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Soyuz T-15B
Part of Salyut
 Spacesuit Orlan Orlan space suit as used on Salyut 7 and Mir space stations. Credit: Zvezda |
Cancelled second crew to operate TKS-3 military experiments aboard Salyut 7. These had been left uncompleted with the early return of the EO-4-2 crew due to Vasyutin's illness.
Launched: 1986 June. Number crew: 3 .
The new crew would have been shuttled to the station aboard a Soyuz-T spacecraft. Salyut 7 was moved to a higher orbit after the departure of the TKS-3 first crew to await the second crew, but then control of the station was lost. There were plans to return it aboard Buran for inspection, but first flight of the spaceplane was delayed. Salyut 7 and Cosmos 1686 burned up in the atmosphere together in a fiery show over Argentina on February 7, 1991.
Soyuz T.
1986 June - .
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