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Soyuz T-15C
Part of Salyut
 Spacesuit Orlan Orlan space suit as used on Salyut 7 and Mir space stations. Credit: Zvezda |
To have docked with Mir. Cancelled all-female flight to be launched on International Woman's Day. Breakdown of Salyut 7, exhaustion of stock of Soyuz T spacecraft, and official resistance led to cancellation of the mission.
Launched: 1986 September. Number crew: 3 .
Officially cancelled due to birth of Savitskaya's baby. No female cosmonauts would be in training again until a decade later.
More at: Soyuz T-15C.
Soyuz T.
1986 September - .
- Soyuz T-15C (cancelled) - .
Crew: Dobrokvashina,
Backup Crew: Aleksandrov,
Mass: 7,150 kg (15,760 lb). Nation: Russia.
Program: Salyut 7.
Flight: Soyuz T-15C.
Spacecraft Bus: Soyuz.
Spacecraft: Soyuz T.
Cancelled all-female flight to be launched on International Woman's Day, to have docked with Mir or Salyut 7. Breakdown of Salyut 7, exhaustion of stock of Soyuz T spacecraft, and official resistance led to cancellation of the mission. Officially cancelled due to birth of Savitskaya's baby. No female cosmonauts would be in training again until a decade later.
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