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Titan 3M
Part of Titan
 Titan 3M Credit: © Mark Wade |
American orbital launch vehicle. Man-rated launch vehicle designed for MOL and other missions of the 1970's. Malfunction Detection System initiated abort procedures during launch. Also suited for launch of 'bulbous and lifting body payloads'. 7 segment UA1207 motors developed but not used until Titan 4 in 1990's. Cancelled with MOL program in 1969.
Status: Development ended 1967. Payload: 17,000 kg (37,000 lb). Thrust: 12,821.00 kN (2,882,275 lbf). Gross mass: 836,560 kg (1,844,290 lb). Height: 39.00 m (127.00 ft). Diameter: 3.05 m (10.00 ft). Apogee: 185 km (114 mi).
LEO Payload: 17,000 kg (37,000 lb) to a 185 km orbit. Launch Price $: 22.000 million in 1965 dollars.
Stage Data - Titan 3M
- Stage 0. 2 x Titan UA1207. Gross Mass: 319,330 kg (704,000 lb). Empty Mass: 51,230 kg (112,940 lb). Thrust (vac): 7,116.999 kN (1,599,965 lbf). Isp: 272 sec. Burn time: 120 sec. Isp(sl): 245 sec. Diameter: 3.05 m (10.00 ft). Span: 3.05 m (10.00 ft). Length: 34.14 m (112.00 ft). Propellants: Solid. No Engines: 1. Engine: UA1207. Status: In Production.
- Stage 1. 1 x Titan 3B-1. Gross Mass: 139,935 kg (308,503 lb). Empty Mass: 7,000 kg (15,400 lb). Thrust (vac): 2,413.191 kN (542,507 lbf). Isp: 302 sec. Burn time: 161 sec. Isp(sl): 250 sec. Diameter: 3.05 m (10.00 ft). Span: 3.05 m (10.00 ft). Length: 23.99 m (78.70 ft). Propellants: N2O4/Aerozine-50. No Engines: 2. Engine: LR-87-11. Status: In Production.
- Stage 2. 1 x Titan 3B-2. Gross Mass: 37,560 kg (82,800 lb). Empty Mass: 2,900 kg (6,300 lb). Thrust (vac): 460.314 kN (103,483 lbf). Isp: 316 sec. Burn time: 230 sec. Isp(sl): 145 sec. Diameter: 3.05 m (10.00 ft). Span: 3.05 m (10.00 ft). Length: 8.60 m (28.20 ft). Propellants: N2O4/Aerozine-50. No Engines: 1. Engine: LR-91-11. Status: In Production.
orbital launch vehicle.
Gemini Ferry,
Launch Sites:
Titan 3B-1,
Titan 3B-2,
1965 August 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- MOL to be launched from Canaveral and Vandenberg - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Johnson, Lyndon.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned space station. Spacecraft: MOL.
DoD revealed that newly-authorized Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) program (announced by President Lyndon Johnson the same day) would be launched from both the Air Force Eastern and Western Test Ranges..
1969 April 27 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- First static test firing of Titan 3M SRB. - .
Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: MOL.
First test firing of seven segment solid rocket booster motor for Titan 3M for MOL. The test at Coyote Canyon, California, generated 0.7 million kgf for two minutes..
1970 Late - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- MOL 1 - .
Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: MOL.
The first unmanned Gemini-B/Titan 3M qualification flight was planned for late 1970 at the time the program was cancelled..
1971 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- MOL 2 - .
Nation: USA.
Spacecraft: MOL.
The second unmanned Gemini-B/Titan 3M qualification flight would have taken place in 1971 and set the stage for the first manned mission in 1971..
1972 Early - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- MOL 3 (cancelled) - .
Crew: Crews,
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Crews,
Flight: MOL 3.
Spacecraft: MOL.
At the time of the cancellation of the MOL program in June 1969, the first manned mission was planned for early 1972. A crew of two would have spent thirty days in orbit operating sophisticated military reconnaisance equipment and other experiments..
1972 Late - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- MOL 4 (cancelled) - .
Nation: USA.
Flight: MOL 4.
Spacecraft: MOL.
Planned date of second manned MOL mission at time of the program cancellation..
1973 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- MOL 5 (cancelled) - .
Nation: USA.
Flight: MOL 5.
Spacecraft: MOL.
Planned date of third manned MOL mission at time of the program cancellation..
1974 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- MOL 6 (cancelled) - .
Crew: Crippen,
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Crippen,
Flight: MOL 6.
Spacecraft: MOL.
Planned date of fourth manned MOL mission at time of the program cancellation. From the beginning of the project, the Navy had demanded that this be an all-Navy crew..
1975 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Titan 3M.
- MOL 7 (cancelled) - .
Nation: USA.
Flight: MOL 7.
Spacecraft: MOL.
Planned date of fifth manned MOL mission. This mission was already deleted from the FY 1970 budget request in April 1969, two months before the entire project was cancelled..
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