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Friedrich, Hans Rudolph
 Friedrich Hans Credit: via Richard Martin |
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter.
Born: 1911-09-12. Died: 1958-12-06.
After receiving doctorate from Leipzig University, became chief controls analyst for the V-2 missile at Peenemuende during World War II. As of January 1947, working at Fort Bliss, Texas. In 1951 he left von Braun's group at the Redstone Arsenal and joined Convair as head of control and dynamic analysis for the MX-1593 / Atlas missile. He was later Convair's Engineering Director of Systems Analysis. Died at San Diego, California.
1911 September 12 - .
- Birth of Hans Rudolph Friedrich - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Friedrich.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
1958 December 6 - .
- Death of Hans Rudolph Friedrich - .
Nation: Germany,
Related Persons: Friedrich.
German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter..
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