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 e-st@r Credit: Manufacturer Image |
American low-cost nanosatellite bus. Used in dozens of launches.
AKA: See list. Status: Operational 2003. First Launch: 2003-06-30. Last Launch: 2015-11-04. Number: 346 . Gross mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Height: 0.0100 m (0.0320 ft). Span: 0.0100 m (0.0320 ft).
Employing ultra-small satellite technology invented by Stanford University, CubeSats provided a satellite that could be placed into Earth orbit for under $ 100,000. The Cubesat bus measured 10 centimeters on a side, and weighed less than one kilogram. The CubeSat microsatellite was a perfect cube, holding its experiments inside like shelves in a cupboard. A CubeSat microsatellite could hold anything, from microgravity experiments to the ashes of a loved one. One Stop Satellite Solutions was one company marketing the technology. They combined the CubeSat technology with their Multi-Payload Adaptor, effectively creating a launch pad in space. Scores of satellites could be launched at once.
Cubesats could be used for scientific missions (microgravity, biomedical, component testing, amateur radio) or personal (burial, photography). Users could buy the bare-bones structure, or satellites equipped with computer, communications, and the power systems to meet mission requirements.
More at: Cubesat.
| 1KUNS-PF Technology satellite for University of Nairobi, Kenya. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| 3Cat 1 Technology satellite built by Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC)) for Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC), Spain. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| 3Cat 2 Technology satellite for Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC), Spain. Launched 2016. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| 3-Diamonds 1, 2, 3 Communications satellite built by GOMSpace for Sky and Space Global, U.K., Israel, Australia. Launched 2017. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Aalto 1 Technology, Earth observation satellite for Aalto University, Finland. Launched 2017. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| AAU-Cubesat Technology satellite for Aalborg University Cubesat, Denmark. It carried a 100-meter-resolution Earth imaging camera. Launched 2003. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| AAUSAT 2 Technology satellite for Aalborg University Cubesat, Denmark. Launched 2008. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| AAUSAT 3, 4, 5 Technology satellite for Aalborg University Cubesat, Denmark. Launched 2013-2016. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ADAMASat Technology satellite for Space Systems Lab, USA. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| Aeneas Technology satellite with a cargo container tracking experiment built by University of Southern California/Space Engineering Research Center (USC/SERC); Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for University of Southern California/Space Engineering Research Center (USC/SERC) for NRO, USA. Launched 2012. Cubesat 3U). Launched 2012. |
| AeroCube 1, 2, 3 Technology satellite for The Aerospace Corporation, USA. Launched 2006-2009. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| AeroCube 11 Satellite demonstrating use of a multispectal imager covering the Landsat-8 visible bands in a 3U Cubesat package. |
| AeroCube 4 Technology satellite for The Aerospace Corporation, USA. Launched 2012. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| AeroCube 5 Technology satellite for The Aerospace Corporation, USA. Launched 2013-2015. Cubesat 1.5U bus. |
| AESP-14 Science, magnetosphere satellite for ITA, INPE, Brazil. Launched 2015. Deployed from ISS after a five-month hiatus following deployer problems. Brazil's AESP-14 cubesat was ejected but appeared not to be transmitting. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ALBus Technology satellite for NASA Glenn Research Center, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Al-Farabi 1 Education, technology satellite for Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan. Launched 2017. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| ALICE Technology satellite built by Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT); Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) for NRO, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| ANDESITE Earth observation, technology satellite for Boston University Center for Space Physics, USA. Cubesat 6U) (Mule bus. |
| ANTELSAT Technology satellite for Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de la República (FING), ANTEL, Uruguay; carried infrared imager and amateur radio payloads. Launched 2014. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| AOBA-VELOX 3 Technology satellite for Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech), Singapore, Japan. Launched 2016. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| AOBA-VELOX 4 Technology satellite for Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech), Singapore, Japan. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| AOSAT 1 Technology satellite for Arizona State University, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Aoxiang Zhixing Technology satellite for Shaanxi Engineering Laboratory (SELM), Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China. Launched 2016. Cubesat 12U bus. |
| ARAPAIMA Technology satellite for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| ARC 1 Technology satellite for University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Alaska Space Grant Program (ASGP), USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ARC 2 Technology satellite for University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Alaska Space Grant Program (ASGP), USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ArduSat 1, X Technology, education satellite with an Arduino processor for NanoSatisfi Inc., USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ArduSat 2 Technology, education satellite for NanoSatisfi Inc. → Spire, USA. Launched 2014. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| ArgoMoon Lunar flyby satellite for Argotec, Italy. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| ARKSAT 1 Technology satellite for University of Arkansas, USA. Cubesat 1xU bus. |
| ARMADILLO Technology satellite for University of Texas, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| ASTERIA Technology satellite for Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Space Systems Laboratory (MIT SSL), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| Athenoxat 1 Technology satellite for Microspace Rapid Pte Ltd., Singapore. Launched 2015. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| AtmoCube Technology satellite for INFN Trieste, Italy. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Bevo 2 Technology satellite for University of Texas at Austin, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| BGUSat Technology satellite for Ben Gurion University, Israel. Launched 2017. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| BioSentinel Life science satellite for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| Black Knight 1 Technology satellite for U.S. Military Academy West Point, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| BRICSat 2 Technology, Communication satellite for US Naval Academy Satellite Lab, George Washington University, USA. Cubesat 1.5U bus. |
| CACTUS 1 Technology satellite for Capitol Technology University, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CADRE Technology satellite for University of Michigan, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CaNOP Earth observation satellite built by Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin; Clyde Space (structure) for Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CanX 1 Technology satellite built by UTIAS for UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies), Canada. Launched 2003. Carried a camera for attitude determination. Failed. No signal from spacecraft. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CanX 2 Technology satellite built by UTIAS for UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies), Canada. Launched 2008. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CanX 7 Technology satellite built by UTIAS for UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies), Canada. Launched 2016. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CAPE 1 Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experiment; technology satellite for University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA. Launched 2007. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CAPE 3 Technology satellite for University of Louisiana, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CAPSat Technology satellite for University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CAS 2T&KS 1Q Amateur radio communication, technology satellite for CAMSAT (CS 2T), Kechuang Aerospace Forum (KS 1Q), China. Launched 2016. Cubesat 2U) and payload box fixed to upper stagebus. |
| CELTEE 1 Calibration satellite built by M42 Technologies for M42 Technologies, NXTRAC, USA. Launched 2016. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Centennial 1 Technology satellite built by Booz Allen Hamilton for Booz Allen Hamilton, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA. Used as a space surveillance target by the USAF. Launched 2015. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CeREs Alternate name for [Ile du Levant]. |
| ChargerSat 1 Technology satellite for University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Chasqui 1 Technology, education satellite built by Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería del Perú (UNI), SWSU for Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería del Perú, SWSU, Peru. Launched 2014. Cubesat 1U bus. Launched 2014. |
| CHIRP Technology satellite built by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Cubesat 6U bus. |
| CHOMPTT Technology satellite for University of Florida (UFL), Stanford University, KACST and NASA, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CICERO Earth observing satellite built by University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) for GeoOptics Inc., USA. Launched 2017. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| CIRAS Technology satellite built by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Blue Canyon Technologies for Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| CIRiS Technology satellite for Utah State University, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| COMPASS 1 Technology satellite for Fachhochschule Aachen, Germany. Launched 2008. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ConSat 1 Technology satellite for Space Concordia, Canada. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CougSat Technology, educational satellite for Washington State University, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CP 1 Technology satellite for Cal Poly Picosatellite Project (PolySat), USA. Launched 2006. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CP 2, 4 Technology satellite for Cal Poly Picosatellite Project (PolySat), USA. Launched 2006-2007. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CP 3, 6 Technology satellite for Cal Poly Picosatellite Project (PolySat), USA. Launched 2007-2009. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CP 5 Technology satellite for Cal Poly Picosatellite Project (PolySat), USA. Launched 2012. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CRaBSS Magnetospheric Research satellite built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, SwRI. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| Cross in Space Memorialsatellite built by One Stop Satellite Solutions (OSSS) for Arthur Blessitt. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CSIP Experimental satellite for Air Force Research Laboratory/Space Vehicles Directorate (AFRL/RV), USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CSSWE Research, magnetosphere satellite built by University of Colorado at Boulder; Pumpkin, Inc. (bus) for University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. Space Weather Experiment. Studied radiation belt electrons and protons. Extended mission was completed. Launched 2012. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CSTB 1 Testbed for Boeing IDS/Advanced Systems, Huntington Beach, California, USA. Launched 2007. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CSUNSat 1 Technology satellite for California State University Northridge (CSUN), USA. Launched 2017. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| CubeRRT Technology satellite built by Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; Blue Canyon Technologies (bus) for Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| CubeSail Technology satellite for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Aerospace Engineering, USA. Cubesat 1.5U bus. |
| CubeSat Malaysia Technology satellite for Astronautic Technology Sdn. Bhd (ATSB), Malaysia. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| CubeSTAR Ionospheric research satellite for University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| CubETH Technology satellite for ETH Zürich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich), SSC (Swiss Space Center), Switzerland. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CUNYSAT 1 Science, ionosphere satellite forCity University of New York's Medgar Evers College, with a GPS ionospheric receiver. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| CuPID Technology satellite for Boston University, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| Da Vinci satellite Technology, educational satellite for North Idaho STEM Charter Academy, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| DelFFi Delta, Phi Technology satellite for Technical University of Delft, Netherlands. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Delfi-n3Xt Technology satellite built by Technical University of Delft; Pumpkin, Inc. (bus) for Technical University of Delft, Netherlands. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Dellingr Technology, heliophysics satellite for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| DIDO 1, 2 Micro-gravity research satellite for SpacePharma, Israel, Switzerland. Launched 2017. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| DISCOSAT 1 Education satellite for Discovery Museum, University of Hawaii, USA. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| DOSS Technology satellite for University of Florida (UFL), Stanford University, KACST and NASA, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Dove 1 Technology satellite for Cosmogia Inc. → Planet Labs, USA. Earth imaging satellite, deployed from Unisat-5 for PlanetLabs. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Dove 2 Technology satellite for Cosmogia Inc. → Planet Labs, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Dove 3, 4 Technology satellite for Cosmogia Inc. → Planet Labs, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| DragonSat 1 Magnetospheric Research, Technology satellite built by Drexel University, US Naval Academy, Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for Drexel University, US Naval Academy, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U). Launched 2013. |
| DTUSat 1 Technology, education satellite for Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark. Remained silent after release despite several attempts to contact it. Carried a 450-meter copper wire tether for lowering the satellite orbit. Launched 2003. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| DTUSat 2 Technology, education satellite for Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark. Launched 2014. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Duchifat 1 Science, magnetosphere satellite for Space laboratory of the Herzliya Science Center, Israel. Launched 2014. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| DUSTIE Atmospheric sciences satellite built by Department of Electrical and Computer Enginieering, Virgina Tech (prime); Pumpkin (bus) for Department of Electrical and Computer Enginieering, Virgina Tech. Cubesat 3U). |
| EagleSat Education satellite for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| EcAMSat Life sciences satellite for NASA's Ames Research Center, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| EdgeCube Technology satellite for Sonoma State University, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| EDSN Technology satellite built by NASA Ames Research Center; Pumpkin (bus) for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 1.5 U bus. |
| EGG satellite Technology satellite for University of Tokyo, Japan. Launched 2016. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Egycubesat 1 Technology satellite for NARSS, Egypt. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ELEOsat Technology satellite for Taylor University, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| EQUiSat Technolgy satellite for Brown University, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| EQUULEUS Lunar flyby satellite for JAXA, University of Tokyo, Japan. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| ERPSat 1 Technology satellite for University of Sfax, Tunisia. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ESCAPE Magnetospheric Research satellite for Goddard Space Flight Center, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| e-st@r Technology satellite for Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Launched 2012-2016. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ESTCube 1 Technology, Earth observation satellite for University of Tartu, Estonia. Launched 2013. Space test of the electric solar wind sail. Successful. First Estonian satellite. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ExoplanetSat Technology satellite built by Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Space Systems Laboratory (MIT SSL), Draper (prime); Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Space Systems Laboratory (MIT SSL), Draper. Cubesat 3U). |
| F 1 Technology satellite for FPT Technology Research Institute, FPT University, Vietnam. Launched 2012. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| FIREBIRD FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4 Space science satellite for Montana Space Grant Consortium, USA. (NSF/Montana State/U. New Hampshire). Sun synchronous orbit; 0600 GMT local time of the descending node. Launched 2013-2015. Cubesat 1.5U bus. |
| Firefly Magnetospheric Research satellite for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA and the National Science Foundation built by the Hawk Institute for Space Sciences in Maryland in collaboration with Siena College. Studied terrestrial gamma-ray flashes. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Flock-1, -1b, -1c, -1d, -1d', -1e, -1f, -2, -2b, -2c, -2d, -2e, -2e', -2k, -2p Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U Cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth. Launched 2014-2017. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Fox 1D Amateur communication, technology satellite built by AMSAT for AMSAT, University of Iowa Department of Physics and Astronomy, Virginia Tech, Pennsylvania State-Erie. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| FREEDOM Technology satellite for Nakashimada Engineering Works, Tohoku University, Japan. Launched 2016. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Galassia Technology satellite for National University of Singapore, Singapore. Launched 2015. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| GASPACS technology satellite for Utah State University, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| GeneSat 1, 2 Life sciences satellite built by Stanford University for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2006. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| GeoStare Technology satellite for Tyvak, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| GLADOS Technology satellite for State University of New York at Buffalo, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| GNS Technology satellite built by NASA Ames Research Center (prime); Swarm Technologies LLC (BEEs) for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Goliat Student 1U Cubesat from the University of Bucharest. Earth imaging and space environment measuring. First Romanian satellite. Launched 2012. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| GOMX 2 Technology satellite for GOMSpace, Denmark. Launched 2014. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| GOMX 3 Technology satellite for GOMSpace, Denmark. Launched 2015. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| GOSTE 1 Technology satellite for University of Hawaii, Hawai`i Space Flight Laboratory, Honolulu, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| GRIFEX Technology satellite for Michigan / JPL / CalTech, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| GROUP-C Science, Ionosphere satellite for Naval Research Lab (NRL), USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| GW-Sat Technology satellite for George Washington University, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| HaloSat Astronomy, X-ray satellite built by University of Iowa (prime); Blue Canyon Technologies (bus) for University of Iowa, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| HARP satellite Earth observation, technology satellite built by Department of Physics, University of Maryland (prime); Space Dynamics Laboratory (bus) for Department of Physics, University of Maryland. Cubesat 3U). |
| HAUSAT 1 Technology satellite for Hankuk Aviation University, South Korea. Launched 2006. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Hawksat 1 Technology satellite built by Hawk Institute for Space Science; Pumpkin, Inc. (bus) for Hawk Institute for Space Sciences (HISS), USA. Launched 2009. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| HeDI satellite Astronomy, solar satellite built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, SwRI. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| HeidelSat Cosmic radiation satellite for SRH University, Heidelberg, Germany. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| HFsat Experimental Communication satellite for US Naval Academy Satellite Lab, USA. Cubesat 1.5U bus. |
| HiLITE Research, solar satellite for University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| HiNCube Technology satellite for Høgskolen i Narvik (HiN), Norway. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Horyu 1 Technology satellite for Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT), Japan. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Horyu 3 Technology satellite for Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT), Japan. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| HumSat-D Technology satellite for Universidade de Vigo, Spain. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| HuskySat 1 Technology satellite for University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| ICE-Cap Communications satellite built by Space Micro for US Navy PEO Space Systems, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| ICECube 1, 2 Technology satellite for Cornell University, USA. Launched 2006. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ICube 1 Technology satellite for Institute of Space Technology (IST), Pakistan. Launched 2013. Successful. First Pakistani cubesat. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| INCA Ionospheric Research satellite for New Mexico State University (NMSU), USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| InnoSat Technology satellite built by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Astronautic Technology Sdn. Bhd (ATSB) for Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Malaysia.Cubesat 3U bus. |
| INSPIRE A, B Technology satellite built by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (prime); Pumpkin (bus) for Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| ION Cubesat Technology satellite for University of Illinois, USA. Launched 2006. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| Iraz Technology, education satellite for ITCR, Costa Rica. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Irazu 1U cubesat, first Costa Rican satellite, with a inertial measurement unit payload. |
| Irvine 01 Technology satellite for Irvine Public School Foundation, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Irvine 02 Technology satellite for Irvine Public School Foundation, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ISARA Technology satellite built by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Cubesat 3U bus. |
| iSat Cubesat Technology satellite built by NASA Glenn Research Center, Busek for NASA Glenn Research Center, USA. Cubesat 12U bus. |
| ITASAT 1 Technology satellite for Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), Brazil. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| ITF 2 Technology satellite for University of Tsukuba, Japan. Launched 2016. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ITU-pSat 1 Technology satellite built by Istanbul Technical University (ITU); Pumpkin, Inc. (bus) for Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Turkey. Launched 2009. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| JAGSAT 1 Technology satellite for University of South Alabama, USA. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| Jugnu Technology, Earth observation satellite for Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. Launched 2011. Micro-imaging system, near infrared camera to observe vegetation, and GPS Receiver to aid tracking. Successful. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| JY1-Sat Technology, amateur communication satellite built by ISISpace (bus), Jordan. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| KAUSAT 5 Technology satellite for Korea Aviation University, South Korea. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Kepler 1, 2 Technology satellite built by Clyde Space for Kepler Communications, Canada. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| KickSat 1, 2 Technology satellite forCornell University's Space Systems Design Studio. The satellite had a mass of 2.68 kg, of which 0.52 kg was to have been ejected on May 4 in the form of 104 tiny 5-gram Sprites, circuit boards which acted as independent satellites. Launched 2014. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| KN-Sat 1 Technology, education satellite for University of Khartoum, Sudan. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| KUTESat Pathfinder Technology satellite for Kansas Universities, USA. Launched 2006. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| KySat 1 Technology satellite for Kentucky Space, USA. Launched 2011. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| LAICE Technology satellite for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Aerospace Engineering, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| LEDSAT LED-based small Satellite, a 1U CubeSat by Sapienza - University of Rome, equipped with LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) and retroreflectors for optical tracking with ground-based telescopes and laser ranging observatories. |
| Lemur 1 Technology, earth observation satellite for NanoSatisfi Inc. → Spire, USA. Launched 2014. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Lemur-2 Earth observation satellite for Spire, USA. Launched 2015-2017. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Libertad 1 Technology satellite built by Universidad Sergio Arboleda; Pumpkin, Inc. (bus) for Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Colombia. Launched 2007. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| LightSail A, B Technology satellite for The Planetary Society, USA. Launched 2015 with a solar sail deployment experiment. The cubesat went into safe mode a few days after launch but rebooted on 30 May 2015. Its solar panels were deployed on 3 June and the solar sail was unfurled on 7 June at 19:47 GMT. The satellite reentered on 14 June. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| LinkSat Broad-spectrum Radio Interference Analyzing 3U-cubesat by the University of Buffalo. |
| LitSat 1 Technology, education satellite for Lietuvos Kosmoso Asociacija (Lithuanian Space Association), KTU (Kaunas University of Technology), Lithuania. Launched 2014. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| LMRSTSat Low Mass Radio Science Transponder experiment ; technology satellite built by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) (prime); Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Lucky-7 Technology, Earth observation satellite for SkyFox Labs, Czech Republic. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| LunaH-Map Satellite for NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| Lunar-Flashlight Satellite for NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| Lunar-IceCube Satellite for Morehead State University, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| Luojia 1 Earth observation satellite for Wuhan University, China. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| M-3 satellite Technology satellite for Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| MakerSat 0 Technology satellite for Northwest Nazarene University, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| MarCO Satellite for NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| MAST Multi Application Survivable Tether experiment, built by Tethers Unlimited Inc and Stanford University. MAST consisted of the TED (Tether Deployer) Cubesat, with a 1 km deployable multi-strand tether; RALPH, a small end mass satellite. Launched 2007. Used the CubeSatsbus. |
| Mayak techsat Technology satellite built by CosmoMayak for Your sector of space / MSUME, Russia. Launched 2017. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Mayflower-Caerus Technology satellite built by Northrop Grumman; University of Southern California; Pumpkin Inc. (Caerus) for Northrop Grumman (Mayflower); University of Southern California (Caerus), USA. Launched 2010. Cubesat 3U) consisting of a 1U bus and 2U payload modules, two deployable solar arrays. Launched 2010. |
| MemSat Technology satellite for Rowan University, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| MEROPE Technology satellite for Montana State University, USA. Launched 2006. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| MicroMAS Three-axis stabilized earth observation, technology satellite for Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Space Systems Laboratory (MIT SSL), USA. Launched 2014. Carried an MIT Lincoln Laboratory microwave radiometer payload. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| MicroMAS 2a, 2b Earth observation, technology satellite for Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Space Systems Laboratory (MIT SSL), USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| MiRaTA Earth observation, technology satellite for Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Lincoln Laboratory, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| MIST Technology, thermospheric research satellite built by Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Open Cosmos for Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| MiTEE 1 Technology satellite for University of Michigan, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| MKA-N 1, 2 Earth observation satellite built by Dauria for Roskosmos, Russia. Launched 2017. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| MOVE 2 Technology satellite for TU München, Germany. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| NanoSail D Technology satellite for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2008-2010. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| NanoSatC-Br 1 Science, magnetosphere satellite built by INPE Southern Regional Space Research Center (CRS/CCR/INPE-MCT) (prime); ISIS (bus) for INPE Southern Regional Space Research Center (CRS/CCR/INPE-MCT), Brazil. Launched 2014. Cubesat 1U). Launched 2014. |
| NanoSatC-Br 2 Science, ionosphere satellite built by INPE Southern Regional Space Research Center (CRS/CCR/INPE-MCT) (prime); ISIS (bus) for INPE Southern Regional Space Research Center (CRS/CCR/INPE-MCT). Cubesat 2U). |
| Ncube 1, 2 Technology satellite for Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU), Narvik University College (HiN) and the Agricultural University of Norway (NLH), Norway. Launched 2005-2006. First was evidently was released from SSETI Express but no signal received. Cubesat 1U bus. Launched 2005-2006. |
| NEA-Scout Satellite for NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| NEE 01 Pegaso Technology satellite for EXA (Agencia Espacial Civil Ecuatoriana), Ecuador. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| NEE 02 Krysaor Technology satellite for EXA (Agencia Espacial Civil Ecuatoriana), Ecuador. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| NEUTRON 1 Satellite for University of Hawaii, Hawai`i Space Flight Laboratory, Honolulu, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| NMTSat Technology, magnetospheric Research satellite for New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Nodes 1, 2 Technology satellite built by NASA Ames Research Center; Pumpkin (bus) for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 1.5 U bus. |
| NPS-SCAT Technology satellite built by the US Navy Postgraduate School, with a solar cell exposure experiment, for USAF STP (Space Test Program), USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| NUTS Technology, atmospheric research satellite for NTNU, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Norway. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| O/OREOS Life sciences satellite built by Stanford University for NASA Ames Research Center, USA, with life science experiments to study microbes in free fall and the effects of ultraviolet light on organic materials. Launched 2010. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| OMOTENASHI Lunar flyby satellite for JAXA, University of Tokyo, Japan. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| OPEN Technology satellite for University of North Dakota, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| OPS-SAT Technology satellite built by GOMSpace for ESA, Europe. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| OPTOS Technology satellite for INTA, Spain. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| OreSat Technology satellite for Portland State University, USA. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| OrigamiSat 1 Technology satellite for Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITech), Japan. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| ORSES ORS Enabler Satellite, a tactical communications satellite for the USAF Operationally Responsive Space office and the US Space and Missile Defense Command. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| OSIRIS-3U Life sciences satellite for The Pennsylvania State University Department of Electrical Engineering, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| OSSI 1 Technology satellite developed by a Korean artist for OSSI, South Korea. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| OUFTI 1 Technology satellite built by UniversitT de LiFge; Pumpkin, Inc. (bus) for UniversitT de LiFge, Belgium. Launched 2016. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Outernet 1, 2, 3 Communications, technology satellite built by ClydeSpace for Outernet Inc.. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Overview 1 Earth observation satellite built by SpaceVR (payload); Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for SpaceVR, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| PACE satellite Technology satellite for National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (Republic of China). Launched 2014. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| Parikshit Technology satellite for Manipal Institute of Technology, India. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| PATRIOT satellite Technology satellite for University of Michigan PEPL and MXL, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| PEASSS Technology satellite for PEASSS consortium, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Israel. Launched 2017. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Perseus 000, 001, 002, 003 Technology satellite for Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, perhaps for ionospheric monitoring. Launched 2010. Cubesat 1.5 U bus. |
| Perseus-M 1, 2 Maritime surveillance satellite built by Dauria Aerospace, Canopus Systems US for Canopus Systems US => Aquila Space, Russia. Launched 2014. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| PetitSat Ionospheric research satellite for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| PharmaSat 1 Life sciences satellite built by Stanford University for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2009. Measured the effect of antifungal countermeasures on yeast strains in microgravity. 96 hour experiment was successful. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| PhoneSat 1.0 Technology satellite for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| PhoneSat 2.0, 2.4, 2.5 Technology satellite for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2013-2014. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| PICASSO Technology, thermospheric research satellite for Belgian Institute of Space Aeronomy (BISA), Belgium. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| PicoDragon Technology satellite for VNSC, Vietnam. Launched 2013. On 19 November a J-SSOD Cubesat deployer was retrieved from the Kibo module airlock by the JEM RMS arm and moved to a deployment position; at 12:18 GMT it ejected three 1U cubesats, including PicoDragon for Vietnam. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| PICS 1, 2 Technology satellite for Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| PicSat Astronomy satellite for Observatoire de Paris (OBSPM), France. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Pocket-PUCP Technology satellite for Institute for Radio Astronomy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (INRAS-PUCP), Peru. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| PolarCube Technology satellite for Colorado Space Grant Consortium (CoSGC), USA. Cubesat 3U) / ALL-STARbus. |
| Politech.1 Technology satellite for Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| POPACS Research (Atmospheric density) satellite, USA. Launched 2013. Split after deployment into four spacer sections that released three 0.10 m diameter aluminum spheres used as passive atmospheric density calibration probes. Cubesat 3U) form factorbus. |
| POPSAT-HIP 1 Technology satellite for Microspace Rapid Pte Ltd., Singapore. Launched 2014. Cubesat 3U bus. |
 | PreSat American technology satellite for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2008. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| PrintSat Technology satellite for Montana State University, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Prometheus satellite Technology satellite for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA. Launched 2013. Part of a constellation of low orbit military tactical communications satellites for the US Southern Command (SOCOM). Cubesat 1.5U bus. |
| Prometheus-2 Technology satellite for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA. Launched 2016. Cubesat 1.5U bus. |
| PropSat Technology satellite for Colorado Space Grant Consortium (CoSGC), Lockheed Martin, USA. Cubesat 3U) / ALL-STARbus. |
| PSat 2 Experimental Communication satellite for US Naval Academy Satellite Lab, USA. Cubesat 1.5U bus. |
| PTD 1 Technology satellite for NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| PTecSat Technology satellite for University of Southern California/Space Engineering Research Center (USC/SERC), USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| PTLS Technology test satellite for Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), USA. Cubesat 4U bus. |
| PUCP-Sat 1 Technology satellite for Institute for Radio Astronomy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (INRAS-PUCP), Peru. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| PW-Sat 1 Technology satellite for Warsaw University of Technology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Space Research Centre), Poland. Launched 2012. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| PW-Sat 2 Technology satellite for Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| QbX 1, 2 Technology satellite built by Pumpkin Inc of San Francisco for the National Reconnaissance Office's Colony-1 technology development project. Successful. Launched 2010. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| QuakeSat 1 Earth sciences satellite built by Stanford University for QuakeFinder, LCC, USA. Launched 2003. used for detection of ELF radio emissions from seismic activity. Successful. Cubesat triple bus. |
| Quest 1 Technology, education satellite for Valley Christian High School's AMSE Institute, Quest Institute for Quality Education, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| RACE satellite Technology satellite for University of Texas at Austin, JPL, USA. Launched 2014. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| RadSat-g Technology satellite for Montana State University, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| RadSat-u Technology satellite for Montana State University, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Raiko Technology satellite for Wakayama Univiersity and Tohoku University, Japan. Launched 2012. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| RainCube Technology satellite for Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| RAMPART Experimental satellite for Morehead State University, USA. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| RANGE A, B Technology satellite for Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. Cubesat 1.5U bus. |
| RAVAN Earth sciences, technology satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL); Blue Canyon Technologies (bus) for Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), USA. Launched 2016. Cubesat 3U). Launched 2016. |
| RAX 1, 2 Radio Aurora Explorer, a National Science Foundation 3U Cubesat, built by the University of Michigan, to study the aurora by picking up ground-based radar signals. Launched 2010 - 2011. Cubesat 3U). Launched 2010-2011. |
| RBLE Magnetospheric Research satellite built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, SwRI. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| RECONSO Reconnaissance of Space Objects, student-led 6U cubesat supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. |
| RFTSat 1 Radio Frequency Tag Satellite, a 3U CubeSat by North Nazarene University to test backscatter radio communication between a CubeSat and remote wireless sensors. |
| Rincon 1 Technology satellite for The University of Arizona Student Satellite Program, USA. Launched 2006. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| ROBUSTA 1, 1B Technology satellite for University of Montpellier II, France. Launched 2012-2017. Mission: Radiation effects on bipolar-transistor-based circuits. First satellite failed. First French CubeSat. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| RSat-P Technology satellite for US Naval Academy Satellite Lab, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SACRED Technology satellite for The University of Arizona Student Satellite Program, USA. Launched 2006. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| SAMSON 1, 2, 3 Techonolgy, formation flight satellite for Technion, Israel. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| SASSI2 Science, atmosphere satellite for University Of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Purdue Universit, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SeaHawk 1, 2 Earth observation satellite built by University of North Carolina; Clyde Space (bus) for University of North Carolina. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SEAM Technology, education, science (ionosphere) satellite for KTH, ÅAC Microtec, ECM, LEMI, Space BLE, GOMSpace, SSC, Kayser Italia, Sweden. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SEEDS Japanese technology satellite. One launch, 2008.04.28. Nihon University at Tokyo nanosat. Technology satellite for Nihon University, Japan. Launched 2006-2008. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| SENSE 1, 2 Experimental ionospheric monitoring satellite for the USAF Space and Missile Center. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SERPENS Technology satellite for SERPENS, Brazil. Launched 2015. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SHARC Calibration satellite for Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), USA. Launched 2017. Cubesat 5U, 1×5U bus. |
| Shields 1 Technology satellite for NASA Langley Research Center, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SINOD-D 1, 2, 3 Technology satellite with a software-defined radio demonstration built by SRI International (prime); Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems Inc. (bus). Launched 2015. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| skCUBE Education, technology satellite for SOSA, Slovakia. Launched 2017. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| SkyCube Technology, education satellite, with an Earth imager, for Southern Stars Group LLC, USA. Launched 2014. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| SkyFire Lunar flyby satellite for Lockheed Martin, USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| SMARTSat Technology satellite for Texas A&M University, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| SMDC-ONE Operational Nanosatellite Experiment; communications satellite built by Ducommun Miltec for US Army SMDC, USA. Launched 2010 - 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SMDC-TechSat Technology satellite built by Radiance Technologies, Inc. for US Army Space and Missile Defense Center, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
 | SNAP Surrey Nanosatellite Applications Platform; alternate designation for [SSTL-10]. |
| SNAPS Technology satellite for Stanford University, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 0.25U) form factorbus. |
| SOMP Student Oxygen Measurement 1U Cubesat from Technical University of Dresden. Mission: Education, testing software defined radio, measuring atomic oxygen concentration, demonstrating TFSC . Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| SPACE-HAUC Technology satellite for University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SpaceICE Technology satellite for Northwestern University, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SPOC Technology satellite built by University of Georgia, Athens (prime); Clyde Space (bus) for University of Georgia, Athens, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SporeSat 1, 2 Life sciences satellite for NASA Ames Research Center, Purdue University, USA. Launched 2014. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| SPORT Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task 6U cubesat, a joint Brazilian and US effort to study the formation and evolution of equatorial plasma bubbles. |
| STACEM Technology satellite for Space Dynamics Laboratory, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| StangSat Technology satellite for Merritt Island High School, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| STARS C Technology satellite for Kagawa University, Japan. Launched 2016. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| STEP Cube Lab Technology satellite for Chosun University, Gwangju, South Korea. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| STF 1 Technology satellite for NASA Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) Program; West Virginia Space Grant Consortium (WVSGC); West Virginia University (WVU), USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| STMSat 1 Education satellite for St. Thomas More Cathedral School, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| STRaND 1 Technology satellite, a technical test project of Surrey Satellite and the Surrey Space Centre. Carried a Google Nexus One smartphone as its main avionics, and featured plasma thrusters and a water-alcohol thruster. Successful; first in STRaND Program. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| STRaND 2 Technology satellite for SSTL, UK. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Stratus Technology satellite for Michigan Technological University, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| STUDSAT ISRO-sponsored Indian student-designed technology satellite for Team STUDSAT, India. Launched 2010. First Indian picosatellite. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| SUCHAI Technology, education satellite for SPEL, Chile. Launched 2017. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Suomi-100 Technology, ionospheric research satellite for Aalto University, Finland. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Supernova-Beta Technology satellite for Pumpkin Inc., USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| SurfSat Technology satellite for University of Central Florida (UCF), USA. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| SwampSat Technology satellite for University of Florida (UFL), USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| SwampSat 2 3U CubeSat by the University of Florida, Gainesville,for characterization of VLF waves in LEO. |
| Swayam Technology satellite for College of Engineering, Pune (COEP), India. Launched 2016. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| SwissCube Technology satellite for Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. Launched 2009. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| TacSat 6 Technology satellite built by US Army SMDC for ORS Office, US Army SMDC, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| TARGIT Technology satellite for Georgia Tech Research Corporation, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| TechCube 1 Technology satellite operated by NASA Goddard, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| TEMPEST-D Technology satellite built by Colorado State University, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL); Blue Canyon Technologies (bus) for Colorado State University, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA. Cubesat 6U). |
| TigriSat Earth observation satellite built by Iraqi students at the La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Launched 2014. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| TINYSCOPE Technology satellite for Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| TIsat 1 Technology, education satellite for SUPSI-DTI, Switzerland. Launched 2010. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| TJ3Sat Technology, education satellite built by Thomas Jefferson High School (TJHSST), Alexandria, Virginia; Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for Thomas Jefferson High School (TJHSST), Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U). Launched 2013. |
| TJREVERB Technology satellite for Thomas Jefferson High School (TJHSST), Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Tomsk-TPU 120 Technology satellite for Tomsk TPU, Russia. Launched 2016. 3U Cubesatbus. |
| TRICOM 1 Technology satellite built by University of Tokyo for University of Tokyo, Ministry of education and Science (MEXT), Japan. Launched 2017. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Triton 1, 2 Technology satellite for ISIS-BV, UK. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| TROPICS Earth observation, technology satellite for Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Space Systems Laboratory (MIT SSL), USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| TuPOD Technology satellite for Gauss Srl., Italy. Launched 2016. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| TurkSat-3USat Technology, communication satellite for Istanbul Technical University (ITÜ), Turkey. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| U2U Calibration satellite for Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), USA. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| UAPSat 1 Technology, education satellite for Universidad Alas Peruanas (UAP), Peru. Launched 2014. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| UniCubeSat-GG Technology, aeronomy satellite for GAUSS (La Sapienza University of Rome), Italy. Launched 2012. Flew a gravity gradient experiment. First Italian CubeSat. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| UNITE Science, ionosphere satellite for Purdue University, USA. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| USS Langley Technology satellite built by US Naval Academy; Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for US Naval Academy, USA. Launched 2015. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| UWE 1, 2, 3 Communications technology satellite for Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany. Launched 2005-2013. First was released from SSETI Express and failed; contact lost on 17 November. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| VELOX 2 Technology satellite for Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore. Launched 2015. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| VELOX P1, 2 Technology satellite for Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| Vermont Lunar Cubesat Technology satellite built by Vermont Technical College (VTC); Pumpkin (bus). Launched 2013. Tested navigation components to be used in a follow up 3U ion drive CubeSat to the Moon. Successful. First university satellite from New England. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| VESTA satellite Technology, communication satellite built by SSTL (bus); Honeywell (payload for exactEarth, Canada. Cubesat 3U bus. |
| Virginia 1, 2, 3 Technology satellite for Old Dominion Research Foundation, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| VPM Satellite for Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), USA. Cubesat 6U bus. |
| Waseda-SAT 2 Technology satellite for Waseda University, Japan. Launched 2010. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| WE WISH Technology satellite for Meisei Electric Co., Japan. Launched 2012. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| WeissSat 1 Technology satellite for Weiss School, USA. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| XaTcobeo Technology satellite built by Universidade de Vigo; Pumpkin, Inc. (bus) for INTA, Universidade de Vigo, Spain. Launched 2012. Cubesat 1U bus. |
| XY S1 Technology satellite for Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. Launched 2017. Cubesat 2U bus. |
| YamSat 1A, 1B, 1C Technology satellite for NSPO, Taiwan (Republic of China). Cubesat 1U bus. |
Technology satellite.
ISS Japanese Experiment Module.
Launch Vehicles:
Antares 130,
Chang Zheng 11,
Chang Zheng 6,
Kosmos 3,
Space Shuttle,
Kosmos 11K65M,
R-36M 15A14,
Chang Zheng 2D,
Ariane 5,
Delta 7920-10C,
Minotaur 1,
Atlas V,
H-IIA 202,
Atlas V 401,
Ariane 5ECA,
Delta 7320-10C,
Falcon 1,
Atlas V 421,
Falcon 9 v1.1,
Atlas V 501,
Minotaur IV,
Falcon 9,
Taurus 3110,
Antares 110.
Launch Sites:
Taiyuan LC16,
Cape Canaveral,
Vandenberg SLC2W,
Baikonur LC31,
Vandenberg SLC3E,
Vandenberg 576E,
Vandenberg SLC4E,
Cape Canaveral LC40,
Cape Canaveral LC41,
Cape Canaveral LC39A,
Plesetsk LC132/1,
Baikonur LC109,
Plesetsk LC133/3,
Sriharikota PSLV,
Tanegashima Y,
Wallops Island LA0A,
Jiuquan SLS-2,
Sriharikota SLP,
Kwajalein OM,
Wallops Island LA0B,
Kourou ELV,
Wallops Island LP0A.
Photo Gallery
 | Aalto 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | AAU Cubesat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ADAMASat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PTecSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Aerocube 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Aerocube 4 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Aerocube 5a Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Aerocube 6a Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | OCSD A Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Aerocube-8a Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | LMPC Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | AESP-14 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | AggieSat 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ALICE Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ALL-STAR/THEIA Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | AlSat-Nano Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ANDESITE Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Antelsat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | AOSAT Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ARAPAIMA Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ARC 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Ardusat-2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Ardusat-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Argus Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Orb-3 SS Deke Slayto Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Arkyd-6 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | AtmoCube Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | AubieSat-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SwissCube Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Bevo 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Biarri-Point Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | BioSentinel Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | BitSat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Black Knight 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | BRICSat-P Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CADRE Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Mayflower-Caerus Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Cal Poly 1U Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CanX-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CanX-2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CanX 7 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CANYVAL-X 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CAPE 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CAPE 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Centennial 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CeREs Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Chasqui 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ChargerSat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CHIRP Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CHOMPTT Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Cinema Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CNUSail 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Compass 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | COMPASS 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ConSat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | COPPER Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CP 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CP 4 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CP 3 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CP5 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CP 9 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Cross in Space Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CryoCube 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CSSWE Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CSTB 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CubeBug-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CubeSail Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CubETH Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CUNYSAT 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Cute-1.7-APD-II Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Cute-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Cute 1.7 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CXBN Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | DelFFi Delta Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Delfi-C3 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Delfi-3nXt Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Dellingr Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | DeorbitSail Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | DICE-X Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | DISCOSAT 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Dove-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Dove-2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Dove-3 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Dragonsat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | DTUSAT Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Dtusat 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Duchifat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | E1P Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | EcAMSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | EDSN Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ELFIN Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | EQUiSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ESCAPE Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ESTCube-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Ex-Alta 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ExoCube CP10 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ExoplanetSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | F-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | FalconSat 7 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | FIREBIRD FU1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Firefly Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | First-Move Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Niwaka Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Flock 1b-10 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Fox 1E Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | FUNcube-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Galassia Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | GASPACS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | GEARRSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | GeneSat-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | GLADOS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Goliat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | GOMX-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Orb-3 SS Deke Slayto Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | GOMX 3 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | GOSTE 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | GRIFEX Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | HARP Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | HAUSAT 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Hawksat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | HeidelSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Hermes Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | HiNCube Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Hoæoponopono 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Horyu 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Horyu 3 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | HUMSAT-D Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | IceCube Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ICECube 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ICUBE-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Yui Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CubeSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | INSPIRE A Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Invader Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ION Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | IPEX Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ISARA Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ITASAT 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | IT_-pSat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | JUGNU Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | KAUSAT 5 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | KickSat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | KN-Sat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Hayato Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | KSAT 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Kumu AÆo Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | KUTESat Pathfinder Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | KySat-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | KySat-2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | LAICE Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | LambdaSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Lemur 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Libertad 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | LightSail A Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | LINK Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | LituanicaSat-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | LituanicaSAT 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Litsat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | LMRSTSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Lunar-IceCube Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | NEA-Scout Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | MarCO Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | MaSat-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | MAST Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | M-Cubed Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | MEROPE Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | MicroMAS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | MinXSS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | MiRaTA Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Nanosail-D Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | NanoSatC-Br 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Ncube 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | NEE 01 Pegaso Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | NEE 02 Krysaor Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Negai✰ Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | NEUTRON 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | NMTSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Nodes 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | NPS-SCAT Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | NUTS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | OGMS-SA Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | USA 219 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | OPTOS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | OPUSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ORS Tech 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ORS-Squared Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | OSIRIS-3U Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | OSSI-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | OUFTI 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Outernet 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Pace Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PATRIOT Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Perseus-M 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Perseus 000 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Perseus-O 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PharmaSat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PhoneSat 1.0 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PhoneSat 2.0 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PICASSO Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PicoDragon Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PlanetiQ 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PolarCube Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Politech.1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Polyitan 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | CPOD A Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | POPACS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Popsat Hip 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PrintSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PropSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Proiteres Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Prometheus Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PSat A Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PTLS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PUCP-Sat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PW-Sat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | PW-Sat 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | QARMAN Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Qb50P1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Qb50p2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | QBITO Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | QbX 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | QuakeSat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Quest 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Orb-3 SS Deke Slayto Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | RAIKO Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | RAMPART Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | RAVAN Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | RAX 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Rincon 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | RoBiSAT 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ROBUSTA Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SACRED Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SAMSON 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SEEDS 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SENSE-A Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SERPENS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SIGMA Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SkyCube Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SkyFire Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SMARTSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SMDC-TechSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ORSES Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SNAPS Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SNUSAT 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SOMP Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SOMP 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SpaceBuoy Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SporeSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | StangSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | STEP Cube Lab Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | STF 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | STMSat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | STRaND-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | STRaND 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Studsat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Supernova-Beta Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SwampSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Swayam Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | SwissCube Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | TechEdSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | TechEdSat 3p Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | TechCube 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Tigrisat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | TINYSCOPE Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Tisat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ORS-3 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Trailblazer 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Triton 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | TSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Turksat-3USAT Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | UAPSat 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Ukube 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Almasat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | USS Langley Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | UWE-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Velox 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | VELOX 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | VELOX P1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Vermont Lunar Cubesa Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Waseda-SAT2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | We Wish Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | WREN Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | XaTcobeo Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | XI 4 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | YamSat 1A Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | ZACUBE 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Rax-2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | HiakaSat Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Mast Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | BeakerSat-1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | Nanosail-D Credit: Manufacturer Image |
2003 June 30 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC133/3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Cute-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: TIT.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 27844 . COSPAR: 2003-031E. Apogee: 833 km (517 mi). Perigee: 817 km (507 mi). Inclination: 98.70 deg. Period: 101.40 min. CUTE-I carried engineering test equipment and was built by the Tokyo Institute of Technology..
- Quakesat - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: QuakeFinder.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 27845 . COSPAR: 2003-031F. Apogee: 834 km (518 mi). Perigee: 820 km (500 mi). Inclination: 98.70 deg. Period: 101.40 min. 3U cubesat for Stanford University/Quakesat LLC Quakesat was to be used for detection of ELF radio emissions from seismic activity. Successful..
- AAU Cubesat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Denmark.
Agency: Aalborg.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 27846 . COSPAR: 2003-031G. Apogee: 831 km (516 mi). Perigee: 816 km (507 mi). Inclination: 98.70 deg. Period: 101.40 min. Aalborg University successfully contacted its AAU-Cubesat nanosatellite after it was separated. It carried a 100-meter-resolution Earth imaging camera..
- DTUSAT - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Denmark.
Agency: Danish Technical University.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 27842 . COSPAR: 2003-031C. Apogee: 831 km (516 mi). Perigee: 816 km (507 mi). Inclination: 98.70 deg. Period: 101.40 min. Danish 1U cubesat DTUSat remained silent after release despite several attempts to contact it. Carried a 450-meter copper wire tether for lowering the satellite orbit..
- CanX-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Canada.
Agency: Toronto.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 27847 . COSPAR: 2003-031H. Apogee: 831 km (516 mi). Perigee: 817 km (507 mi). Inclination: 98.70 deg. Period: 101.40 min. 1U cubesat from the University of Toronto, carried a camera for attitude determination. Failed. No signal from spacecraft..
- CubeSat XI-IV - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: Tokyo.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 27848 . COSPAR: 2003-031J. Apogee: 833 km (517 mi). Perigee: 818 km (508 mi). Inclination: 98.70 deg. Period: 101.40 min. Cubesat XI carried technology tests for the University of Tokyo..
2005 October 27 - .
06:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC132/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K65M.
- UWE-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: BJMU.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 28892 . COSPAR: 2005-043C. Apogee: 708 km (439 mi). Perigee: 683 km (424 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 98.70 min. University of Wurzburg 1U cubesat. Released from SSETI Express. Mission: Technology / Communications. Failed. Contact lost on 17 November.
- NCube-2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Norway.
Agency: Norsk Romsenter.
Class: Communications.
Type: Civilian communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 28898 . COSPAR: 2005-043G. Apogee: 712 km (442 mi). Perigee: 684 km (425 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 98.70 min. Norwegian 1U cubesat for ARR/NSC. Evidently was released from SSETI Express but no signal received..
- Cubesat XI-V - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: Tokyo.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 28895 . COSPAR: 2005-043F. Apogee: 708 km (439 mi). Perigee: 682 km (423 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 98.70 min. University of Tokyo cubesat. Released from SSETI Express..
2006 December 16 - .
12:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA0B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Minotaur 1.
- GeneSat-1 - .
Mass: 7.00 kg (15.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Manufacturer: NASA Ames.
Class: Biology.
Type: Biology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2011-04-02 . USAF Sat Cat: 29654 . COSPAR: 2006-058B. Apogee: 426 km (264 mi). Perigee: 410 km (250 mi). Inclination: 40.01 deg. Period: 92.93 min.
3U cubesat launched as a secondary payload. A collaboration of NASA, industry, and local universities resulted in this fully-automated, miniaturized spaceflight system that provided life support, nutrient delivery, and performed assays to monitor genetic changes of E. coli bacteria in space conditions.
2007 March 9 - .
03:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC41.
Launch Pad: SLC41.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 401.
- MEPSI Picosat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: DARPA.
Manufacturer: Aerospace.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2007-006x. Apogee: 563 km (349 mi). Perigee: 558 km (346 mi). Inclination: 35.40 deg. Released from STPSat..
- MEPSI Picosat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: DARPA.
Manufacturer: Aerospace.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2007-006x. Apogee: 563 km (349 mi). Perigee: 558 km (346 mi). Inclination: 35.40 deg. Period: 1,436.10 min. Released from STPSat..
2007 April 17 - .
06:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC109.
Launch Pad: LC109/95.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- CAPE 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Louisiana.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 31130 . COSPAR: 2007-012P. Apogee: 793 km (492 mi). Perigee: 646 km (401 mi). Inclination: 98.10 deg. Period: 99.20 min. Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experiment by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette..
- Aerocube 2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Aerospace.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 31122 . COSPAR: 2007-012F. Apogee: 771 km (479 mi). Perigee: 648 km (402 mi). Inclination: 98.10 deg. Period: 99.00 min. 1U cubesat for Aerospace Corporation. Failed. Solar converter malfunction on 18 April 2007..
- CSTB 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Boeing.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 31133 . COSPAR: 2007-012R. Apogee: 771 km (479 mi). Perigee: 648 km (402 mi). Inclination: 98.10 deg. Period: 99.00 min. CubeSat TestBed for Boeing IDS/Advanced Systems, Huntington Beach, California..
- CP 3 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Cal Poly.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 31128 . COSPAR: 2007-012M. Apogee: 793 km (492 mi). Perigee: 646 km (401 mi). Inclination: 98.10 deg. Period: 99.20 min. California Polytechnic University cubesat, the backup for CP2 lost in a Dnepr launch failure in 2006..
- CP 4 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Cal Poly.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 31132 . COSPAR: 2007-012Q. Apogee: 771 km (479 mi). Perigee: 648 km (402 mi). Inclination: 98.10 deg. Period: 99.00 min. California Polytechnic University cubesat..
- Libertad - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Colombia.
Agency: Makeyev bureau.
Manufacturer: Arboleda.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 31129 . COSPAR: 2007-012N. Apogee: 793 km (492 mi). Perigee: 646 km (401 mi). Inclination: 98.10 deg. Period: 99.20 min. Picosat built and operated by the Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogota, Colombia..
- MAST - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: Tethers.
Manufacturer: Stanford.
Class: Technology.
Type: Tether technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 31126 . COSPAR: 2007-012K. Apogee: 783 km (486 mi). Perigee: 647 km (402 mi). Inclination: 98.10 deg. Period: 99.10 min.
Multi Application Survivable Tether experiment, built by Tethers Unlimited Inc and Stanford University. MAST consisted of the TED (Tether Deployer) satellite, with a 1 km deployable multi-strand Hoytether; RALPH, a small end mass satellite; and between them, GADGET, an inspector 1U cubesat which could move along the tether. Before deployment the MAST package fit into a 0.3 m x 0.1 m module. Failed to deploy, but radio contact made.
2008 April 28 - .
03:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota SLP.
Launch Vehicle:
- Cute-1.7-APD-II - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 32785 . COSPAR: 2008-021C. Apogee: 635 km (394 mi). Perigee: 615 km (382 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.20 min. 2U cubesat for Tokyo Institute of Technology. Separation system demonstration and Avalanche Photo Diode sensor experiment. Successful..
- Compass 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 32787 . COSPAR: 2008-021E. Apogee: 636 km (395 mi). Perigee: 614 km (381 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.20 min. 1U cubesat for Fachhochschule Aachen nanosat. Demonstration of commercial off-the-shelf components and taking photos. Successful..
- AAUSat-II - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Denmark.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Astronomy.
Type: X-ray astronomy satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 32788 . COSPAR: 2008-021F. Apogee: 636 km (395 mi). Perigee: 614 km (381 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.20 min. University of Aalborg 1U cubesat; carried a gamma ray burst detector for the Danish National Space Center. Successful..
- Delfi-C3 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: Netherlands.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 32789 . COSPAR: 2008-021G. Apogee: 636 km (395 mi). Perigee: 614 km (381 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.20 min. Technical University of Delft 3U cubesat. On-orbit testing of thin film solar cells (TFSC) and autonomous wireless sun sensor (AWSS). Demonstrated the world's first linear amateur radio transponder on a CubeSat..
- Can X-2 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: Canada.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Communications.
Type: Military communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 32790 . COSPAR: 2008-021H. Apogee: 635 km (394 mi). Perigee: 615 km (382 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.20 min. 3U cubesat for University of Toronto, Canada. Mission: Technology demonstrator for formation flying. Successful..
- SEEDS 2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 32791 . COSPAR: 2008-021J. Apogee: 637 km (395 mi). Perigee: 614 km (381 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Period: 97.20 min. 1U cubesat for Nihon University, Japan. Amateur radio experiments and preprogrammed message sending. Successful..
2008 August 3 - .
03:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kwajalein OM.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Falcon 1.
FAILURE: The new Merlin 1C first stage engine completed its burn, but the thrust took longer to decay than expected. It was still thrusting when stage 2 tried to separate, and the two stages collided, setting the second stage tumbling..
- Nanosail-D - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: SpaceX.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
3U cubesat for NASA. Technology mission..
- PreSat - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: SpaceX.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
3U cubesat for NASA. Technology mission..
2009 May 18 - .
23:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA0B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Minotaur 1.
- Aerocube 3 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2011-08-11 . USAF Sat Cat: 35005 . COSPAR: 2009-028E. Apogee: 464 km (288 mi). Perigee: 427 km (265 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 93.50 min. 10-cm 1U cubesat for Aerospace Corporation..
- Pharmasat - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2012-08-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 35002 . COSPAR: 2009-028B. Apogee: 465 km (288 mi). Perigee: 429 km (266 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 93.50 min. 3U cubesat for NASA Ames Research Center, Santa Clara University, UTMB. Measured the effect of antifungal countermeasures on yeast strains in microgravity. 96 hour experiment was successful..
- Hawksat 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2011-10-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 35003 . COSPAR: 2009-028C. Apogee: 464 km (288 mi). Perigee: 428 km (265 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 93.50 min. 10-cm 1U cubesat for Hawk Institute for Space Sciences..
- CP6 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: USAF.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2011-09-04 . USAF Sat Cat: 35004 . COSPAR: 2009-028D. Apogee: 463 km (287 mi). Perigee: 427 km (265 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 93.50 min. 10-cm 1U cubesat for California Polytechnic..
2009 July 15 - .
22:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- Dragonsat - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: Clemson.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2010-03-17 . USAF Sat Cat: 35690 . COSPAR: 2009-038B. Apogee: 332 km (206 mi). Perigee: 326 km (202 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 91.10 min.
Ejected from the Endeavour on 30 July at 12:34 GMT. Dragonsat consisted of two 1.5 kg cubesats, BEVO-1
from the University of Texas at Austin and Aggiesat 2 from Texas A&M University. The two satellites were ejected attached to each other, but failed to separate as planned.
2009 September 23 - .
06:21 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- SwissCube - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: India.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 35932 . COSPAR: 2009-051B. Apogee: 712 km (442 mi). Perigee: 702 km (436 mi). Inclination: 98.43 deg. Period: 98.93 min. Cubesat from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
- BEESAT - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: India.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 35933 . COSPAR: 2009-051C. Apogee: 710 km (440 mi). Perigee: 703 km (436 mi). Inclination: 98.43 deg. Period: 98.92 min. Cubesat from Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany..
- UWE-2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: India.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 35934 . COSPAR: 2009-051D. Apogee: 712 km (442 mi). Perigee: 704 km (437 mi). Inclination: 98.42 deg. Period: 98.95 min. 1U cubesat from Julius-Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg, Germany. ADCS technology demonstrator. Successful..
- ITU-p-SAT 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: India.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 35935 . COSPAR: 2009-051E. Apogee: 715 km (444 mi). Perigee: 704 km (437 mi). Inclination: 98.44 deg. Period: 98.97 min. Cubesat from Istanbul Teknik Universitesi..
2010 May 20 - .
21:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
H-IIA 202.
- Hayato - .
Payload: K-SAT. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: Mitsubishi.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2010-06-28 . USAF Sat Cat: 36573 . COSPAR: 2010-020A. Apogee: 172 km (106 mi). Perigee: 166 km (103 mi). Inclination: 30.00 deg. Period: 87.90 min. 1U cubesat for Kagoshima University, released in parking orbit. Failed..
- Waseda-SAT2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: Mitsubishi.
Class: Earth.
Type: Earth resources satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2010-07-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 36574 . COSPAR: 2010-020B. Apogee: 183 km (113 mi). Perigee: 177 km (109 mi). Inclination: 30.00 deg. Period: 88.10 min. 1U cubesat for Waseda University, Tokyo, released in parking orbit. Status unclear..
- Negai - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Agency: Mitsubishi.
Class: Earth.
Type: Earth resources satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2010-06-26 . USAF Sat Cat: 36575 . COSPAR: 2010-020C. Apogee: 190 km (110 mi). Perigee: 176 km (109 mi). Inclination: 30.00 deg. Period: 88.20 min. 1U cubesat for Soka University, Tokyo, released in parking orbit. Successful,.
2010 July 12 - .
03:52 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- Studsat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: India.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 36796 . COSPAR: 2010-035B. Apogee: 640 km (390 mi). Perigee: 621 km (385 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 97.30 min. ISRO-sponsored Indian student-designed 1U cubesat. First Indian picosatellite..
- Tisat 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Switzerland.
Agency: ISRO.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 36799 . COSPAR: 2010-035E. Apogee: 639 km (397 mi). Perigee: 619 km (384 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Period: 97.30 min. Swiss student 1U cubesat for SUPSI. Successful..
2010 November 20 - .
01:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Minotaur IV.
- USA 218 - .
Payload: RAX. Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 37223 . COSPAR: 2010-062B. Radio Aurora Explorer, a National Science Foundation 3U cubesat, built by the University of Michigan, to study the aurora by picking up ground-based radar signals..
- USA 219 - .
Payload: O/OREOS. Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Biology.
Type: Biology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 37224 . COSPAR: 2010-062C. 3U cubesat by NASA-Ames with life science experiments to study microbes in free fall and the effects of ultraviolet light on organic materials..
- Nanosail-D - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 37361 . COSPAR: 2010-062L. 3U cubesat for NASA with 3-m span solar sail; ejected from USA 220 on 18 January 2011 unexpectedly after earlier ejection efforts failed..
2010 December 8 - .
15:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC40.
Launch Pad: SLC40.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Falcon 9.
- QBX2 - .
Payload: QbX-2. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2011-12-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 37245 . COSPAR: 2010-066B. Apogee: 187 km (116 mi). Perigee: 173 km (107 mi). Inclination: 34.50 deg. Period: 88.10 min. 3U cubesat built by Pumpkin Inc of San Francisco for the National Reconaissance Office's Colony-1 technology development project. Successful..
- SMDC One - .
Payload: SMDC-One. Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2011-12-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 37246 . COSPAR: 2010-066C. Apogee: 184 km (114 mi). Perigee: 173 km (107 mi). Inclination: 34.50 deg. Period: 88.10 min. Operational Nanosatellite Experiment for the US Army Space and Missile Defense Center.
- Perseus 003 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2010-01-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 37247 . COSPAR: 2010-066D. Apogee: 190 km (110 mi). Perigee: 179 km (111 mi). Inclination: 34.50 deg. Period: 88.20 min. Los Alamos National Laboratory cubesat, perhaps for ionospheric monitoring..
- Perseus 001 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2010-12-30 . USAF Sat Cat: 37248 . COSPAR: 2010-066E. Apogee: 183 km (113 mi). Perigee: 176 km (109 mi). Inclination: 34.50 deg. Period: 88.10 min. Los Alamos National Laboratory cubesat, perhaps for ionospheric monitoring..
- QBX1 - .
Payload: QbX-1. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2011-12-30 . USAF Sat Cat: 37249 . COSPAR: 2010-066F. Apogee: 197 km (122 mi). Perigee: 185 km (114 mi). Inclination: 34.50 deg. Period: 88.30 min. 3U cubesat satellite built by Pumpkin Inc of San Francisco for the National Reconaissance Office's Colony-1 technology development project. Successful..
- Perseus 002 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2010-12-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 37250 . COSPAR: 2010-066G. Apogee: 193 km (119 mi). Perigee: 183 km (113 mi). Inclination: 34.50 deg. Period: 88.20 min. Los Alamos National Laboratory cubesat, perhaps for ionospheric monitoring..
- Perseus 000 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2010-12-30 . USAF Sat Cat: 37251 . COSPAR: 2010-066H. Apogee: 190 km (110 mi). Perigee: 180 km (110 mi). Inclination: 34.50 deg. Period: 88.20 min. Los Alamos National Laboratory cubesat, perhaps for ionospheric monitoring..
2011 March 4 - .
10:09 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg 576E.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Taurus 3110.
FAILURE: Fairing failed to separate..
- E1P - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Explorer 1 Prime, Montana State University Cubesat. Was to have duplicated Explorer 1's discovery of the van Allen radiation belts in 1958 using a geiger counter..
- Hermes - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft Bus: Cubesat.
Spacecraft: Hermes Cubesat.
1U cubesat for University of Colorado at Boulder..
- KySat-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
University of Kentucky Cubesat..
2011 October 12 - .
05:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- JUGNU - .
Mass: 10 kg (22 lb). Nation: India.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 37839 . COSPAR: 2011-058B. Apogee: 866 km (538 mi). Perigee: 839 km (521 mi). Inclination: 20.00 deg. Period: 102.00 min. 3U cubesat for the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. Micro-imaging system, near infrared camera to observe vegetation, and GPS Receiver to aid tracking. Successful..
2011 October 28 - .
09:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC2W.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 7920-10C.
- AubieSat-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 37854 . COSPAR: 2011-061E. Apogee: 817 km (507 mi). Perigee: 457 km (283 mi). Inclination: 101.70 deg. Period: 97.50 min. Auburn University, Alabama 1U cubesat. First CubeSat from Auburn University. Successful..
- DICE-X - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 37851 . COSPAR: 2011-061B. Apogee: 816 km (507 mi). Perigee: 458 km (284 mi). Inclination: 101.70 deg. Period: 97.50 min. Utah State University 1.5U cubesat. Deployed 10-m span electric field antennae to study magnetosphere..
- DICE-Y - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 37852 . COSPAR: 2011-061C. Apogee: 816 km (507 mi). Perigee: 458 km (284 mi). Inclination: 101.70 deg. Period: 97.50 min. Utah State University 1.5U cubesat. Deployed 10-m span electric field antennae to study magnetosphere..
- Explorer-1 PRIME Flight Unit 2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2011-11-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 37856 . COSPAR: 2011-061G. Apogee: 815 km (506 mi). Perigee: 458 km (284 mi). Inclination: 101.70 deg. Period: 97.50 min. Montana State University 1U cubesat. Carried one of Van Allen's original Geiger tubes..
- M-Cubed - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 37855 . COSPAR: 2011-061F. Apogee: 815 km (506 mi). Perigee: 457 km (283 mi). Inclination: 101.70 deg. Period: 97.40 min. University of Michigan 1U cubesat. Michigan Multipurpose Mission. Objective was to obtain a mid-resolution image of the earth covering at least 60% land mass and a maximum of 20% cloud coverage from a single CubeSat platform..
- RAX-2 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2011-11-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 37853 . COSPAR: 2011-061D. Apogee: 817 km (507 mi). Perigee: 456 km (283 mi). Inclination: 101.70 deg. Period: 97.50 min. University of Michigan 3U cubesat. National Science Foundation funded Radio Aurora Explorer..
2012 February 13 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELV.
Launch Vehicle:
- UNICubeSat-GG - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Italy.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38078 . COSPAR: 2012-006B. Apogee: 1,415 km (879 mi). Perigee: 312 km (193 mi). Inclination: 69.50 deg. Period: 102.20 min. Student 1U cubesat from the GAUSS team-Universita Roma La Sapienza with a gravity gradient experiment. First Italian CubeSat..
- MaSat-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Hungary.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-01-16 . USAF Sat Cat: 38079 . COSPAR: 2012-006C. Apogee: 1,385 km (860 mi). Perigee: 305 km (189 mi). Inclination: 69.50 deg. Period: 101.80 min. Student 1U cubesat from the Budapest University of
Technology and Economics. Technological demonstration. Successful. First Hungarian satellite.
- PWSat-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Poland.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-12-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 38080 . COSPAR: 2012-006D. Apogee: 1,384 km (859 mi). Perigee: 306 km (190 mi). Inclination: 69.50 deg. Period: 101.80 min. 1U cubesat student satellite from the Warsaw Institute of
- Goliat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Romania.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-01-09 . USAF Sat Cat: 38081 . COSPAR: 2012-006E. Apogee: 1,386 km (861 mi). Perigee: 305 km (189 mi). Inclination: 69.50 deg. Period: 101.80 min. Student 1U cubesat from the University of Bucharest. Earth imaging and space environment measuring. First Romanian satellite..
- e-st@r - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Italy.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-08-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 38082 . COSPAR: 2012-006F. Apogee: 1,376 km (855 mi). Perigee: 305 km (189 mi). Inclination: 69.50 deg. Period: 101.70 min. Student satellite from the Politecnico di Torino..
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: France.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-10-28 . USAF Sat Cat: 38083 . COSPAR: 2012-006G. Apogee: 1,379 km (856 mi). Perigee: 306 km (190 mi). Inclination: 69.50 deg. Period: 101.80 min. Student 1U cubesat from the Universite' de Montpellier. Mission: Radiation effects on bipolar-transistor-based circuits. Status: Failed. First French CubeSat.
- XaTcobeo - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Spain.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-01-28 . USAF Sat Cat: 38084 . COSPAR: 2012-006H. Apogee: 1,390 km (860 mi). Perigee: 305 km (189 mi). Inclination: 69.50 deg. Period: 101.90 min. Student satellite from the University of Vigo..
2012 September 9 - .
04:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Pad: LP1.
Launch Vehicle:
- Proiteres - .
Mass: 15 kg (33 lb). Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Ion engine technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38756 . COSPAR: 2012-047B. Apogee: 657 km (408 mi). Perigee: 640 km (390 mi). Inclination: 98.30 deg. Period: 97.70 min. 15 kg pulsed plasma thruster experiment: 'Project of Osaka Institute of Technology Electric Rocket Engine aboard small Spaceship'..
2012 September 13 - .
21:39 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC3E.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 401.
- SMDC One 1.2 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Climate technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38759 . COSPAR: 2012-048B. 3U cubesat operational Nanosatellite Effect communications experiment for US Army Space and Missile Defence Command, Huntsville, Alabama..
- Aeneas - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38760 . COSPAR: 2012-048C. Cubesat with a cargo container tracking experiment by the University of Southern California, Los Angeles for the Department of Homeland Security.
- CSSWE - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38761 . COSPAR: 2012-048D. University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado Student 3U cubesat with a Space Weather Experiment. Studied radiation belt electrons and protons. Extended mission was completed..
- CXBN - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Astronomy.
Type: X-ray astronomy satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38762 . COSPAR: 2012-048E. Morehead State University, Kentucky cosmic hard X-ray background radiation experiment..
- CP5 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Solar sail technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38763 . COSPAR: 2012-048F. California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo solar sail deorbit technology experiment..
- Cinema - .
Payload: CINEMA 1. Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Magnetosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38764 . COSPAR: 2012-048G. University of California Berkeley magnetospheric experiment..
- RE - .
Payload: Re/STARE. Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Orbital object tracking satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38765 . COSPAR: 2012-048H. Lawrence Livermore Natlional Laboratory space debris tracking experiment..
- SMDC One 1.1 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38766 . COSPAR: 2012-048J. 3U cubesat operational Nanosatellite Effect communications experiment for US Army Space and Missile Defence Command, Huntsville, Alabama..
- Aerocube 4.5A - .
Payload: Aerocube-4.5A. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38767 . COSPAR: 2012-048K. Cubesat for Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California..
- Aerocube 4.5B - .
Payload: Aerocube-4.5B. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38768 . COSPAR: 2012-048L. Cubesat for Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California..
- Aerocube 4 - .
Payload: Aerocube-4. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 38769 . COSPAR: 2012-048M. Cubesat for Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California..
2012 October 4 - .
14:37 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- RAIKO - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-08-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 38852 . COSPAR: 1998-067CN. Apogee: 414 km (257 mi). Perigee: 390 km (240 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 92.60 min. Released from the J-SSOD cubesat deployer outside the ISS Kibo module's equipment airlock by the JEM-RMS robot arm..
- We Wish - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-03-11 . USAF Sat Cat: 38856 . COSPAR: 1998-067CS. Apogee: 400 km (240 mi). Perigee: 375 km (233 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 92.30 min. Released from ISS Kibo module..
- Niwaka - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-07-04 . USAF Sat Cat: 38853 . COSPAR: 1998-067CP. Apogee: 410 km (250 mi). Perigee: 390 km (240 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 92.60 min. Released from ISS Kibo module..
- TechEdSat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-05-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 38854 . COSPAR: 1998-067CQ. Apogee: 406 km (252 mi). Perigee: 385 km (239 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 92.50 min. Released from ISS Kibo module. 1U cubesat for San Jose State University. Mission: SPA hardware and software, inter-satellite communication link analysis ..
- F-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Vietnam.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-05-09 . USAF Sat Cat: 38855 . COSPAR: 1998-067CR. Apogee: 407 km (252 mi). Perigee: 386 km (239 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 92.50 min. Released from ISS Kibo module..
2013 February 25 - .
12:31 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- AAUSAT3 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Denmark.
Class: Navigation.
Type: Navigation satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39087 . COSPAR: 2013-009B. Apogee: 787 km (489 mi). Perigee: 770 km (470 mi). Inclination: 98.63 deg. Period: 100.41 min. 2U cubesat built by Aalborg University in Denmark; carried a double AIS ship tracking receiver and a GPS receiver for tracking ships in Arctic regions. Successful..
- STRaND-1 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: UK.
Agency: Surrey.
Manufacturer: Surrey.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39090 . COSPAR: 2013-009E. Apogee: 783 km (486 mi). Perigee: 771 km (479 mi). Inclination: 98.63 deg. Period: 100.40 min. 3U cubesat, a technical test project of Surrey Satellite and the Surrey Space Centre. Carried a Google Nexus One smartphone as its main avionics, and featured plasma thrusters and a water-alcohol thruster. Successful; first in STRaND Program..
2013 April 19 - .
10:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC31.
Launch Pad: LC31/6.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- OSSI-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Korea South.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-07-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 39131 . COSPAR: 2013-015B. Apogee: 348 km (216 mi). Perigee: 218 km (135 mi). Inclination: 64.86 deg. Period: 90.17 min. Cubesat developed by a Korean artist..
- Dove-2 - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39132 . COSPAR: 2013-015C. Apogee: 575 km (357 mi). Perigee: 564 km (350 mi). Inclination: 64.87 deg. Period: 96.06 min. 3U cubesat, a demonstration satellite for Cosmogia, designed to return on-board system health data and validate the design for future Dove satellites, which will carry
remote sensing payloads..
- BEESAT-3 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39134 . COSPAR: 2013-015E. Apogee: 574 km (356 mi). Perigee: 558 km (346 mi). Inclination: 64.88 deg. Period: 95.97 min. 1U cubesat from the Technical University of Berlin. Reaction wheel technology qualification. Successful..
- SOMP - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39135 . COSPAR: 2013-015F. Apogee: 574 km (356 mi). Perigee: 558 km (346 mi). Inclination: 64.88 deg. Period: 95.98 min. Student Oxygen Measurement 1U cubesat from Technical University of Dresden. Mission: Education, testing software defined radio, measuring atomic oxygen concentration, demonstrating TFSC ..
- BEESAT-2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39136 . COSPAR: 2013-015G. Apogee: 574 km (356 mi). Perigee: 558 km (346 mi). Inclination: 64.88 deg. Period: 95.98 min. 1U cubesat from the Technical University of Berlin. Mission: Reaction wheel technology qualification. Successful..
2013 April 21 - .
21:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LP0A.
LV Family:
Antares LV.
Launch Vehicle:
Antares 110.
- Dove-1 - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-04-27 . USAF Sat Cat: 39143 . COSPAR: 2013-016B. Apogee: 169 km (105 mi). Perigee: 160 km (90 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.78 min. 3U cubesat, a demonstration satellite for Cosmogia, designed to return on-board system health data and validate the design for future Dove satellites, which will carry
remote sensing payloads..
- Alexander - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-04-27 . USAF Sat Cat: 39144 . COSPAR: 2013-016C. Apogee: 152 km (94 mi). Perigee: 134 km (83 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 87.35 min. 1U cubesat from NASA's Ames Research Center, designed to demonstrate use of a commercial Nexus S mobile phone as a spacecraft avionics/computer system, together with
an S-band radio, solar panels, GPS receiver, magnetorquers and reaction wheels..
- Bell - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-05-10 . USAF Sat Cat: 39145 . COSPAR: 2013-016D. Apogee: 150 km (90 mi). Perigee: 144 km (89 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.42 min. 1U cubesat from NASA's Ames Research Center, designed to demonstrate use of a commercial Nexus One Android-based mobile phone as a spacecraft avionics/computer system..
- Graham - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2013-04-26 . USAF Sat Cat: 39146 . COSPAR: 2013-016E. Apogee: 175 km (108 mi). Perigee: 161 km (100 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.85 min. 1U cubesat from NASA's Ames Research Center, designed to demonstrate use of a commercial Nexus One Android-based mobile phone as a spacecraft avionics/computer system..
2013 April 26 - .
04:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 2D.
- NEE-01 Pegaso - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Ecuador.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39151 . COSPAR: 2013-018B. Apogee: 654 km (406 mi). Perigee: 627 km (389 mi). Inclination: 98.07 deg. Period: 97.53 min. 1U cubesat for the Ecuadorian space agency EXA..
- Turksat-3USAT - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: Turkey.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39152 . COSPAR: 2013-018C. Apogee: 654 km (406 mi). Perigee: 628 km (390 mi). Inclination: 98.05 deg. Period: 97.54 min. 3U cubesat from Istanbul Technical University..
- CubeBug-1 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: Argentina.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39153 . COSPAR: 2013-018D. Apogee: 654 km (406 mi). Perigee: 627 km (389 mi). Inclination: 98.07 deg. Period: 97.53 min. 2U cubesat from Argentina..
2013 May 7 - .
02:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELV.
Launch Vehicle:
- ESTCube-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Estonia.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39161 . COSPAR: 2013-021C. Apogee: 672 km (417 mi). Perigee: 656 km (407 mi). Inclination: 98.13 deg. Period: 98.03 min. 1U cubesat by the Estonian Student Satellite Program led by the University of Tartu. Space test of the electric solar wind sail. Successful. First Estonian satellite.
2013 September 29 - .
16:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC4E.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Falcon 9.
- POPACS 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39268 . COSPAR: 2013-055D. Apogee: 1,419 km (881 mi). Perigee: 323 km (200 mi). Inclination: 81.00 deg. Period: 102.37 min. 3U cubesat which split after deployment into four spacer sections that released three 0.10 m diameter aluminium spheres used as passive atmospheric density calibration probes..
- POPACS 2 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39269 . COSPAR: 2013-055E. Apogee: 1,440 km (890 mi). Perigee: 323 km (200 mi). Inclination: 81.00 deg. Period: 102.60 min.
- POPACS 3 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39270 . COSPAR: 2013-055F. Apogee: 1,451 km (901 mi). Perigee: 324 km (201 mi). Inclination: 81.00 deg. Period: 102.73 min.
2013 November 19 - .
12:18 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- PicoDragon - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Vietnam.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-04-16 . USAF Sat Cat: 39412 . COSPAR: 1998-067DA. Apogee: 188 km (116 mi). Perigee: 180 km (110 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 88.17 min. On 19 November a J-SSOD cubesat deployer was retrieved from the Kibo module airlock by the JEM RMS arm and moved to a deployment position; at 12:18 GMT it ejected three 1U cubesats, including PicoDragon for Vietnam..
2013 November 20 - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA0B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Minotaur 1.
- Prometheus 1-1 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 39406 . COSPAR: 2013-064AC. Apogee: 482 km (299 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 40.51 deg. Period: 94.15 min. 1.5 U Cubesat; part of a constellation of low orbit military tactical communications satellites for the US Southern Command (SOCOM); developed by Los Alamos..
- Prometheus 1-1 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 39406 . COSPAR: 2013-064AC. Apogee: 482 km (299 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 40.51 deg. Period: 94.15 min. 1.5 U Cubesat; part of a constellation of low orbit military tactical communications satellites for the US Southern Command (SOCOM); developed by Los Alamos..
- Prometheus 1-3 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 39408 . COSPAR: 2013-064AE. Apogee: 482 km (299 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 40.51 deg. Period: 94.16 min. 1.5 U Cubesat; part of a constellation of low orbit military tactical communications satellites for the US Southern Command (SOCOM); developed by Los Alamos..
- ORSES - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-01-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 39386 . COSPAR: 2013-064G. Apogee: 483 km (300 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 94.17 min. 3U ORS Enabler Satellite, a tactical communications satellite for the USAF Operationally Responsive Space office and the US Space and Missile Defense Command..
- ORS Tech 1 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-03-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 39387 . COSPAR: 2013-064H. Apogee: 473 km (293 mi). Perigee: 457 km (283 mi). Inclination: 40.52 deg. Period: 93.90 min. Cubesat; 3U technology demonstration satellites for USAF Operationally Responsive Space office developed by APL..
- Prometheus 1-4 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-13 . USAF Sat Cat: 39390 . COSPAR: 2013-064L. Apogee: 482 km (299 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 94.16 min. 1.5 U Cubesat; part of a constellation of low orbit military tactical communications satellites for the US Southern Command (SOCOM); developed by Los Alamos..
- Prometheus 1-2 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-10 . USAF Sat Cat: 39391 . COSPAR: 2013-064M. Apogee: 482 km (299 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 94.16 min. 1.5 U Cubesat; part of a constellation of low orbit military tactical communications satellites for the US Southern Command (SOCOM); developed by Los Alamos..
- Prometheus 1-5 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-11-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 39393 . COSPAR: 2013-064P. Apogee: 482 km (299 mi). Perigee: 472 km (293 mi). Inclination: 40.52 deg. Period: 94.14 min. 1.5 U Cubesat; part of a constellation of low orbit military tactical communications satellites for the US Southern Command (SOCOM); developed by Los Alamos..
- Prometheus 1-6 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-10 . USAF Sat Cat: 39394 . COSPAR: 2013-064Q. Apogee: 482 km (299 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 40.52 deg. Period: 94.16 min. 1.5 U Cubesat; part of a constellation of low orbit military tactical communications satellites for the US Southern Command (SOCOM); developed by Los Alamos..
- ORS Tech 2 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-04-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 39396 . COSPAR: 2013-064S. Apogee: 474 km (294 mi). Perigee: 458 km (284 mi). Inclination: 40.52 deg. Period: 93.92 min. Cubesat; 3U technology demonstration satellites for USAF Operationally Responsive Space office developed by APL..
- Prometheus 1-8 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 39401 . COSPAR: 2013-064X. Apogee: 481 km (298 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 40.52 deg. Period: 94.15 min. 1.5 U Cubesat; part of a constellation of low orbit military tactical communications satellites for the US Southern Command (SOCOM); developed by Los Alamos..
- PhoneSat-2.4 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-01-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 39381 . COSPAR: 2013-064B. Apogee: 487 km (302 mi). Perigee: 480 km (290 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 94.28 min. Cubesat from NASA-Ames, with systems based on a Nexus/Android cellphone..
- ChargerSat 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-03-19 . USAF Sat Cat: 39405 . COSPAR: 2013-064AB. Apogee: 484 km (300 mi). Perigee: 476 km (295 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 94.21 min. Cubesat from University of Alabama-Huntsville..
- CAPE 2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-10-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 39382 . COSPAR: 2013-064C. Apogee: 445 km (276 mi). Perigee: 417 km (259 mi). Inclination: 40.49 deg. Period: 93.20 min. Cubesat from University of Louisiana-Lafayette..
- DragonSat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-08-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 39383 . COSPAR: 2013-064D. Apogee: 487 km (302 mi). Perigee: 478 km (297 mi). Inclination: 40.51 deg. Period: 94.26 min. Cubesat from Drexel University, Penn. and the US Naval Academy, Annapolis..
- Vermont Lunar Cubesat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-11-21 . USAF Sat Cat: 39407 . COSPAR: 2013-064AD. Apogee: 482 km (299 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 40.53 deg. Period: 94.15 min. 1U cubesat from Vermont Technical College, testing equipment for a proposed future lunar mission. Testing navigation components to be used in a follow up 3U ion drive CubeSat to the Moon. Successful. First university satellite from New England..
- KySat-2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-02-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 39384 . COSPAR: 2013-064E. Apogee: 470 km (290 mi). Perigee: 452 km (280 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 93.81 min. Cubesat from Kentucky Space, Lexington, Kentucky..
- TJ3Sat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-09-17 . USAF Sat Cat: 39385 . COSPAR: 2013-064F. Apogee: 481 km (298 mi). Perigee: 469 km (291 mi). Inclination: 40.53 deg. Period: 94.10 min. Cubesat from Thomas Jefferson High School, Virginia..
- SENSE-A - .
Payload: SENSE SV1. Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Ionosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-03-21 . USAF Sat Cat: 39388 . COSPAR: 2013-064J. Apogee: 473 km (293 mi). Perigee: 459 km (285 mi). Inclination: 40.52 deg. Period: 93.91 min. 3U Cubesat ionospheric monitoring satellite for the USAF Space and Missile Center..
- NPS-SCAT - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-10-28 . USAF Sat Cat: 39389 . COSPAR: 2013-064K. Apogee: 482 km (299 mi). Perigee: 471 km (292 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 94.13 min. Cubesat for the US Navy Postgraduate School, with a solar cell exposure experiment..
- SENSE-B - .
Payload: SENSE SV2. Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Ionosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39392 . COSPAR: 2013-064N. Apogee: 491 km (305 mi). Perigee: 483 km (300 mi). Inclination: 40.51 deg. Period: 94.35 min. 3U Cubesat ionospheric monitoring satellite for the USAF Space and Missile Center..
- COPPER - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-02-04 . USAF Sat Cat: 39395 . COSPAR: 2013-064R. Apogee: 484 km (300 mi). Perigee: 475 km (295 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 94.19 min. Cubesat from Saint Louis University, Missouri..
- Horus/STARE-B - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Orbital object tracking satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-04-26 . USAF Sat Cat: 39397 . COSPAR: 2013-064T. Apogee: 489 km (303 mi). Perigee: 482 km (299 mi). Inclination: 40.51 deg. Period: 94.32 min. Cubesat; a 3U Lawrence Livermore experiment for space debris monitoring..
- Black Knight 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-07-16 . USAF Sat Cat: 39398 . COSPAR: 2013-064U. Apogee: 479 km (297 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 40.53 deg. Period: 94.06 min. Cubesat for the US Military Academy at West Point, New York..
- Trailblazer - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-05-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 39400 . COSPAR: 2013-064W. Apogee: 485 km (301 mi). Perigee: 477 km (296 mi). Inclination: 40.51 deg. Period: 94.23 min. Cubesat from University of New Mexico-Albequerque..
- SwampSat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-13 . USAF Sat Cat: 39402 . COSPAR: 2013-064Y. Apogee: 483 km (300 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 40.50 deg. Period: 94.17 min. Cubesat from University of Florida-Gainesville..
- Ho oponopono 2 - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Radar calibration target. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39403 . COSPAR: 2013-064Z. Apogee: 492 km (305 mi). Perigee: 485 km (301 mi). Inclination: 40.53 deg. Period: 94.38 min. 3U Cubesat for radar calibration, from University of Hawaii-Manoa..
- Firefly - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-11-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 39404 . COSPAR: 2013-064AA. Apogee: 487 km (302 mi). Perigee: 482 km (299 mi). Inclination: 40.52 deg. Period: 94.30 min. Cubesat; a 3U science sat for the National Science Foundation built by the Hawk Institute for Space Sciences in Maryland in collaboration with Siena College, that studied terrestrial gamma-ray flashes..
2013 November 20 - .
07:58 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- TechEdSat-3p - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-01-16 . USAF Sat Cat: 39415 . COSPAR: 1998-067DD. Apogee: 227 km (141 mi). Perigee: 205 km (127 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 88.81 min.
On 19 November a J-SSOD cubesat deployer was retrieved from the Kibo module airlock by the JEM RMS arm and moved to a deployment position. On 20 November it released this 3U cubesat from NASA-Ames and San Jose State University, which deployed an 0.6m `Exobrake' sail to test a way to increase the cubesat's drag and make it reenter quickly.
2013 November 21 - .
07:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Pad: xxx.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- HINCube-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: South Africa.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39417 . COSPAR: 2013-066B. Apogee: 678 km (421 mi). Perigee: 592 km (367 mi). Inclination: 97.78 deg. Period: 97.42 min. 1U cubesat from French South African Institute of Technology at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Mission: Space weather, technology demonstration, education and human capital development.. Successful. First South African CubeSat..
- OPTOS - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: Spain.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39420 . COSPAR: 2013-066E. Apogee: 793 km (492 mi). Perigee: 594 km (369 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 98.63 min. 3U cubesat from INTA of Spain..
- KHUSAT-1 - .
Payload: CINEMA 2. Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39424 . COSPAR: 2013-066J. Apogee: 727 km (451 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.94 min. 3U cubesat from Kyung Hee University, Seoul, to join the CINEMA constellation..
- KHUSAT-2 - .
Payload: CINEMA 3. Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39426 . COSPAR: 2013-066L. Apogee: 743 km (461 mi). Perigee: 594 km (369 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 98.11 min. 3U cubesat from Kyung Hee University, Seoul, to join the CINEMA constellation..
- Triton 1 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: UK.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39427 . COSPAR: 2013-066M. Apogee: 758 km (470 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 98.27 min. 3U cubesat test of an AIS receiver from ISIS b.v., Netherlands..
- Delfi-3nXt - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: Netherlands.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39428 . COSPAR: 2013-066N. Apogee: 773 km (480 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 98.41 min. 3U cubesat from Delft University of Technology..
- Dove-3 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39429 . COSPAR: 2013-066P. Apogee: 809 km (502 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 98.80 min. 3U imaging satellite from PlanetLabs, San Francisco..
- GOMX-1 - .
Mass: 6.00 kg (13.20 lb). Nation: Denmark.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39430 . COSPAR: 2013-066Q. Apogee: 813 km (505 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 98.84 min. 2U cubesat test an ADS-B air traffic control receiver, for GOMSpace, Aalborg, Denmark..
- ICUBE-1 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: Pakistan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39432 . COSPAR: 2013-066S. Apogee: 634 km (393 mi). Perigee: 587 km (364 mi). Inclination: 97.78 deg. Period: 96.90 min. 2U cubesat from Unisat-5 for Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad. Successful. First Pakistani cubesat..
- HUMSAT-D - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Spain.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39433 . COSPAR: 2013-066T. Apogee: 632 km (392 mi). Perigee: 586 km (364 mi). Inclination: 97.78 deg. Period: 96.88 min. Deployed from Unisat-5 for University of Vigo, Spain..
- Dove-4 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39434 . COSPAR: 2013-066U. Apogee: 624 km (387 mi). Perigee: 581 km (361 mi). Inclination: 97.78 deg. Period: 96.75 min. 3U Earth imaging satellite, deployed from Unisat-5 for PlanetLabs..
- WREN - .
Mass: 0 kg (0 lb). Nation: Germany.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39435 . COSPAR: 2013-066V. Apogee: 638 km (396 mi). Perigee: 594 km (369 mi). Inclination: 97.80 deg. Period: 97.02 min. PocketQube cubesat from StaDoKo (spinoff company of the University of Aachen)..
- 50SAT - .
Mass: 0 kg (0 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-05-19 . USAF Sat Cat: 39436 . COSPAR: 2013-066W. Apogee: 615 km (382 mi). Perigee: 580 km (360 mi). Inclination: 97.78 deg. Period: 96.63 min. AKA Eagle-2, 50DollarSat; from Morehead State University. First PocketQube cubesat; 1P size was 0.15 kg, 5 x 5 x 5cm cubes.
- BeakerSat-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39437 . COSPAR: 2013-066X. Apogee: 619 km (384 mi). Perigee: 583 km (362 mi). Inclination: 97.79 deg. Period: 96.71 min. 2.5P PocketQube, AKA Eagle-1, from Morehead State University..
- VELOX-P2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Singapore.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39438 . COSPAR: 2013-066Y. Apogee: 695 km (431 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.60 min. Cubesat from Nanyang Tech University..
- First-Move - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39439 . COSPAR: 2013-066Z. Apogee: 691 km (429 mi). Perigee: 591 km (367 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.54 min. Cubesat from Technical University of Munich..
- Manolito - .
Payload: CUBEBUG 2. Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: Argentina.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39440 . COSPAR: 2013-066AA. Apogee: 710 km (440 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.76 min. 2U cubesat from Argentina..
- Krysaor - .
Payload: NEE-2. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Ecuador.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39441 . COSPAR: 2013-066AB. Apogee: 711 km (441 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.77 min. Cubesat from Ecuadorian Space Agency..
- PUCPSat-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Peru.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39442 . COSPAR: 2013-066AC. Apogee: 633 km (393 mi). Perigee: 587 km (364 mi). Inclination: 97.78 deg. Period: 96.90 min. 1U cubesat deployed from Unisat-5 for Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima..
- QBScout-1 - .
Mass: 0 kg (0 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39443 . COSPAR: 2013-066AD. Apogee: 630 km (390 mi). Perigee: 591 km (367 mi). Inclination: 97.78 deg. Period: 96.90 min. 2.5P PocketQube from University of Maryland/Baltimore County..
- FUNcube-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: UK.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39444 . COSPAR: 2013-066AE. Apogee: 677 km (420 mi). Perigee: 592 km (367 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.41 min. Cubesat for AMSAT-UK..
- Tshepiso - .
Payload: ZACUBE. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Norway.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39445 . COSPAR: 2013-066AF. Apogee: 677 km (420 mi). Perigee: 592 km (367 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.41 min. Cubesat from South Africa's Cape Peninsula University of Tech (CPUT)..
- UWE-3 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Germany.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39446 . COSPAR: 2013-066AG. Apogee: 694 km (431 mi). Perigee: 593 km (368 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 97.59 min. Cubesat from University of Wurzburg..
- Pocket-PUCP - .
Mass: 0 kg (0 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39437 . COSPAR: 2013-066x. Apogee: 616 km (382 mi). Perigee: 579 km (359 mi). Inclination: 97.78 deg. Period: 96.64 min. PocketQube cubesat ejected from PUCPSat-1..
2013 December 6 - .
07:14 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC3E.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 501.
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39463 . COSPAR: 2013-072B. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg.
1.5U cubesat from the Montana Space Grant Consortium to study electron microbursts in the magnetosphere. The Centaur AV-042 upper stage, after deploying the main payload, made two orbit lowering burns to a 467 x 883 km x 120.5 deg orbit. Attached to AV-042 was GEMSAT, the second NPSCuL cubesat launcher, which ejected 12 cubesats between around 10:22 and 10:38 GMT.
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39464 . COSPAR: 2013-072C. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 1.5U cubesat from the Montana Space Grant Consortium to study electron microbursts in the magnetosphere..
- Aerocube 5a - .
Mass: 10 kg (22 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39465 . COSPAR: 2013-072D. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 5U technology cubesat for the Aerospace Corporation..
- Aerocube 5b - .
Mass: 10 kg (22 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39466 . COSPAR: 2013-072E. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 5U technology cubesat for the Aerospace Corporation..
- ALICE - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39467 . COSPAR: 2013-072F. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 1U cubesat from the Air Force Institute of Technology carrying technology experiments..
- SNAP-3 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39468 . COSPAR: 2013-072G. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 3U cubesat for the SMDC Nanosatellite Program, with an unknown mission..
- MCubed-2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39469 . COSPAR: 2013-072H. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 1U cubesat from the University of Michigan with technology experiments, including a low resolution imager..
- CUNYSAT 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39470 . COSPAR: 2013-072J. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 1U cubesat from the City University of New York's Medgar Evers College, with a GPS ionospheric receiver..
- IPEX - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39471 . COSPAR: 2013-072K. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 1U cubesat built by Cal Poly to test systems and algorithms for JPL..
- SMDC One 2.4 - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39472 . COSPAR: 2013-072L. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 3U cubesat communications satellite for the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command..
- Tacsat 6 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39473 . COSPAR: 2013-072M. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 3U cubesat for SMDC with an unknown mission, probably tactical communications or imaging..
- SMDC One 2.3 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 39474 . COSPAR: 2013-072N. Apogee: 883 km (548 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 120.50 deg. 3U cubesat communications satellite for the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command..
2014 February 11 - .
08:31 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- Flock1-1 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-15 . USAF Sat Cat: 39512 . COSPAR: 1998-067DG. Apogee: 195 km (121 mi). Perigee: 181 km (112 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 88.26 min.
Flock-1 satellites, 3U Dove-class Earth imaging cubesats, for the San Francisco based company PlanetLabs, were deployed by the ISS JEM RMS at about 08:31 GMT on February 11. By February 15 all 16 satellites from the first Nanoracks bag had been ejected; by 19 February all of the Flock-1 satellites had been ejected.
- Flock1-2 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-09 . USAF Sat Cat: 39513 . COSPAR: 1998-067DH. Apogee: 162 km (100 mi). Perigee: 155 km (96 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 87.65 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-3 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 39514 . COSPAR: 1998-067DJ. Apogee: 170 km (100 mi). Perigee: 162 km (100 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 87.81 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-4 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-18 . USAF Sat Cat: 39515 . COSPAR: 1998-067DK. Apogee: 185 km (114 mi). Perigee: 169 km (105 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 88.03 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-5 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-02 . USAF Sat Cat: 39518 . COSPAR: 1998-067DL. Apogee: 154 km (95 mi). Perigee: 148 km (91 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.51 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-6 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-15 . USAF Sat Cat: 39519 . COSPAR: 1998-067DM. Apogee: 169 km (105 mi). Perigee: 156 km (96 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.73 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-11 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 39520 . COSPAR: 1998-067DN. Apogee: 175 km (108 mi). Perigee: 133 km (82 mi). Inclination: 51.58 deg. Period: 87.57 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-12 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 39521 . COSPAR: 1998-067DP. Apogee: 159 km (98 mi). Perigee: 153 km (95 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.61 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-13 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-07-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 39525 . COSPAR: 1998-067DQ. Apogee: 291 km (180 mi). Perigee: 287 km (178 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 90.30 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-14 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 39526 . COSPAR: 1998-067DR. Apogee: 165 km (102 mi). Perigee: 157 km (97 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.70 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-15 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-13 . USAF Sat Cat: 39527 . COSPAR: 1998-067DS. Apogee: 172 km (106 mi). Perigee: 165 km (102 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.86 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-16 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-10-26 . USAF Sat Cat: 39528 . COSPAR: 1998-067DT. Apogee: 370 km (220 mi). Perigee: 368 km (228 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 91.93 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-7 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-07-02 . USAF Sat Cat: 39529 . COSPAR: 1998-067DU. Apogee: 288 km (178 mi). Perigee: 279 km (173 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 90.19 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-8 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-20 . USAF Sat Cat: 39530 . COSPAR: 1998-067DV. Apogee: 177 km (109 mi). Perigee: 162 km (100 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.88 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-9 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-21 . USAF Sat Cat: 39531 . COSPAR: 1998-067DW. Apogee: 181 km (112 mi). Perigee: 166 km (103 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 87.96 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-10 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-20 . USAF Sat Cat: 39532 . COSPAR: 1998-067DX. Apogee: 171 km (106 mi). Perigee: 157 km (97 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.77 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-17 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-19 . USAF Sat Cat: 39555 . COSPAR: 1998-067DY. Apogee: 187 km (116 mi). Perigee: 177 km (109 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 88.14 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-18 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-10-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 39556 . COSPAR: 1998-067DZ. Apogee: 374 km (232 mi). Perigee: 370 km (220 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.00 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-21 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 39557 . COSPAR: 1998-067EA. Apogee: 161 km (100 mi). Perigee: 150 km (90 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.59 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-22 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 39558 . COSPAR: 1998-067EB. Apogee: 178 km (110 mi). Perigee: 165 km (102 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 87.92 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-19 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 39559 . COSPAR: 1998-067EC. Apogee: 190 km (110 mi). Perigee: 186 km (115 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 88.26 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-20 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-10-09 . USAF Sat Cat: 39560 . COSPAR: 1998-067ED. Apogee: 367 km (228 mi). Perigee: 363 km (225 mi). Inclination: 51.65 deg. Period: 91.85 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-23 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-07-10 . USAF Sat Cat: 39561 . COSPAR: 1998-067EE. Apogee: 321 km (199 mi). Perigee: 315 km (195 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 90.89 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-24 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-16 . USAF Sat Cat: 39562 . COSPAR: 1998-067EF. Apogee: 183 km (113 mi). Perigee: 172 km (106 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 88.04 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-25 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-24 . USAF Sat Cat: 39563 . COSPAR: 1998-067EG. Apogee: 245 km (152 mi). Perigee: 236 km (146 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 89.31 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-26 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-10 . USAF Sat Cat: 39564 . COSPAR: 1998-067EH. Apogee: 183 km (113 mi). Perigee: 177 km (109 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 88.09 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
2014 February 27 - .
18:37 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Tanegashima Y.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
H-IIA 202.
- Hayato-2 - .
Payload: ITF 1. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 39573 . COSPAR: 2014-009B. Apogee: 256 km (159 mi). Perigee: 233 km (144 mi). Inclination: 65.00 deg. Period: 89.40 min. Cubesat from Tsukuba University..
- OPUSat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-07-24 . USAF Sat Cat: 39575 . COSPAR: 2014-009D. Apogee: 310 km (190 mi). Perigee: 288 km (178 mi). Inclination: 65.00 deg. Period: 90.50 min. 1U cubesat from Osaka Prefectural University. Technology mission..
- Invader - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-09-02 . USAF Sat Cat: 39577 . COSPAR: 2014-009F. Apogee: 336 km (208 mi). Perigee: 315 km (195 mi). Inclination: 65.01 deg. Period: 91.04 min. Cubesat from Tama Art University..
- Yui - .
Payload: K-SAT2. Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Education satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-04-26 . USAF Sat Cat: 39579 . COSPAR: 2014-009H. Apogee: 162 km (100 mi). Perigee: 145 km (90 mi). Inclination: 64.99 deg. Period: 87.56 min. Cubesat from Kagoshima University..
2014 February 28 - .
04:20 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- Flock1-27 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 39565 . COSPAR: 1998-067EJ. Apogee: 193 km (119 mi). Perigee: 174 km (108 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 88.17 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock1-28 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 39566 . COSPAR: 1998-067EK. Apogee: 152 km (94 mi). Perigee: 146 km (90 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.47 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Ardusat-2 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-11-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 39567 . COSPAR: 1998-067EL. Apogee: 376 km (233 mi). Perigee: 373 km (231 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.04 min. Cubesat from Nanosatisfi Inc., San Francisco, with an Arduino processor..
- UAP-SAT - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: Peru.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 39568 . COSPAR: 1998-067EM. Apogee: 196 km (121 mi). Perigee: 183 km (113 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 88.28 min. Cubesat from Universidad Alas Peruanas, Lima..
- SkyCube 1 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-07-28 . USAF Sat Cat: 39569 . COSPAR: 1998-067EN. Apogee: 325 km (201 mi). Perigee: 320 km (190 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 90.98 min. Cubesat from Southern Stars Group LLC, San Francisco, with an Earth imager..
- Litsat 1 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: Lithuania.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 39570 . COSPAR: 1998-067EP. Apogee: 180 km (110 mi). Perigee: 168 km (104 mi). Inclination: 51.59 deg. Period: 87.97 min. Cubesat from the Lithuanian Space Association, Vilnius, Lithuania..
- LituanicaSat-1 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: Lithuania.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-07-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 39571 . COSPAR: 1998-067EQ. Apogee: 291 km (180 mi). Perigee: 281 km (174 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 90.23 min. Cubesat from Kaunas Tech Univ. in Kaunas, Lithuania..
2014 April 18 - .
19:25 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC40.
Launch Pad: SLC40.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Falcon 9.
- SporeSat - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Biology.
Type: Biology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-06-04 . USAF Sat Cat: 39681 . COSPAR: 2014-022B. Apogee: 153 km (95 mi). Perigee: 151 km (93 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.54 min. Cubesat for NASA Ames. Released from Falcon second stage..
- TSat - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-28 . USAF Sat Cat: 39682 . COSPAR: 2014-022C. Apogee: 167 km (103 mi). Perigee: 153 km (95 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.68 min. Cubesat for Taylor University. Released from Falcon second stage..
- All-Star - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-26 . USAF Sat Cat: 39683 . COSPAR: 2014-022D. Apogee: 156 km (96 mi). Perigee: 154 km (95 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 87.59 min. Cubesat for the Colorado Space Grant consortium. Released from Falcon second stage..
- PhoneSat-2.5 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-15 . USAF Sat Cat: 39684 . COSPAR: 2014-022E. Apogee: 119 km (73 mi). Perigee: 109 km (67 mi). Inclination: 51.54 deg. Period: 86.76 min. Cubesat for NASA Ames. Released from Falcon second stage..
- Kicksat - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2014-05-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 39685 . COSPAR: 2014-022F. Apogee: 175 km (108 mi). Perigee: 160 km (90 mi). Inclination: 51.65 deg. Period: 87.83 min.
Cubesat for Cornell University's Space Systems Design Stuido. The satellite had a mass of 2.68 kg, of which 0.52 kg was to have been ejected on May 4 in the form of 104 tiny 5-gram Sprites, circuit boards which acted as independent satellites with small transmitters able to send a simple message to ground stations. A timer problem on Kicksat meant that the deployment of the Sprite subsatellites was reset to May 16. However, Kicksat, and its undeployed Sprites, were destroyed when it reentered on May 14.
2014 June 19 - .
19:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Duchifat 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Israel.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40021 . COSPAR: 2014-033M. Apogee: 623 km (387 mi). Perigee: 601 km (373 mi). Inclination: 97.97 deg. Period: 96.94 min. 1U cubesat by the Herzliya Science Center..
- Pace - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: Taiwan.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40022 . COSPAR: 2014-033N. Apogee: 623 km (387 mi). Perigee: 601 km (373 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.94 min. 2U cubesat for the National Cheng Kung University..
- Flock 1C 10 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40023 . COSPAR: 2014-033P. Apogee: 623 km (387 mi). Perigee: 601 km (373 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.94 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Nanosat C BR1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Brazil.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40024 . COSPAR: 2014-033Q. Apogee: 623 km (387 mi). Perigee: 602 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.94 min. 1U cubesat for the Southern Regional Space Research Center..
- Qb50P1 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: Belgium.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40025 . COSPAR: 2014-033R. Apogee: 623 km (387 mi). Perigee: 602 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.95 min. 2U cubesat; part of a constellation of 50 CubeSats built by university teams to study the llower thermosphere..
- Flock 1C 7 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40026 . COSPAR: 2014-033S. Apogee: 622 km (386 mi). Perigee: 602 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.94 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1C 1 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40027 . COSPAR: 2014-033T. Apogee: 623 km (387 mi). Perigee: 602 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.95 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Popsat Hip 1 - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: Singapore.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40028 . COSPAR: 2014-033U. Apogee: 625 km (388 mi). Perigee: 601 km (373 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.96 min. 3U cubesat by Microspace Rapid..
- Flock 1C 2 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40029 . COSPAR: 2014-033V. Apogee: 625 km (388 mi). Perigee: 602 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.97 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Dtusat 2 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Denmark.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40030 . COSPAR: 2014-033W. Apogee: 624 km (387 mi). Perigee: 604 km (375 mi). Inclination: 97.97 deg. Period: 96.97 min. 1U cubesat by the Danish Technical University..
- Flock 1C 4 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40031 . COSPAR: 2014-033X. Apogee: 624 km (387 mi). Perigee: 601 km (373 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.95 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Qb50p2 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: Belgium.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40032 . COSPAR: 2014-033Y. Apogee: 624 km (387 mi). Perigee: 604 km (375 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.97 min. 2U cubesat; part of a constellation of 50 CubeSats built by university teams to study the llower thermosphere..
- Flock 1C 11 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40033 . COSPAR: 2014-033Z. Apogee: 624 km (387 mi). Perigee: 603 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.97 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Antelsat - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: Uruguay.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40034 . COSPAR: 2014-033AA. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 613 km (380 mi). Inclination: 97.97 deg. Period: 97.87 min. 2U cubesat by Uruguayan State Faculty of engineering; carried infrared imager and amateur radio payloads..
- Flock 1C 9 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40035 . COSPAR: 2014-033AB. Apogee: 624 km (387 mi). Perigee: 604 km (375 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.97 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1C 6 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40036 . COSPAR: 2014-033AC. Apogee: 624 km (387 mi). Perigee: 604 km (375 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.98 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Perseus M2 - .
Mass: 7.00 kg (15.40 lb). Nation: Russia.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40037 . COSPAR: 2014-033AD. Apogee: 626 km (388 mi). Perigee: 603 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.99 min. 6U Cubesat by by Canopus Systems with an Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver for tracking shipping..
- Flock 1C 5 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40038 . COSPAR: 2014-033AE. Apogee: 626 km (388 mi). Perigee: 602 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.98 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Perseus M1 - .
Mass: 7.00 kg (15.40 lb). Nation: Russia.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40039 . COSPAR: 2014-033AF. Apogee: 627 km (389 mi). Perigee: 604 km (375 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 97.01 min. 6U Cubesat by by Canopus Systems with an Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver for tracking shipping..
- Flock 1C 8 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40040 . COSPAR: 2014-033AG. Apogee: 626 km (388 mi). Perigee: 603 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.99 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1C 3 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40041 . COSPAR: 2014-033AH. Apogee: 625 km (388 mi). Perigee: 603 km (374 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 96.98 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Polyitan 1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Ukraine.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40042 . COSPAR: 2014-033AJ. Apogee: 628 km (390 mi). Perigee: 604 km (375 mi). Inclination: 97.98 deg. Period: 97.01 min. 1U cubesat by National Technical University of Ukraine..
- Tigrisat - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: Iraq.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40043 . COSPAR: 2014-033AK. Apogee: 698 km (433 mi). Perigee: 610 km (370 mi). Inclination: 97.97 deg. Period: 97.81 min. 3U cubesat built by Iraqi students at the La Sapienza University of Rome..
- Lemur 1 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40044 . COSPAR: 2014-033AL. Apogee: 697 km (433 mi). Perigee: 611 km (379 mi). Inclination: 97.97 deg. Period: 97.82 min. 3U cubesat by NanoSatisfi Inc..
- Aerocube 6a - .
Mass: 10 kg (22 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40045 . COSPAR: 2014-033AM. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 613 km (380 mi). Inclination: 97.97 deg. Period: 97.87 min.
- Aerocube 6b - .
Mass: 10 kg (22 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40046 . COSPAR: 2014-033AN. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 613 km (380 mi). Inclination: 97.97 deg. Period: 97.87 min.
2014 June 30 - .
04:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- Velox 1 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: Singapore.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40057 . COSPAR: 2014-034E. Apogee: 658 km (408 mi). Perigee: 639 km (397 mi). Inclination: 98.25 deg. Period: 97.69 min. 3u cubesat by Singapore National Technical University; to have deployed the Velox P3 subsatellite..
2014 July 8 - .
15:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC31.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Ukube 1 - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: UK.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40074 . COSPAR: 2014-037F. Apogee: 633 km (393 mi). Perigee: 623 km (387 mi). Inclination: 98.40 deg. Period: 97.27 min. 3U cubesat sponsored by the UK Space Agency; first of a series to be launched annually to promote space technology in the UK..
2014 September 5 - .
09:29 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- Flock 1b-17 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 1998-067FF. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1b-18 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 1998-067FE. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
2014 October 28 - .
22:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island LA0A.
Launch Pad: Wallops MARS 0A.
LV Family:
Antares LV.
Launch Vehicle:
Antares 130.
- RACE - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Apogee: 0.10 km (0.06 mi). Perigee: -6,378 km (-6,378 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. JPL/U-Texas 3U cubesat. Lost in explosion of booster..
- Arkyd-3 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Apogee: 0.10 km (0.06 mi). Perigee: -6,378 km (-6,378 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. 3U cubesat from Planetary Resources. Lost in explosion of booster..
- GOMX-2 - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: Denmark.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Apogee: 0.10 km (0.06 mi). Perigee: -6,378 km (-6,378 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Ship tracking 2U cubesat from GOMX of Aalborg, Denmark. Lost in explosion of booster..
- Flock-1d 1 to 26 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
26 PlanetLabs Flock-1d 3U cubesats. Lost in explosion of booster. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
2015 January 31 - .
14:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC2W.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Delta 7320-10C.
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Space science. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40377 . COSPAR: 2015-003B. Apogee: 643 km (399 mi). Perigee: 431 km (267 mi). Inclination: 99.10 deg. Period: 95.38 min. 1.5U cubesat by NSF/Montana State/U. New Hampshire space science satellite. Sun synchronous orbit; 0600 GMT local time of the descending node..
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Space science. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40378 . COSPAR: 2015-003C. Apogee: 643 km (399 mi). Perigee: 431 km (267 mi). Inclination: 99.10 deg. Period: 95.38 min. 1.5U cubesat by NSF/Montana State/U. New Hampshire space science satellite. Sun synchronous orbit; 0600 GMT local time of the descending node..
- GRIFEX - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40379 . COSPAR: 2015-003D. Apogee: 648 km (402 mi). Perigee: 433 km (269 mi). Inclination: 99.10 deg. Period: 95.45 min. 3U cubesat by Michigan/JPL; technology satellite. Sun synchronous orbit; 0600 GMT local time of the descending node..
- ExoCube CP10 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Atmosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40380 . COSPAR: 2015-003E. Apogee: 652 km (405 mi). Perigee: 434 km (269 mi). Inclination: 99.10 deg. Period: 95.51 min. 3U cubesat by California Polytechnic. Sun synchronous orbit; 0600 GMT local time of the descending node..
2015 February 5 - .
12:50 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- AESP-14 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Brazil.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-05-11 . USAF Sat Cat: 40389 . COSPAR: 1998-067FM. Apogee: 405 km (251 mi). Perigee: 397 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. ISS cubesat deploys resumed after a five-month hiatus following deployer problems. Brazil's AESP-14 cubesat was ejected but appeared not to be transmitting..
- Flock 1b-27 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-10-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 40422 . COSPAR: 1998-067FN. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.70 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1b-28 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-08-07 . USAF Sat Cat: 40423 . COSPAR: 1998-067FP. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.70 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1b-21 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-10-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 40427 . COSPAR: 1998-067FQ. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 395 km (245 mi). Inclination: 51.70 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1b-22 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-10-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 40428 . COSPAR: 1998-067FR. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 395 km (245 mi). Inclination: 51.70 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1b-9 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-08-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 40429 . COSPAR: 1998-067FS. Apogee: 407 km (252 mi). Perigee: 392 km (243 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1b-10 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-06-28 . USAF Sat Cat: 40430 . COSPAR: 1998-067FT. Apogee: 413 km (256 mi). Perigee: 398 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1d'-1 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-10-13 . USAF Sat Cat: 40451 . COSPAR: 1998-067FU. Apogee: 405 km (251 mi). Perigee: 393 km (244 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1d'-2 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-27 . USAF Sat Cat: 40452 . COSPAR: 1998-067FV. Apogee: 313 km (194 mi). Perigee: 301 km (187 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 90.67 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1b-5 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-08-17 . USAF Sat Cat: 40453 . COSPAR: 1998-067FW. Apogee: 407 km (252 mi). Perigee: 394 km (244 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1b-6 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-10-16 . USAF Sat Cat: 40454 . COSPAR: 1998-067FX. Apogee: 407 km (252 mi). Perigee: 392 km (243 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- TechEdSat-4 - .
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-04-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 40455 . COSPAR: 1998-067FY. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 393 km (244 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. 3U cubesat of San Jose State University, the University of Idaho, and NASA Ames. Tested Exo-Brake passive de-orbit system..
- GEARRSat - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-11-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 40456 . COSPAR: 1998-067FZ. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 395 km (245 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. First 3U Globalstar Risk Reduction satellite from startup Near Space Launch (a Taylor University spinoff), with AFRL, to demo cubesat data relay via the Globalstar system..
- MicroMAS - .
Mass: 6.00 kg (13.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-08-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 40457 . COSPAR: 1998-067GA. Apogee: 406 km (252 mi). Perigee: 393 km (244 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Three-axis stabilized 3U cubesat by the Space Systems Laboratory. Carried an MIT Lincoln Laboratory microwave radiometer payload..
- LambdaSat - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Communications technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-05-16 . USAF Sat Cat: 40458 . COSPAR: 1998-067GB. Apogee: 405 km (251 mi). Perigee: 393 km (244 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. 1U cubesat built by the Lambda Team of San Jose, California..
- Flock 1b-11 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-09-07 . USAF Sat Cat: 40459 . COSPAR: 1998-067GC. Apogee: 405 km (251 mi). Perigee: 395 km (245 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1b-12 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-09-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 40460 . COSPAR: 1998-067GD. Apogee: 405 km (251 mi). Perigee: 395 km (245 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
2015 May 20 - .
15:05 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC40.
Launch Pad: Cape Canaveral SLC40.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 501.
- USS Langley - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40652 . COSPAR: 2015-025B. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 350 km (210 mi). Inclination: 55.00 deg. 3U cubesat from the US Naval Academy (UNSA) testing out an IP link to the satellite's computer which hosts a Unix webserver..
- PSat-1 - .
Payload: PARKINSONSAT (PSAT). Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40654 . COSPAR: 2015-025D. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 350 km (210 mi). Inclination: 55.00 deg. 1.5U cubesat from the US Naval Academy (UNSA) hosting the USN SCP/ODTML buoy communications payload and an amateur radio payload..
- BRICSat-P - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40655 . COSPAR: 2015-025E. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 350 km (210 mi). Inclination: 55.00 deg. 1.5U cubesat from the US Naval Academy (UNSA), built in collaboration with George Washington University, testing an electric micropropulsion system..
- GEARRS-2 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40657 . COSPAR: 2015-025G. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 350 km (210 mi). Inclination: 55.00 deg. Second 3U Globalstar Risk Reduction satellite from startup Near Space Launch (a Taylor University spinoff), with AFRL, to demo cubesat data relay via the Globalstar system..
- Aerocube-8a - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40659 . COSPAR: 2015-025J. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 350 km (210 mi). Inclination: 55.00 deg. Aerospace Corporation 1.5U cubesat testing an ion-electrospray propulsion system..
- Aerocube-8b - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40660 . COSPAR: 2015-025K. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 350 km (210 mi). Inclination: 55.00 deg. Aerospace Corporation 1.5U cubesat testing carbon nanotube materials..
- O/C-1 - .
Payload: OPTICUBE 01. Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Radar calibration target. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40653 . COSPAR: 2015-025C. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 350 km (210 mi). Inclination: 55.00 deg. 3U Optical Cubesat sponsored by NRO and built by Cal Poly as targets for space surveillance calibration..
- O/C-2 - .
Payload: OPTICUBE 02. Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Radar calibration target. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40656 . COSPAR: 2015-025F. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 350 km (210 mi). Inclination: 55.00 deg. 3U Optical Cubesat sponsored by NRO and built by Cal Poly as targets for space surveillance calibration..
- O/C-3 - .
Payload: OPTICUBE 03. Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Radar calibration target. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40658 . COSPAR: 2015-025H. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 350 km (210 mi). Inclination: 55.00 deg. 3U Optical Cubesat sponsored by NRO and built by Cal Poly as targets for space surveillance calibration..
2015 July 10 - .
16:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota SLP.
Launch Pad: Sriharikota FLP.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- DeOrbitSail - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: UK.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: CubeSat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40719 . COSPAR: 2015-032E. Apogee: 657 km (408 mi). Perigee: 634 km (393 mi). Inclination: 98.04 deg. Period: 97.63 min. 3U cubesat. 22:10 local time longitude of descending node sun synchronous orbit..
2015 July 13 - .
16:40 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- Flock 1e-1 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-03-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 40722 . COSPAR: 1998-067GE. Apogee: 370 km (220 mi). Perigee: 361 km (224 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 91.86 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-2 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-05-18 . USAF Sat Cat: 40723 . COSPAR: 1998-067GF. Apogee: 381 km (236 mi). Perigee: 373 km (231 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.08 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-4 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-06-24 . USAF Sat Cat: 40724 . COSPAR: 1998-067GG. Apogee: 379 km (235 mi). Perigee: 375 km (233 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.09 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-3 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-05-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 40725 . COSPAR: 1998-067GH. Apogee: 374 km (232 mi). Perigee: 368 km (228 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 91.97 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-5 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-06-20 . USAF Sat Cat: 40728 . COSPAR: 1998-067GL. Apogee: 381 km (236 mi). Perigee: 373 km (231 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.09 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-6 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-07-21 . USAF Sat Cat: 40729 . COSPAR: 1998-067GM. Apogee: 380 km (230 mi). Perigee: 372 km (231 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.07 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-7 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-07-17 . USAF Sat Cat: 40726 . COSPAR: 1998-067GJ. Apogee: 381 km (236 mi). Perigee: 375 km (233 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.11 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-8 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-06-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 40727 . COSPAR: 1998-067GK. Apogee: 379 km (235 mi). Perigee: 371 km (230 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.05 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-9 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-02-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 40736 . COSPAR: 1998-067GN. Apogee: 381 km (236 mi). Perigee: 377 km (234 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.13 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-10 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-08-09 . USAF Sat Cat: 40737 . COSPAR: 1998-067GP. Apogee: 381 km (236 mi). Perigee: 375 km (233 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.11 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-11 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-08-09 . USAF Sat Cat: 40738 . COSPAR: 1998-067GQ. Apogee: 377 km (234 mi). Perigee: 371 km (230 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.02 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-12 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-08-09 . USAF Sat Cat: 40739 . COSPAR: 1998-067GR. Apogee: 382 km (237 mi). Perigee: 374 km (232 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.12 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-13 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-08-24 . USAF Sat Cat: 40740 . COSPAR: 1998-067GS. Apogee: 380 km (230 mi). Perigee: 374 km (232 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.09 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 1e-14 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-07-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 40741 . COSPAR: 1998-067GT. Apogee: 380 km (230 mi). Perigee: 374 km (232 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.08 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Centennial-1 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Radar calibration target. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2015-12-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 40742 . COSPAR: 1998-067GU. Apogee: 337 km (209 mi). Perigee: 328 km (203 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 91.18 min. 1U cubesat by Booz Allen, used as a space surveillance target by the USAF..
- Arkyd-3R - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-01-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 40743 . COSPAR: 1998-067GV. Apogee: 354 km (219 mi). Perigee: 345 km (214 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 91.53 min. 3U cubesat from Planetary Resources, testing software and systems for
future Arkyd satellites..
- S-CUBE - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: Japan.
Class: Astronomy.
Type: Astronomy satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-11-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 40898 . COSPAR: 1998-067GY. Apogee: 397 km (246 mi). Perigee: 388 km (241 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.40 min. S-CUBE meteor-observation cubesat from Chiba Institute of Technology; ejected from the J-SSOD deployer on the Kibo robot arm on 17 September..
Mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb). Nation: Brazil.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: CubeSat.
Decay Date: 2016-03-27 . USAF Sat Cat: 40897 . COSPAR: 1998-067GX. Apogee: 384 km (238 mi). Perigee: 380 km (230 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.19 min. SERPENS 3U cubesat from the University of Brasilia; ejected
from the J-SSOD deployer on the Kibo robot arm on 17 September..
2015 September 19 - .
23:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Taiyuan LC16.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 6.
- DCBB - .
Payload: KAITUO 1B. Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: China.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40912 . COSPAR: 2015-049P. Apogee: 536 km (333 mi). Perigee: 510 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.46 deg. Period: 95.10 min. 2U cubesat with an amateur radio payload..
2015 September 25 - .
01:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Jiuquan SLS-2.
Launch Pad: Jiuquan SLS-E.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 11.
- Shangkeda-2 - .
Payload: TIANWANG 1C (TW-1C). Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: China.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40926 . COSPAR: 2015-051B. Apogee: 485 km (301 mi). Perigee: 460 km (280 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.04 min.
Part of the Tianwang constallation of three CubeSats for space networking experiments. Codeveloped by the Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites (SECM), the Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST), GomSpace Denmark, Tekever Space Portugal and NanoSpace Sweden.
- NJUST-2 - .
Payload: TIANWANG 1B (TW-1B). Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: China.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40927 . COSPAR: 2015-051C. Apogee: 485 km (301 mi). Perigee: 462 km (287 mi). Inclination: 97.31 deg. Period: 94.07 min.
- NJFA-1 - .
Payload: TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A). Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: China.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40928 . COSPAR: 2015-051D. Apogee: 485 km (301 mi). Perigee: 463 km (287 mi). Inclination: 97.29 deg. Period: 94.08 min.
2015 September 28 - .
04:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota SLP.
Launch Pad: Sriharikota FLP.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Lemur-2-Joel - .
Mass: 6.00 kg (13.20 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40932 . COSPAR: 2015-052C. Apogee: 650 km (400 mi). Perigee: 629 km (390 mi). Inclination: 6.01 deg. Period: 97.51 min. Nanosatellite built by the University of Toronto's UTIAS group, part of the xactEarth AIS constellation to monitor ship movements..
- Lemur-2-Chris - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40933 . COSPAR: 2015-052C. Apogee: 650 km (400 mi). Perigee: 629 km (390 mi). Inclination: 6.01 deg. Period: 97.50 min.
3U cubesat by San Francisco-based Spire Global, built in Glasgow, Scotland. 3U cubesat, carried an AIS payload and GPS radio occultation equipment, which used the bending of GPS radio signals by the atmosphere to derive atmospheric temperature and pressure.
- Lemur-2-Jeroen - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40934 . COSPAR: 2015-052D. Apogee: 650 km (400 mi). Perigee: 634 km (393 mi). Inclination: 6.01 deg. Period: 97.55 min.
3U cubesat by San Francisco-based Spire Global, built in Glasgow, Scotland. 3U cubesat, carried an AIS payload and GPS radio occultation equipment, which used the bending of GPS radio signals by the atmosphere to derive atmospheric temperature and pressure.
- Lemur-2-Peter - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40935 . COSPAR: 2015-052F. Apogee: 650 km (400 mi). Perigee: 634 km (393 mi). Inclination: 6.01 deg. Period: 97.56 min.
3U cubesat by San Francisco-based Spire Global, built in Glasgow, Scotland. 3U cubesat, carried an AIS payload and GPS radio occultation equipment, which used the bending of GPS radio signals by the atmosphere to derive atmospheric temperature and pressure.
- ExactView-9 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: Canada.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40936 . COSPAR: 2015-052G. Apogee: 650 km (400 mi). Perigee: 635 km (394 mi). Inclination: 6.00 deg. Period: 97.57 min.
3U cubesat by San Francisco-based Spire Global, built in Glasgow, Scotland. 3U cubesat, carried an AIS payload and GPS radio occultation equipment, which used the bending of GPS radio signals by the atmosphere to derive atmospheric temperature and pressure.
2015 October 5 - .
14:05 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- GOMX-3 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: Denmark.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-03-15 . USAF Sat Cat: 40948 . COSPAR: 1998-067GZ. Apogee: 387 km (240 mi). Perigee: 381 km (236 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.24 min. GOMSpace 3U cubesat for tests of ADS-B aircraft data relay.
- AAUSAT-5 - .
Mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb). Nation: Denmark.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-10-18 . USAF Sat Cat: 40949 . COSPAR: 1998-067HA. Apogee: 393 km (244 mi). Perigee: 385 km (239 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.33 min. Aalborg University 1U cubesat for tests of AIS ship tracking receivers.
- Flock 2b-1 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-09-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 40950 . COSPAR: 1998-067HB. Apogee: 391 km (242 mi). Perigee: 387 km (240 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.34 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-2 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-10-02 . USAF Sat Cat: 40951 . COSPAR: 1998-067HC. Apogee: 391 km (242 mi). Perigee: 387 km (240 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.33 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-3 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-10-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 40952 . COSPAR: 1998-067HD. Apogee: 391 km (242 mi). Perigee: 389 km (241 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.35 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-4 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-10-17 . USAF Sat Cat: 40953 . COSPAR: 1998-067HE. Apogee: 392 km (243 mi). Perigee: 389 km (241 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.36 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-5 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-09-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 40954 . COSPAR: 1998-067HF. Apogee: 394 km (244 mi). Perigee: 385 km (239 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.34 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-6 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-08-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 40955 . COSPAR: 1998-067HG. Apogee: 397 km (246 mi). Perigee: 389 km (241 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.41 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-7 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-09-21 . USAF Sat Cat: 40956 . COSPAR: 1998-067HH. Apogee: 392 km (243 mi). Perigee: 384 km (238 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.32 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-8 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-05-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 40957 . COSPAR: 1998-067HJ. Apogee: 387 km (240 mi). Perigee: 382 km (237 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.24 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-9 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-10-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 40962 . COSPAR: 1998-067HK. Apogee: 394 km (244 mi). Perigee: 385 km (239 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.34 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-10 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-10-16 . USAF Sat Cat: 40963 . COSPAR: 1998-067HL. Apogee: 394 km (244 mi). Perigee: 386 km (239 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.36 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-13 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-10-11 . USAF Sat Cat: 40979 . COSPAR: 1998-067HM. Apogee: 394 km (244 mi). Perigee: 385 km (239 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.35 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2b-14 - .
Mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-09-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 40980 . COSPAR: 1998-067HN. Apogee: 391 km (242 mi). Perigee: 384 km (238 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 92.31 min. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
2015 October 8 - .
12:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC3E.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 401.
- Aerocube-5C - .
Mass: 10 kg (22 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40965 . COSPAR: 2015-058B. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. Aerospace Corporation cubesat..
- Aerocube-7 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40966 . COSPAR: 2015-058C. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. Aerospace Corporation cubesat..
- AMSAT-OSCAR-85 - .
Payload: FOX-1. Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Communications technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40967 . COSPAR: 2015-058D. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. Also called Fox-1A; amateur radio cubesat from AMSAT-North America..
- Bisonsat - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40968 . COSPAR: 2015-058E. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. Cubesat from Salish Kootenai College in Montana..
- ARC-1 - .
Mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40969 . COSPAR: 2015-058F. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. Alaska Research Cubesat 1 from University of Alaska, Fairbanks..
- SNAP-3 ALICE - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40970 . COSPAR: 2015-058G. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. One of three SMDC Nanosatellite Program (SNAP-3) communications cubesats for the US Army Strategica Missile Defence Command..
- LMRST - .
Payload: LMRST-SAT. Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40971 . COSPAR: 2015-058H. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. Low Mass Radio Science Transponder experiment cubesat from JPL..
- SNAP-3 EDDIE - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40972 . COSPAR: 2015-058J. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. One of three SMDC Nanosatellite Program (SNAP-3) communications cubesats for the US Army Strategica Missile Defence Command..
- PropCube-3 Merryweather - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40973 . COSPAR: 2015-058K. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. One of two PropCube ionospheric-propagation-study cubesats from Tyvak Nanosystems and the US Navy Postgraduate School..
- SINOD-D 1 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40974 . COSPAR: 2015-058L. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. One of two SINOD-D cubesats with software-defined radio demonstrations from SRI International..
- SNAP-3 JIMI - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40975 . COSPAR: 2015-058M. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. One of three SMDC Nanosatellite Program (SNAP-3) communications cubesats for the US Army Strategica Missile Defence Command..
- PropCube-1 Flora - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40976 . COSPAR: 2015-058N. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. One of two PropCube ionospheric-propagation-study cubesats from Tyvak Nanosystems and the US Navy Postgraduate School..
- SINOD-D 3 - .
Mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb). Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 40977 . COSPAR: 2015-058P. Apogee: 802 km (498 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 64.80 deg. One of two SINOD-D cubesats with software-defined radio demonstrations from SRI International..
2015 November 4 - .
03:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Barking Sands.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Super Strypi.
FAILURE: Went out of
control during first stage burn and was destroyed.
- STACEM - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- PrintSat - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- Techsat-1 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- EDSN 1 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- EDSN 2 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- EDSN 3 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- EDSN 4 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- EDSN 5 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- EDSN 6 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- EDSN 7 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- EDSN 8 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
- Argus - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Cubesat; lost when first stage failed..
2015 December 16 - .
12:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- VELOX-II - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2015-077D. The 12 kg VELOX-II carried a space communications relay experiment to demonstrate cubesat downlink via geostationary communications satellite. VELOX-II was a 6U cubesat - only the 4th to be launched worldwide in this new larger cubesat format..
- Galassia - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2015-077E. A second NUS satellite was Galassia, a 2U cubesat with science payloads to measure the ionosphere and perform a quantum entanglement experiment..
- Athenoxat-1 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2015-077F. In a technology development test, the PSLV 4th stage was reignited briefly to test its ability to deliver payloads to multiple orbits. For Microsat Rapid Pte Ltd., the 3U cubesat Athenoxat-1 carried a payload to image the night side of the Earth..
2016 January 29 - .
15:50 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- AggieSat-4 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-03-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 41313 . COSPAR: 1998-067HP. Apogee: 408 km (253 mi). Perigee: 399 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.70 deg.
The AggieSat-4 satellite was ejected from the ISS on Jan 29 using the Kibo JRMS arm and the
SSIKLOPS deployer. The 55 kg AggieSat-4, developed by students at Texas A&M University, will
eject the 3U cubesat Bevo-2 (from students at U. Texas-Austin) and perform formation flying
experiments with it. University of Texas BEVO-2 cubesat was apparently prematurely
ejected from the TAMU AggieSat-4 payload shortly after the latter was
deployed from ISS.
2016 April 25 - .
21:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kourou ELS.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- OUFTI-1 - .
Nation: Europe.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41458 . COSPAR: 2016-025C. Apogee: 686 km (426 mi). Perigee: 442 km (274 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. University of Liege 1U cubesat.
- AAUSAT-4 - .
Payload: E-STAR-2. Nation: Europe.
Class: Communications.
Type: Search and rescue satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41459 . COSPAR: 2016-025D. Apogee: 686 km (426 mi). Perigee: 442 km (274 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Aalborg University 1U cubesat.
- ESt@r-II - .
Nation: Europe.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41460 . COSPAR: 2016-025E. Apogee: 686 km (426 mi). Perigee: 442 km (274 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. Politecnico di Torino 1U cubesat.
2016 April 28 - .
02:01 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vostochniy PU1S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Kontakt-NS - .
Payload: SAMSAT 218D. Nation: Russia.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41466 . COSPAR: 2016-026C. Apogee: 485 km (301 mi). Perigee: 471 km (292 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Samara State Aerospace University Kontakt-Nanosputnik (Samsat-218/D) cubesat. 2314LT SSO.
2016 May 16 - .
10:05 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- CADRE - .
Payload: MINXSS. Nation: USA.
Class: Science.
Type: Science satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-05-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 41474 . COSPAR: 1998-067HU. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 398 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. U Michigan cubesat.
- MinXSS - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Astronomy.
Type: Astronomy satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-01-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 41475 . COSPAR: 1998-067HV. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 398 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. U of Colorado cubesat; carried a miniature X-ray solar spectrometer to study the hard X-ray spectra of solar flares..
- STMSat-1 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-04-21 . USAF Sat Cat: 41476 . COSPAR: 1998-067HW. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 399 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. St. Thomas More School cubesat.
- Nodes 1 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-09-19 . USAF Sat Cat: 41477 . COSPAR: 1998-067HX. Apogee: 403 km (250 mi). Perigee: 398 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. NASA-Ames cubesat.
- Nodes 2 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-09-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 41478 . COSPAR: 1998-067HY. Apogee: 401 km (249 mi). Perigee: 400 km (240 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. NASA-Ames cubesat.
- Flock 2e'-1/0D05 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-04-15 . USAF Sat Cat: 41479 . COSPAR: 1998-067HZ. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 399 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-2/0C1B - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-12-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 41481 . COSPAR: 1998-067JB. Apogee: 401 km (249 mi). Perigee: 400 km (240 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-3/0D06 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-04-18 . USAF Sat Cat: 41480 . COSPAR: 1998-067JA. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 398 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-4/0C22 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-11-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 41482 . COSPAR: 1998-067JC. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 399 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-1/0C37 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-06-16 . USAF Sat Cat: 41483 . COSPAR: 1998-067JD. Apogee: 403 km (250 mi). Perigee: 398 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-2/0C78 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-01-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 41484 . COSPAR: 1998-067JE. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 398 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-3/0C60 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-04-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 41486 . COSPAR: 1998-067JG. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 399 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-4/0C41 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-03-11 . USAF Sat Cat: 41487 . COSPAR: 1998-067JH. Apogee: 403 km (250 mi). Perigee: 398 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Lemur-2 Theresacondor - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-03-30 . USAF Sat Cat: 41485 . COSPAR: 1998-067JF. Apogee: 401 km (249 mi). Perigee: 400 km (240 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
The Nanoracks NRCSD-7 cubesat deploys were completed on May 18 with the release of four Lemur-2 satellites from Spire Global. The Lemur system carried AIS and GPS radio occultation meteorology payloads. The distortion of the radio signal from a GPS satellite as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere and out again to the STRATOS detector on Lemur-2 depends on the temperature, pressure and humidity of the region of the atmosphere the signal was passing through - so STRATOS can infer the weather. Lemur's SENSE payload contributes to the network of automatic
identification of shipping (AIS), relaying position and identification data from ships at sea. The four satellites, built in Glasgow, are named Theresacondor, Kane, Nick-Allain and Jeff after Spire employees. (Theresa Condor was VP Corp.Development for Spire. Nick Allain was their director of brand. Kane was probably named after Megan Kane, a Spire manager, and Jeff was possibly Spire satellite engineer Jeff Kuehne.) The two Nanoracks Cubesat Dispensers launched on OA-4 (Dec 2015, NRCSD-7) and OA-6 (Mar 2016, NRCSD-8) were stored on ISS until May and repacked to allow the high priority Dove 0D-class and Spire Global Lemur satellites to be deployed sooner
- Lemur-2 Kane - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-04-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 41488 . COSPAR: 1998-067JJ. Apogee: 401 km (249 mi). Perigee: 399 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- Lemur-2 Nick-Allain - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-04-07 . USAF Sat Cat: 41489 . COSPAR: 1998-067JK. Apogee: 401 km (249 mi). Perigee: 399 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- Lemur-2 Jeff - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-03-24 . USAF Sat Cat: 41490 . COSPAR: 1998-067JL. Apogee: 401 km (249 mi). Perigee: 399 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
2016 May 30 - .
03:17 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 4B.
- Batata - .
Payload: NUSAT 2. Nation: China.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41558 . COSPAR: 2016-033C. Apogee: 499 km (310 mi). Perigee: 481 km (298 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. 1024LT SSO.
2016 May 30 - .
11:40 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- Flock 2e-6/0C75 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-02-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 41563 . COSPAR: 1998-067JM. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-5/0C43 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-08-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 41564 . COSPAR: 1998-067JN. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-7/0C24 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-04-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 41565 . COSPAR: 1998-067JP. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-8/0C2B - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-07-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 41566 . COSPAR: 1998-067JQ. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-5/0C59 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-06-27 . USAF Sat Cat: 41567 . COSPAR: 1998-067JR. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-6/0C46 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-04-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 41568 . COSPAR: 1998-067JS. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-7/0C42 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-04-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 41569 . COSPAR: 1998-067JT. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-8/0C76 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-10-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 41570 . COSPAR: 1998-067JU. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-9/0C14 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-12-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 41571 . COSPAR: 1998-067JV. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-10/0C82 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-02-28 . USAF Sat Cat: 41572 . COSPAR: 1998-067JW. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-12/0C79 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-03-04 . USAF Sat Cat: 41573 . COSPAR: 1998-067JX. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e-11/0C13 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-03-04 . USAF Sat Cat: 41574 . COSPAR: 1998-067JY. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-9/0C19 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-03-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 41575 . COSPAR: 1998-067JZ. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-10/0C65 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-02-17 . USAF Sat Cat: 41576 . COSPAR: 1998-067KA. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-11/0C27 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-03-11 . USAF Sat Cat: 41577 . COSPAR: 1998-067KB. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-12/0C81 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-02-28 . USAF Sat Cat: 41578 . COSPAR: 1998-067KC. Apogee: 404 km (251 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
2016 June 21 - .
00:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
ISS deployed.
Launch Platform: Rick Husba.
- Lemur-2-Cubecheese SS - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Search and rescue satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-02-27 . USAF Sat Cat: 41598 . COSPAR: 2016-019E. Apogee: 394 km (244 mi). Perigee: 388 km (241 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- Lemur-2-Bridgeman - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Search and rescue satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-06-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 41595 . COSPAR: 2016-019B. Apogee: 393 km (244 mi). Perigee: 389 km (241 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
Mounted on the Cygnus service module, the first NRCSD-E external cubesat deployer carried 5 Lemur-2 satellites. On Jun 21 two pairs of Lemur-2 cubesats were ejected. A third deployer silo with a single Lemur-2 failed to open, and the cubesat remained inside when then following day Cygnus made its deorbit burn
- Lemur-2-Nate - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Search and rescue satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-03-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 41597 . COSPAR: 2016-019D. Apogee: 394 km (244 mi). Perigee: 388 km (241 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- Lemur-2-DrMuzz - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Search and rescue satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-03-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 41596 . COSPAR: 2016-019C. Apogee: 394 km (244 mi). Perigee: 388 km (241 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
2016 June 22 - .
03:55 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota SLP.
Launch Vehicle:
- Sathyabamasat - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Atmosphere satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41600 . COSPAR: 2016-040B. Apogee: 519 km (322 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. 1.5 kg 2U cubesat for Sathyabama U. of Chennai with a greenhouse-gas IR spectrometer.
- Swayam - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41607 . COSPAR: 2016-040J. Apogee: 518 km (321 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. 1 kg 1U cubesat from COEP (College of Engineering, Pune) with technology and amateur radio payloads..
- Flock 2P-1 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41617 . COSPAR: 2016-040U. Apogee: 513 km (318 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-2 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41609 . COSPAR: 2016-040L. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-3 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41618 . COSPAR: 2016-040V. Apogee: 513 km (318 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-4 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41611 . COSPAR: 2016-040N. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-5 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41616 . COSPAR: 2016-040T. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-6 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41606 . COSPAR: 2016-040H. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 500 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. 3U imaging cubesats for Planet (formerly PlanetLabs).
- Flock 2P-7 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41615 . COSPAR: 2016-040S. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-8 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41613 . COSPAR: 2016-040Q. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-9 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41610 . COSPAR: 2016-040M. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-10 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41612 . COSPAR: 2016-040P. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-11 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41608 . COSPAR: 2016-040K. Apogee: 513 km (318 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2P-12 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41614 . COSPAR: 2016-040R. Apogee: 513 km (318 mi). Perigee: 499 km (310 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
2016 June 25 - .
12:00 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Wenchang LC201.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 7.
- Aoxiang zhixing - .
Nation: China.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2016-09-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 41625 . COSPAR: 2016-042B. Apogee: 376 km (233 mi). Perigee: 289 km (179 mi). Inclination: 40.80 deg. Aoxiang Zhixing was the first 12U cubesat, with a mass of 18 kg (33 kg including payload
2016 August 15 - .
17:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 2D.
- 3Cat-2 - .
Nation: China.
Class: Earth.
Type: Altimeter. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41732 . COSPAR: 2016-051B. Apogee: 503 km (312 mi). Perigee: 485 km (301 mi). Inclination: 97.40 deg. A6U cubesat from the Universita Politecnica de Catalunya in Spain. 3Cat-2 carried the PYCARO altimeter which used GPS signal reflection off the Earth to measure altitude. 0000LT SSO,..
2016 September 14 - .
15:25 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- Flock 2e'-13 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-06-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 41761 . COSPAR: 1998-067KH. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
On Sep 14 the Nanoracks NRCSD-9 deployer was pulled from the Kibo airlock by the Japanese RMS arm, and at 1525 UTC two Flock 2E Prime satellites were ejected into space, with six more to come from the same deployer. These satellites have been aboard ISS since their delivery aboard Cygnus OA-6 in March.
- Flock 2e'-14 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-10-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 41762 . COSPAR: 1998-067KJ. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-16 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-06-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 41763 . COSPAR: 1998-067KK. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-15 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-11-10 . USAF Sat Cat: 41764 . COSPAR: 1998-067KL. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-18 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-11-07 . USAF Sat Cat: 41769 . COSPAR: 1998-067KM. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-17 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-06-26 . USAF Sat Cat: 41776 . COSPAR: 1998-067KN. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-19 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-05-12 . USAF Sat Cat: 41777 . COSPAR: 1998-067KP. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
- Flock 2e'-20 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-09-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 41782 . COSPAR: 1998-067KQ. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 401 km (249 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Part of a Planetary Labs constellation of over 100 3U cubesats to provide continuous optical surveillance of the earth..
2016 September 26 - .
03:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
Launch Vehicle:
- PISAT - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41784 . COSPAR: 2016-059B. Apogee: 705 km (438 mi). Perigee: 661 km (410 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. From PES University, Bangalore, with an 80m resolution imager 0930LT SSO.
- Pathfinder 1 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41787 . COSPAR: 2016-059E. Apogee: 703 km (436 mi). Perigee: 660 km (410 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. From Black Sky Global (Seattle) with a 1 meter imager 0930LT SSO.
- CanX-7 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41788 . COSPAR: 2016-059F. Apogee: 702 km (436 mi). Perigee: 660 km (410 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. From UTIAS/Toronto, with a deployable deorbit sail 0930LT SSO.
- ALSAT-Nano - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41789 . COSPAR: 2016-059G. Apogee: 700 km (430 mi). Perigee: 660 km (410 mi). Inclination: 98.20 deg. 0930LT SSO cubesat built by Algerian engineers in Surrey and integrated in Algeria..
2016 November 9 - .
23:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Jiuquan SLS-E.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 11.
- Maichong Xing SW - .
Payload: XPNAV-1. Nation: China.
Class: Astronomy.
Type: Astronomy satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41841 . COSPAR: 2016-066A. Apogee: 512 km (318 mi). Perigee: 493 km (306 mi). Inclination: 97.40 deg.
Second launch of the small solid-fuel CZ-11 launch vehicle from Jiuquan. It carried the 240 kg Maichong Xing Shiyan Weixing (Pulse Star Experimental Satellite) which will test the concept of navigation using the signals from X-ray millisecond pulsars. These compact stars spin hundreds of times a second and the X-ray flashes from their magnetic poles swishing past us at that high rate can
be used as a very accurate clock, the key component of a GPS-like navigation system. The concept was developed some years ago by the NRL team and it was hoped to use it in future US space systems. The launch also carried four cubesat-class payloads.
- Xiaioxiang-1 - .
Nation: China.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41842 . COSPAR: 2016-066B. Apogee: 511 km (317 mi). Perigee: 492 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.40 deg. From Tianyi Research Institute in Changsha, a 6U cubesat with a precision attitude control system experiment intended for future astronomy missions..
- CAS-2T - .
Nation: China.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41844 . COSPAR: 2016-066D. Apogee: 511 km (317 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.40 deg. Amateur radio payload in a 1U cubesat; remained attached to the launch vehicle..
2016 November 11 - .
18:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC3E.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 401.
- Prometheus 2.1 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41854 . COSPAR: 2016-067G. Apogee: 585 km (363 mi). Perigee: 572 km (355 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Two 1.5U DoD Nanosat Program satellites (Prometheus series) were ejected at 2042 UTC..
- Prometheus 2.2 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41855 . COSPAR: 2016-067H. Apogee: 584 km (362 mi). Perigee: 571 km (354 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg.
- Aerocube 8C - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41853 . COSPAR: 2016-067F. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 573 km (356 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg.
- Aerocube 8D - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41852 . COSPAR: 2016-067E. Apogee: 585 km (363 mi). Perigee: 575 km (357 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. Two 1.5U cubesats for the Aerospace Corporation, Aerocube 8C and 8D, ejected at 2045 UTC..
- CELTEE - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41850 . COSPAR: 2016-067C. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 576 km (357 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. 1U cubesat for the Air Force ResearchLab..
- Opticube 4 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Radar calibration target. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41851 . COSPAR: 2016-067D. Apogee: 585 km (363 mi). Perigee: 576 km (357 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. 2U tracking calibration satellite, CalPoly's Opticub..
- RAVAN - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41849 . COSPAR: 2016-067B. Apogee: 583 km (362 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 98.00 deg. 3U RAVAN satellite for APL. It carried an experimental radiometer for Earth energy balance studies..
2016 November 25 - .
20:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
ISS deployed.
Launch Platform: Cygnus OA-.
- Lemur-2-Xiaoqing - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41871 . COSPAR: 2016-062C. Apogee: 507 km (315 mi). Perigee: 498 km (309 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- Lemur-2-Sokolsky - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41872 . COSPAR: 2016-062D. Apogee: 507 km (315 mi). Perigee: 498 km (309 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- Lemur-2-Anubhavthakur - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41873 . COSPAR: 2016-062E. Apogee: 507 km (315 mi). Perigee: 498 km (309 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- Lemur-2-Wingo - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Earth.
Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41874 . COSPAR: 2016-062F. Apogee: 507 km (315 mi). Perigee: 498 km (309 mi). Inclination: 51.00 deg.
2016 December 28 - .
03:23 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 2D.
- BJ70-1 - .
Nation: China.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-02-18 . USAF Sat Cat: 41909 . COSPAR: 2016-083C. Apogee: 523 km (324 mi). Perigee: 212 km (131 mi). Inclination: 97.60 deg. BY70-1, or Bayi kepu weixing 01 xing, a 2U cubesat with an amateur radio payload developed by high school students at the PLA-related Beijing Bayi School..
2017 January 9 - .
04:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Linye 1 (Jilin-1S3) - .
Payload: Jilin-1-03. Nation: China.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41914 . COSPAR: 2017-002B. Apogee: 545 km (338 mi). Perigee: 513 km (318 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg.
See Jilin-1 Video-03 (Jilin Linye 1). Kuaizhou-1A quick-response rocket test. The earlier KZ-1 rocket was used for two low orbit imaging satellites which remained integrated with the upper stage; in the commercialized KZ-1A version the 4th stage separates from the payloads, and launch services are provided by EXPACE, the commercial arm of KZ-1A builder CASIC (which also builds the DF-21 missile that KZ-1/1A was based on). The main payload was Chang Guang Satellite Technology Ltd's "Jilin-1 linqiao shipin xing 03 xing", also called Jilin Linye 1 Weixing (Jilin Forestry 1 satellite). The 165 kg sat has a 1m resolution Earth imager. Two 2U cubesats were also carried. 1030LT SSO.
- Xingyun Shiyan 1 - .
Nation: China.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41915 . COSPAR: 2017-002C. Apogee: 541 km (336 mi). Perigee: 529 km (328 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See XY S1 (Xingyun Shiyan 1). 2U cubesat for the CASIC 9th Academy..
2017 January 14 - .
23:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Kagoshima K.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- TRICOM-1 - .
Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2017-0F01. Apogee: 200 km (120 mi). Perigee: -6,340 km (-6,340 mi). Inclination: 30.00 deg.
See TRICOM 1. Japan attempted to launch a single cubesat into orbit with a launch vehicle massing less than 3 tonnes. The SS-520 sounding rocket was furnished with a 78 kg third stage which was intended to orbit a 3U, 3 kg cubesat, TRICOM-1. The mission was flight SS-520-4 (SS-520-1 and 2 were normal sounding rocket flights; 3 has not yet flown.) However, telemetry was lost 20 seconds into flight, during first stage burn. Following range safety rules, the command to ignite stage 2 was not sent and the vehicle flew a suborbital path to about 200 km altitude and then splashed down in the ocean. The record smallest successful orbital launch vehicle remains the 9.4-tonne Lambda 4S, also Japanese,
which was retired in 1979.
2017 January 16 - .
09:10 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- ITF-2 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-02-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 41930 . COSPAR: 1998-067KS. Apogee: 405 km (251 mi). Perigee: 395 km (245 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. On Jan 16 the J-SSOD6 (Japanese Small Satellite Orbital Deployer 6) was removed from the airlock by the JAXA robot arm and its cubesats were deployed. Cubesat from Tsukuba University, a 1U amateur radio payload..
Payload: ITF-2. Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2019-01-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 41932 . COSPAR: 1998-067KU. Apogee: 408 km (253 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. 1U cubesat with a 1.5m deorbit drag device, from Nakashima Engineering of Hirokawa and Tohoku University..
Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-10-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 41933 . COSPAR: 1998-067KV. Apogee: 408 km (253 mi). Perigee: 397 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. 1U cubesat from Waseda University with a large thin film drag sail..
- EGG - .
Nation: Japan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-05-15 . USAF Sat Cat: 41934 . COSPAR: 1998-067KW. Apogee: 408 km (253 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. U. Tokyo 3U cubesat with a 0.6m deployable aeroshell for controlled reentry..
- AOBA-Velox-III - .
Nation: Singapore.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-11-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 41935 . COSPAR: 1998-067KX. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Cubesat 2U mission from Kyushu Tech and NTU of Singapore with a micropropulsion system..
- TuPOD - .
Nation: Italy.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-09-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 41936 . COSPAR: 1998-067KY. Apogee: 407 km (252 mi). Perigee: 398 km (247 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
GAUSS SRi (Rome), 3U cubesat containing (and ejecting) two cylindrical 'Tubesats', each 0.75 kg, 0.09m dia 0.13m long. The tubesats were TANCREDO-1 from a school in Ubatuba, Brazil and OSNSAT from the Open Space Network of Mountain View, California. TuPOD ejected its two small Tubesats, on Jan 19.
- TANCREDO-1 - .
Nation: Brazil.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-10-18 . USAF Sat Cat: 41931 . COSPAR: 1998-067KT. Apogee: 408 km (253 mi). Perigee: 395 km (245 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Cubesat from a school in Ubatuba, Brazil.
- OSNSAT - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-01-11 . USAF Sat Cat: 41939 . COSPAR: 1998-067KZ. Apogee: 408 km (253 mi). Perigee: 394 km (244 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Cubesat from the Open Space Network of Mountain View, California..
2017 February 15 - .
03:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota PSLV.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Al-Farabi 1 - .
Nation: Kazakhstan.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42016 . COSPAR: 2017-008BW. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Al-Farabi 1. Cubesat for Al-Farabi Kazakh National University..
- PEASSS - .
Nation: Netherlands.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42015 . COSPAR: 2017-008BV. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See PEASSS. Cubesat for Dutch research lab TNO..
- BGUSat - .
Nation: Israel.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41999 . COSPAR: 2017-008BD. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See BGUSat. Cubesat for SpacePharma (a Swiss/Israeli company), Ben Gurion
- Nayif-1 - .
Nation: UAE.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42017 . COSPAR: 2017-008BX. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Nayif 1 (FUNcube 5, EO 88, OSCAR 88). Cubesat for Rashid Space Center (Dubai)..
- Lemur-2-Satchmo - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41991 . COSPAR: 2017-008AV. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Lemur-2 24 (Lemur-2 Satchmo). ..
- Lemur-2-Rdeaton - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Communications satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41995 . COSPAR: 2017-008AZ. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Lemur-2 25 (Lemur-2 Rdeaton). ..
- Flock 3p-1 - .
Payload: Dove 1000. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41967 . COSPAR: 2017-008V. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 1 (Dove 1000). ..
- Flock 3p-2 - .
Payload: Dove 1001. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41966 . COSPAR: 2017-008U. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 2 (Dove 1001). ..
- Flock 3p-3 - .
Payload: Dove 1002. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41968 . COSPAR: 2017-008W. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 3 (Dove 1002). ..
- Flock 3p-4 - .
Payload: Dove 1003. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41965 . COSPAR: 2017-008T. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 4 (Dove 1003). ..
- Flock 3p-5 - .
Payload: Dove 0F18. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41971 . COSPAR: 2017-008Z. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 5 (Dove 0F18). ..
- Flock 3p-6 - .
Payload: Dove 0F35. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41969 . COSPAR: 2017-008X. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 6 (Dove 0F35). ..
- Flock 3p-7 - .
Payload: Dove 100B. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41970 . COSPAR: 2017-008Y. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 7 (Dove 100B). ..
- Flock 3p-8 - .
Payload: Dove 100C. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41951 . COSPAR: 2017-008D. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 8 (Dove 100C). ..
- Flock 3p-9 - .
Payload: Dove 1021. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41973 . COSPAR: 2017-008AB. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 9 (Dove 1021). ..
- Flock 3p-10 - .
Payload: Dove 1022. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41974 . COSPAR: 2017-008AC. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 10 (Dove 1022). ..
- Flock 3p-11 - .
Payload: Dove 101F. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41975 . COSPAR: 2017-008AD. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 11 (Dove 101F). ..
- Flock 3p-12 - .
Payload: Dove 1010. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41972 . COSPAR: 2017-008AA. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 12 (Dove 1010). ..
- Flock 3p-13 - .
Payload: Dove 1016. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42040 . COSPAR: 2017-008CW. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 13 (Dove 1016). ..
- Flock 3p-14 - .
Payload: Dove 1018. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42012 . COSPAR: 2017-008BS. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 14 (Dove 1018). ..
- Flock 3p-15 - .
Payload: Dove 101D. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42039 . COSPAR: 2017-008CV. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 15 (Dove 101D). ..
- Flock 3p-16 - .
Payload: Dove 100E. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42011 . COSPAR: 2017-008BR. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 16 (Dove 100E). ..
- Flock 3p-17 - .
Payload: Dove 1023. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41962 . COSPAR: 2017-008Q. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 17 (Dove 1023). ..
- Flock 3p-18 - .
Payload: Dove 102B. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41957 . COSPAR: 2017-008K. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 18 (Dove 102B). ..
- Flock 3p-19 - .
Payload: Dove 1024. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41955 . COSPAR: 2017-008H. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 19 (Dove 1024). ..
- Flock 3p-20 - .
Payload: Dove 1029. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41950 . COSPAR: 2017-008C. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 20 (Dove 1029). ..
- Flock 3p-21 - .
Payload: Dove 102A. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41959 . COSPAR: 2017-008M. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 21 (Dove 102A). ..
- Flock 3p-22 - .
Payload: Dove 1028. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41958 . COSPAR: 2017-008L. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 22 (Dove 1028). ..
- Flock 3p-23 - .
Payload: Dove 1025. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42018 . COSPAR: 2017-008BY. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 23 (Dove 1025). ..
- Flock 3p-24 - .
Payload: Dove 1026. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41956 . COSPAR: 2017-008J. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 24 (Dove 1026). ..
- Flock 3p-25 - .
Payload: Dove 102F. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41964 . COSPAR: 2017-008S. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 25 (Dove 102F). ..
- Flock 3p-26 - .
Payload: Dove 102D. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41961 . COSPAR: 2017-008P. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 26 (Dove 102D). ..
- Flock 3p-27 - .
Payload: Dove 1030. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41963 . COSPAR: 2017-008R. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 27 (Dove 1030). ..
- Flock 3p-28 - .
Payload: Dove 102C. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41960 . COSPAR: 2017-008N. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 28 (Dove 102C). ..
- Flock 3p-29 - .
Payload: Dove 1033. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42045 . COSPAR: 2017-008DB. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 29 (Dove 1033). ..
- Flock 3p-30 - .
Payload: Dove 102E. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41987 . COSPAR: 2017-008AR. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 30 (Dove 102E). ..
- Flock 3p-31 - .
Payload: Dove 1032. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42049 . COSPAR: 2017-008DF. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 31 (Dove 1032). ..
- Flock 3p-32 - .
Payload: Dove 1035. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42023 . COSPAR: 2017-008CD. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 32 (Dove 1035). ..
- Flock 3p-33 - .
Payload: Dove 103C. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41990 . COSPAR: 2017-008AU. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 33 (Dove 103C). ..
- Flock 3p-34 - .
Payload: Dove 103B. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41988 . COSPAR: 2017-008AS. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 34 (Dove 103B). ..
- Flock 3p-35 - .
Payload: Dove 103D. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41989 . COSPAR: 2017-008AT. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 35 (Dove 103D). ..
- Flock 3p-36 - .
Payload: Dove 103A. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41986 . COSPAR: 2017-008AQ. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 36 (Dove 103A). ..
- Flock 3p-37 - .
Payload: Dove 1037. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41953 . COSPAR: 2017-008F. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 37 (Dove 1037). ..
- Flock 3p-38 - .
Payload: Dove 1036. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42037 . COSPAR: 2017-008CT. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 38 (Dove 1036). ..
- Flock 3p-39 - .
Payload: Dove 103E. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42038 . COSPAR: 2017-008CU. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 39 (Dove 103E). ..
- Flock 3p-40 - .
Payload: Dove 1039. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42010 . COSPAR: 2017-008BQ. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 40 (Dove 1039). ..
- Flock 3p-41 - .
Payload: Dove 1031. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42004 . COSPAR: 2017-008BJ. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 41 (Dove 1031). ..
- Flock 3p-42 - .
Payload: Dove 101E. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42008 . COSPAR: 2017-008BN. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 42 (Dove 101E). ..
- Flock 3p-43 - .
Payload: Dove 1041. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42007 . COSPAR: 2017-008BM. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 43 (Dove 1041). ..
- Flock 3p-44 - .
Payload: Dove 1019. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42033 . COSPAR: 2017-008CP. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 44 (Dove 1019). ..
- Flock 3p-45 - .
Payload: Dove 101A. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42005 . COSPAR: 2017-008BK. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 45 (Dove 101A). ..
- Flock 3p-46 - .
Payload: Dove 1011. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42031 . COSPAR: 2017-008CM. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 46 (Dove 1011). ..
- Flock 3p-47 - .
Payload: Dove 1027. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42032 . COSPAR: 2017-008CN. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 47 (Dove 1027). ..
- Flock 3p-48 - .
Payload: Dove 1042. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42006 . COSPAR: 2017-008BL. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 48 (Dove 1042). ..
- Flock 3p-49 - .
Payload: Dove 1038. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42001 . COSPAR: 2017-008BF. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 49 (Dove 1038). ..
- Flock 3p-50 - .
Payload: Dove 1034. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42029 . COSPAR: 2017-008CK. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 50 (Dove 1034). ..
- Flock 3p-51 - .
Payload: Dove 1006. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41952 . COSPAR: 2017-008E. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 51 (Dove 1006). ..
- Flock 3p-52 - .
Payload: Dove 1044. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42030 . COSPAR: 2017-008CL. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 52 (Dove 1044). ..
- Flock 3p-53 - .
Payload: Dove 1007. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42013 . COSPAR: 2017-008BT. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 53 (Dove 1007). ..
- Flock 3p-54 - .
Payload: Dove 1005. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42014 . COSPAR: 2017-008BU. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 54 (Dove 1005). ..
- Flock 3p-55 - .
Payload: Dove 1008. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42041 . COSPAR: 2017-008CX. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 55 (Dove 1008). ..
- Flock 3p-56 - .
Payload: Dove 100F. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42042 . COSPAR: 2017-008CY. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 56 (Dove 100F). ..
- Flock 3p-57 - .
Payload: Dove 1014. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41978 . COSPAR: 2017-008AG. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 57 (Dove 1014). ..
- Flock 3p-58 - .
Payload: Dove 1009. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41977 . COSPAR: 2017-008AF. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 58 (Dove 1009). ..
- Flock 3p-59 - .
Payload: Dove 1045. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42021 . COSPAR: 2017-008CB. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 59 (Dove 1045). ..
- Flock 3p-60 - .
Payload: Dove 101B. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41976 . COSPAR: 2017-008AE. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 60 (Dove 101B). ..
- Flock 3p-61 - .
Payload: Dove 1012. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42009 . COSPAR: 2017-008BP. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 61 (Dove 1012). ..
- Flock 3p-62 - .
Payload: Dove 1046. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42036 . COSPAR: 2017-008CS. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 62 (Dove 1046). ..
- Flock 3p-63 - .
Payload: Dove 1015. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42035 . COSPAR: 2017-008CR. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 63 (Dove 1015). ..
- Flock 3p-64 - .
Payload: Dove 100A. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42034 . COSPAR: 2017-008CQ. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 64 (Dove 100A). ..
- Flock 3p-65 - .
Payload: Dove 1040. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42028 . COSPAR: 2017-008CJ. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 65 (Dove 1040). ..
- Flock 3p-66 - .
Payload: Dove 1013. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42027 . COSPAR: 2017-008CH. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 66 (Dove 1013). ..
- Flock 3p-67 - .
Payload: Dove 1017. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42002 . COSPAR: 2017-008BG. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 67 (Dove 1017). ..
- Flock 3p-68 - .
Payload: Dove 1004. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42003 . COSPAR: 2017-008BH. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 68 (Dove 1004). ..
- Flock 3p-69 - .
Payload: Dove 0F43. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42019 . COSPAR: 2017-008BZ. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 69 (Dove 0F43). ..
- Flock 3p-70 - .
Payload: Dove 0F15. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41980 . COSPAR: 2017-008AJ. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 70 (Dove 0F15). ..
- Flock 3p-71 - .
Payload: Dove 0F11. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42051 . COSPAR: 2017-008DH. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 71 (Dove 0F11). ..
- Flock 3p-72 - .
Payload: Dove 0F10. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42024 . COSPAR: 2017-008CE. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 72 (Dove 0F10). ..
- Flock 3p-73 - .
Payload: Dove 0F1B. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41981 . COSPAR: 2017-008AK. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 73 (Dove 0F1B). ..
- Flock 3p-74 - .
Payload: Dove 0F22. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42048 . COSPAR: 2017-008DE. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 74 (Dove 0F22). ..
- Flock 3p-75 - .
Payload: Dove 0F12. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41979 . COSPAR: 2017-008AH. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 75 (Dove 0F12). ..
- Flock 3p-76 - .
Payload: Dove 0F17. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42020 . COSPAR: 2017-008CA. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 76 (Dove 0F17). ..
- Flock 3p-77 - .
Payload: Dove 0F28. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42025 . COSPAR: 2017-008CF. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 77 (Dove 0F28). ..
- Flock 3p-78 - .
Payload: Dove 0F51. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42047 . COSPAR: 2017-008DD. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 78 (Dove 0F51). ..
- Flock 3p-79 - .
Payload: Dove 0F52. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41984 . COSPAR: 2017-008AN. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 79 (Dove 0F52). ..
- Flock 3p-80 - .
Payload: Dove 0F4E. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42026 . COSPAR: 2017-008CG. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 80 (Dove 0F4E). ..
- Flock 3p-81 - .
Payload: Dove 0F25. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42043 . COSPAR: 2017-008CZ. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 81 (Dove 0F25). ..
- Flock 3p-82 - .
Payload: Dove 0F41. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42046 . COSPAR: 2017-008DC. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 82 (Dove 0F41). ..
- Flock 3p-83 - .
Payload: Dove 0F3F. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42050 . COSPAR: 2017-008DG. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 83 (Dove 0F3F). ..
- Flock 3p-84 - .
Payload: Dove 0F42. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42022 . COSPAR: 2017-008CC. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 84 (Dove 0F42). ..
- Flock 3p-85 - .
Payload: Dove 0F1D. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41983 . COSPAR: 2017-008AM. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 85 (Dove 0F1D). ..
- Flock 3p-86 - .
Payload: Dove 0F34. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41985 . COSPAR: 2017-008AP. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 86 (Dove 0F34). ..
- Flock 3p-87 - .
Payload: Dove 0F31. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42044 . COSPAR: 2017-008DA. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 87 (Dove 0F31). ..
- Flock 3p-88 - .
Payload: Dove 0F38. Nation: USA.
Class: Surveillance.
Type: Surveillance satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 41982 . COSPAR: 2017-008AL. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.50 deg. See Flock-3p 88 (Dove 0F38). ..
2017 March 6 - .
10:25 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
- Lemur-2-Redfern-Goes - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Search and rescue satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-12-05 . USAF Sat Cat: 42059 . COSPAR: 1998-067LA. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. The NanoRacks NRCSD-10 deployer was extracted from the Kibo airlock on Mar 6. Four SpireGlobal Lemur satellites and the TechEdSat-5 satellite were deployed from it the same day. The satellites were launched aboard HTV-6 in December..
- Lemur-2-Trutna - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Search and rescue satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-04-15 . USAF Sat Cat: 42067 . COSPAR: 1998-067LC. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- Lemur-2-Austintacious - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Search and rescue satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-10-04 . USAF Sat Cat: 42068 . COSPAR: 1998-067LD. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- Lemur-2-TrutnaHD - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Communications.
Type: Search and rescue satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2018-11-13 . USAF Sat Cat: 42069 . COSPAR: 1998-067LE. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg.
- TechEdSat-5 - .
Nation: USA.
Class: Technology.
Type: Technology satellite. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
Decay Date: 2017-07-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 42066 . COSPAR: 1998-067LB. Apogee: 409 km (254 mi). Perigee: 396 km (246 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Cubesat from NASA-Ames. TES-5 was to carry out a controlled reentry experiment with an 'exobrake' drag sail..
2017 April 18 - .
15:10 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral SLC41.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 401.
- Lemur-2-JennyBarna - .
Payload: Lemur-2-30; LEMUR 2 ANGELA. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42752 . COSPAR: 2017-019B. Apogee: 483 km (300 mi). Perigee: 469 km (291 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 94.12 min. See Lemur-2 30 (Lemur-2 JennyBarna). ..
- Lemur-2-Angela - .
Payload: Lemur-2-31; LEMUR 2 JENNYBARNA. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42753 . COSPAR: 2017-019C. Apogee: 480 km (290 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 94.07 min. See Lemur-2 31 (Lemur-2 Angela). ..
- Lemur-2-Spirovision - .
Payload: Lemur-2-32; LEMUR 2 ROBMOORE. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42754 . COSPAR: 2017-019D. Apogee: 483 km (300 mi). Perigee: 470 km (290 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 94.13 min. See Lemur-2 32 (Lemur-2 SpiroVision). ..
- Lemur-2-RobMoore - .
Payload: Lemur-2-33; LEMUR 2 SPIROVISION. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42755 . COSPAR: 2017-019E. Apogee: 480 km (290 mi). Perigee: 467 km (290 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 94.07 min. See Lemur-2 33 (Lemur-2 RobMoore). ..
2017 April 18 - .
15:10 GMT - .
Launch Platform: ISS.
LV Family:
Atlas V.
Launch Vehicle:
Atlas V 401.
- SOMP 2 - .
Payload: QB50-DE02; HAVELSAT. Nation: Turkey.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42700 . COSPAR: 1998-067LH. Apogee: 272 km (169 mi). Perigee: 268 km (166 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 89.91 min. See SOMP 2 (QB50 DE02) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
Payload: QB50-TR02; SOMP 2. Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42701 . COSPAR: 1998-067LJ. Apogee: 292 km (181 mi). Perigee: 291 km (180 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 90.35 min. See HAVELSAT (QB50 TR02) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Columbia Sat - .
Payload: QB50-US04/QBUS 4; COLUMBIA. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42702 . COSPAR: 1998-067LK. Apogee: 161 km (100 mi). Perigee: 159 km (98 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.69 min. See QBUS 4 (Columbia, QB50 US04) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Phoenix - .
Payload: QB50-TW01. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42706 . COSPAR: 1998-067LP. Apogee: 321 km (199 mi). Perigee: 320 km (190 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 90.93 min. See Phoenix (QB50 TW01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- X-Cubesat - .
Payload: QB50-FR01; XCUBESAT. Nation: France.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42707 . COSPAR: 1998-067LQ. Apogee: 173 km (107 mi). Perigee: 165 km (102 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.87 min. See X-CubeSat (QB50 FR01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- qbee50-LTU-OC - .
Payload: QB50-SE01. Nation: Sweden.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42708 . COSPAR: 1998-067LR. Apogee: 272 km (169 mi). Perigee: 267 km (165 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 89.90 min. See qbee50-LTU-OC (QB50 SE01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- ZA-AeroSat - .
Payload: QB50-ZA01. Nation: South Africa.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42713 . COSPAR: 1998-067LU. Apogee: 326 km (202 mi). Perigee: 325 km (201 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 91.03 min. See ZA-AeroSat (QB50 AZ01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- LINK - .
Payload: QB50-KR01. Nation: Korea South.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42714 . COSPAR: 1998-067LV. Apogee: 162 km (100 mi). Perigee: 154 km (95 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.64 min. See LINK (QB50 KR01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- UPSat - .
Payload: QB50-GR02. Nation: Greece.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42716 . COSPAR: 1998-067LX. Apogee: 140 km (80 mi). Perigee: 137 km (85 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.25 min. See UPSat (QB50 GR02) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- SpaceCube - .
Payload: QB50-FR05. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42717 . COSPAR: 1998-067LY. Apogee: 273 km (169 mi). Perigee: 269 km (167 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 89.94 min. See SpaceCube (QB50 FR05) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Hoopoe - .
Payload: QB50-IL01. Nation: Israel.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42718 . COSPAR: 1998-067LZ. Apogee: 163 km (101 mi). Perigee: 155 km (96 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.67 min. See Hoopoe (Duchifat 2, QB50 IL01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Challenger - .
Payload: QB50-US01/QBUS 1. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42721 . COSPAR: 1998-067MA. Apogee: 157 km (97 mi). Perigee: 143 km (88 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.48 min. See QBUS 1 (Challenger, QB50 US01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- NJUST-1 - .
Payload: QB50-CN03/BE03. Nation: China.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42722 . COSPAR: 1998-067MB. Apogee: 336 km (208 mi). Perigee: 332 km (206 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 91.21 min. See NJUST 1 (QB50 CN03) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- UNSW-EC0 - .
Payload: QB50-AU02; UNSW-ECO. Nation: Australia.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42723 . COSPAR: 1998-067MC. Apogee: 153 km (95 mi). Perigee: 145 km (90 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 87.46 min. See UNSW-EC0 (QB50 AU02) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- DUTHSat - .
Payload: QB50-GR01. Nation: Greece.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42724 . COSPAR: 1998-067MD. Apogee: 159 km (98 mi). Perigee: 148 km (91 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.55 min. See DUTHSat (QB50 GR01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Zidingxiang-1 - .
Payload: QB50-CN02/BE02; LILACSAT-1. Nation: China.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42725 . COSPAR: 1998-067ME. Apogee: 299 km (185 mi). Perigee: 298 km (185 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 90.49 min. See LilacSat 1 (Zidingxiang 1, QB50 CN02, LO 90, LilacSat-OSCAR 90) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- nSIGHT 1 - .
Payload: QB50-AZ02; NSIGHT-1. Nation: South Africa.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42726 . COSPAR: 1998-067MF. Apogee: 373 km (231 mi). Perigee: 367 km (228 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 91.94 min. See nSIGHT 1 (QB50 AZ02) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- SNUSAT 1b - .
Payload: QB50-KR03; SNUSAT-1. Nation: Korea South.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42727 . COSPAR: 1998-067MG. Apogee: 302 km (187 mi). Perigee: 300 km (180 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 90.54 min. See SNUSAT 1b (QB50 KR03) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- QBITO - .
Payload: QB50-ES01. Nation: Spain.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42728 . COSPAR: 1998-067MH. Apogee: 253 km (157 mi). Perigee: 246 km (152 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 89.49 min. See QBITO (QB50 ES01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Aalto-2 - .
Payload: QB50-FI01. Nation: Finland.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42729 . COSPAR: 1998-067MJ. Apogee: 174 km (108 mi). Perigee: 165 km (102 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.88 min. See Aalto 2 (QB50 FI01) ↑. 2U cubesat by Aalto University, Finland. Mission: Atmospheric research. Status as of 2019: Inactive..
- SUSat - .
Payload: QB50-AU01. Nation: Australia.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42730 . COSPAR: 1998-067MK. Apogee: 295 km (183 mi). Perigee: 293 km (182 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 90.40 min. See SUSat (QB50 AU01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- i-INSPIRE 2 - .
Payload: QB50-AU03; I-INSPIRE II. Nation: Australia.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42731 . COSPAR: 1998-067ML. Apogee: 153 km (95 mi). Perigee: 145 km (90 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.47 min. See i-INSPIRE 2 (QB50 AU03) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- PolyITAN-2-SAU - .
Payload: QB50-UA01. Nation: Ukraine.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42732 . COSPAR: 1998-067MM. Apogee: 173 km (107 mi). Perigee: 164 km (101 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.86 min. See PolyITAN-2-SAU (QB50 UA01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- SNUSAT 1 - .
Payload: QB50-KR02; SNUSAT-1B. Nation: Korea South.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42733 . COSPAR: 1998-067MN. Apogee: 289 km (179 mi). Perigee: 286 km (177 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 90.27 min. See SNUSAT 1 (QB50 KR02) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Ex-Alta 1 - .
Payload: QB50-CA03; EXALTA-1. Nation: Canada.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42734 . COSPAR: 1998-067MP. Apogee: 153 km (95 mi). Perigee: 150 km (90 mi). Inclination: 51.61 deg. Period: 87.52 min. See Ex-Alta 1 (QB50 CA03) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Aoxiang yi hao - .
Payload: QB50-CN04/BE04; AOXIANG-1. Nation: China.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42735 . COSPAR: 1998-067MQ. Apogee: 332 km (206 mi). Perigee: 328 km (203 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 91.14 min. See Aoxiang 1 (QB50 CN04) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- BeEagleSat - .
Payload: QB50-TR01. Nation: Turkey.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42736 . COSPAR: 1998-067MR. Apogee: 315 km (195 mi). Perigee: 313 km (194 mi). Inclination: 51.63 deg. Period: 90.80 min. See BeEagleSat (QB50 TR01) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Atlantis - .
Payload: QB50-US02/QBUS 2. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42737 . COSPAR: 1998-067MS. Apogee: 167 km (103 mi). Perigee: 157 km (97 mi). Inclination: 51.62 deg. Period: 87.72 min. See QBUS 2 (Atlantis, QB50 US02) ↑. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
2017 June 23 - .
03:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota FLP.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- UCLSat - .
Payload: QB50-GB03. Nation: UK.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42765 . COSPAR: 2017-036A. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.59 min. See UCLSat (QB50 GB03). Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- VZLUSat - .
Payload: QB50-CZ03?; VZLUSAT 1. Nation: Czechia.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42790 . COSPAR: 2017-036AB. Apogee: 504 km (313 mi). Perigee: 490 km (300 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.55 min. See CE-SAT 1. Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- LituanicaSAT 2 - .
Payload: QB50-LT01. Nation: Lithania.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42768 . COSPAR: 2017-036D. Apogee: 509 km (316 mi). Perigee: 489 km (303 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.60 min. See LituanicaSAT 2 (QB50 LT01). Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- InflateSail - .
Payload: QB50-GB06. Nation: UK.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42770 . COSPAR: 2017-036F. Apogee: 263 km (163 mi). Perigee: 243 km (150 mi). Inclination: 97.43 deg. Period: 89.57 min. See InflateSail (QB50 GB06). Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Lemur-2-ShainaJohl - .
Payload: Lemur-2-34; LEMUR 2 SHAINAJOHL. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42771 . COSPAR: 2017-036G. Apogee: 510 km (310 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.63 min. See Lemur-2 34 (Lemur-2 ShainaJohl). ..
- Lemur-2-XueniTerence - .
Payload: Lemur-2-35; LEMUR 2 XUENITERENCE. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42772 . COSPAR: 2017-036H. Apogee: 509 km (316 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.62 min. See Lemur-2 35 (Lemur-2 XueniTerence). ..
- Lemur-2-LucyBryce - .
Payload: Lemur-2-36; LEMUR 2 LUCYBRYCE. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42773 . COSPAR: 2017-036J. Apogee: 508 km (315 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.61 min. See Lemur-2 36 (Lemur-2 LucyBryce). ..
- Lemur-2-KungFoo - .
Payload: Lemur-2-37; LEMUR 2 KUNGFOO. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42774 . COSPAR: 2017-036K. Apogee: 509 km (316 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.62 min. See Lemur-2 37 (Lemur-2 KungFoo). ..
Payload: QB50-IT02. Nation: Italy.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42776 . COSPAR: 2017-036M. Apogee: 511 km (317 mi). Perigee: 493 km (306 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.66 min. See URSA MAIOR (QB50 IT02). Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- COMPASS-2 - .
Payload: QB50-DE04. Nation: Germany.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42777 . COSPAR: 2017-036N. Apogee: 507 km (315 mi). Perigee: 490 km (300 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.58 min. See COMPASS 2 (DragSail-Cubesat, QB50 DE04). Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- Lemur-2-Lynsey-Symo - .
Payload: Lemur-2-41; LEMUR 2 LYNSEY-SYMO. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42779 . COSPAR: 2017-036Q. Apogee: 505 km (313 mi). Perigee: 489 km (303 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.55 min. See Lemur-2 41 (Lemur-2 Lynsey-Symo). ..
- Lemur-2-Lisasaurus - .
Payload: Lemur-2-40; LEMUR 2 LISASAURUS. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42780 . COSPAR: 2017-036R. Apogee: 506 km (314 mi). Perigee: 490 km (300 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.58 min. See Pegasus (QB50 AT03). ..
- Lemur-2-Sam-Amelia - .
Payload: Lemur-2-39; LEMUR 2 SAM-AMELIA. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42781 . COSPAR: 2017-036S. Apogee: 505 km (313 mi). Perigee: 490 km (300 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.56 min. See Lemur-2 39 (Lemur-2 Sam-Amelia). ..
- Lemur-2-McPeake - .
Payload: Lemur-2-38; LEMUR 2 MCPEAKE. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42782 . COSPAR: 2017-036T. Apogee: 505 km (313 mi). Perigee: 490 km (300 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.57 min. See Lemur-2 38 (Lemur-2 McPeake). ..
- Pegasus - .
Payload: QB50-AT03. Nation: Austria.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42784 . COSPAR: 2017-036V. Apogee: 507 km (315 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.60 min. See Pegasus (QB50 AT03). Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
- NUDTSat - .
Payload: QB50-CN06/BE06. Nation: China.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42787 . COSPAR: 2017-036Y. Apogee: 505 km (313 mi). Perigee: 488 km (303 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.55 min. See NUDTSat (QB50 CN06). Part of the QB50 international network of 50 CubeSats for measurements in the lower thermosphere..
2017 July 14 - .
06:35 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC31.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Flock 2k-3 - .
Payload: Dove 0F21; FLOCK 2K 03. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42850 . COSPAR: 2017-042AB. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 3 (Dove 0F21). ..
- Flock 2k-43 - .
Payload: Dove 1056; FLOCK 2K 43. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42874 . COSPAR: 2017-042BB. Apogee: 468 km (290 mi). Perigee: 451 km (280 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.79 min. See Flock-2k 43 (Dove 1056). ..
- Flock 2k-4 - .
Payload: Dove 0F24; FLOCK 2K 04. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42851 . COSPAR: 2017-042AC. Apogee: 457 km (283 mi). Perigee: 443 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.58 min. See Flock-2k 4 (Dove 0F24). ..
- Flock 2k-41 - .
Payload: Dove 1054; FLOCK 2K 41. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42875 . COSPAR: 2017-042BC. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 41 (Dove 1054). ..
- Flock 2k-1 - .
Payload: Dove 0F1A; FLOCK 2K 01. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42852 . COSPAR: 2017-042AD. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 1 (Dove 0F1A). ..
- Flock 2k-36 - .
Payload: Dove 104F; FLOCK 2K 36. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42876 . COSPAR: 2017-042BD. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 443 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.59 min. See Flock-2k 36 (Dove 104F). ..
- Flock 2k-2 - .
Payload: Dove 0F1E; FLOCK 2K 02. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42853 . COSPAR: 2017-042AE. Apogee: 465 km (288 mi). Perigee: 450 km (270 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.75 min. See Flock-2k 2 (Dove 0F1E). ..
- Flock 2k-35 - .
Payload: Dove 104E; FLOCK 2K 35. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42877 . COSPAR: 2017-042BE. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 35 (Dove 104E). ..
- Flock 2k-47 - .
Payload: Dove 1043; FLOCK 2K 47. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42854 . COSPAR: 2017-042AF. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 47 (Dove 1043). ..
- Flock 2k-34 - .
Payload: Dove 104D; FLOCK 2K 34. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42878 . COSPAR: 2017-042BF. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 34 (Dove 104D). ..
- Flock 2k-33 - .
Payload: Dove 104C; FLOCK 2K 33. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42879 . COSPAR: 2017-042BG. Apogee: 454 km (282 mi). Perigee: 439 km (272 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.51 min. See Flock-2k 33 (Dove 104C). ..
- Flock 2k-48 - .
Payload: Dove 101C; FLOCK 2K 48. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42855 . COSPAR: 2017-042AG. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 48 (Dove 101C). ..
- Flock 2k-45 - .
Payload: Dove 100D; FLOCK 2K 45. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42856 . COSPAR: 2017-042AH. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 45 (Dove 100D). ..
- Flock 2k-28 - .
Payload: Dove 1047; FLOCK 2K 28. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42880 . COSPAR: 2017-042BH. Apogee: 468 km (290 mi). Perigee: 452 km (280 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.79 min. See Flock-2k 28 (Dove 1047). ..
- Lemur-2-ArtFisher - .
Payload: Lemur-2-43; LEMUR 2 ARTFISCHER. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42881 . COSPAR: 2017-042BJ. Apogee: 461 km (286 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.64 min. See Lemur-2 43 (Lemur-2 ArtFischer). ..
- Flock 2k-24 - .
Payload: Dove 0F4F; FLOCK 2K 24. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42857 . COSPAR: 2017-042AJ. Apogee: 457 km (283 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.59 min. See Flock-2k 24 (Dove 0F4F). ..
- Flock 2k-27 - .
Payload: Dove 0F54; FLOCK 2K 27. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42882 . COSPAR: 2017-042BK. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 443 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.59 min. See Flock-2k 27 (Dove 0F54). ..
- Flock 2k-46 - .
Payload: Dove 103F; FLOCK 2K 46. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42858 . COSPAR: 2017-042AK. Apogee: 457 km (283 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.60 min. See Flock-2k 46 (Dove 103F). ..
- Flock 2k-23 - .
Payload: Dove 0F4B; FLOCK 2K 23. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42859 . COSPAR: 2017-042AL. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 23 (Dove 0F4B). ..
- Flock 2k-26 - .
Payload: Dove 0F53; FLOCK 2K 26. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42883 . COSPAR: 2017-042BL. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 443 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.59 min. See Flock-2k 26 (Dove 0F53). ..
- Flock 2k-21 - .
Payload: Dove 0F49; FLOCK 2K 21. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42860 . COSPAR: 2017-042AM. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 21 (Dove 0F49). ..
- Flock 2k-25 - .
Payload: Dove 0F4D; FLOCK 2K 25. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42884 . COSPAR: 2017-042BM. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 25 (Dove 0F4D). ..
- Flock 2k-22 - .
Payload: Dove 0F4A; FLOCK 2K 22. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42861 . COSPAR: 2017-042AN. Apogee: 455 km (282 mi). Perigee: 442 km (274 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.55 min. See Flock-2k 22 (Dove 0F4A). ..
- Lemur-2-Greenberg - .
Payload: Lemur-2-42; LEMUR 2 GREENBERG. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42837 . COSPAR: 2017-042N. Apogee: 602 km (374 mi). Perigee: 583 km (362 mi). Inclination: 97.58 deg. Period: 96.53 min. See Lemur-2 42 (Lemur-2 Greenberg). ..
- Flock 2k-20 - .
Payload: Dove 0F47; FLOCK 2K 20. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42885 . COSPAR: 2017-042BN. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 443 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 20 (Dove 0F47). ..
- Flock 2k-7 - .
Payload: Dove 0F2B; FLOCK 2K 07. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42862 . COSPAR: 2017-042AP. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 7 (Dove 0F2B). ..
- Lemur-2-AndiS - .
Payload: Lemur-2-47; LEMUR 2 ANDIS. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42838 . COSPAR: 2017-042P. Apogee: 602 km (374 mi). Perigee: 583 km (362 mi). Inclination: 97.58 deg. Period: 96.53 min. See Lemur-2 47 (Lemur-2 AndiS). ..
- Flock 2k-19 - .
Payload: Dove 0F46; FLOCK 2K 19. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42886 . COSPAR: 2017-042BP. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 19 (Dove 0F46). ..
- Flock 2k-8 - .
Payload: Dove 0F2D; FLOCK 2K 08. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42863 . COSPAR: 2017-042AQ. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 8 (Dove 0F2D). ..
- Lemur-2-Monson - .
Payload: Lemur-2-44; LEMUR 2 MONSON. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42839 . COSPAR: 2017-042Q. Apogee: 603 km (374 mi). Perigee: 583 km (362 mi). Inclination: 97.58 deg. Period: 96.54 min. See Lemur-2 44 (Lemur-2 Monson). ..
- Flock 2k-18 - .
Payload: Dove 0F44; FLOCK 2K 18. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42887 . COSPAR: 2017-042BQ. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 18 (Dove 0F44). ..
- Flock 2k-17 - .
Payload: Dove 0F40; FLOCK 2K 17. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42888 . COSPAR: 2017-042BR. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 443 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.59 min. See Flock-2k 17 (Dove 0F40). ..
- Flock 2k-5 - .
Payload: Dove 0F29; FLOCK 2K 05. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42864 . COSPAR: 2017-042AR. Apogee: 456 km (283 mi). Perigee: 442 km (274 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.57 min. See Flock-2k 5 (Dove 0F29). ..
- Lemur-2-Furiaus - .
Payload: Lemur-2-45; LEMUR 2 FURIAUS. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42840 . COSPAR: 2017-042R. Apogee: 602 km (374 mi). Perigee: 583 km (362 mi). Inclination: 97.58 deg. Period: 96.53 min. See Lemur-2 45 (Lemur-2 Furiaus). ..
- Flock 2k-16 - .
Payload: Dove 0F3D; FLOCK 2K 16. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42889 . COSPAR: 2017-042BS. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 16 (Dove 0F3D). ..
- Lemur-2-PeterG - .
Payload: Lemur-2-48; LEMUR 2 PETERG. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42841 . COSPAR: 2017-042S. Apogee: 601 km (373 mi). Perigee: 582 km (361 mi). Inclination: 97.58 deg. Period: 96.52 min. See Lemur-2 48 (Lemur-2 PeterG). ..
- Flock 2k-40 - .
Payload: Dove 1053; FLOCK 2K 40. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42865 . COSPAR: 2017-042AS. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 40 (Dove 1053). ..
- Lemur-2-Dembitz - .
Payload: Lemur-2-49; LEMUR 2 DEMBITZ. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42842 . COSPAR: 2017-042T. Apogee: 601 km (373 mi). Perigee: 582 km (361 mi). Inclination: 97.58 deg. Period: 96.51 min. See Lemur-2 49 (Lemur-2 Dembitz). ..
- Flock 2k-39 - .
Payload: Dove 1052; FLOCK 2K 39. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42866 . COSPAR: 2017-042AT. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 39 (Dove 1052). ..
- Flock 2k-15 - .
Payload: Dove 0F3C; FLOCK 2K 15. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42890 . COSPAR: 2017-042BT. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 15 (Dove 0F3C). ..
- Flock 2k-37 - .
Payload: Dove 1050; FLOCK 2K 37. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42867 . COSPAR: 2017-042AU. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 37 (Dove 1050). ..
- Flock 2k-13 - .
Payload: Dove 0F37; FLOCK 2K 13. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42891 . COSPAR: 2017-042BU. Apogee: 457 km (283 mi). Perigee: 442 km (274 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.58 min. See Flock-2k 13 (Dove 0F37). ..
- Flock 2k-14 - .
Payload: Dove 0F3B; FLOCK 2K 14. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42892 . COSPAR: 2017-042BV. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 443 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 14 (Dove 0F3B). ..
- Flock 2k-38 - .
Payload: Dove 1051; FLOCK 2K 38. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42868 . COSPAR: 2017-042AV. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 38 (Dove 1051). ..
- Flock 2k-12 - .
Payload: Dove 0F36; FLOCK 2K 12. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42893 . COSPAR: 2017-042BW. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 12 (Dove 0F36). ..
- Lemur-2-Zachary - .
Payload: Lemur-2-46; LEMUR 2 ZACHARY. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42845 . COSPAR: 2017-042W. Apogee: 601 km (373 mi). Perigee: 581 km (361 mi). Inclination: 97.58 deg. Period: 96.50 min. See Lemur-2 46 (Lemur-2 Zachary). ..
- Flock 2k-31 - .
Payload: Dove 104A; FLOCK 2K 31. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42869 . COSPAR: 2017-042AW. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 31 (Dove 104A). ..
- Flock 2k-11 - .
Payload: Dove 0F33; FLOCK 2K 11. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42894 . COSPAR: 2017-042BX. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 11 (Dove 0F33). ..
- Flock 2k-32 - .
Payload: Dove 104B; FLOCK 2K 32. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42870 . COSPAR: 2017-042AX. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 445 km (276 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 32 (Dove 104B). ..
- Flock 2k-29 - .
Payload: Dove 1048; FLOCK 2K 29. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42871 . COSPAR: 2017-042AY. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 29 (Dove 1048). ..
- Flock 2k-10 - .
Payload: Dove 0F32; FLOCK 2K 10. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42895 . COSPAR: 2017-042BY. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 10 (Dove 0F32). ..
- Flock 2k-30 - .
Payload: Dove 1049; FLOCK 2K 30. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42872 . COSPAR: 2017-042AZ. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 30 (Dove 1049). ..
- Flock 2k-9 - .
Payload: Dove 0F2E; FLOCK 2K 09. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42896 . COSPAR: 2017-042BZ. Apogee: 456 km (283 mi). Perigee: 441 km (274 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.56 min. See Flock-2k 9 (Dove 0F2E). ..
- Flock 2k-6 - .
Payload: Dove 0F2A; FLOCK 2K 06. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42897 . COSPAR: 2017-042CA. Apogee: 458 km (284 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.62 min. See Flock-2k 6 (Dove 0F2A). ..
- Flock 2k-44 - .
Payload: Dove 1020; FLOCK 2K 44. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42873 . COSPAR: 2017-042BA. Apogee: 459 km (285 mi). Perigee: 444 km (275 mi). Inclination: 96.96 deg. Period: 93.61 min. See Flock-2k 44 (Dove 1020). ..
2017 October 31 - .
21:36 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg 576E.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Taurus 3210.
- Flock 3m-1 - .
Payload: Dove 0F06; FLOCK 3M 1. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42995 . COSPAR: 2017-068J. Apogee: 518 km (321 mi). Perigee: 495 km (307 mi). Inclination: 97.37 deg. Period: 94.75 min. See Flock-3m 1 (Dove 0F06). ..
- Flock 3m-3 (POD-1) - .
Payload: Dove 0F13; FLOCK 3M 3. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42996 . COSPAR: 2017-068K. Apogee: 518 km (321 mi). Perigee: 494 km (306 mi). Inclination: 97.36 deg. Period: 94.74 min. See Flock-3m 3 (Dove 0F13). ..
- Flock 3m-4 - .
Payload: Dove 0F4C; FLOCK 3M 4. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42997 . COSPAR: 2017-068L. Apogee: 519 km (322 mi). Perigee: 495 km (307 mi). Inclination: 97.39 deg. Period: 94.76 min. See Flock-3m 4 (Dove 0F4C). ..
- Flock 3m-2 - .
Payload: Dove 0F02; FLOCK 3M 2. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 42998 . COSPAR: 2017-068M. Apogee: 518 km (321 mi). Perigee: 496 km (308 mi). Inclination: 97.38 deg. Period: 94.76 min. See Flock-3m 2 (Dove 0F02). ..
2017 November 12 - .
12:18 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island Pad 0A.
LV Family:
Antares LV.
Launch Vehicle:
Antares 230.
- Lemur-2-RocketJonah - .
Payload: Lemur-2-54; LEMUR 2 ROCKETJONAH. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43041 . COSPAR: 2017-071E. Apogee: 440 km (270 mi). Perigee: 440 km (270 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 93.38 min. See Lemur-2 54 (Lemur-2 RocketJonah) ↑. ..
- Lemur-2-YongLin - .
Payload: Lemur-2-50; LEMUR 2 YONGLIN. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43045 . COSPAR: 2017-071J. Apogee: 441 km (274 mi). Perigee: 435 km (270 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 93.34 min. See Lemur-2 50 (Lemur-2 YongLin) ↑. ..
- Lemur-2-Kevin - .
Payload: Lemur-2-51; LEMUR 2 KEVIN. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43046 . COSPAR: 2017-071K. Apogee: 443 km (275 mi). Perigee: 438 km (272 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 93.39 min. See Lemur-2 51 (Lemur-2 Kevin) ↑. ..
- Lemur-2-BrianDavie - .
Payload: Lemur-2-52; LEMUR 2 BRIANDAVIE. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43047 . COSPAR: 2017-071L. Apogee: 443 km (275 mi). Perigee: 438 km (272 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 93.40 min. See Lemur-2 52 (Lemur-2 BrianDavie) ↑. ..
- Lemur-2-RomaCoste - .
Payload: Lemur-2-53; LEMUR 2 ROMACOSTE. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43048 . COSPAR: 2017-071M. Apogee: 442 km (274 mi). Perigee: 437 km (271 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 93.37 min. See Lemur-2 53 (Lemur-2 RomaCoste) ↑. ..
- Lemur-2-McCullagh - .
Payload: Lemur-2-56; LEMUR 2 MCCULLAGH. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43051 . COSPAR: 2017-071Q. Apogee: 440 km (270 mi). Perigee: 439 km (272 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 93.37 min. See Lemur-2 56 (Lemur-2 McCullagh) ↑. ..
- Lemur-2-Dunlop - .
Payload: Lemur-2-57; LEMUR 2 DUNLOP. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43053 . COSPAR: 2017-071S. Apogee: 442 km (274 mi). Perigee: 441 km (274 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 93.41 min. See Lemur-2 57 (Lemur-2 Dunlop) ↑. ..
- Lemur-2-Liu-Poh-Chun - .
Payload: Lemur-2-55; LEMUR 2 LIU-POU-CHUN. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43054 . COSPAR: 2017-071T. Apogee: 440 km (270 mi). Perigee: 440 km (270 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 93.38 min. See Lemur-2 55 (Lemur-2 Liu-Poh-Chun) ↑. ..
2017 November 28 - .
05:40 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vostochniy PU1S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
2018 January 12 - .
03:58 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Sriharikota FLP.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Flock 3p'-3 - .
Payload: Dove 1105; FLOCK 3PP 3. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43119 . COSPAR: 2018-004J. Apogee: 505 km (313 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 94.58 min. See Flock-3p' 3 (Dove 1105). ..
- Flock 3p'-2 - .
Payload: Dove 1102; FLOCK 3PP 2. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43120 . COSPAR: 2018-004K. Apogee: 505 km (313 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 94.58 min. See Flock-3p' 2 (Dove 1102). ..
- Flock 3p'-1 - .
Payload: Dove 1100; FLOCK 3PP 1. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43121 . COSPAR: 2018-004L. Apogee: 504 km (313 mi). Perigee: 490 km (300 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 94.56 min. See Flock-3p' 1 (Dove 1100). ..
- Flock 3p'-4 - .
Payload: Dove 1107; FLOCK 3PP 4. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43122 . COSPAR: 2018-004M. Apogee: 505 km (313 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 94.58 min. See Flock-3p' 4 (Dove 1107). ..
- Lemur-2-McCafferty - .
Payload: Lemur-2-68; LEMUR 2 MCCAFFERTY. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43123 . COSPAR: 2018-004N. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 488 km (303 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 94.50 min. See Lemur-2 70 (Lemur-2 McCafferty). ..
- Lemur-2-PeterWebster - .
Payload: Lemur-2-69; LEMUR 2 PETERWEBSTER. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43124 . COSPAR: 2018-004P. Apogee: 502 km (311 mi). Perigee: 488 km (303 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 94.52 min. See Lemur-2 68 (Lemur-2 PeterWebster). ..
- Lemur-2-BrownCow - .
Payload: Lemur-2-70; LEMUR 2 BROWNCOW. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43125 . COSPAR: 2018-004Q. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 488 km (303 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 94.50 min. See Lemur-2 71 (Lemur-2 BrownCow). ..
- Lemur-2-DaveWilson - .
Payload: Lemur-2-71; LEMUR 2 DAVEWILSON. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43126 . COSPAR: 2018-004R. Apogee: 502 km (311 mi). Perigee: 488 km (303 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 94.51 min. See Lemur-2 69 (Lemur-2 DaveWilson). ..
2018 January 21 - .
01:42 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Mahia LC1.
Launch Vehicle:
- Lemur-2-Marshall - .
Payload: Lemur-2-72; LEMUR 2 MARSHALL. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43165 . COSPAR: 2018-010C. Apogee: 530 km (320 mi). Perigee: 487 km (302 mi). Inclination: 82.92 deg. Period: 94.79 min. See Lemur-2 73 (Lemur-2 Marshall). ..
- Lemur-2-Tallhamn-ATC - .
Payload: Lemur-2-73; LEMUR 2 TALLHAMN-ATC. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43167 . COSPAR: 2018-010E. Apogee: 531 km (329 mi). Perigee: 497 km (308 mi). Inclination: 82.92 deg. Period: 94.91 min. See Lemur-2 72 (Lemur-2 Tallhamn-ATC). ..
2018 February 1 - .
02:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vostochniy PU1S.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Lemur-2-Jin-Luen - .
Payload: Lemur-2-74; LEMUR 2 JIN-LUEN. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43182 . COSPAR: 2018-014C. Apogee: 590 km (360 mi). Perigee: 568 km (352 mi). Inclination: 97.71 deg. Period: 96.25 min. See Lemur-2 76 (Lemur-2 Jin-Luen). ..
- Lemur-2-UramChanSol - .
Payload: Lemur-2-75; LEMUR 2 URAMCHANSOL. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43183 . COSPAR: 2018-014D. Apogee: 590 km (360 mi). Perigee: 568 km (352 mi). Inclination: 97.71 deg. Period: 96.25 min. See Lemur-2 77 (Lemur-2 UramChanSol). ..
- Lemur-2-Kadi - .
Payload: Lemur-2-76; LEMUR 2 KADI. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43184 . COSPAR: 2018-014E. Apogee: 590 km (360 mi). Perigee: 568 km (352 mi). Inclination: 97.71 deg. Period: 96.24 min. See Lemur-2 74 (Lemur-2 Kadi). ..
- Lemur-2-TheNickMolo - .
Payload: Lemur-2-77; LEMUR 2 THENICKMOLO. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43185 . COSPAR: 2018-014F. Apogee: 589 km (365 mi). Perigee: 568 km (352 mi). Inclination: 97.71 deg. Period: 96.25 min. See Lemur-2 75 (Lemur-2 TheNickMolo). ..
2018 May 21 - .
08:43 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Wallops Island.
Launch Complex:
Wallops Island Pad 0A.
LV Family:
Antares LV.
Launch Vehicle:
Antares 230.
- Lemur-2-Alexander - .
Payload: Lemur-2-80; LEMUR 2 VU. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43558 . COSPAR: 2018-046E. Apogee: 485 km (301 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 94.20 min. See Lemur-2 80 (Lemur-2 Alexander). ..
- Lemur-2-Vu - .
Payload: Lemur-2-81; LEMUR 2 ALEXANDER. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43559 . COSPAR: 2018-046F. Apogee: 485 km (301 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 94.20 min. See Lemur-2 81 (Lemur-2 Vu). ..
- Lemur-2-TomHenderson - .
Payload: Lemur-2-78; LEMUR 2 YUASA. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43560 . COSPAR: 2018-046G. Apogee: 485 km (301 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 94.20 min. See Lemur-2 78 (Lemur-2 TomHenderson). ..
- Lemur-2-Yuasa - .
Payload: Lemur-2-79; LEMUR 2 TOMHENDERSON. Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43561 . COSPAR: 2018-046H. Apogee: 485 km (301 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 51.64 deg. Period: 94.20 min. See Lemur-2 79 (Lemur-2 Yuasa). ..
2018 November 11 - .
03:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Mahia LC1.
Launch Vehicle:
- Lemur-2-Zupanski - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Weather/Com. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43695 . COSPAR: 2018-088F. Apogee: 518 km (321 mi). Perigee: 495 km (307 mi). Inclination: 85.03 deg. Period: 94.75 min. See Lemur-2 82 (Lemur-2 Zupanski). ..
- Lemur-2-Chanusiak - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Weather/Com. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43697 . COSPAR: 2018-088H. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 494 km (306 mi). Inclination: 85.04 deg. Period: 94.70 min. See Lemur-2 83 (Lemur-2 Chanusiak). ..
2018 November 29 - .
04:26 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Hiber 1 - .
Nation: Netherlands.
Type: Comms IoT. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43744 . COSPAR: 2018-096AB. Apogee: 500 km (310 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.34 min. See Hiber 1. IoT data relay 6U cubesat for Hiber (Delft). ..
- Lemur-2-Duly - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Weather/AIS. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43745 . COSPAR: 2018-096AC. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 470 km (290 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.31 min. See Lemur-2 87 (Lemur-2 Duly). ..
- Lemur-2-Vladimir - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Weather/AIS. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43746 . COSPAR: 2018-096AD. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 469 km (291 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.31 min. See Lemur-2 85 (Lemur-2 Vladimir). ..
- Flock 3r-9 - .
Payload: Dove 1061. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43723 . COSPAR: 2018-096E. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.36 min. See Flock-3r 9 (Dove 1061). ..
- Flock 3r-1 - .
Payload: Dove 105A. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43747 . COSPAR: 2018-096AE. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 469 km (291 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.31 min. See Flock-3r 1 (Dove 105A). ..
- Flock 3r-12 - .
Payload: Dove 1066. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43724 . COSPAR: 2018-096F. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.35 min. See Flock-3r 12 (Dove 1066). ..
- Flock 3r-2 - .
Payload: Dove 105B. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43748 . COSPAR: 2018-096AF. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 469 km (291 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.31 min. See Flock-3r 2 (Dove 105B). ..
- Flock 3r-14 - .
Payload: Dove 210C. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43749 . COSPAR: 2018-096AG. Apogee: 500 km (310 mi). Perigee: 468 km (290 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.29 min. See Flock-3r 14 (Dove 210C). ..
- Flock 3r-11 - .
Payload: Dove 1064. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43725 . COSPAR: 2018-096G. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.35 min. See Flock-3r 11 (Dove 1064). ..
- Flock 3r-5 - .
Payload: Dove 105F. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43726 . COSPAR: 2018-096H. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.35 min. See Flock-3r 5 (Dove 105F). ..
- Flock 3r-13 - .
Payload: Dove 210B. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43750 . COSPAR: 2018-096AH. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 468 km (290 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.29 min. See Flock-3r 13 (Dove 210B). ..
- Flock 3r-8 - .
Payload: Dove 1060. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43727 . COSPAR: 2018-096J. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.35 min. See Flock-3r 8 (Dove 1060). ..
- Lemur-2-Orzulak - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Weather/AIS. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43731 . COSPAR: 2018-096N. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 470 km (290 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.31 min. See Lemur-2 84 (Lemur-2 Orzulak). ..
- Lemur-2-Kobyszcze - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Weather/AIS. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43732 . COSPAR: 2018-096P. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 469 km (291 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.31 min. See Lemur-2 86 (Lemur-2 Kobyszcze). ..
- Flock 3r-4 - .
Payload: Dove 105E. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43733 . COSPAR: 2018-096Q. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 470 km (290 mi). Inclination: 97.47 deg. Period: 94.31 min. See Flock-3r 4 (Dove 105E). ..
- Flock 3r-3 - .
Payload: Dove 105D. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43734 . COSPAR: 2018-096R. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 469 km (291 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.31 min. See Flock-3r 3 (Dove 105D). ..
- Flock 3r-16 - .
Payload: Dove 2152. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43735 . COSPAR: 2018-096S. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 468 km (290 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.30 min. See Flock-3r 16 (Dove 2152). ..
- Flock 3r-15 - .
Payload: Dove 2107. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43736 . COSPAR: 2018-096T. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 468 km (290 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.30 min. See Flock-3r 15 (Dove 2107). ..
- Flock 3r-10 - .
Payload: Dove 1059. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43740 . COSPAR: 2018-096X. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 474 km (294 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.35 min. See Flock-3r 10 (Dove 1059). ..
- Flock 3r-6 - .
Payload: Dove 1057. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43741 . COSPAR: 2018-096Y. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.35 min. See Flock-3r 6 (Dove 1057). ..
- Flock 3r-7 - .
Payload: Dove 1058. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43742 . COSPAR: 2018-096Z. Apogee: 501 km (311 mi). Perigee: 473 km (293 mi). Inclination: 97.48 deg. Period: 94.35 min. See Flock-3r 7 (Dove 1058). ..
2018 December 3 - .
18:33 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Vandenberg SLC4E.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Falcon 9.
- MinXSS 2 - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Solar X. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43758 . COSPAR: 2018-099A. Apogee: 593 km (368 mi). Perigee: 570 km (350 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.30 min. See MinXSS 2. Astronomy cubesat for U Colorado Boulder; Solar x-ray data. 1017LT SSO..
- Elysium Star 2 - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Burial. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099C. See Elysium-Star 2. Burial 1U cubesat for Elysium Space, San Francisco. 1017LT SSO..
- Blackhawk - .
Type: Comms. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See BlackHawk. Communications technology cubesat for Viasat/Blue Canyon. 1017LT SSO..
- IRVINE02 - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Tech. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099.
See Irvine 02. Technology 1U cubesat for Irvine Public School Foundation, Irvine, California. 1U cubesat by Irvine CubeSat STEM Program. Mission: Test propulsion system and LED communications. Status as of 2019: Awaiting Launch. Built by high school students. Selected by NASA for CubeSat Launch Initiative. 1017LT SSO.
- Audacy Zero - .
Type: Comms. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See Audacy 0. Communications technology cubesat for Audacy/ClydeSpace. 1017LT SSO..
- Centauri 1 - .
Type: Comms. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See Centauri 1. 1017LT SSO..
- DoD Cube 2B - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Comms?. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. 1017LT SSO.
- DoD Cube 2A - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Comms?. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. 1017LT SSO.
- SeaHawk - .
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See SeaHawk 1. 1017LT SSO..
- SeeMe - .
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See SeeMe. 1017LT SSO..
- K2SAT - .
Nation: Korea South.
Type: Imaging/Com. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See K2SAT. Amateur radio cubesat for Korea AF Academy/KAIST. 1017LT SSO..
- VisionCube - .
Nation: Korea South.
Type: Atmos Sci. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See VisionCube. Specialized imaging cubesat for Korea Aerospace U. 1017LT SSO..
Nation: Thailand.
Type: Tech. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See KNACKSAT. Amateur radio cubesat for King Mongkut Univ of Tech., Bangkok. 1017LT SSO..
- ENOCH - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Art. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See Enoch. Art cubesat for LA County Mus. of Art, Tavares Strachan. 1017LT SSO..
- WeissSat 1 - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Tech. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See WeissSat 1. Technology 1U cubesat for Weiss School, Palm Beach, Florida. 1017LT SSO..
- ICE-Cap - .
Type: Comms. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See ICE-Cap. 1017LT SSO..
- THEA - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Sigint. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See THEA. Technology cubesat for Aurora Insight/DC, SpaceQuest. 1017LT SSO..
- RAAF M1 - .
Nation: Australia.
Type: Comms. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See RAAF M1. AIS/ADS-B maritime/aviavtion location cubesat for Royal Australian AF, UNSW. 1017LT SSO..
- Orbital Reflector - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Art. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. See Orbital Reflector (ORS 1). Art cubesat for Nevada Museum of Art, Trevor Paglen. 1017LT SSO..
- DoD Cube 2C - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Comms?. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099. 1017LT SSO.
- Denali - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Radar. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43791 . COSPAR: 2018-099AK. Apogee: 589 km (365 mi). Perigee: 572 km (355 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.29 min. See Capella 1 (Denali). Radar 12U cubesat for Capella Space. 1017LT SSO..
- Landmapper-BC4 - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43767 . COSPAR: 2018-099K. Apogee: 593 km (368 mi). Perigee: 575 km (357 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.35 min. See Landmapper-BC 4 (Corvus-BC 4). Imaging 6U cubesat for Astro Digital, San Jose/Mountain View. 1017LT SSO..
- AISTechSat-2 - .
Nation: Spain.
Type: Imaging/Com. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43768 . COSPAR: 2018-099L. Apogee: 593 km (368 mi). Perigee: 575 km (357 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.36 min. See AISTECHSAT 2. AIS/ADS-B maritime/aviavtion location cubesat for AISTech, Barcelona (6U. 1017LT SSO..
- CSIM-FD - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Tech. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43793 . COSPAR: 2018-099AM. Apogee: 590 km (360 mi). Perigee: 571 km (354 mi). Inclination: 97.75 deg. Period: 96.29 min. See CSIM-FD. Astronomy 6U cubesat for U Colorado Boulder; solar irradiance. 1017LT SSO..
- Flock 3s-1 - .
Payload: Dove 105C. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43770 . COSPAR: 2018-099N. Apogee: 594 km (369 mi). Perigee: 572 km (355 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.34 min. See Flock-3s 1 (Dove 105C). 1017LT SSO..
- Flock 3s-2 - .
Payload: Dove 2151. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43821 . COSPAR: 2018-099BR. Apogee: 592 km (367 mi). Perigee: 571 km (354 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.30 min. See Flock-3s 2 (Dove 2151). 1017LT SSO..
- Suomi-100 - .
Nation: Finland.
Type: Tech. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43804 . COSPAR: 2018-099AY. Apogee: 593 km (368 mi). Perigee: 570 km (350 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.31 min. See Suomi-100. Technology 1U cubesat for Aalto U. 1017LT SSO..
- VESTA - .
Nation: UK.
Type: Comms. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43781 . COSPAR: 2018-099Z. Apogee: 593 km (368 mi). Perigee: 572 km (355 mi). Inclination: 97.75 deg. Period: 96.33 min. See VESTA. AIS/ADS-B maritime/aviavtion location cubesat for Surrey/UKSA. 1017LT SSO..
- SNUSAT 2 - .
Nation: Korea South.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43782 . COSPAR: 2018-099AA. Apogee: 592 km (367 mi). Perigee: 573 km (356 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.32 min. See SNUSAT 2. Imaging cubesat for Seoul Natl. U. 1017LT SSO..
- KazSciSat - .
Nation: Kazakhstan.
Type: Tech. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43783 . COSPAR: 2018-099AB. Apogee: 594 km (369 mi). Perigee: 580 km (360 mi). Inclination: 97.77 deg. Period: 96.41 min. See KazSTSAT. Technology cubesat for Ghalam LLP, Astana. 1017LT SSO..
Nation: Korea South.
Type: Tech/Comms. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43784 . COSPAR: 2018-099AC. Apogee: 594 km (369 mi). Perigee: 571 km (354 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.32 min. See SNUGLITE. Amateur radio cubesat for Seoul Natl. U. 1017LT SSO..
- Flock 3s-3 - .
Payload: Dove 210D. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43788 . COSPAR: 2018-099AG. Apogee: 593 km (368 mi). Perigee: 571 km (354 mi). Inclination: 97.76 deg. Period: 96.31 min. See Flock-3s 3 (Dove 210D). 1017LT SSO..
- BRIO - .
Type: Tech. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-099BH. See BRIO. Communications technology cubesat for SpaceQuest/Myriota. 1017LT SSO..
2018 December 16 - .
06:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Mahia LC1.
Launch Vehicle:
- AC11-R3 - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43849 . COSPAR: 2018-104A. Apogee: 516 km (320 mi). Perigee: 488 km (303 mi). Inclination: 85.04 deg. Period: 94.65 min. See CeREs. ..
- Shields - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Tech 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43850 . COSPAR: 2018-104B. Apogee: 515 km (320 mi). Perigee: 491 km (305 mi). Inclination: 85.03 deg. Period: 94.68 min. See Shields 1. ..
- STF-1 - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Science 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43852 . COSPAR: 2018-104D. Apogee: 516 km (320 mi). Perigee: 493 km (306 mi). Inclination: 85.04 deg. Period: 94.72 min. See STF 1. ..
Nation: USA.
Type: Tech 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43855 . COSPAR: 2018-104G. Apogee: 513 km (318 mi). Perigee: 486 km (301 mi). Inclination: 85.04 deg. Period: 94.60 min. See CHOMPTT. ..
- ISX-CP11 - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Science 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43856 . COSPAR: 2018-104H. Apogee: 518 km (321 mi). Perigee: 494 km (306 mi). Inclination: 85.04 deg. Period: 94.74 min. See ISX (CP 11). ..
- DaVinci - .
Type: Education 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43857 . COSPAR: 2018-104J. See Da Vinci. ..
- CeReS - .
Type: Science 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-104. See CeREs. ..
- NMTSat - .
Type: Science 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-104. See NMTSat. ..
- Albus - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Tech 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-104. See ALBus. ..
- Cubesail - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Tech 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-104. See CubeSail 1. 3U cubesat by University of Illinois. Mission: Solar sail propulsion while in LEO. Technology demo for UltraSail heliogyro..
- RSat-P - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Tech 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
COSPAR: 2018-104. See RSat-P. 3U cubesat by United States Naval Academy. Mission: Technology demonstration. Status as of 2019: Active..
- Goergen (SHFT-1 - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Rad Astron 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43860 . COSPAR: 2018-104M. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 492 km (305 mi). Inclination: 85.04 deg. Period: 94.68 min. See SHFT 1 (Goergen). ..
- AC11-Eagle Scout - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43861 . COSPAR: 2018-104N. Apogee: 515 km (320 mi). Perigee: 489 km (303 mi). Inclination: 85.05 deg. Period: 94.66 min.
2018 December 27 - .
02:06 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Soyuz-2-1A Fregat.
- Lemur-2-ChristinaHolt - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Met/Comms 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43882 . COSPAR: 2018-111G. Apogee: 587 km (364 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.23 min. See Lemur-2 90 (Lemur-2 ChristinaHolt). ..
- Lemur-2-TinyKev - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Met/Comms 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43883 . COSPAR: 2018-111H. Apogee: 587 km (364 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.23 min. See Lemur-2 92 (Lemur-2 Tinykev). ..
- Lemur-2-RemyColton - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Met/Comms 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43884 . COSPAR: 2018-111J. Apogee: 587 km (364 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.23 min. See Lemur-2 88 (Lemur-2 Remy-Colton). ..
- Lemur-2-Gustavo - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Met/Comms 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43885 . COSPAR: 2018-111K. Apogee: 587 km (364 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.23 min. See Lemur-2 89 (Lemur-2 Gustavo). ..
- Lemur-2-Zo - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Met/Comms 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43886 . COSPAR: 2018-111L. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 569 km (353 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.22 min. See Lemur-2 91 (Lemur-2 Zo). ..
- Lemur-2-NatalieMurray - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Met/Comms 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43887 . COSPAR: 2018-111M. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 568 km (352 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.21 min. See Lemur-2 94 (Lemur-2 NatalieMurray). ..
- Lemur-2-SarahBettyBoo - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Met/Comms 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43888 . COSPAR: 2018-111N. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 568 km (352 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.21 min. See Lemur-2 93 (Lemur-2 SarahBettyBoo). ..
- Lemur-2-DaisyHarper - .
Nation: USA.
Type: Met/Comms 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43889 . COSPAR: 2018-111P. Apogee: 586 km (364 mi). Perigee: 568 km (352 mi). Inclination: 97.73 deg. Period: 96.21 min. See Lemur-2 95 (Lemur-2 Daisy-Harper). ..
- Flock 3k-3/Dove 1068 - .
Payload: Dove 1068. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43892 . COSPAR: 2018-111S. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 478 km (297 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.52 min. See Flock-3k 3 (Dove 1068). ..
- Flock 3k-4/Dove 1063 - .
Payload: Dove 1063. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43893 . COSPAR: 2018-111T. Apogee: 514 km (319 mi). Perigee: 477 km (296 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.52 min. See Flock-3k 4 (Dove 1063). ..
- Flock 3k-1/Dove 1062 - .
Payload: Dove 1062. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43894 . COSPAR: 2018-111U. Apogee: 513 km (318 mi). Perigee: 477 km (296 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.52 min. See Flock-3k 1 (Dove 1062). ..
- Flock 3k-2/Dove 106c - .
Payload: Dove 106C. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43895 . COSPAR: 2018-111V. Apogee: 513 km (318 mi). Perigee: 477 km (296 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.52 min. See Flock-3k 2 (Dove 106C). ..
- Flock 3k-6/Dove 1069 - .
Payload: Dove 1069. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43896 . COSPAR: 2018-111W. Apogee: 512 km (318 mi). Perigee: 478 km (297 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.51 min. See Flock-3k 6 (Dove 1069). ..
- Flock 3k-5/Dove 1067 - .
Payload: Dove 1067. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43899 . COSPAR: 2018-111Z. Apogee: 512 km (318 mi). Perigee: 478 km (297 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.51 min. See Flock-3k 5 (Dove 1067). ..
- Flock 3k-8/Dove 106b - .
Payload: Dove 106B. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43901 . COSPAR: 2018-111AB. Apogee: 512 km (318 mi). Perigee: 478 km (297 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.51 min. See Flock-3k 8 (Dove 106B). ..
- Flock 3k-7/Dove 106a - .
Payload: Dove 106A. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43902 . COSPAR: 2018-111AC. Apogee: 511 km (317 mi). Perigee: 477 km (296 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.50 min. See Flock-3k 7 (Dove 106A). ..
- Flock 3k-12/Dove 106f - .
Payload: Dove 106F. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43903 . COSPAR: 2018-111AD. Apogee: 511 km (317 mi). Perigee: 478 km (297 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.50 min. See Flock-3k 12 (Dove 106F). ..
- Flock 3k-11/Dove 106e - .
Payload: Dove 106E. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43904 . COSPAR: 2018-111AE. Apogee: 511 km (317 mi). Perigee: 477 km (296 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.49 min. See Flock-3k 11 (Dove 106E). ..
- Flock 3k-10/Dove 106d - .
Payload: Dove 106D. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43905 . COSPAR: 2018-111AF. Apogee: 511 km (317 mi). Perigee: 477 km (296 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.49 min. See Flock-3k 10 (Dove 106D). ..
- Flock 3k-9/Dove 1065 - .
Payload: Dove 1065. Nation: USA.
Type: Imaging 1. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43906 . COSPAR: 2018-111AG. Apogee: 511 km (317 mi). Perigee: 477 km (296 mi). Inclination: 97.30 deg. Period: 94.49 min. See Flock-3k 9 (Dove 1065). ..
2019 January 21 - .
05:41 GMT - .
Launch Site:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Chang Zheng 11.
- Lingque 1 A xing - .
Nation: China.
Type: Imaging 0. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43942 . COSPAR: 2019-005A. Apogee: 539 km (334 mi). Perigee: 516 km (320 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 95.19 min. See Jilin-1 Hyperspectral-01 (Jilin Lincao-1). 6U cubesat for Beijing ZeroG Lab Ltd.for onboard detection of moving ground targets. 1200LT SSO..
- Qingteng Zhi Xing - .
Payload: XX-1-03; Xiaoxiang-1-03. Nation: China.
Type: Imaging 0. Spacecraft: Cubesat.
USAF Sat Cat: 43944 . COSPAR: 2019-005C. Apogee: 539 km (334 mi). Perigee: 523 km (324 mi). Inclination: 97.51 deg. Period: 95.26 min. 6U cubesat. Joint mission between Tianyi Research and the online Qingteng University business school. 1200LT SSO.
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