February 27 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- Strafam 3 / 21 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
1993 May 26 - .
09:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Aerospatiale test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1993 July 1 - .
- Death of Werner Voss - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Voss, Werner.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the German rocket team, went to America after the first group. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1993 July 30 - .
- Death of Prasthofer - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Prasthofer.
Austrian-American engineer and rocket technician in World War II; later worked in France in the engine group at LRBA from 1947 to 1955. He returned briefly to Graz, Austria, and then went to work with von Braun's team at Huntsville, Alabama. During his tenure at NASA, he was US representative to the Paris Air Show for a number of years and lectured at the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville. He was on the faculty of the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
1993 August 2 - .
00:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- SSC Decimals A Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 98 km (60 mi).
1993 August 2 - .
01:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- SSC Decimals B Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 105 km (65 mi).
1993 November 29 - .
09:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- Mini-Texus 1 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 146 km (90 mi).
1994 January 25 - .
00:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Tubsat-B - .
Mass: 40 kg (88 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: TUB.
Program: Tubsat.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Tubsat.
USAF Sat Cat: 22970 . COSPAR: 1994-003B. Apogee: 1,210 km (750 mi). Perigee: 1,184 km (735 mi). Inclination: 82.60 deg. Period: 109.40 min.
Following the success of the magnetic torque attitude control system that flew on Tubsat-A, researchers and students at Germany's Technical University of Berlin constructed Tubsat-B to test and demonstrate attitude control with a star sensor and three reaction wheels. An on-board 1m telescope was used for astronomy and for Earth observation at 10m resolution. Dimensions of the satellite were 38x38x50 cm, mass 40 kg. Unfortunately communications with the satellite were lost after 39 Days
1994 February 3 - .
12:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- BremSat 1 - .
Payload: Discovery F18 / WSF 1 / BremSat 1 / ODERACS A, .... Mass: 63 kg (138 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Bremen,
Class: Technology.
Type: Re-entry test vehicle. Spacecraft: BremSat.
Decay Date: 1995-02-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 22998 . COSPAR: 1994-006H. Apogee: 160 km (90 mi). Perigee: 156 km (96 mi). Inclination: 57.00 deg. Period: 87.70 min. Atomic oxygen, dust particle, microgravity, reentry experiments. .
1994 February 19 - .
09:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
FAILURE: Failure.
- RASMUS 5 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 3.00 km (1.80 mi).
1994 May 3 - .
07:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- Mini-Texus 2 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 139 km (86 mi).
1994 July 21 - .
- Death of Hans Rudolf Palaoro - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Palaoro.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1994 July 28 - .
22:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Echo 94 F-102 DUSTY Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1994 July 31 - .
00:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Echo 94 F-103 DUSTY Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1994 August 12 - .
00:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Orion.
- Echo 94 F-101 CONE Ionosphere mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1994 November 2 - .
- Death of Dieter Karl F Huzel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Huzel.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1994 November 3 - .
16:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
Mass: 3,260 kg (7,180 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Class: Earth.
Type: Atmosphere satellite. Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle Attached Payloads.
Spacecraft: SPAS.
Decay Date: 1994-11-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 23341 . COSPAR: 1994-073B. Apogee: 309 km (192 mi). Perigee: 294 km (182 mi). Inclination: 57.00 deg. Period: 90.55 min. Released by STS-66 11/4/94; retrieved 11/12/95; atmospheric research..
1995 March 20 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1995 April 3 - .
- Death of Werner Sieber - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Sieber.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1995 April 11 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1995 April 19 - .
21:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- GFZ-1 - .
Mass: 20 kg (44 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: GFZ.
Program: Mir.
Class: Earth.
Type: Geodetic satellite. Flight: Soyuz TM-21.
Spacecraft: GFZ-1.
Decay Date: 1999-06-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 23558 . COSPAR: 1986-017JE. Apogee: 387 km (240 mi). Perigee: 380 km (230 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Geodetic; carried retroreflectors for ground laser ranging; delivered to Mir on Progress M-27 and deployed from Mir 4/19/95 ..
1995 April 29 - .
05:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- Mini-Texus 4 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 149 km (92 mi).
1995 May 2 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1995 May 2 - .
05:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- Mini-Texus 3 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 125 km (77 mi).
1995 May 31 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1995 July 14 - .
07:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
FAILURE: Failure.
- Test Orion 1 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 7.00 km (4.30 mi).
1995 October 8 - .
10:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
- Test Orion 2 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 74 km (45 mi).
1995 November 20 - .
14:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1995 November 23 - .
14:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1995 November 28 - .
09:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Castor 4A.
Launch Vehicle:
- Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 705 km (438 mi).
1996 June 15 - .
- Death of Gerhardt Drawe - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Drawe.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1996 July 3 - .
- Death of Hans Henning Hosenthien - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hosenthien.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1996 August 22 - .
- Death of Wilhelm Angele - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Angele.
German-American engineer. Avid amateur astronomer, control specialist in von Braun's Rocket Team. Became Head of Pilot Manufacturing Development Branch, Guidance and Control Division, Huntsville..
1996 October 9 - .
- Death of Herbert R Bergeler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Bergeler.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II. Worked his entire life with the rocket team, at Peenemuende, Fort Bliss, White Stands, and then at Huntsville. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
1997 January 26 - .
- Death of Karl Ludwig Heimburg - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Heimburg.
German-American engineer. Worked in Japan 1937-1941, then at Peenemuende. Worked on test stands for Wasserfall and A4b. Helped with Backfire. Then joined von Braun team, becoming Director, Test Division, in Huntsville..
1997 April 28 - .
16:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- DLR AL-VS30-223 test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 128 km (79 mi).
1997 June 29 - .
- Death of Josef Martin Michel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Michel, Josef.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1997 July 3 - .
- Death of Hermann E Lange - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Lange.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1997 July 15 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1997 August 4 - .
23:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- AND-22 TTS07 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1997 August 7 - .
14:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- CRISTA - .
Payload: ASTRO-SPAS. Mass: 3,230 kg (7,120 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Manufacturer: Bremen.
Class: Earth.
Type: Atmosphere satellite. Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle Attached Payloads.
Spacecraft: SPAS.
Decay Date: 1997-08-19 . USAF Sat Cat: 24890 . COSPAR: 1997-039B. Apogee: 296 km (183 mi). Perigee: 282 km (175 mi). Inclination: 57.00 deg. Period: 90.30 min. Recaptured August 16..
1997 August 7 - .
23:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- AND-22 TTS08 / TRAMP Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1997 August 10 - .
23:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- AND-22 TTS09 / TRAMP Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1997 August 11 - .
00:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- AND-22 TTC10 / TRAMP Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1997 August 14 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- AND-22 CRISTA TTS11 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1997 August 14 - .
20:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- AND-22 CRISTA TTC12 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 101 km (62 mi).
1997 September 8 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1997 October 5 - .
15:08 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
1997 October 9 - .
17:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC43/3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Mirka - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Manufacturer: Kayser-Threde.
Class: Technology.
Type: Re-entry test vehicle. Spacecraft: Mirka.
Decay Date: 1997-10-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 25006 . COSPAR: 1997-060xx. Apogee: 363 km (225 mi). Perigee: 218 km (135 mi). Inclination: 62.80 deg. Period: 90.30 min. Landed in Kazakstan Oct 23.
1997 October 12 - .
01:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- DLR AL-VS30-226 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 120 km (70 mi).
1997 October 30 - .
15:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1997 October 30 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
1997 December 2 - .
22:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 44P.
- Equator-S - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: Arianespace.
Manufacturer: Max-Planck-Institut.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Equator-S.
USAF Sat Cat: 25068 . COSPAR: 1997-075B. Apogee: 67,065 km (41,672 mi). Perigee: 591 km (367 mi). Inclination: 6.20 deg. Period: 1,337.20 min.
1998 January 31 - .
23:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- DLR AL-VS30-229 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Apogee: 120 km (70 mi).
1998 February 11 - .
09:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- Mini-Texus 5 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1998 April 2 - .
- Death of Eberhard Friedrich Michael Rees - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Rees.
German-American engineer, von Braun's right hand man, in charge of manufacturing 1940-1969 for V-2, Redstone, Jupiter, and rockets stages for Saturn LVs that took America to the moon. Succeeded von Braun as Director at Huntsville 1970-1973..
1998 July 7 - .
03:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Barents Sea Launch Area.
Launch Pad: 69.5 N x 34.2 E.
Launch Platform: K-407.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Tubsat-N - .
Mass: 8.00 kg (17.60 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: VMF.
Manufacturer: TuB.
Program: Tubsat.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian store-dump communications satellite. Spacecraft: Tubsat.
Decay Date: 2002-04-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 25389 . COSPAR: 1998-042A. Apogee: 776 km (482 mi). Perigee: 400 km (240 mi). Inclination: 78.90 deg. Period: 96.40 min.
The first satellite launch from a submarine. The Shtil-1 launch vehicle was a converted Makeyev R-29RM SLBM. The satellite payload was placed in the standard re-entry vehicle. The launch platform was the K-407 Novomoskovsk, a 667BDRM Delfin class submarine of the Russian Northern Fleet 3rd Flotilla. The launch was made from a firing range in the Barents Sea off the coast of the Kolskiy Peninsula, at 35.3 deg E 69.3 deg N. The payloads were the Tubsat-N and Tubsat-N1 `nanosatellites'. Tubsat-N entered a 400 x 776 km x 78.9 deg orbit. Both carried small store-forward communications payloads used to keep track of transmitters placed on vehicles, migrating animals, and marine buoys. They are owned, operated and built by the Technische Universitat Berlin (TUB). Tubsat-N was the larger of the pair, with dimensions of 32x32x10.4 cm and a mass of 8.5 kg.
1998 July 9 - .
- Death of Robert Heinrich Karl Paetz - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Paetz.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1998 July 10 - .
- Death of Albert E Schuler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schuler.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1998 July 10 - .
06:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC45/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- SAFIR-2 - .
Mass: 60 kg (132 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Manufacturer: Bremen.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian store-dump communications satellite. Spacecraft: Safir satellite.
USAF Sat Cat: 25399 . COSPAR: 1998-043F. Apogee: 819 km (508 mi). Perigee: 815 km (506 mi). Inclination: 98.80 deg. Period: 101.20 min. Relay satellite built by OHB System of Bremen..
1998 July 24 - .
- Death of Max Ernst Nowak - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Nowak, Max.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1998 September 11 - .
- Death of Rudolf Friederich Franz Minning - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Minning.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1998 October 7 - .
11:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Orion sounding rocket.
- Maxus test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 56 km (34 mi).
1998 December 3 - .
11:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- Mini-Texus 6 Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 140 km (80 mi).
1998 December 19 - .
- Death of Bernhard Tessmann - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Tessmann.
Austrian-German engineer, leading engine test at Peenemuende from 1936. In 1943 evacuated to Koelpinsee; designed V-2 mobile launcher and planned Zement facility at Ebensee. In US from 1945, worked as von Braun's Deputy Director for Testing..
1999 January 2 - .
- Death of Karl-Heinz Bringer - .
Nation: France,
Related Persons: Bringer.
German engineer. Developer of the Viking engine and propulsion leader of the German Rocket Team in France after WW2..
1999 March 1 - .
- Death of Hans Hermann Maus - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Maus.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1999 April 28 - .
20:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Kapustin Yar.
Launch Complex:
Kapustin Yar LC107/1.
Launch Pad: LC107/pad?.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
Mass: 470 kg (1,030 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Manufacturer: Bremen.
Class: Astronomy.
Type: X-ray astronomy satellite. Spacecraft: ABRIXAS.
Decay Date: 2017-10-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 25721 . COSPAR: 1999-022A. Apogee: 407 km (252 mi). Perigee: 393 km (244 mi). Inclination: 48.45 deg. Period: 92.57 min. X-ray astronomy satellite with the mission to carry out an all-sky survey in the 1-10 keV band. The satellite's battery failed and contact was lost on May 1..
1999 May 26 - .
06:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
1999 June 24 - .
- Death of Hugo H Woerdemann - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Woerdemann.
German-American radio systems engineer, first worked with early rocketeers in 1934. Member of the Rocket Team at Peenemuende and the United States until 1950; thereafter working in radio technology for North American Aviation and his own firm, Magnetic Research Corporation. Died a grapefruit rancher in Temecula, California.
1999 September 1 - .
- Death of Erich Walter Neubert - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Neubert.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1999 October 25 - .
- Death of Rudi Beichel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Beichel.
German-American engineer, on von Braun's team, but left to independently advise US Army on liquid propulsion. Joined Aerojet in 1956, worked on Lox/LH2 Titan I engine conversion, Aerojet large engine studies, and USAF ARES single-stage ICBM..
2000 May 14 - .
- Death of Werner Kurt-Otto Rosinski - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Rosinski.
German-American expert in guided missiles during World War II. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Worked his entire life with the rocket team, at Fort Bliss, White Stands, and then at Huntsville. Died at Huntsville, Alabama..
2000 June 29 - .
- Death of Hermann H Kurzweg - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Kurzweg.
German-American aerodynamicist, at Peenemuende, then US Naval Ordnance 1946-1960, NASA 1960-1974..
2000 July 11 - .
- Death of Walter Fritz Wiesemann - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Wiesemann.
German-American engineer. Reassigned from Luftwaffe to Peenemuende in 1941. Worked on anti-aircraft rockets, went to America with von Braun's team in 1945, working on Huntsville projects until retirement in 1970..
2000 July 15 - .
12:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC132/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
- CHAMP - .
Mass: 522 kg (1,150 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Manufacturer: Jena.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: CHAMP.
Decay Date: 2010-09-19 . USAF Sat Cat: 26405 . COSPAR: 2000-039B. Apogee: 464 km (288 mi). Perigee: 409 km (254 mi). Inclination: 87.26 deg. Period: 93.22 min. CHAMP was a geophysics research satellite operated by GFZ, Potsdam, to study the earth's magnetic and gravitational field..
- Rubin - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: RVSN.
Manufacturer: Bremen.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Rubin.
Decay Date: 2001-08-30 . USAF Sat Cat: 26406 . COSPAR: 2000-039C. Apogee: 463 km (288 mi). Perigee: 411 km (255 mi). Inclination: 87.26 deg. Period: 93.23 min. Rubin was a microsatellite to measure launch vehicle parameters developed by OHB and students of the Hochschule Bremen. Rubin remained attached to the payload
adapter of the Kosmos-3M final stage..
2000 August 21 - .
20:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Baronesa Microgravity mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: AEB,
Apogee: 315 km (195 mi).
2000 November 16 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA3.
LV Family:
Ariane 5.
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 5G.
- AMSAT-Oscar-40 - .
Mass: 4,758 kg (10,489 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: AMSAT.
Program: Oscar.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: Oscar.
USAF Sat Cat: 26609 . COSPAR: 2000-072B. Apogee: 58,650 km (36,440 mi). Perigee: 1,167 km (725 mi). Inclination: 7.50 deg. Period: 1,146.50 min.
The long-delayed Phase 3D amateur radio satellite, built by AMSAT-DL (Germany), was renamed AMSAT-Oscar-40 (AO-40) once launched. It carried an MBB S400 liquid engine (the backup engine for the Galileo Jupiter probe) and a variety of amateur radio payloads in L, S, C, X, V, U and K bands, as well as an ammonia arcjet thruster and a laser communications experiment. The satellite was the largest amateur satellite orbited to date and the first to feature deployable solar panels. Mass was 397 kg dry. The PAS 1R, STRV 1c/1d, and AMSAT Phase 3D satellites were placed in orbit on a single Ariane launch. At 0149 GMT the SBS cylindrical adapter which connected PAS-1R to AMSAT was jettisoned; 50 seconds later AMSAT separated from the EPS upper stage. Thereafter the spacecraft could not be contacted. Finally telemetry was received from after two weeks of silence, confirming that the satellite was still functioning.
2000 December 20 - .
- Death of Friedrich Duerr - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Duerr.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
2001 February 2 - .
- Death of Otto Heinrich Hirschler - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hirschler.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
2001 February 19 - .
06:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
- Maxus test - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 81 km (50 mi).
2001 May 15 - .
- Death of Fritz Mueller - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Mueller, Fritz.
German-American guidance system specialist, at Kreiselgeraete from 1933. Worked for von Braun in Germany and America, 1936-1960, involved in guidance platforms for Redstone, Jupiter, Pershing, and Saturn I. Went to private industry in 1960..
2001 June 2 - .
- Death of Adolf Karl Thiel - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Thiel, Adolf.
German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. German expert in guided missiles during WW2. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. Died at Palos Verdes Estates, California..
2001 July 16 - .
11:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 108 km (67 mi).
2001 July 19 - .
11:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 105 km (65 mi).
2001 July 22 - .
12:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 July 22 - .
12:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 July 25 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 July 28 - .
10:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 July 31 - .
09:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 July 31 - .
09:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 2 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 6 - .
09:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 9 - .
10:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 12 - .
10:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 17 - .
11:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 17 - .
12:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 20 - .
10:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 20 - .
19:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 23 - .
10:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 27 - .
10:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 28 - .
21:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 28 - .
22:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 August 29 - .
10:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 September 1 - .
10:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 September 5 - .
20:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 September 6 - .
09:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 September 8 - .
10:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 September 11 - .
09:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 September 11 - .
09:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 September 14 - .
09:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 September 14 - .
10:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 September 14 - .
10:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
SvalRak LONG.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- ROMA Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 100 km (60 mi).
2001 October 22 - .
04:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- BIRD - .
Mass: 1,108 kg (2,442 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Earth.
Type: Earth resources satellite. Spacecraft: BIRD.
USAF Sat Cat: 26959 . COSPAR: 2001-049C. Apogee: 529 km (328 mi). Perigee: 509 km (316 mi). Inclination: 97.90 deg. Period: 95.00 min.
BIRD (Bispectral IR Detector) was a 94 kg German research minisatellite testing a new sensor for Earth imaging studies, detecting forest fires and other hot spots and studying vegetation changes. BIRD was released by the PS4 upper stage 40 seconds after the primary TES satellite payload had been deployed. The technology demonstrator was to help in the design a major remote sensing array of infrared detectors.
2001 November 4 - .
- Death of August Wilhelm Schulze - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schulze.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
2002 March 17 - .
09:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC133/1.
Launch Pad: LC133/pad?.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- GRACE 1 - .
Payload: ESSP-2A, 'Tom'. Mass: 432 kg (952 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Manufacturer: Friedrichshafen.
Class: Earth.
Type: Seismology satellite. Spacecraft Bus: CHAMP.
Spacecraft: GRACE.
Decay Date: 2018-03-10 . USAF Sat Cat: 27391 . COSPAR: 2002-012A. Apogee: 464 km (288 mi). Perigee: 446 km (277 mi). Inclination: 89.00 deg. Period: 93.70 min.
First commercial flight of Rokot booster. Launch delayed from November 23-30, 2001, February 27, March 15 and 16. The Briz-KM upper stage ignited 5 minutes after launch and after a ten minute burn reached a 300 x 500 km orbit at about 0936 UTC. A second burn at 1042 UTC placed the satellites in a 483 x 506 km x 89 deg orbit; the two GRACE gravimetric satellites separated from the dispenser at 1047 UTC. A third Briz burn then lowered the rocket stage orbit to 146 x 487 km x 89 deg so that it would reenter quickly.
- GRACE 2 - .
Mass: 432 kg (952 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR,
Manufacturer: Friedrichshafen.
Class: Earth.
Type: Seismology satellite. Spacecraft Bus: CHAMP.
Spacecraft: GRACE.
Decay Date: 2017-12-24 . USAF Sat Cat: 27392 . COSPAR: 2002-012B. Apogee: 464 km (288 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 89.00 deg. Period: 93.70 min. Gravimetry, Climatology first commercial flight delayed from November23-30, 2001, February27, March15 and 16. .
2002 April 1 - .
- Death of Martin Schilling - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schilling.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
2002 May 30 - .
- Death of Friedrich Staats - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Staats.
German electronics engineer, worked for Steinhoff at Peenemuende, but stayed in Germany after war. Founded and led the leading German rocket society 1952-1990 (designated sequentially DAFRA, DRG, HOG, DGLR)..
2002 June 28 - .
17:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-SFS-01 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 1 - .
17:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-02 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 1 - .
19:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-03 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 1 - .
20:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-04 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 1 - .
21:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-05 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 1 - .
22:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-06 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 1 - .
23:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-07 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 2 - .
00:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-09 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 2 - .
00:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-10 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 2 - .
01:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-11 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 2 - .
01:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
- MM-MI-12 Aeronomy / fields mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 106 km (65 mi).
2002 July 2 - .
02:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-13 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 2 - .
03:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-14 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 4 - .
19:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-15 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 4 - .
20:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-16 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 4 - .
20:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-17 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 4 - .
21:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-18 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 4 - .
22:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-19 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 4 - .
23:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-20 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 4 - .
23:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-21 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 5 - .
00:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-22 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 5 - .
01:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
- MM-MI-24 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
2002 July 5 - .
01:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
- MM-MI-25 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
2002 July 5 - .
02:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-26 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 5 - .
03:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-27 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 5 - .
04:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-28 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 5 - .
05:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-29 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 5 - .
06:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS-30 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 July 5 - .
06:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- MM-VFS-31 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 August 21 - .
10:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-01 Roma-02 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 August 21 - .
10:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-02 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 106 km (65 mi).
2002 August 24 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-03 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 108 km (67 mi).
2002 August 29 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-04 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 4 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-05 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 6 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-06 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 10 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-07 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 13 - .
10:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-08 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 14 - .
10:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-09 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 17 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-10 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 20 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-11 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 20 - .
10:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-12 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 22 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-13 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 26 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-14 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 29 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-15 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 29 - .
10:19 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-16 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 September 30 - .
23:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-17 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 October 4 - .
22:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-18 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 October 7 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-19 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 October 7 - .
10:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-20 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 October 7 - .
10:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-CH-21 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 October 10 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-22 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 October 10 - .
10:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Viper 3A.
- RO-A-FS-23 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 75 km (46 mi).
2002 December 9 - .
- Death of Guenther Haukohl - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Haukohl.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
2002 December 20 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC109.
Launch Pad: LC109/95.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Rubin 2 - .
Mass: 45 kg (99 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Bremen.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: Rubin.
USAF Sat Cat: 27609 . COSPAR: 2002-058E. Apogee: 645 km (400 mi). Perigee: 639 km (397 mi). Inclination: 64.60 deg. Period: 97.60 min. Messaging technology satellite..
2003 January 15 - .
13:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- SAGE-3 1 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 110 km (60 mi).
2003 January 16 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- SAGE-3 2 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 116 km (72 mi).
2003 January 17 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- SAGE-3 3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 112 km (69 mi).
2003 January 21 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- SAGE III Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 113 km (70 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
13:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 107 km (66 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
14:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 103 km (64 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
15:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 110 km (60 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
16:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 106 km (65 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
17:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 114 km (70 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
19:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 106 km (65 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
20:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 109 km (67 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
21:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 113 km (70 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
22:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 106 km (65 mi).
2003 January 24 - .
23:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 91 km (56 mi).
2003 January 28 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
2003 January 28 - .
15:04 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
2003 January 28 - .
15:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 116 km (72 mi).
2003 January 28 - .
16:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 120 km (70 mi).
2003 January 28 - .
17:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 115 km (71 mi).
2003 January 28 - .
17:57 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 117 km (72 mi).
2003 January 28 - .
18:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 108 km (67 mi).
2003 January 28 - .
19:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 114 km (70 mi).
2003 January 29 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 113 km (70 mi).
2003 January 30 - .
13:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- MM-LFS- Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 117 km (72 mi).
2003 January 30 - .
13:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- SAGE-3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 112 km (69 mi).
2003 January 30 - .
21:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- SAGE-3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 107 km (66 mi).
2003 January 30 - .
21:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- SAGE-3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 114 km (70 mi).
2003 January 30 - .
22:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Loki.
- SAGE-3 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: NASA.
Apogee: 96 km (59 mi).
2003 June 11 - .
16:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Excalibur Target System.
- MD08 / Excalibur Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 90 km (55 mi).
2003 June 13 - .
15:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Vehicle:
Excalibur Target System.
- MD09? / Excalibur Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 90 km (55 mi).
2003 June 14 - .
- Death of Rudi Hoelker - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Hoelker.
German-American engineer. Member of the German rocket team, went to America after the first group. As of 1960, Deputy Director, Aeroballistics Division, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Died at Cambridge, Massachusetts..
2003 June 21 - .
- Death of Freiherr Magnus von Braun - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: von Braun, Magnus.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
2003 July 1 - .
09:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
- ROMA 2003 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
2003 July 4 - .
08:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
- ROMA 2003 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
2003 July 6 - .
08:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Improved Orion.
- ROMA 2003 Aeronomy mission - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
2003 September 27 - .
06:12 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC132/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
- Rubin 4-DSI - .
Mass: 45 kg (99 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: KVR.
Class: Technology.
Type: Communications technology satellite. Spacecraft: Rubin.
USAF Sat Cat: 27945 . COSPAR: 2003-042G. Apogee: 693 km (430 mi). Perigee: 676 km (420 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 98.50 min.
RUBIN-4-dsi remained attached to the Kosmos launch vehicle final stage. The orbital telematics experiment transmited information on the rocket's acceleration, vibration load and position via e-mail using the Orbcomm satellite communications system. In this way, it will be possible to track the rocket in orbit reliably and without any data loss. RUBIN-4-dsi was the fourth micro-satellite from the RUBIN series developed and maintained by OHB.
2004 February 4 - .
- Ulysses Closest Approach To Jupiter (0.8 AU) - .
Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Ulysses.
2004 April 13 - .
- Death of Joachim Wilhelm Muehlner - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Muehlner.
German-American radio engineer, at Peenemuende from 1939 . One of the few of von Braun's team that worked on all major programs, from the doppler transponder for the V-2 to the electronic landing systems for the Space Shuttle in 1978..
2004 September 21 - .
- Death of Johann G Tschinkel - .
Nation: Austria,
Related Persons: Tschinkel.
German-Austrian rocket technician, arrived in the United States under Project Paperclip on 1945.11.16 aboard the Argentina from La Havre. Fluent in English prior to arrival in the United States. Died in Tallahassee, Florida..
2005 March 1 - .
- Death of Gustav Kroll - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Kroll.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
2005 March 14 - .
- Death of Gerhard Herbert Richard Reisig - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Reisig.
German engineer. Expert in guided missile guidance, telemetry, and control, working for von Braun from 1937. Worked for Dornberger on Wasserfall SAM from 1943. Member of von Braun's Rocket Team in the US from 1947..
2005 June 20 - .
- Death of Bernard A Schriever - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Schriever.
Key German-American military manager of development of the Thor, Atlas, Titan, and Minuteman ballistic missiles..
2005 October 6 - .
21:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Barents Sea Launch Area.
Launch Pad: 69.5 N x 34.2 E.
Launch Platform: K-496.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- IRDT-2R re-entry vehicle test flight - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: VMF.
Apogee: 200 km (120 mi).
Suborbital test of the Demonstrator inflatable reentry technology test vehicle. The reentry vehicle could not be located in the Kamchatka Peninsula impact zone and was not recovered. Test delayed from the fourth quarter of 2003, then May and October 2004, then July 5, July 8, September 15, September 27, 2005.
2005 October 27 - .
06:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC132/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
- UWE-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: BJMU.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 28892 . COSPAR: 2005-043C. Apogee: 708 km (439 mi). Perigee: 683 km (424 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 98.70 min. University of Wurzburg 1U cubesat. Released from SSETI Express. Mission: Technology / Communications. Failed. Contact lost on 17 November.
2006 December 19 - .
14:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC132/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
- SAR-Lupe 1 - .
Mass: 770 kg (1,690 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: BWB.
Manufacturer: Bremen.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian Radarsat. Spacecraft: SAR-Lupe.
USAF Sat Cat: 29658 . COSPAR: 2006-060A. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 94.30 min. First of five planned German military surveillance satellites using synthetic aperture radar for target coverage at night and in all weathers. Orbital plane ascending node 143 deg..
2007 June 15 - .
02:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC109.
Launch Pad: LC109/95.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- TerraSAR-X - .
Mass: 1,346 kg (2,967 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Manufacturer: EADS Astrium.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian Radarsat. Spacecraft Bus: Astrobus.
Spacecraft: TerraSAR-X.
USAF Sat Cat: 31698 . COSPAR: 2007-026A. Apogee: 510 km (310 mi). Perigee: 507 km (315 mi). Inclination: 97.45 deg. Period: 94.79 min. Scientific/commercial surveillance satellite. equipped with an X-band synthetic aperture radar with 1 meter resolution.
2007 July 2 - .
19:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC132/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
- SAR-Lupe 2 - .
Mass: 770 kg (1,690 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: BWB.
Manufacturer: Bremen.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian Radarsat. Spacecraft: SAR-Lupe.
USAF Sat Cat: 31797 . COSPAR: 2007-030A. Apogee: 508 km (315 mi). Perigee: 470 km (290 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 94.40 min. Second of five planned German military surveillance satellites using synthetic aperture radar for target coverage at night and in all weathers. Orbital plane ascending node 208 deg..
2007 November 1 - .
00:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC132/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
- SAR-Lupe 3 - .
Mass: 770 kg (1,690 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: KVR.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian Radarsat. Spacecraft: SAR-Lupe.
USAF Sat Cat: 32283 . COSPAR: 2007-053A. Apogee: 496 km (308 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 94.30 min. Third SAR-Lupe radar satellite. The final stage also carried a small Automatic Identification System package by OHB/Bremen, designed to test a system for monitoring shipping traffic. Orbital plane ascending node 272 deg..
2008 January 17 - .
- Death of Werner Karl Dahm - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Dahm.
German-American aerodynamicist, worked at Peenemuende on A9/A10, A7, A4b, and Wasserfall winged missiles. Post-war completed studies, joined von Braun team in US as Head of Aerodynamics Analysis Branch, Aeroballistics Division, Huntsville..
2008 January 26 - .
- Death of Klaus Eduard Scheufelen - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Scheufelen.
German engineer, V-2 test leader. At end of war headed development of Taifun unguided antiaircraft rocket, characterized as a 'desperation project'. Went to America after the war, working at Fort Bliss. Later returned to Germany and died in Lenningen in 2008.
2008 March 27 - .
17:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC132/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
- SAR-Lupe 4 - .
Mass: 730 kg (1,600 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: KVR.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Military Radarsat. Spacecraft: SAR-Lupe.
USAF Sat Cat: 32750 . COSPAR: 2008-014A. Apogee: 502 km (311 mi). Perigee: 471 km (292 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 94.30 min. Fourth of five planned German military surveillance satellites using synthetic aperture radar for target coverage at night and in all weathers. Orbital plane ascending node 143 deg, same plane as SAR-Lupe 1..
2008 April 28 - .
03:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota SLP.
Launch Vehicle:
- Compass 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 32787 . COSPAR: 2008-021E. Apogee: 636 km (395 mi). Perigee: 614 km (381 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.20 min. 1U cubesat for Fachhochschule Aachen nanosat. Demonstration of commercial off-the-shelf components and taking photos. Successful..
2008 May 25 - .
- Death of Ernst Stuhlinger - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Stuhlinger.
German-American engineer. Member of the German Rocket Team in the United States after WW2..
2008 June 30 - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
2008 July 7 - .
21:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
2008 July 12 - .
10:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
2008 July 22 - .
02:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC132/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
- SAR-Lupe 5 - .
Mass: 770 kg (1,690 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: KVR.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Military Radarsat. Spacecraft: SAR-Lupe.
USAF Sat Cat: 33244 . COSPAR: 2008-036A. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 94.40 min. Fifth German SAR-Lupe radar surveillance satellite..
2008 August 29 - .
07:16 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC109.
Launch Pad: LC109/95.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Tachys - .
Payload: RapidEye 1. Mass: 152 kg (335 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Surrey.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: SSTL-150.
USAF Sat Cat: 33312 . COSPAR: 2008-040A. Apogee: 632 km (392 mi). Perigee: 606 km (376 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.10 min.
RapidEye AG of Brandenberg paid for launch of a constellation of five environmental monitoring satellites in a single launch, each with a mass of 152 kg including 12 kg of propellant. The satellites had an optical resolution of 6 meters, and were designed to provide on-demand images for agricultural storm damage assessment and support of emergency services.
- Mati - .
Payload: RapidEye 2. Mass: 152 kg (335 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Surrey.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: SSTL-150.
USAF Sat Cat: 33313 . COSPAR: 2008-040B. Apogee: 654 km (406 mi). Perigee: 624 km (387 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.50 min.
- Choma - .
Payload: RapidEye 3. Mass: 152 kg (335 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Surrey.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: SSTL-150.
USAF Sat Cat: 33314 . COSPAR: 2008-040C. Apogee: 631 km (392 mi). Perigee: 598 km (371 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.00 min.
- Choros - .
Payload: RapidEye 4. Mass: 152 kg (335 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Surrey.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: SSTL-150.
USAF Sat Cat: 33315 . COSPAR: 2008-040D. Apogee: 639 km (397 mi). Perigee: 620 km (380 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.30 min.
- Trochia - .
Payload: RapidEye 5. Mass: 152 kg (335 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Surrey.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Civilian surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: SSTL-150.
USAF Sat Cat: 33316 . COSPAR: 2008-040E. Apogee: 647 km (402 mi). Perigee: 623 km (387 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.40 min.
2010 May 21 - .
22:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELA3.
LV Family:
Ariane 5.
Launch Vehicle:
Ariane 5ECA.
- ComsatBW-2 - .
Payload: Spacebus 3000B2. Mass: 2,440 kg (5,370 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Arianespace.
Program: COMSATBw.
Class: Communications.
Type: Military communications satellite. Spacecraft: Spacebus 3000.
USAF Sat Cat: 36582 . COSPAR: 2010-021B. Apogee: 35,792 km (22,240 mi). Perigee: 35,781 km (22,233 mi). Inclination: 0.00 deg. Period: 1,436.10 min. German military communications satellite..
2010 June 21 - .
02:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC109.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Tandem X - .
Mass: 1,350 kg (2,970 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Military Radarsat. Spacecraft Bus: Astrobus.
Spacecraft: TerraSar-X.
USAF Sat Cat: 36605 . COSPAR: 2010-030A. Apogee: 509 km (316 mi). Perigee: 507 km (315 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Period: 94.80 min. Radar surveillance satellite with 1-m resolution in spotlight mode..
2010 October 27 - .
10:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- Mapheus-2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Agency: DLR.
Apogee: 153 km (95 mi). Microgravity payload..
2010 December 4 - .
04:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- ECOMA 7 - .
Nation: Germany,
Apogee: 135 km (83 mi). Meteor dust payload..
2010 December 13 - .
03:24 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- ECOMA 8 - .
Nation: Germany,
Apogee: 138 km (85 mi). Meteor dust payload..
2010 December 19 - .
02:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Nike Improved Orion.
- ECOMA 9 - .
Nation: Germany,
Apogee: 135 km (83 mi). Meteor dust payload..
2011 November 27 - .
09:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- TEXUS 48 - .
Nation: Germany.
Apogee: 270 km (160 mi). DLR/Astrium microgravity payload..
2012 July 22 - .
06:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC31.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- TET-1 - .
Mass: 120 kg (260 lb). Nation: Germany.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: TET.
USAF Sat Cat: 38710 . COSPAR: 2012-039D. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 504 km (313 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Period: 94.70 min. DLR Technologieerprobungsträger 1, as part of their On-Orbit Verification Program. Tested new space components; carried an imaging payload..
2013 April 19 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC31.
Launch Pad: LC31/6.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- BEESAT-3 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39134 . COSPAR: 2013-015E. Apogee: 574 km (356 mi). Perigee: 558 km (346 mi). Inclination: 64.88 deg. Period: 95.97 min. 1U cubesat from the Technical University of Berlin. Reaction wheel technology qualification. Successful..
- SOMP - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39135 . COSPAR: 2013-015F. Apogee: 574 km (356 mi). Perigee: 558 km (346 mi). Inclination: 64.88 deg. Period: 95.98 min. Student Oxygen Measurement 1U cubesat from Technical University of Dresden. Mission: Education, testing software defined radio, measuring atomic oxygen concentration, demonstrating TFSC ..
- BEESAT-2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39136 . COSPAR: 2013-015G. Apogee: 574 km (356 mi). Perigee: 558 km (346 mi). Inclination: 64.88 deg. Period: 95.98 min. 1U cubesat from the Technical University of Berlin. Mission: Reaction wheel technology qualification. Successful..
2013 November 21 - .
07:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Pad: xxx.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- WREN - .
Mass: 0 kg (0 lb). Nation: Germany.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39435 . COSPAR: 2013-066V. Apogee: 638 km (396 mi). Perigee: 594 km (369 mi). Inclination: 97.80 deg. Period: 97.02 min. PocketQube cubesat from StaDoKo (spinoff company of the University of Aachen)..
- First-Move - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39439 . COSPAR: 2013-066Z. Apogee: 691 km (429 mi). Perigee: 591 km (367 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.54 min. Cubesat from Technical University of Munich..
- UWE-3 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39446 . COSPAR: 2013-066AG. Apogee: 694 km (431 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.59 min. Cubesat from University of Wurzburg..
2014 June 30 - .
04:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- Aisat - .
Mass: 14 kg (30 lb). Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Aisat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40054 . COSPAR: 2014-034B. Apogee: 663 km (411 mi). Perigee: 639 km (397 mi). Inclination: 98.25 deg. Period: 97.75 min. DLR satellite with experimental Automatic Identification System (AIS) for tracking ships..
2014 October 23 - .
18:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 3C/G2.
- 4M - .
Payload: CZ-3C R/B. Nation: Germany.
Class: Communications.
Type: Amateur radio communications satellite. Spacecraft: 4M.
Decay Date: 2015-10-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 40284 . COSPAR: 2014-065B. Apogee: 381,280 km (236,910 mi). Perigee: 86,169 km (53,542 mi). Inclination: 61.70 deg. LuxSpace Manfred Memorial Moon Mission, an amateur radio payload attached to the third stage of the CZ-3C that launched the Chang'e-5 flight test vehicle. Following lunar flyby on October 27, the stage was in a 141,090 km x 416,326 km x 54.2 deg orbit..
2017 April 18 - .
15:10 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 401.
Payload: QB50-TR02; SOMP 2. Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42701 . COSPAR: 1998-067LJ. Apogee: 292 km (181 mi). Perigee: 291 km (180 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 90.35 min. See HAVELSAT (QB50 TR02) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
2017 June 23 - .
03:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota FLP.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- COMPASS-2 - .
Payload: QB50-DE04. Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42777 . COSPAR: 2017-036N. Apogee: 507 km (315 mi). Perigee: 490 km (300 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.58 min. See COMPASS 2 (DragSail-Cubesat, QB50 DE04). Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
2017 July 14 - .
06:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC31.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Technosat - .
Nation: Germany.
USAF Sat Cat: 42829 . COSPAR: 2017-042E. Apogee: 606 km (376 mi). Perigee: 584 km (362 mi). Inclination: 97.58 deg. Period: 96.58 min. See TechnoSat (Tubsat 12). ..
- FLP - .
Payload: Flying Laptop. Nation: Germany.
USAF Sat Cat: 42831 . COSPAR: 2017-042G. Apogee: 605 km (375 mi). Perigee: 584 km (362 mi). Inclination: 97.58 deg. Period: 96.58 min. See Flying Laptop. ..
2017 November 28 - .
05:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vostochniy PU1S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
2018 February 1 - .
02:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vostochniy PU1S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- S-NET 1 - .
Nation: Germany.
USAF Sat Cat: 43186 . COSPAR: 2018-014G. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.72 deg. Period: 96.22 min. See S-Net A (Tubsat 13). ..
- S-NET 2 - .
Nation: Germany.
USAF Sat Cat: 43187 . COSPAR: 2018-014H. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.72 deg. Period: 96.22 min. See S-Net B (Tubsat 14). ..
- S-NET 3 - .
Nation: Germany.
USAF Sat Cat: 43188 . COSPAR: 2018-014J. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.72 deg. Period: 96.22 min. See S-Net C (Tubsat 15). ..
- S-NET 4 - .
Nation: Germany.
USAF Sat Cat: 43189 . COSPAR: 2018-014K. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.72 deg. Period: 96.22 min. See S-Net D (Tubsat 16). ..
2018 December 3 - .
18:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC4E.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Falcon 9.
- MOVE 2 - .
Nation: Germany.
Type: Tech. USAF Sat Cat: 43780 . COSPAR: 2018-099Y. Apogee: 593 km (368 mi). Perigee: 572 km (355 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.33 min. See MOVE 2. 1017LT SSO..
- Eu:CROPIS - .
Nation: Germany.
Type: Rem.Sensing. USAF Sat Cat: 43807 . COSPAR: 2018-099BB. Apogee: 591 km (367 mi). Perigee: 572 km (355 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.30 min. See Eu:CROPIS. 1017LT SSO..
2018 December 27 - .
02:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Soyuz-2-1A Fregat.
- iSat - .
Nation: Germany.
Type: Comms 1. USAF Sat Cat: 43879 . COSPAR: 2018-111D. Apogee: 590 km (360 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.26 min. See D-Star ONE iSat. ..
- D-Star ONE Sparrow - .
Nation: Germany.
Type: Tech/Comms 1. USAF Sat Cat: 43881 . COSPAR: 2018-111F. Apogee: 588 km (365 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.25 min. See D-Star ONE Sparrow. ..
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