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Apollo 204
Part of Apollo Lunar Landing
 Apollo 204 Apollo Spacecraft 012 Command/Service Module being moved to Operations bldg Credit: NASA |
The planned first manned flight of the Apollo CSM, the Apollo C category mission. The crew was killed in a fire while testing their capsule on the pad on 27 January 1967, still weeks away from launch. Set back Apollo program by 18 months.
AKA: Apollo 1. Launched: 1967-01-27. Number crew: 3 .
Originally planned for the last quarter of 1966. Numerous problems with the Apollo Block I spacecraft resulted in a flight delay to February 1967. The crew was killed in a fire while testing their capsule on the pad on 27 January 1967, still weeks away from launch. The designation AS-204 was used by NASA for the flight at the time; the designation Apollo 1 was applied retroactively at the request of Grissom's widow.
Apollo 205, a second solo flight test of the Block I Apollo CSM, was planned but cancelled on December 22, 1966. The Schirra, Cunningham, Eisele crew from that flight became the backup crew to Apollo 204 (replacing the original backup crew of McDivitt, Scott, Schweickart).
More at: Apollo 204.
Photo Gallery
 | Apollo 204 Apollo Spacecraft 012 Command/Service Module being moved to Operations bldg Credit: NASA |
 | Apollo 204 Close-up view of Apollo Spacecraft 012 Command Module after flash fire Credit: NASA |
 | Apollo 204 Apollo 1 prime crew in spacesuits at the launch complex Credit: NASA |
1965 February 4-11 - .
- Real-time commands added to the up-data link equipment on Apollo command modules 012 and 014 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
After considering possible impacts, MSC directed North American to implement real-time commands to the up-data link equipment on command modules 012 and 014..
1965 March 3 - .
1965 March 16 - .
- Nine scientific experiments on Apollo SA 204/Airframe 012 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
MSC directed North American to include nine scientific experiments on SA 204/Airframe 012: cardiovascular reflex conditioning, bone demineralization, vestibular effects, exercise ergometer, inflight cardiac output, inflight vector cardiogram, measurement of metabolic rate during flight, inflight pulmonary functions, and synoptic terrain photography. On June 25, the last five experiments were deleted and a cytogenic blood studies experiment was added.
1965 April 28 - .
- Shirtsleeve environment in the Apollo CM - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Shea.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Joseph F. Shea, ASPO Manager, approved Crew Systems Division's recommendation to retain the "shirtsleeve" environment for the CM. The design was simpler and promised greater overall mission reliability; also, it would be more comfortable for the crewmen. Additional Details: here....
1965 May 16-June 15 - .
- Preliminary Apollo Reliability Report - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 11,
Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
North American released a preliminary report, "Apollo Reliability Modeling Documentation," in response to an action item assigned to MSC by the President's Scientific Advisory Committee (PSAC) Space Technology Panel at an Apollo program reliability briefing for the panel in January. Additional Details: here....
1965 July 23 - .
1965 September 15 - .
- Minimum time required to assure adequate crew training in the Apollo Mission Simulators defined - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Flight Crew Support Division defined the minimum time required to assure adequate crew training in the Apollo Mission Simulators. .
Additional Details: here....
1965 September 16-October 15 - .
- Apollo CSM 012 considered for the first manned Apollo flight - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
North American evaluated the compatibility of spacecraft 012 with its mission, AS-204, the first manned Apollo flight. The manufacturer determined that, by using roll-stabilized attitude during most of the flight, the vehicle could remain aloft for about 13½ days. The only onboard expendables termed marginal were cryogenics and the propellant supply in the SM's reaction control system (which, for added safety, would offer a redundant means of braking the vehicle out of orbit).
1965 September 30-October 7 - .
- Heatshield on Apollo Block I CMs must be thinned - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Flight Projects Division advised that, on the basis of current weight studies, the aft heatshield on Block I CMs must be thinned. .
Additional Details: here....
1965 October 5 - .
- Apollo AS-204 experiments revised - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Shea.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea recommended to Apollo Program Manager Samuel C. Phillips that experiment M-5A (Bioassays Body Fluids) not be incorporated on mission AS-204, based on schedule impact resulting from structural modifications necessary to support the Urine Volume Measuring System. Redesign and rework of existing spacecraft hardware would have a schedule impact of two to four weeks.
1965 October 21 - .
- Completion of static structural tests on the forward heatshield for the Block I Apollo CM - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
North American completed static structural tests on the forward heatshield for the Block I CM (part of the certification test network for airframes 009, 011, and 012), thus demonstrating the heatshield's structural integrity when jettisoned (at the start of the earth landing system sequence).
1965 November 19 - .
- Manned portion of the Apollo coast and maneuver simulation program was completed - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The manned portion of the coast and maneuver simulation program was completed, evaluating man-in-the-loop capabilities and their effects upon maneuver accuracy, maneuver time, and propellant consumption. .
Additional Details: here....
1965 December 15 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Saturn V.
- Apollo CSM ultimate static testing began - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
CSM ultimate static testing began. A failure occurred at 140 percent of the limit load test which simulated the end of the first-stage Saturn V boost..
Additional Details: here....
1966 January 28 - .
- Apollo spacecraft altitude chamber run requirements - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) Checkout and Test Division was informed by the Flight Crew Operations Director that in reference to a request for "...our desires for altitude chamber runs on Apollo spacecraft, we definitely feel three runs are mandatory on CSMs 012 and 014". Additional Details: here....
1966 February 7 - .
- Apollo CSM weight program reviewed - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The CSM weight program was reviewed by James L. Bullard of MSC and D. Morgan of North American Aviation at a meeting in Houston. .
Additional Details: here....
1966 July 13 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Saturn V.
- Apollo mission discontinuity leading to the lunar landing - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Kraft,
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204,
Apollo 7.
Spacecraft: Gemini.
MSC Director of Flight Crew Operations Donald K. Slayton and Director of Flight Operations Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., told ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea: "A comprehensive examination of the Apollo missions leading to the lunar landing indicates that there is a considerable discontinuity between missions AS-205 and AS-207/208". Additional Details: here....
1966 October 7 - .
- Apollo AS-204 Design Certification Review - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller, at the conclusion of the AS-204 Design Certification Review (DCR), requested each NASA manager to reexamine his stages, modules, systems, and subsystems upon substantial completion of the review's closeout actions and to file an updated certification statement to the Design Certification Board. Additional Details: here....
1966 October 11 - .
- Increasing engineering orders for Apollo spacecraft 012 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips was informed of increasing engineering orders for spacecraft 012. C. H. Bolender, OMSF Mission Operations Deputy Director, reported information received from John G. Shinkle, Kennedy Space Center Apollo Program Manager, on October 10. Additional Details: here....
1966 October 11 - .
- Tracking ship support for Apollo AS-204 mission - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204,
Apollo 7.
NASA reiterated its intention of examining the question of tracking ship Vanguard support for the AS-204 mission in the South Pacific as soon as mission plans were resolved. .
Additional Details: here....
1966 October 19 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Saturn I.
1966 November 29 - .
- Apollo flight crew nomenclature changes - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo LM,
CSM Block II.
MSC's Director of Flight Crew Operations Donald K. Slayton said that the Block I flight crew nomenclature was suitable for the AS-204 mission, but that a more descriptive designation was desirable for Block II flights. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 January 3 - .
- Apollo AS-204 rendezvous with a biosatellite impracticable - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Phillips, Samuel,
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
B. Kaskey, Bellcomm, Inc., gave NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips three reasons why an AS-204 rescue of or rendezvous with a biosatellite would be impracticable..
Additional Details: here....
1967 January 19 - .
- Numerous deficiencies noted in Apollo AS-204 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Testing of CSM 012 at Downey, Calif., and KSC revealed numerous failures in the communications cable assembly caused by broken wiring, bent pins, and connector malfunctions. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 January 26 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Saturn V.
1967 January 27 - .
LV Family:
Saturn I.
Launch Vehicle:
Saturn IB.
- Apollo AS-204 first steps - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Shea.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Fire sweeping through command module 012 atop its Saturn IB launch vehicle at Launch Complex 34, KSC, took the lives of the three-man crew scheduled for the first manned Apollo space flight. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 January 27 - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral.
LV Family:
Saturn I.
Launch Vehicle:
Saturn IB.
- Apollo 204 - .
Call Sign: Apollo 1. Crew: Chaffee,
Backup Crew: Cunningham,
Payload: CSM-012. Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
Apollo Lunar Landing,
CSM Electrical.
The first manned flight of the Apollo CSM, the Apollo C category mission, was planned for the last quarter of 1966. Numerous problems with the Apollo Block I spacecraft resulted in a flight delay to February 1967. The crew of Virgil I. Grissom, Edward H. White II, and Roger B. Chaffee, was killed in a fire while testing their capsule on the pad on 27 January 1967, still weeks away from launch. The designation AS-204 was used by NASA for the flight at the time; the designation Apollo 1 was applied retroactively at the request of Grissom's widow.
1967 January 28 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board assembled at KSC - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Chairman and several members of the Apollo 204 Review Board assembled at KSC and met with NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips, and other personnel from NASA Hq., KSC, and MSC. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 January 28 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board established to investigate the AS-204 accident - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Seamans.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Apollo 204 Review Board was established by NASA's Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., to investigate the Apollo 204 accident that had killed the 204 prime crew January 27. The Board would report to the NASA Administrator..
Additional Details: here....
1967 January 29 - .
- Astronaut Borman briefed the Apollo 204 Review Board after inspection of the damaged CSM 012 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Electrical.
Astronaut Frank Borman briefed the Apollo 204 Review Board after his inspection of the damaged command and service modules. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 January 30 - .
- Additional Apollo 204 Review Board consultants - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Faget.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Robert W. Van Dolah of the Bureau of Mines, I. Irving Pinkel of Lewis Research Center, and Thomas G. Horeff of the Federal Aviation Agency joined the Apollo 204 Review Board as consultants. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 January 31 - .
- Launch preparation for Apollo AS-501 to proceed as planned - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
A TWX from NASA Headquarters to MSC, MSFC, and KSC ordered checkout and launch preparation of AS-501 to proceed as planned, except that the CM would not be pressurized in an oxygen environment pending further direction. If AS-501 support, facility, or work force should conflict with the activities of the AS-204 Review Board, the Board would be given priority.
1967 January 31 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board of advised of accident in an altitude chamber at Brooks Air Force Base - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Col. Charles F. Strang advised the Apollo 204 Review Board of an accident in an altitude chamber at Brooks Air Force Base, Tex., that morning. A flash fire had swept the oxygen-filled pressure chamber, killing Airman 2/C William F. Bartley, Jr., and Airman 3/C Richard G. Harmon. Additional Details: here....
1967 January 31 - .
- Funeral services for the Apollo 204 crewmen - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Chaffee,
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Funeral services were held for the Apollo crewmen who died in the January 27 spacecraft 012 (Apollo 204 mission) flash fire at Cape Kennedy. All three were buried with full military honors: Virgil I. Grissom (Lt. Col., USAF), and Roger B. Chaffee (Lt. Cdr., USN), in Arlington, Va., National Cemetery; and Edward H. White II (Lt. Col., USAF), at West Point, N.Y. Memorial services had been held in Houston January 29 and 30.
1967 February 1 - .
- Task of removing the launch escape system from Apollo AS-204 delayed - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The task of removing the launch escape system from AS-204 was delayed until retrorockets and other ordnance devices could be removed from the launch vehicle and spacecraft. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 2 - .
- Apollo command module 014 arrived at KSC - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Command module 014 arrived from the North American Aviation plant in Downey, Calif., and was placed in the Pyrotechnic Installation Building at KSC. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 2 - .
- Instructions on release of information on any aspect of the Apollo AS-204 accident or investigation - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
MSC issued instructions to contractors and employees regarding release of information on any aspect of the AS-204 accident or investigation. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 3 - .
- Progress of the Apollo 204 Review Board investigation reported - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., reported to Administrator James E. Webb on progress of the Apollo 204 Review Board investigation of the January 27 spacecraft fire. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 3 - .
- Changes in the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
In memoranda for the Apollo 204 Review Board, NASA Deputy Administrator Seamans noted changes in the Board..
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 3 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board requested procedures for entry into CM 012 - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Petrone,
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman requested that a document be written to establish procedures for entry into CM 012. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 4 - .
- Draft report on the use of internal and external power for the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Faget.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Maxime Faget, MSC, distributed a draft report on the use of internal and external power on the command module for the information of the Apollo 204 Review Board. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 4 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board established an Advisory Group - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Debus,
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd L. Thompson established an Advisory Group to support the Board in its investigation. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 7 - .
- Preliminary report provided to the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Irving Pinkel, of Lewis Research Center and the Fire Propagation Panel, presented a preliminary report to the Apollo 204 Review Board. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 7 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board established 21 Task Panels - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Faget.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Floyd L. Thompson, Chairman of the Apollo 204 Review Board, formally established 21 task panels to support the investigation. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 7 - .
- Senate Committee hears NASA testimony on the Apollo 204 fire - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Seamans.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences met in executive session to hear NASA testimony on the Apollo 204 fire. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 10 - .
- Apollo spacecraft 012 service module to be used for nonflight support of the Apollo program - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
William W. Petynia, MSC, was given ASPO responsibility for use of the spacecraft 012 service module in nonflight support of the Apollo program when the Apollo 204 Review Board released the SM from - further investigation. It was to be used in subsystem tests or tests of the complete module.
1967 February 10 - .
- Apollo 204 investigation briefing - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., and members of his staff were briefed at KSC on aspects of the Apollo 204 investigation: final report, fire propagation, photographic control, data integration, and medical analysis. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 10 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board requests detailed description of responsibilities in the Apollo program - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd Thompson requested the NASA Office of Manned Space Flight, MSFC, KSC, and MSC to furnish a detailed description of their responsibilities, organizational relationships, and alignment in the Apollo program. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 14 - .
- Second interim report on the Apollo 204 Review Board investigation - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., gave Administrator James E. Webb a second interim report on the Apollo 204 Review Board investigation..
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 14 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board members to prepare an interim report - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Selected Apollo 204 Review Board members and panel chairmen were instructed to prepare an interim report on actions to date. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 15 - .
- The Apollo 204 Review Board briefing on anomalies before and during the CM 012 fire - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The Apollo 204 Review Board received a detailed briefing on the anomalies recorded before and during the CM 012 fire. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 17 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board classified the materials in spacecraft 012 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Apollo 204 Review Board classified the materials in and around spacecraft 012 into three categories. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 20 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board approved removal of CSM 012 service module from the launch vehicle - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The Apollo 204 Review Board approved a plan to remove the spacecraft 012 service module from the launch vehicle on February 21. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 21 - .
- Apollo program officials briefed on findings / recommendations of the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Kraft.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Apollo program officials were briefed on significant information, tentative findings, and preliminary recommendations developed by the Apollo 204 Review Board. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 22 - .
- Briefing on progress of the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
A formal briefing on progress of the Apollo 204 Review Board was presented to NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., David Williamson of Seamans' staff, and Charles A. Berry, Joseph F. Shea, Donald K. Slayton, and Walter M. Schirra, Jr., all of MSC. Additional Details: here....
1967 February 23 - .
- Apollo Program officials briefed on program status - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo LM.
Apollo Program officials, headed by NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight Mueller, briefed Deputy Administrator Seamans, Apollo 204 Review Board members, and those present at the February 22 briefing. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 25 - .
- Third interim report on the Apollo 204 Review Board investigation - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM.
NASA Administrator James E. Webb released a statement and Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans' third interim report on the Apollo 204 Review Board investigation, including tentative findings and preliminary recommendations. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 27 - .
- NASA officials testified on the Apollo 204 fire - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204,
Apollo 7.
NASA officials testified in an open hearing of the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences on the Apollo 204 fire. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 1 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board designates custodian for the Review Board material - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Faget.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd Thompson announced that the NASA Deputy Administrator had signed a memorandum February 27 designating the Director, Langley Research Center, custodian of the Review Board material. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 3 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board decided to classify all material from command module 012 by categories - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The Apollo 204 Review Board decided to classify all material from command module 012 as Category A or Category B items. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 6 - .
1967 March 7 - .
- Apollo CM 012 showed rupture in the floor - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The aft heatshield was removed from CM 012. A close inspection disclosed that the rupture in the floor extended about two-thirds of the circumference, a rupture much greater than originally estimated..
1967 March 7 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Saturn V.
- Impact of the Apollo 204 accident on schedules - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
During a House Committee on Science and Astronautics hearing on NASA's FY 1968 authorization, NASA Administrator James E. Webb replied to questions by Congressmen John W. Wydler, Edward J. Gurney, and Emilio Q. Daddario about the impact of the Apollo 204 accident on schedules for accomplishing the lunar landing. Additional Details: here....
1967 March 8 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board follow-up report - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Faget.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Maxime A. Faget, MSC, presented the Apollo 204 Review Board a follow-up report on analysis of the arc indication on the lower-equipment-bay junction-box cover plate. The plate had been delivered to the KSC Material Analysis Laboratory and, in addition to the analysis of the arc indication, molten material found on the bottom of the plate would also be analyzed.
1967 March 10 - .
- Apollo sustaining engineering problems - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
J. Thomas Markley, Assistant Manager of ASPO, pointed out that within a few weeks MSC would face sustaining engineering problems. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 13 - .
- Special Tests Panel (No 16) report to the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Special Tests Panel (No. 16) report to the Apollo 204 Review Board summarized activities from January 31 to February 23, when it had been merged with Panel 18. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 13 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board met for critical review of draft final reports - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Apollo 204 Review Board met with chairmen of Panels 12, 16, 19, and 20 for critical review of their draft final reports. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 13 - .
- The report of the Apollo 204 Review Board's In-flight Fire Emergency Provisions Review Panel (No - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The report of the Apollo 204 Review Board's In-flight Fire Emergency Provisions Review Panel (No. 20) listed seven findings and accompanying determinations. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 14 - .
1967 March 15 - .
- Apollo 012 service module to be used for program support - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
MSC informed Kennedy Space Center that, on release of the 012 service module from further investigation, the MSC Apollo Spacecraft Program Office would use it for program support. ASPO was establishing tests and test locations and asked KSC to deactivate SM systems and store the SM in a remote area for up to four weeks.
1967 March 16 - .
- Tight schedule as a result of Apollo AS-204 accident - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
LeRoy E. Day, NASA OMSF, suggested to Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips that, "if we are going to achieve a tight schedule of redesign and test activity as a result of AS-204 (accident), a number of changes in our mode of operation may be necessary." Additional Details: here....
1967 March 16 - .
- The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Administrative Procedures Panel (No - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Administrative Procedures Panel (No. 15). .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 18 - .
- The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of the Fracture Areas Panel - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of the Fracture Areas Panel (No. 10). .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 18-19 - .
- The final report of the Apollo Spacecraft and Ground Support Equipment Configuration Panel - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Hatch.
The final report of the Spacecraft and Ground Support Equipment Configuration Panel (No. 1) was accepted by the Apollo 204 Review Board. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 18-19 - .
- The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of the Security Operations Panel - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of the Security Operations Panel (No. 14). .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 18-20 - .
- The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Origin and Propagation of Fire Panel - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Origin and Propagation of Fire Panel (No. 5). .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 19 - .
- Final report of the Ground Emergency Provisions Panel accepted by the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Hatch.
The final report of the Ground Emergency Provisions Panel (Panel 13) accepted by the Apollo 204 Review Board submitted 14 findings and determinations. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 19 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board cited a number of findings on flammable materials in spacecraft 012 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Materials Work Panel (Panel 8, also referred to as Materials Review' Panel) in its final report accepted by the Apollo 204 Review Board cited a number of findings on flammable materials in spacecraft 012. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 20 - .
1967 March 20 - .
- Langley custodian of all materials dealing with the Apollo 204 accident - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Deputy Administrator of NASA designated Langley Research Center custodian of all materials dealing with the investigation and review of the January 27 Apollo 204 accident. Review Board Chairman Floyd Thompson, LaRC, who had the responsibility of determining the materials to be included in the final repository, determined that the following categories of materials were to be preserved. Additional Details: here....
1967 March 21 - .
- Final report of the Disassembly Activities Panel accepted by the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Final report of the Disassembly Activities Panel (No. 4) was accepted by the Apollo 204 Review Board. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 25 - .
- The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Test Environment Panel (Panel 2) - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Test Environment Panel (Panel 2). .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 25 - April 24 - .
1967 March 28 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board asked for a report on the Pyrotechnic Installation Building activity - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Faget.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd Thompson asked for a report on the Pyrotechnic Installation Building activity. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 30 - .
- The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the report of its Sequence of Events Panel - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the report of its Sequence of Events Panel (No. 3), which had been charged with analyzing data from immediately before and during the January 27 fire, including digital, analog, voice communications, and photography. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 30 - .
- The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of Design Review Panel - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block II,
CSM Hatch.
The Apollo 204 Review Board accepted the final report of its Design Review Panel (No.9)..
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 30 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board scheduled to review final report of its Historical Data Panel - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Hatch.
The Apollo 204 Review Board was scheduled to review the final report of its Historical Data Panel (Panel No. 6). .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 30 - .
- The Apollo 204 Review Board met with its Test Procedures Review Panel - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Apollo 204 Review Board met with its Test Procedures Review Panel (Panel No. 7) to complete acceptance of the panel's final report. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 31 - .
- Integration Analysis Panel rewriting its final report to the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
The Integration Analysis Panel (No. 18) was rewriting its final report to the Apollo 204 Review Board. Panel 18 had been assigned to review information from all task groups and make the final technical integration of the evidence. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 March 31 - .
- Final report of the Medical Analysis Panel (No 11) to the Apollo 204 Review Board - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Hatch.
The final report of the Medical Analysis Panel (No. 11) to the Apollo 204 Review Board was processed for printing. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 April 5 - .
1967 April 5 - .
- Mission profile for first manned Apollo flight - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Hatch.
The mission profile for the first manned Apollo flight would be based on that specified in Appendix AS-204 in the Apollo Flight Mission Assignments Document dated November 1966, the three manned space flight Centers were informed. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 April 8 - .
1967 April 21 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board findings reviewed - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Debus.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 April 25 - .
- Task group to begin preparation of a detailed Apollo inspection standards publication - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo LM.
Samuel C. Phillips, NASA Apollo Program Director, formed a task group under the direction of Harold Russell of NASA Hq. to begin preparation of a detailed inspection standards publication. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 May 1 - .
- Impact of the Apollo AS-204 accident estimated at $81 million - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo LM.
MSC estimated the effect of the Apollo 204 fire on program costs for FY 1967 and 1968, in reply to April 26 instructions from NASA Apollo Program. Manager Samuel C. Phillips..
Additional Details: here....
1967 May 2 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board to release CM 014 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
ASPO Manager George M. Low asked the Chairman of the Apollo 204 Review Board to consider releasing CM 014 for use in the Apollo program. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 May 4 - .
- Apollo mission redesignations - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Mueller,
Phillips, Samuel.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Directions had been prepared to designate mission AS-501 formally as Apollo 4, AS-204/LM-1 as Apollo 5, and AS-502 as Apollo 6, NASA Apollo Program Director Samuel C. Phillips informed Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller. Phillips said he thought it was the right time to start using the designations in official releases and appropriate internal documentation. Mueller concurred.
1967 May 9-10 - .
- NASA reported to Congress on actions taken on the Apollo 204 Review Board's findings - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
NASA reported to Congress on actions taken on the Apollo 204 Review Board's findings and recommendations concerning the January 27 spacecraft fire. Administrator James E. Webb, Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., and Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller testified before the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences May 9 and before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics' Subcommittee on NASA Oversight May 10.
1967 May 12 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board subcommittee to examine the final report of Panel 18 - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Faget.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd L. Thompson appointed a subcommittee to examine the final report of Panel 18 and prepare recommendations regarding its acceptability for inclusion in the Board's Report. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 May 20 - .
- Contract for three additional Apollo CSMs requested - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block II.
MSC notified NASA Hq. that - with the changes defined for the Block II spacecraft following the January 27 Apollo 204 fire and with CSM delivery schedules now reestablished - it was necessary to complete a contract for three additional CSMs requested in 1966. North American Aviation had responded September 15, 1966, to MSC's February 28 request for a proposal, but action on a contract had been suspended because of the AS-204 accident. NASA Hq. on June 27, 1967, authorized MSC to proceed.
1967 May 26 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board completes work - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd L. Thompson wrote NASA Deputy Administrator Robert C. Seamans, Jr., "The Apollo 204 Review Board respectfully submits that it has fulfilled all of its duties and responsibilities as prescribed by the Deputy Administrator's memorandum of February 3, 1967. Accordingly, it is requested that the Apollo 204 Review Board be dissolved."
1967 July 24 - .
- Changes resulting from AS-204 investigation - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Electrical,
CSM Hatch.
ASPO Manager George M. Low issued instructions that the changes and actions to be carried out by MSC as a result of the AS-204 accident investigation were the responsibility of CSM Manager Kenneth S. Kleinknecht. The changes and actions were summarized in Apollo Program Directive No. 29, dated July 6, 1967.
1967 September 20 - .
1967 September 21 - .
- Formal document on all the action items resulting from the Apollo AS-204 accident - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
At the request of Congress NASA was preparing a formal document on all the action items resulting from the January 27 AS-204 accident. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 September 22 - .
- Apollo LM weight growth - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo LM,
LM Ascent Propulsion,
LM Descent Propulsion,
LM Landing Gear.
C. H. Bolender, ASPO Manager for the lunar module, wrote Joseph G. Gavin, Jr., Grumman LM Program Director, that recent LM weights and weight growth trends during the past several months established the need to identify actions that would reduce weight and preclude future weight growth. Additional Details: here....
1968 March 14 - .
- 40-percent-nitrogen in the Apollo spacecraft cabin on the launch pad - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
NASA announced to the public that program officials had decided to use a 60-percent-oxygen and 40-percent-nitrogen atmosphere in the Apollo spacecraft cabin while on the launch pad (and to retain the pure-oxygen environment in space). .
Additional Details: here....
1968 April 16 - .
1968 June 3 - .
- Freon for fire extinguishing inside the Apollo spacecraft - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Apollo Program Director Sam Phillips asked ASPO Manager George Low to investigate the value of using freon as a fire extinguishing agent inside the spacecraft. .
Additional Details: here....
1968 August 30 - .
- Apollo Special Task Team at North American mission ended - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Rees.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Eberhard Rees, Director of the Apollo Special Task Team at North American Rockwell, notified the contractor that facilities the team had used at Downey, Calif., were relinquished to the company. Thus ended the mission of the group formed some nine months earlier to oversee the contractor's preparations during the period of adjustment following the Apollo 1 accident.
1968 September 12 - .
- Preparations for the first manned Apollo flight - .
Nation: USA.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
Dale D. Myers, North American Rockwell's Apollo CSM Program Manager, wrote George M. Low: .
Additional Details: here....
1969 March 11 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Saturn V.
- Cost of the Apollo 204 fire $410 million - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Mueller.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo LM.
The additional direct cost to the Apollo research and development program from the January 27, 1967, Apollo 204 fire was estimated at $410 million, principally for spacecraft modifications, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight George E. Mueller testified in congressional hearings. The accident delayed the first manned flight of the spacecraft by about 18 months. "During this period, however, there occurred a successful unmanned test of the Lunar Module and two unmanned tests of the Saturn V vehicle."
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