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Part of MOL

MOL in flight
MOL in flight over Sinai Peninsula
Credit: © Mark Wade
At the time of the cancellation of the MOL program in June 1969, the first manned mission was planned for early 1972. A crew of two would have spent thirty days in orbit operating sophisticated military reconnaissance equipment and other experiments.
Launched: 1972 Early. Number crew: 2 .
Walt Williams told Michael Cassutt that Jim Taylor would have commanded the first MOL flight, and given Williams's background in flight test operations, Mercury. And Gemini, that call was pretty much his at that time. As for the pilot, Al Crews, a holdover from the Dynasoar program, is considered by Cassutt as good a guess as any.
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1972 Early - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- MOL 3 (cancelled) - .
Crew: Crews,
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Crews,
Flight: MOL 3.
Spacecraft: MOL.
At the time of the cancellation of the MOL program in June 1969, the first manned mission was planned for early 1972. A crew of two would have spent thirty days in orbit operating sophisticated military reconnaisance equipment and other experiments..
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