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Morgenstern, Oskar
 Morgenstern Credit: NASA |
German-American economist, came to the United States in 1925, and worked at Princeton after 1938. Founded Mathematica, which provided economic analyses to government, notoriously the study that found the shuttle cheaper than expendable LVs.
Born: 1902-01-24. Died: 1977-07-01. Birth Place: Germany.
1902 January 24 - .
- Birth of Oskar Morgenstern - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Morgenstern.
German-American economist, came to the United States in 1925, and worked at Princeton after 1938. Founded Mathematica, which provided economic analyses to government, notoriously the study that found the shuttle cheaper than expendable LVs..
1977 July 1 - .
- Death of Oskar Morgenstern - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Morgenstern.
German-American economist, came to the United States in 1925, and worked at Princeton after 1938. Founded Mathematica, which provided economic analyses to government, notoriously the study that found the shuttle cheaper than expendable LVs..
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