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Engel, Rolf
 Engel Engel, Rolf |
German rocket pioneer and SS member. In his career developed rockets in France, Egypt, and Germany.
Born: 1912-08-10. Died: 1993-11-23.
Rolf Engel (born in Menz; died in Munich) was a German rocket engineer, aircraft manufacturer and member of the SD.
Engel, the son of a teacher, graduated from the Beuth Engineering School. He then studied at the Technical University Munich and the Technical University of Gdansk. He was in touch with Wernher von Braun from 1928.
1912 August 10 - .
- Birth of Rolf Engel. - .
Related Persons: Engel.
German rocket pioneer and SS member. In his career developed rockets in France, Egypt, and Germany..
1993 November 23 - .
- Death of Rolf Engel. - .
Related Persons: Engel.
German rocket pioneer and SS member. In his career developed rockets in France, Egypt, and Germany..
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