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Mueller, Fritz
 Mueller Fritz Credit: NASA |
German-American guidance system specialist, at Kreiselgeraete from 1933. Worked for von Braun in Germany and America, 1936-1960, involved in guidance platforms for Redstone, Jupiter, Pershing, and Saturn I. Went to private industry in 1960.
Born: 1907-10-27. Died: 2001-05-15. Birth Place: Germany.
Member of the German rocket team, specializing in guidance systems. Mueller was hired by Kreiselgeraete in 1933, and worked at first on development of gyroscopes for the German Navy. He then became involved in development of the guidance and control system for Von Braun's A3 test rocket. This was followed successively by the Sg 64 system for the A5, and the Sg 66 and Sg 70 systems for the A4 (V-2). Mueller arrived in America under Project Paperclip on 16 November 1945 aboard the Argentina from La Havre. He was involved in developing guidance platforms for the Redstone, Jupiter, Pershing, and the Saturn I rocket. He left NASA for private industry in 1960. Died at Huntsville, Alabama.
1907 October 27 - .
- Birth of Fritz Mueller - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Mueller, Fritz.
German-American guidance system specialist, at Kreiselgeraete from 1933. Worked for von Braun in Germany and America, 1936-1960, involved in guidance platforms for Redstone, Jupiter, Pershing, and Saturn I. Went to private industry in 1960..
2001 May 15 - .
- Death of Fritz Mueller - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Mueller, Fritz.
German-American guidance system specialist, at Kreiselgeraete from 1933. Worked for von Braun in Germany and America, 1936-1960, involved in guidance platforms for Redstone, Jupiter, Pershing, and Saturn I. Went to private industry in 1960..
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