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Kepler, Johannes
 Kepler Credit: NASA |
German scientist. Astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion.
Born: 1571-12-27. Died: 1630-11-15. Birth Place: Weil der Stadt.
Kepler was educated in mathematics and astrology in Tubingen and Graz. He began work with astronomer Tycho Brahe in Prague in 1599. When Brahe died in 1601, Kepler inherited his position and continued his observations as a method of mathematically solidifying the Copernican view of the universe. There he developed his three laws of planetary motion. He also was interested in cosmology and dabbled in astrology. His last book, Somnium, was completed shortly before his death and related a fantastic story of space travel that was memorable for its exposition of the Copernican model to explain planetary motion.
1571 December 27 - .
- Birth of Johannes Kepler - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Kepler, Johnnes.
German scientist. Astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion..
1630 November 15 - .
- Death of Johannes Kepler - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Kepler, Johnnes.
German scientist. Astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion..
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