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Part of SA-200
 DS-1 s/n 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
Ukrainian technology satellite. Technology test version of the original DS light satellite design. Primary mission was to test launch vehicle. Technology Experiments, Asteroid & Comet Flyby Probe satellite built by Spectrum Astro for NASA, USA. Launched 1998. Used the
SA-200HP bus.
Status: Operational 1961. First Launch: 1961-10-27. Last Launch: 1961-12-21. Number: 2 . Gross mass: 300 kg (660 lb).
More at: DS-1.
Technology satellite.
Launch Vehicles:
Kosmos 2,
Kosmos 63S1,
Kosmos 11K63.
Launch Sites:
Kapustin Yar,
Kapustin Yar Mayak-2.
Photo Gallery
 | DS-2 s/n 1 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
1960 August 8 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 63S1.
1961 October 27 - .
16:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Kapustin Yar.
Launch Complex:
Kapustin Yar Mayak-2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 63S1.
FAILURE: First stage failed..
Failed Stage: 1.
- DS-2 s/n 1 - .
Payload: DS-1. Mass: 300 kg (660 lb). Nation: Russia.
Agency: RVSN.
Program: DS.
Class: Technology.
Type: Navigation technology satellite. Spacecraft Bus: SA-200.
Spacecraft: DS-1.
Failed first attempt to launch a DS-1 technology test version of the DS satellite atop a Cosmos 63S1 small launch vehicle. The boster didn't reach orbital velocity due to the failure of an acceleration integrator in the velocity regulation control..
1961 December 21 - .
12:30 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Kapustin Yar.
Launch Complex:
Kapustin Yar Mayak-2.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 63S1.
FAILURE: Second stage failed 354 seconds after launch..
Failed Stage: 2.
1963 October 1 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K63.
- Kosmos scientific satellites authorised. - .
Nation: Russia.
Spacecraft Bus: SA-200.
Spacecraft: DS-1.
All-Russian Council of the National Economy (VSNKh) Decree 'Program for Space Investigations With Small Artificial Satellite, Launched on the Kosmos -- On course of work on small satellites at OKB-586' was issued..
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