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Part of Shuttle
 Shuttle Orbiter Shuttle Orbiter side view Credit: © Mark Wade |
American manned spaceplane. The space shuttle Atlantis was the fourth orbiter to become operational at Kennedy Space Center, and the last of the original production run.
AKA: OV-104. Status: Operational 1985. First Launch: 1985-10-03. Last Launch: 2011-07-08. Number: 33 . Payload: 24,990 kg (55,090 lb). Thrust: 53.37 kN (11,997 lbf). Gross mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Unfuelled mass: 103,488 kg (228,151 lb). Specific impulse: 316 s. Height: 37.24 m (122.17 ft). Span: 23.79 m (78.05 ft).
It was named after the primary research vessel for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts from 1930 to 1966. Empty Weight was 68,600 kg at rollout and 77,550 kg with main engines installed.
Atlantis benefited from lessons learned in the construction and testing of Enterprise, Columbia and Challenger. At roll-out, its weight was 3162 kg less than Columbia. The experience gained during the orbiter assembly process enabled Atlantis to be completed with a 49.5 percent reduction in man hours (compared to Columbia). Much of this decrease was attributed to the greater use of thermal protection blankets on the upper orbiter body instead of tiles. During the construction of Discovery and Atlantis, NASA opted to have the various contractors manufacture a set of 'structural spares' to facilitate the repair of an orbiter if one was damaged during an accident. This contract was valued at $389 million and consisted of a spare aft-fuselage, mid-fuselage, forward fuselage halves, vertical tail and rudder, wings, elevons and a body flap. These spares were later assembled into the orbiter Endeavour.
Construction Milestones
- 01/29/79 Contract Award
- 03/03/80 Start structural assembly of Crew Module
- 11/23/81 Start structural assembly of aft-fuselage
- 06/13/83 Wings arrive at Palmdale from Grumman
- 12/02/83 Start of Final Assembly
- 04/10/84 Completed Final Assembly
- 03/06/85 Rollout from Palmdale
- 04/03/85 Overland transport from Palmdale to Edwards
- 04/09/85 Delivery to Kennedy Space Center
- 09/05/85 Flight Readiness Firing
- 10/03/85 First Flight (51-J)
Beginning in October 1992, Atlantis was shipped to California to undergo OMDP-1 upgrades and modifications. These included a drag chute, new plumbing lines that configured the orbiter for extended duration, more than 800 new heat protection tiles and blankets, new insulation for the main landing gear doors, and structural modifications to the Atlantis airframe. Altogether, 165 modifications were made to Atlantis over the 20 months it spent in Palmdale, California.
Between November 1997 and September 1998, Atlantis underwent OMDP-2 in Palmdale to prepare it for operational ISS missions. Changes included installation of the final configuration ISS airlock and docking system and installation of the first 'glass cockpit' electronic displays for the crew. The latter replaced the 1970's vintage conventional gauges and instruments. Modifications were made in preparation for replacement of TACAN navigation with GPS. To reduce weight for ISS missions, most AFRSI insulation blankets on the upper surfaces of the orbiter were replaced with FRSI, lightweight crew seats were installed, the Extended Duration Mission provisions installed during OMDP-1 were removed, and numerous other smaller-scale changes aimed at reducing weight.
Crew Size: 7. Orbital Storage: 30 days. Habitable Volume: 71.50 m3. Structure: 29,280 kg (64,550 lb). Heat shield: 12,100 kg (26,600 lb). Reaction Control System: 2,800 kg (6,100 lb). Recovery Equipment: 4,200 kg (9,200 lb). Navigation Equipment: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb). Electrical Equipment: 7,000 kg (15,400 lb). Communications Systems: 700 kg (1,540 lb). Crew Seats and Provisions: 750 kg (1,650 lb). Miscellaneous Contingency: 2,400 kg (5,200 lb). Environmental Control System: 2,500 kg (5,500 lb). RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 38 x 387 N. RCS Fine No x Thrust: 6 x 107 N. RCS specific impulse: 289 sec. RCS total impulse: 9,355 kgf-sec. Spacecraft delta v: 700 m/s (2,290 ft/sec). Electric System: 3,100.00 kWh. Electric System: 14.00 average kW.
US Rocketplanes.
Launch Vehicles:
Space Shuttle.
Launch Sites:
Cape Canaveral,
Cape Canaveral LC39A,
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
North American.
Photo Gallery
 | STS-51-B Credit: Manufacturer Image |
 | STS-51-J Lift-off of first flight of Atlantis and the STS 51-J mission Credit: NASA |
 | STS-51-J Landing of the Shuttle Atlantis and the end of the STS 51-J mission Credit: NASA |
 | STS-51-J Landing of the Shuttle Atlantis and the end of the STS 51-J mission Credit: NASA |
 | STS-27 STS-27 Atlantis, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 104, lift-off Credit: NASA |
 | STS-27 STS-27 Atlantis, OV-104, crewmembers repair 3/4 inch video reel on middeck Credit: NASA |
 | STS-30 STS-30 Atlantis, OV-104, lifts off from KSC LC Pad 39B Credit: NASA |
 | STS-30 STS-30 Magellan spacecraft & IUS deployment from Atlantis' payload bay (PLB) Credit: NASA |
 | STS-30 STS-30 Magellan spacecraft & IUS deployment from Atlantis' payload bay (PLB) Credit: NASA |
 | STS-30 STS-30 Atlantis, OV-104, glides toward landing at EAFB, California Credit: NASA |
 | STS-34 STS-34 Atlantis, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 104, lifts off from KSC LC Pad 39B Credit: NASA |
 | STS-36 STS-36 Atlantis, OV-104, rollout is framed in a VAB door opening at KSC Credit: NASA |
 | STS-36 Aerial view of STS-36 Atlantis, OV-104, at KSC LC Pad 39A with T-38A in-flight Credit: NASA |
 | STS-36 STS-36 Atlantis, OV-104, lifts off from KSC LC Pad 39A into darkness Credit: NASA |
 | STS-36 STS-36 Commander Creighton skis on the middeck of Atlantis, OV-104 Credit: NASA |
 | STS-36 STS-36 Atlantis, OV-104, glides above EAFB Runway 23 prior to landing Credit: NASA |
 | STS-38 STS-38 Atlantis, OV-104, lifting off from KSC LC Pad during night launch Credit: NASA |
 | STS-38 STS-38 Atlantis, OV-104, lifts off from KSC LC Pad during night launch Credit: NASA |
1985 October 3 - .
15:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-51-J - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Bobko,
Payload: Atlantis F01 / DSCS-3 2 / DSCS-3 3 [IUS]. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Bobko,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-51-J.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 4.07 days. Decay Date: 1985-10-07 . USAF Sat Cat: 16115 . COSPAR: 1985-092A. Apogee: 486 km (301 mi). Perigee: 476 km (295 mi). Inclination: 28.50 deg. Period: 94.20 min.
Manned five crew. Atlantis (first flight); deployed USA 11, USA 12. Reusable space transportation system.
Orbits of Earth: 63. Landed at: Runway 23 dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base, . Touchdown miss distance: 754.00 m. Landing Rollout: 2,455.00 m. Payloads: Classified DoD Mission - Record altitude (as of 5/93).
1985 November 27 - .
00:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-61-B - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Cleave,
Neri Vela,
O Connor,
Payload: Atlantis F02 / EASE / ACCESS. Mass: 21,791 kg (48,040 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Cleave,
Neri Vela,
O Connor,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-61-B.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 6.88 days. Decay Date: 1985-12-03 . USAF Sat Cat: 16273 . COSPAR: 1985-109A. Apogee: 370 km (220 mi). Perigee: 361 km (224 mi). Inclination: 28.50 deg. Period: 91.90 min.
Manned seven crew. Deployed Morelos 2, Aussat 2, Satcom K2, OEX. Payloads: Deploy SATCOM (RCA-Satellite Communi-cations) Ku-2 with Payload Assist Module (PAM)-D II. Deploy Morelos (Mexico communications satellite)-B with PAM-D. Deploy AUSSAT (Australian communications satellite)-2 with PAM-D. EASE/ACCESS (Assembly of Structures— Assembly Concept for Construction of Erectable Space Structures) by extravehicular activity (EVA) astronauts, Continuous Flow Electrophore-sis System (CFES), Diffusive Mixing of Organic Solutions (DMOS), IMAX camera, one getaway special (GAS), Linhof camera and Hasseblad camera.
1985 November 29 - .
- EVA STS-61-B-1 - .
Crew: Ross,
EVA Duration: 0.23 days. Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Ross,
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-61-B.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Began EASE/ACCESS (Assembly of Structures / Assembly Concept for Construction of Erectable Space Structures) structural assembly experiments..
1985 December 1 - .
- EVA STS-61-B-2 - .
Crew: Ross,
EVA Duration: 0.28 days. Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Ross,
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-61-B.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Completed EASE/ACCESS (Assembly of Structures / Assembly Concept for Construction of Erectable Space Structures) structural assembly experiments..
1986 May - .
1986 August - .
1986 November - .
- STS-61-L (cancelled) - .
Crew: Konrad.
Backup Crew: Cunningham, Stephen.
Payload: Communications satellites. Nation: USA.
Program: STS.
Flight: STS-61-L.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Planned shuttle mission for deployment of commercial communications satellites. Would have launched the first American journalist in space from Launch Complex 39B. Cancelled after Challenger disaster..
1987 January - .
- STS-71-C (cancelled) - .
Crew: Longhurst.
Backup Crew: Holmes.
Payload: Communications satellites. Nation: USA.
Program: STS.
Flight: STS-71-C.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Planned shuttle mission for deployment of commercial communications satellites. Cancelled after Challenger disaster. .
1987 March - .
1988 July - .
1988 December 2 - .
14:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-27 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Gardner, Guy,
Payload: Atlantis F03 / Lacrosse 1. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Gardner, Guy,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-27.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 4.38 days. Decay Date: 1988-12-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 19670 . COSPAR: 1988-106A. Apogee: 447 km (277 mi). Perigee: 437 km (271 mi). Inclination: 57.00 deg. Period: 93.40 min.
Manned five crew. Deployed a classified payload. Orbits of Earth: 68. Landed at: Runway 17 dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base, . Landing Speed: 359 kph. Touchdown miss distance: 447.00 m. Landing Rollout: 2,171.00 m. Payloads: DoD Mission.
1989 May 4 - .
18:47 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-30 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Cleave,
Walker, Dave.
Payload: Atlantis F04 / Magellan [IUS]. Mass: 20,833 kg (45,928 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Cleave,
Walker, Dave.
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-30.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 4.04 days. Decay Date: 1989-05-08 . USAF Sat Cat: 19968 . COSPAR: 1989-033A. Apogee: 366 km (227 mi). Perigee: 361 km (224 mi). Inclination: 28.90 deg. Period: 91.80 min. Manned five crew. Deployed Magellan Venus probe. Payloads: Deploy IUS with Magellan spacecraft. Fluids Experiment Apparatus (FEA). Mesoscale Lightning Experiment (MLE), Air Force Maui Optical Site (AMOS) experiment..
1989 October 18 - .
16:53 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-34 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Baker,
Williams, Donald.
Payload: Atlantis F05 / Galileo [IUS]. Mass: 22,064 kg (48,642 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Baker,
Williams, Donald.
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-34.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 4.99 days. Decay Date: 1989-10-23 . USAF Sat Cat: 20297 . COSPAR: 1989-084A. Apogee: 307 km (190 mi). Perigee: 298 km (185 mi). Inclination: 34.30 deg. Period: 90.60 min.
Manned five crew. Deployed Galileo .Payloads: Deploy IUS with Galileo spacecraft. Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV), Polymer Morphology (PM) experiments, IMAX camera project, Mesoscale Lightning Experiment (MLE), Air Force Maui Optical Site (AMOS) experiment, Growth Hormone Concentration and Distribution (GHCD) in Plants experiment, Sensor Technology Experiment (STEX), SSIP Student Experiment (SE) 82-15, Ice Crystals Experiment. First flight at this inclination.
1990 February 28 - .
07:50 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-36 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Casper,
Payload: Atlantis F06 / KH-12 1. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Casper,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-36.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 4.43 days. Decay Date: 1990-03-04 . USAF Sat Cat: 20512 . COSPAR: 1990-019A. Apogee: 204 km (126 mi). Perigee: 198 km (123 mi). Inclination: 62.00 deg. Period: 88.50 min.
Manned five crew. Deployed a classified payload. Landed at: Runway 23 dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base, . Landing Speed: 368 kph. Touchdown miss distance: 494.00 m. Landing Rollout: 2,407.00 m. Payloads: DoD Mission - Record altitude (through 5/93).
1990 November 15 - .
23:48 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-38 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Covey,
Payload: Atlantis F07 / DoD. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Covey,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-38.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 4.91 days. Decay Date: 1990-11-20 . USAF Sat Cat: 20935 . COSPAR: 1990-097A. Apogee: 226 km (140 mi). Perigee: 78 km (48 mi). Inclination: 28.50 deg. Period: 87.50 min. Manned five crew. Deployed a classified payload. Orbits of Earth: 79. Payloads: DoD Mission..
1991 April 5 - .
14:22 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-37 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Apt,
Payload: Atlantis F08 / Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. Mass: 16,611 kg (36,620 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Apt,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-37.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 5.98 days. Decay Date: 1991-04-11 . USAF Sat Cat: 21224 . COSPAR: 1991-027A. Apogee: 462 km (287 mi). Perigee: 450 km (270 mi). Inclination: 28.50 deg. Period: 93.70 min.
Manned five crew. Unscheduled EVA to manually deploy the Gamma-Ray Observatory's high-gain antenna, which failed to deploy upon ground command. Payloads: Gamma-Ray Observatory (GRO), Crew/ Equipment Translation Aids (part of Extravehicular Activity Development Flight Experiment), Ascent Particle Monitor (APM), Bioserve Instrumentation Technology Associates Materials Dispersion Apparatus (BlMDA), Protein Crystal Growth (PCG)-Block Il, Space Station Heatpipe Advanced Radiator Element (SHARE)-ll, Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX)-ll, Radiation Monitoring Equipment (RME)-lIl, Air Force Maui Optical Site (AMOS) Calibration Test.
1991 April 7 - .
- EVA STS-37-1 - .
Crew: Apt,
EVA Duration: 0.19 days. Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Apt,
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-37.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Manually deployed Gamma-Ray Observatory's high-gain antenna..
1991 April 8 - .
- EVA STS-37-2 - .
Crew: Apt,
EVA Duration: 0.25 days. Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Apt,
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-37.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Tested CETA (Crew / Equipment Translation Aids - rail with cart for moving astronauts around exterior of International Space Station)..
1991 August 2 - .
15:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-43 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Adamson,
Baker, Mike,
Payload: Atlantis F09 / TDRS 5 [IUS]. Mass: 21,265 kg (46,881 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Adamson,
Baker, Mike,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-43.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 8.89 days. Decay Date: 1991-08-11 . USAF Sat Cat: 21638 . COSPAR: 1991-054A. Apogee: 306 km (190 mi). Perigee: 301 km (187 mi). Inclination: 28.50 deg. Period: 90.60 min.
Manned five crew. Deployed TDRS 5 satellite. Payloads: Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)-E/lnertial Upper Stage (lUS), Space Station Heatpipe Advanced Radiator Element (SHARE)-ll, Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV) instrument 03, Optical Communications Through the Shuttle Window (OCTW), Air Force Maui Optical Site (AMOS) Calibration Test, Auroral Photography Experiment (APE)-B, Bioserve-lnstrumentation Technology Associates Materials Dispersion Apparatus (BlMDA)-02, Investigations Into Polymer Membrane Processing (IPMP)-03, Protein Crystal Growth Ill Block Il, Space Acceleration Measure-ment System (SAMS), Solid Surface Combustion Experiment (SSCE)-02, Tank Pressure Control Experiment (TPCE).
1991 November 24 - .
23:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-44 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Gregory,
Payload: Atlantis F10 / DSP 16 [IUS]. Mass: 20,242 kg (44,625 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Gregory,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-44.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 6.95 days. Decay Date: 1991-11-30 . USAF Sat Cat: 21795 . COSPAR: 1991-080A. Apogee: 371 km (230 mi). Perigee: 363 km (225 mi). Inclination: 28.50 deg. Period: 91.90 min.
Manned six crew. Deployed Defense Support Program satellite. Payloads: Defense Support Program satellite/ Inertial Upper Stage, Interim Operational Contamination Monitor, Terra Scout, Military Man in Space, Shuttle Activation Monitor, Cosmic Radiation Effects and Activation Monitor, Radiation Monitoring Equipment Ill, Air Force Maui Optical Site Calibration Test, Ultraviolet Plume Instrument, Visual Function Tester 1.
1992 March 24 - .
13:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-45 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Bolden,
Payload: Atlantis F11 / Atlas 1 Fwd. Mass: 8,020 kg (17,680 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Bolden,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-45.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 8.92 days. Decay Date: 1992-04-02 . USAF Sat Cat: 21915 . COSPAR: 1992-015A. Apogee: 294 km (182 mi). Perigee: 282 km (175 mi). Inclination: 57.00 deg. Period: 90.30 min.
Manned seven crew. Carried ATLAS-1 experimental package. Payloads: Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science (ATLAS)-1, Shuttle Solar Backscat-ter Ultraviolet (SSBUV)-4, Getaway Special Experiment G-229, Space Tissue Loss (STL)-1, Radiation Monitoring Equipment (RME)-lIl, Visual Function Tester (VFT)-lI, Cloud Logic To Opti-mize Use of Defense Systems (CLOUDS)-1A, Investigations Into Polymer Membrane Process-ing (IPMP), Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX)-Il, Ultraviolet Plume Instrument (UVPl).
1992 July 31 - .
13:56 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
1992 October 1 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- Atlantis OMDP-1 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: STS.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Shuttle Atlantis undergoes its OMDP-1 Orbiter Maintenance Down Period at the Palmdale, returning to service in May 1994. These are undertaken every 10 to 12 shuttle missions. Modifications made include: nose wheel steering changes, EDO cargo pallet provisions, and Mir ODS docking system fitting. Provisions for the Long Duration Orbiter 28-day pallet are installed, and 331 Master Change Requests are implemented.
1994 November 3 - .
16:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-66 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Brown,
Payload: Atlantis F13 / Atlas-3. Mass: 10,544 kg (23,245 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Brown,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: STS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-66.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 10.94 days. Decay Date: 1994-11-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 23340 . COSPAR: 1994-073A. Apogee: 301 km (187 mi). Perigee: 284 km (176 mi). Inclination: 57.00 deg. Period: 90.40 min.
Carried Atlas-3 laboratory; deployed and retrieved CRISTA-SPAS. Payloads: Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science (ATLAS) 3, Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmo-sphere (CRISTA)-Shuttle Pallet Satellite (SPAS) 1, Experiment of the Sun for Complement-ing the ATLAS Payload for Education (ESCAPE) II, Inter-Mars Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (ITEPC), Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV) A, Physiological and Anatomical Rodent Experiment (PARE/NIH-R), Protein Crystal Growth (PCG-TES and PCG-STES), Space Tissue Loss (STL/NIH-C-A), Shuttle Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS), Heat Pipe Performance (HPP).
1995 June 27 - .
19:32 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP3.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-71 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Baker,
Backup Crew: Onufrienko,
Payload: Atlantis F14 / Spacelab-Mir LM. Mass: 12,191 kg (26,876 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: Mir.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TM-21,
STS-71 Mir EO-19.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 9.81 days. Decay Date: 1995-07-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 23600 . COSPAR: 1995-030A. Apogee: 342 km (212 mi). Perigee: 342 km (212 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 88.90 min.
Mir Expedition EO-19. Transferred Budarin, Solovyov to Mir, returned Soyuz TM-21 crew to Earth. After undocking from Mir on July 4, Atlantis spent several days on orbit,
carrying out medical research work with the Spacelab-Mir module in the cargo bay. Payloads: Shuttle/Mir Mission 1, Spacelab-Mir, IMAX camera, Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX).
1995 November 12 - .
12:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
1996 March 22 - .
08:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-76 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Chilton,
Payload: Atlantis F16 / Spacehab-SM. Mass: 6,753 kg (14,887 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Chilton,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: Mir.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TM-23,
STS-76 Mir NASA-1.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 9.22 days. Decay Date: 1996-03-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 23831 . COSPAR: 1996-018A. Apogee: 398 km (247 mi). Perigee: 394 km (244 mi). Inclination: 51.70 deg. Period: 88.80 min.
Shuttle-Mir Mission 3. Docked with the Mir space station 24 March 1996; Shannon Lucid was left on Mir for an extended stay. First American EVA on Mir. Payloads: SPACEHAB/Mir 03; KidSat; Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX) II, Configuration M; RME 1304—Mir/ Environmental Effects Payload (MEEP); orbiter docking system RME 1315; Trapped Ions in Space Experiment (TRIS); Extravehicular Activity Development Flight Test (EDFT) 04.
1996 September 16 - .
08:54 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-79 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Akers,
Payload: Atlantis F17 / External Airlock/ODS. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Akers,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: Mir.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TM-24,
STS-76 Mir NASA-1,
STS-79 Mir NASA-2.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 10.14 days. Decay Date: 1996-09-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 24324 . COSPAR: 1996-057A. Apogee: 386 km (239 mi). Perigee: 368 km (228 mi). Inclination: 51.70 deg. Period: 92.10 min.
On September 19 Atlantis docked with the Russian Mir space station. Aboard Atlantis in the payload bay were the Orbiter Docking System, the modified Long Tunnel, and the Spacehab Double Module, containing supplies for the Mir. Astronaut John Blaha relieved Shannon Lucid as NASA resident on the complex. Atlantis undocked from the Mir complex on September 23 at 23:33 GMT. Valeriy Korzun, Aleksandr Kaleri and John Blaha remain on Mir. On September 26 Atlantis closed its payload bay doors, and at 11:06 GMT fired its OMS engines for a three minute long deorbit burn. After entry interface at 11:42 GMT the spaceship flew across Canada and the US for a landing at the Kennedy Space Center's Runway 15 at 12:13 GMT.
1997 January 12 - .
09:27 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-81 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Baker, Mike,
Payload: Atlantis F18 / Spacehab Double Module. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Baker, Mike,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: Mir.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TM-24,
STS-79 Mir NASA-2,
STS-81 Mir NASA-3.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 10.20 days. Decay Date: 1997-01-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 24711 . COSPAR: 1997-001A. Apogee: 380 km (230 mi). Perigee: 343 km (213 mi). Inclination: 51.70 deg. Period: 91.80 min.
After a night launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis, the Shuttle docked with Mir at 03:55 GMT on January 14. STS-81 transferred 2,715 kg of equipment to and from the Mir, the largest transfer of items to that date. During the docked phase, 640 kg of water, 515 kg of U.S. science equipment, 1,000 kg of Russian logistics, and 120 kg of miscellaneous material were transferred to Mir. Returned to Earth aboard Atlantis were 570 kg of U.S. science material, 405 kg of Russian logistics and 98 kg of miscellaneous material. At 02:16 GMT January 19, Atlantis separated from Mir after picking up John Blaha, who had arrived aboard STS-79 on September 19, 1996, and dropping off Jerry Linenger, who was to stay aboard Mir for over four months. The Shuttle backed off along the -RBAR (i.e. toward the Earth) to a distance of 140 m before beginning a flyaround at 02:31 GMT. Most of the flyaround was at a distance from Mir of 170 m. The first 'orbit' around Mir was complete at 03:15, and the second was completed at 04:02 GMT. Then the Orbiter fired its jets to drift away from the orbit of Mir. NASA's first Shuttle mission of 1997 came to a close with a landing at the Kennedy Space Center at 14:22 GMT on January 22 (after the first opportunity was waved off due to cloud cover at the Cape).
1997 May 15 - .
08:07 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-84 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Clervoy,
Collins, Eileen,
Backup Crew: Titov, Vladimir.
Payload: Atlantis F19 / Spacehab Double Module. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: Mir.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TM-25,
STS-81 Mir NASA-3,
STS-84 Mir NASA-4.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 9.22 days. Decay Date: 1997-05-24 . USAF Sat Cat: 24804 . COSPAR: 1997-023A. Apogee: 393 km (244 mi). Perigee: 377 km (234 mi). Inclination: 51.70 deg. Period: 92.30 min.
Atlantis blasted off on a night launch to Mir, docking with the station on May 17 at 02:33 GMT. Jerry Linenger, who had begun his stay on Mir in mid-January aboard STS-81, would return aboard STS-84. Michael Foale would be left at the station for his stint as the American crew member of Mir. The crew transfered to Mir 466 kg of water, 383 kg of U.S. science equipment, 1,251 kg of Russian equipment and supplies, and 178 kg of miscellaneous material. Returned to Earth aboard Atlantis were 406 kg of U.S. science material, 531 kg of Russian logistics material, 14 kg of ESA material and 171 kg of miscellaneous material. Atlantis undocked from Mir at 01:04 GMT on May 22. After passing up its first landing opportunity due to clouds over the landing site, the Shuttle fired its OMS engines on the deorbit burn at 12:33 GMT on May 24. Atlantis landed at 13:27 GMT at Kennedy Space Center's runway 33.
1997 September 26 - .
02:34 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-86 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Bloomfield,
Titov, Vladimir,
Payload: Atlantis F20 / Spacehab-DM. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Bloomfield,
Titov, Vladimir,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Program: Mir.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TM-26,
STS-84 Mir NASA-4,
STS-86 Mir NASA-5.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 10.81 days. Decay Date: 1997-10-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 24964 . COSPAR: 1997-055A. Apogee: 381 km (236 mi). Perigee: 354 km (219 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 91.90 min.
Atlantis was launched on a mission to the Russian Mir space station. The TI rendevous terminal initiation burn was carried out at 17:32 GMT on September 27, and Atlantis docked with the SO (Docking Module) on the Mir complex at 19:58 GMT. The crew exchange was completed on September 28, with David Wolf replacing Michael Foale on the Mir crew. On October 1 cosmonaut Titov and astronaut Parazynski conducted a spacewalk from the Shuttle payload bay while Atlantis was docked to Mir. They retrieved four MEEP (Mir Environmental Effects Payload ) exposure packages from Mir's SO module and installed the Spektr solar array cap. The MEEP experiments had been attached to the Docking Module by astronauts Linda Godwin and Rich Clifford during Shuttle mission STS-76 in March 1996. In addition to retrieving the MEEP, Parazynski and Titov were to continue an evaluation of the Simplified Aid For EVA Rescue (SAFER), a small jet-backpack designed for use as a type of life jacket during station assembly.
Atlantis undocked from Mir at 17:28 GMT on October 3 and conducted a flyaround focused on the damaged Spektr Module to determine the location of the puncture in its hull. The Mir crew pumped air into the Spektr Module using a pressure regulator valve, and the Shuttle crew observed evidence that, as expected, the leak seemed to be located at the base of the damaged solar panel. Final separation of Atlantis from Mir took place around 20:28 GMT. After two landing attempts were waved off on October 5 due to heavy cloud cover, the crew fired the engines to deorbit at 20:47 GMT on October 6 and landed at Kennedy Space Center at 21:55.
1997 November 1 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- Atlantis OMDP-2 - .
Nation: USA.
Program: STS.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Atlantis is overhauled at Palmdale, returning to service in mid-1998. This was the last OMDP accomplished at Palmdale; future work would be done at the Kennedy Space Center..
2000 May 19 - .
10:11 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-101 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Halsell,
Weber, Mary,
Williams, Jeffrey.
Payload: Atlantis F21. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Halsell,
Weber, Mary,
Williams, Jeffrey.
Agency: NASA Houston.
Manufacturer: Boeing.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-101.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 9.84 days. Decay Date: 2000-05-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 26368 . COSPAR: 2000-027A. Apogee: 381 km (236 mi). Perigee: 352 km (218 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 91.90 min.
ISS Logistics flight. Launch delayed three times by weather. Objective of mission STS-101 was repair, resupply and construction tasks aboard the international space station. This was the first launch with new electronic cockpit displays and other upgrades. The solid boosters separated at 10:13 GMT and the main engines cutoff at 10:19 GMT. The external tank, ET-102 then separated, with both orbiter and ET-102 in a 52 x 320 km initial orbit. At 10:54 GMT the OMS engines fired to raise perigee to 159 x 329 km x at 51.6 deg. Atlantis docked with the International Space Station's PMA-2 docking adapter on the Unity node at 04:31 GMT on May 21. At that time the ISS was in a 332 x 341 km orbit.
On May 22 mission specialists Jeff Williams and James carried out external maintenance work on the ISS.
On May 23 at 00:03 GMT the Atlantis crew opened the first hatch to PMA-2 and entered the Station. The crew replaced a set of batteries in Zarya, installed fans and ducting to improve airflow, and delivered supplies and equipment. Three hour-long orbit raising burns on May 24 and 25 by the RCS engines on Atlantis raised the station to a 372 x 380 km x 51.6 deg orbit.
The STS-101 crew left the station on May 26, closing the PMA-2 hatch at 08:08 GMT and undocking at 23:03 GMT. Atlantis performed a 180 degree flyaround of the station and departed the vicinity around 23:44 GMT.
Atlantis closed its payload bay doors around 02:30 GMT on May 29 and fired the OMS engines for deorbit at 05:12 GMT. The vehicle landed on RW15 at Kennedy Space Center at 06:20 GMT. Atlantis was to be turned around for the next ISS shuttle flight, STS-106.
Left in orbit was the renovated International Space Station, equipped with an upgraded electrical system, new fans, filters, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and communications gear.
2000 September 8 - .
12:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
Launch Platform: MLP2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-106 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Altman,
Payload: Atlantis F22. Mass: 115,900 kg (255,500 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Altman,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Manufacturer: Boeing.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-106.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 11.80 days. Decay Date: 2000-09-20 . USAF Sat Cat: 26489 . COSPAR: 2000-053A. Apogee: 387 km (240 mi). Perigee: 375 km (233 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 92.20 min.
Atlantis was launched from Kennedy Space Center's Launch Complex 39B. Solid rocket boosters RSRM-75 and external tank ET-103 were used to loft the orbiter into space. The inital orbit of 72 x 328 km x 51.6 deg was circularised by the Shuttle's OMS engines at apogee.
Atlantis docked with the PMA-2 adapter on the International Space Station at 05:51 GMT on September 10. The orbiter's small RCS engines were used to gently reboost the station's orbit several times.
Astronauts Lu and Malenchenko made a spacewalk on September 11 beginning at 04:47 GMT. They rode the RMS arm up to Zvezda and began installing cables, reaching a distance of 30 meters from the airlock when installing Zvezda's magnetometer. Total EVA duration was 6 hours 21 minutes.
During their 12-day flight, the astronauts spent a week docked to the International Space Station during which they worked as movers, cleaners, plumbers, electricians and cable installers. In all, they spent 7 days, 21 hours and 54 minutes docked to the International Space Station, outfitting the new Zvezda module for the arrival of the Expedition One crew later this fall.
The Shuttle undocked from ISS at 03:44 GMT on September 18 and made two circuits of the station each lasting half an orbit, before separating finally at 05:34 GMT. The payload bay doors were closed at 04:14 GMT on September 20 and at 06:50 GMT the OMS engines ignited for a three minute burn lowering the orbit from 374 x 386 km x 51.6 deg to 22 x 380 km x 51.6 deg. After entry interface at 07:25 GMT, the orbiter glided to a landing on runway 15 at Kennedy Space Center with main gear touchdown at 07:56:48 GMT for a mission duration of 283 hr 11min.
2001 February 7 - .
23:13 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
Launch Platform: MLP2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-98 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Cockrell,
Payload: Atlantis F23. Mass: 90,225 kg (198,912 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Cockrell,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Manufacturer: Boeing.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-98.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 12.89 days. Decay Date: 2001-02-20 . USAF Sat Cat: 26698 . COSPAR: 2001-006A. Apogee: 337 km (209 mi). Perigee: 183 km (113 mi). Inclination: 51.30 deg. Period: 89.71 min.
ISS Assembly flight. Launch delayed from January 18 and February 6. International Space Station assembly mission; delivered the Destiny and PMA-2 modules. Destiny was an American ISS module, an 8.4 meter long and 4.2 meter wide cylindrical structure with a mass of 15 tonnes. It was to function as a science and technology module and the primary control module for the ISS. The shuttle orbiter was placed in an initial 74 x 323 km x 51.6 deg orbit. At 2357 GMT the OMS engines fired for the OMS-2 burn which raised Atlantis' orbit to 204 x 322 km x 51.6 deg. Atlantis docked with the Station at 1651 GMT on February 9 at the PMA-3 port on Unity's nadir. At 1500 GMT on Feb 10 Marsha Ivins used the RMS arm to unberth the PMA-2 docking port from Unity. Tom Jones and Bob Curbeam then conducted three spacewalks on Februay 10 to 14 to attach the Destiny and PMA-2 modules to the station. The crew also delivered over a tonne of food, fuel and equipment to the ISS. Atlantis undocked from Alpha at 1406 GMT on February 16. Atlantis landed at Edwards AFB on February 20; plans to land on February 18 and 19 were called off due to persistent wind problems at Kennedy Space Center. The deorbit burn was at 1927 GMT and lowered the orbit from 370 x 386 km to about 50 x 380 km. The nominal entry interface at 122 km came at 2002 GMT and touchdown on runway 22 was at 20:33 GMT. On March 1 Atlantis was flown on the back of NASA's SCA 911 carrier aircraft to Altus AFB, Oklahoma, en route to Kennedy.
2001 July 12 - .
09:03 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-104 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Gernhardt,
Payload: Atlantis F24 / Quest. Mass: 117,127 kg (258,220 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Gernhardt,
Agency: NASA Houston.
Manufacturer: Boeing.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-104.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 12.77 days. Decay Date: 2001-07-25 . USAF Sat Cat: 26862 . COSPAR: 2001-028A. Apogee: 395 km (245 mi). Perigee: 378 km (234 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 92.30 min.
STS-104 was an American ISS Assembly shuttle flight with a crew of five American astronauts and a major space station module, the Quest Airlock. Orbiter OV-104 Atlantis main engine cutoff and external tank separation was at 0913 GMT. Atlantis was then in an orbit of 59 x 235 km x 51.6 deg. The OMS-2 burn at 0942 GMT increased velocity by 29 m/s and raised the orbit to 157 x 235 km x 51.6 deg and another burn at 1240 GMT raised it further to 232 x 305 km. Atlantis docked with the International Space Station at 0308 GMT on July 14. The main payload on STS-104 was the Quest Joint Airlock, built by Boeing/Huntsville. It consisted of an Equipment Lock for storage and the Crew Lock, based on the Shuttle airlock. The 13,872 kg payload consisted of:
- Bay 1-2: Orbiter Docking System/External Airlock - 2160 kg including 3 EMU spacesuits
- Bay 4-5: Spacelab Pallet (Fwd) with O2-1/O2-2 oxygen tanks - 2500 kg
- Bay 6-7: Spacelab Pallet (Aft) with N2-1/N2-2 nitrogen tanks - 2500 kg
- Bay 8-12: Station Joint Airlock Adapter beam (6064 kg) with IMAX Cargo Bay Camera (238 kg)
- Sill: RMS arm - 410 kg
The Equipment Lock was berthed to the Unity module at one of the large-diameter CBM hatches. STS-104 then installed the Airlock onto the Unity module. In a series of spacewalks the astronauts moved the oxygen and nitrogen tanks onto the airlock exterior. The six tonne Airlock consisted of two cylinders of four meters diameter and a total length six meters. The Airlock could be pressurized by the externally-mounted high pressure oxygen-nitrogen tanks, and was to be the sole unit through which all future EVAs were to take place. (Until that point, all EVA entries/exits had been through a Russian module in ISS, with non-Russians having to wear Russian space suits). Another payload was the "EarthKAM" of middle/high school interest. It was to allow pupils to command picture-taking of chosen spots on Earth; they were expected to target 2,000 spots. The shuttle also carried out pulsed exhaust tests during maneuvers to enable better understanding of the formation of HF echoes from the shuttle exhaust. The echoes were obtained by ground based radars in an experiment called SIMPLEX (Shuttle Ionospheric Modification with Pulsed Local EXhaust). The STS-104 crew returned to Atlantis on July 22, and undocked at 0455 GMT. After flying around the station they departed the vicinity at 0615 GMT. Atlantis landed at 0338:55 GMT on July 25, touching down at Kennedy Space Center runway 15.
2002 April 8 - .
20:44 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-110 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Bloomfield,
Smith, Steven,
Payload: Atlantis F25 / SO. Mass: 100,000 kg (220,000 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Bloomfield,
Smith, Steven,
Agency: NASA.
Manufacturer: Boeing.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-110.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 10.82 days. Decay Date: 2002-04-19 . USAF Sat Cat: 27413 . COSPAR: 2002-018A. Apogee: 402 km (249 mi). Perigee: 309 km (192 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 91.70 min.
Launch delayed from March 22, April 4. Space Shuttle Atlantis entered an orbit of approximately 59 x 229 km x 51.6 deg at 2052 UTC, and separated from the External Tank, ET-114. ET-114 reached apogee around 2122 UTC and reentered over the Pacific about 2150 UTC at the end of its first orbit. Atlantis fired its OMS engines at apogee to raise its perigee to 155 km. Further orbit changes will lead to a rendezvous with the Space Station on Station
mission 8A. STS-110 carried the S0 truss segment to the Station. The truss was the first segment of the main backbone of the Station which was to grow to carry the large solar panel wings and radiators. Cargo manifest:
- Bay 1-2: Orbiter Docking System - 1800 kg + 3 EMU spacesuits - 360 kg
- Bay 4-13: S0 Truss - 12623 kg. The S0 truss, built by Boeing/Huntington Beach, was 13.4 m long and 4.6 m in diameter. The main truss had a hexagonal cross section. One face carried fluid, power and data cables, while another face carried the rails for the Mobile Transporter. The S0 contained avionics, GPS antennae, and a radiation dose monitor. The S0 would be attached to the LCA (Lab Cradle Assembly) which was attached to the top of the Destiny lab module in 2001. Attached to S0 were:
- 4 x MTS (Module to Truss Structure) struts. These were used to connect it to the Destiny module
- Airlock Spur. This was a 4.2 m beam that hinged out to connect to the Quest module and had handrails for spacewalkers
- Mobile Transporter (MT). This was made by TRW Astro Aerospace in Carpinteria and was an 885 kg, 2.7 m long truck which moved on the S0 rails to transfer heavy cargo along the truss.
- Sill: RMS arm - 410 kg
- Total: 15193 kg
2002 October 7 - .
19:46 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-112 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Ashby,
Payload: Atlantis F26 / S1. Mass: 116,640 kg (257,140 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Ashby,
Agency: NASA.
Manufacturer: Boeing.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-112.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 10.83 days. Decay Date: 2002-10-18 . USAF Sat Cat: 27537 . COSPAR: 2002-047A. Apogee: 405 km (251 mi). Perigee: 273 km (169 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 91.30 min.
ISS Assembly flight delayed from March 22, April 4, August 22, September 28, October 2 due to payload delays and then SSME problems. American shuttle spacecraft STS-112 carried a crew of five Americans and one Russian to the International Space Station (ISS). During the 11-day mission, the crew extended the truss system of the exterior rail line with a 14-m, 13-ton girder. The crew also tested a manual cart on the rails. The cart, named CETA (Crew and Equipment Transportation Aid), was designed to increase mobility of crew and equipment during the later installation phases. STS-112 landed back in Cape Canaveral at 15:43 UT on 2002 October 18 carrying the same crew of six.
2004 January 15 - .
- STS-119 (cancelled) - .
Crew: Fincke,
Kelly, Mark,
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Fincke,
Kelly, Mark,
Agency: NASA.
Program: ISS.
Flight: STS-119A.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Flight delayed after the Columbia disaster. STS-119 was to have flown ISS Assembly mission ISS-15A and have carried out a crew rotation..
Spring 2006 - .
- STS-131 (cancelled) - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Program: ISS.
Flight: STS-131A.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Flight delayed after the Columbia disaster. No crew had been named at the time of the loss of Columbia. STS-131 was to have flown ISS assembly mission ISS-14A. 4 SPP Arrays and the MMOD would have been delivered to the station..
2006 September 9 - .
15:15 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39B.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
Late 2006 - .
- STS-134 (cancelled) - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Program: ISS.
Flight: STS-134A.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Flight delayed after the Columbia disaster. No crew had been named at the time of the loss of Columbia. STS-134 was to have flown ISS assembly mission ISS-16A. The Habitation module would have been delivered to the station..
2007 June 8 - .
23:38 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-117 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Anderson, Clayton,
Return Crew: Archambault,
Payload: Atlantis F28 / S3, S4. Mass: 122,685 kg (270,474 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Anderson, Clayton,
Agency: NASA.
Manufacturer: Boeing.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TMA-10,
STS-117 ISS EO-15,
STS-117 ISS EO-15.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 13.84 days. Decay Date: 2007-06-22 . USAF Sat Cat: 31600 . COSPAR: 2007-024A. Apogee: 341 km (211 mi). Perigee: 330 km (200 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 91.20 min.
The shuttle delivered the S3 and S4 truss segments to the starboard side of the International Space Station. The crew made three spacewalks to install these truss segments, conduct other station reconfiguration and installation work, deploy the solar arrays and prepare them for operation. A fourth spacewalk was added to repair loose re-entry insulation on the shuttle and get-ahead installation work on the outside of the station. The shuttle delivered NASA long-term ISS crew member Clayton Anderson to the station; and returned Suni Williams to earth. At the conclusion of this mission the station finally achieved its full-power, dual-boom configuration first conceived for Space Station Freedom in the 1980's.
Mid-2007 - .
- STS-137 (cancelled) - .
Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Program: ISS.
Flight: STS-137A.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Flight delayed after the Columbia disaster. No crew had been named at the time of the loss of Columbia. STS-137 was to have flown ISS assembly mission ISS-19A. An MPLM and other station hardware would be delivered..
2008 February 7 - .
19:45 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-122 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Eyharts,
Payload: Atlantis F29 / Columbus. Mass: 117,850 kg (259,810 lb). Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Eyharts,
Agency: NASA.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TMA-11,
STS-120 ISS EO-16,
STS-122 ISS EO-16.
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 12.77 days. Decay Date: 2008-02-20 14:07:00 . USAF Sat Cat: 32486 . COSPAR: 2008-005A. Apogee: 343 km (213 mi). Perigee: 329 km (204 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 91.20 min.
ISS flight 1E's primary mission was the long-delayed delivery and installation of the European Columbus module. The shuttle entered an initial 58 km x 230 km orbit at 19:54 GMT. The OMS-2 circularization burn at 20:23 GMT put it into a 215 km x 233 km chase orbit. Atlantis docked with the PMA-2 port of the ISS at 17:17 GMT on 9 February. Eyharts was dropped off at the station, Tani, already aboard the ISS, returned to Earth on Atlantis. Atlantis undocked from the ISS on 20 February at 09:24 GMT; began its deorbit burn at 12:59; and landed at the Kennedy Space Center at 14:07.
2009 May 11 - .
18:02 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-125 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Altman,
Johnson, Gregory C,
McArthur, Megan.
Payload: Atlantis F30 /. Mass: 119,820 kg (264,150 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Program: Hubble.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TMA-14,
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 12.90 days. Decay Date: 2009-05-24 . USAF Sat Cat: 34933 . COSPAR: 2009-025A. Apogee: 566 km (351 mi). Perigee: 302 km (187 mi). Inclination: 28.50 deg. Period: 93.30 min.
Hubble Servicing Mission SM-4. Atlantis rendezvoused with the Hubble space observatory, grappled it with the RMS arm, and secured it in the payload bay at 18:12 GMT on 13 May. After repairs and upgrades over four EVA's, the satellite was released at 12:57 GMT on 19 May. Atlantis landed at Edwards AFB at 15:39 GMT on 24 May.
2009 November 16 - .
19:28 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-129 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Bresnik,
Payload: Atlantis F31 / ExPRESS Logistics Carrier. Mass: 120,848 kg (266,424 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TMA-15,
Soyuz TMA-16,
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 10.80 days. Decay Date: 2009-11-27 . USAF Sat Cat: 36094 . COSPAR: 2009-062A. Apogee: 348 km (216 mi). Perigee: 336 km (208 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 91.40 min.
The mission was to deliver and place spare components outside the ISS station. The 11-day flight included three spacewalks. The payload bay carried two large ExPRESS Logistics Carriers holding two spare gyroscopes, two nitrogen tank assemblies, two pump modules, an ammonia tank assembly, a spare latching end effector for the station's robotic arm, a spare trailing umbilical system for the Mobile Transporter, and a high-pressure gas tank.
2010 May 14 - .
18:20 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-132 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Antonelli,
Payload: Atlantis F32 / Node 3. Mass: 110,000 kg (240,000 lb). Nation: USA.
Agency: NASA.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TMA-17,
Soyuz TMA-18,
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 11.77 days. Decay Date: 2010-05-26 . USAF Sat Cat: 36572 . COSPAR: 2010-019A. Apogee: 359 km (223 mi). Perigee: 336 km (208 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 91.50 min. Crew: Ham;Antonelli;Good;Sellers;Bowen;Reisman. Deliver to the ISS and install Node 3 with Cupola. With this mission ISS assembly was completed..
2011 July 8 - .
15:29 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Cape Canaveral.
Launch Complex:
Cape Canaveral LC39A.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Space Shuttle.
- STS-135 - .
Call Sign: Atlantis. Payload: Atlantis F33 / Rafaello MPLM-2. Mass: 120,000 kg (260,000 lb). Nation: USA.
Program: ISS.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: Soyuz TMA-02M,
Soyuz TMA-21,
Spacecraft Bus: Shuttle.
Spacecraft: Atlantis.
Duration: 12.77 days. Decay Date: 2011-07-21 . USAF Sat Cat: 37736 . COSPAR: 2011-031A. Apogee: 385 km (239 mi). Perigee: 371 km (230 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 92.10 min.
Final Space Shuttle flight, denoting the end of the space age. Atlantis docked with the Harmony module of the ISS on 10 June at 15:07 GMT. Primary payload was the Raffaello MultiPurpose Logistics Module delivering consumables and spare parts to the station sufficient to support the six crew members through the end of 2012 should delays occur in NASA's commercial robotic resupply program. Main crew task while docked with the station was to unload Rafaello and return of the station's failed coolant Pump Module for analysis. Atlantis undocked on 19 July at 06:28 GMT. The Picosat Solar Cell Experiment satellite was released from the cargo bay on 20 July. Atlantis made the final shuttle landing at the Kennedy Space Center on 21 July at 09:57 GMT. Payload delivered was:
- External Airlock/ODS: 1800 kg
- EMU spacesuits 3015, 3006: 260 kg
- RMS arm 301: 410 kg
- Orbiter Boom Sensor System: 382 kg
- MPLM-2 Rafaello: 11,556 kg
- SPDU: 17 kg
- ROEU 755 umbilical for MPLM: 78 kg
- Lightweight MPESS Carrier: 1050 kg
- Robotic Refuelling Mission: 300 kg
- Picosat Launcher: 22 kg
- PSSC-2/MTV Aerospace Corporation Picosat Solar Cell Experiment satellite: 4 kg
- Total payload: 15,879 kg
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