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Goebbels, Joseph
 Goebbels Goebbels, Joseph |
German Politician. National Socialist politician and propaganda Minister. The dubbed the F-103 cruise missile and the A4 ballistic missile 'Vengeance weapons' and designated them V-1 and V-2 respectively.
Born: 1897-10-29. Died: 1945-05-01.
1897 October 29 - .
- Birth of Joseph Goebbels. - .
Related Persons: Goebbels.
German Politician. National Socialist politician and propaganda Minister. The dubbed the F-103 cruise missile and the A4 ballistic missile 'Vengeance weapons' and designated them V-1 and V-2 respectively..
1945 May 1 - .
- Death of Joseph Goebbels. - .
Related Persons: Goebbels.
German Politician. National Socialist politician and propaganda Minister. The dubbed the F-103 cruise missile and the A4 ballistic missile 'Vengeance weapons' and designated them V-1 and V-2 respectively..
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